The Duke's Bride <3

By sweetheart_xo

171K 2.9K 211

Caitlin is beautiful, talented and smart.. An elite debutante in London's ton. When misfortune strikes and sh... More

The Duke's Bride <3
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
chapter 8 part 2
[uhh..... intermission anyone?]]
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
teaserrrr... mwahahaa. (:
chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
chapter 14 part 1
Chapter 14 part 2
teaser part 2 mwahaha. <3
Chapter 15 part 1
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18 part 1 ///teaser.
Chapter 18 part 2
chapter 18 part 3
chapter 19
Chapter 19 (part 2)
Chapter 20

Chapter 15 part 2

4.6K 87 8
By sweetheart_xo

sorry for the wait.. here it is. upload again sooner, promise. <3......


Alexi heard Devlin shout to him from somewhere down shore. He came running because it sounded urgent.

"Alexi! Look!" 

Alexi looked where Devlin was pointing and just off in the hazey distance he saw a ship bobbing in the ocean heading inland. Not just any ship. His ship. He'd recognize that beautiful ship anywhere. His men had finally come. About damn time.

As the ship approached them he watched as smaller boats were lowered and came to shore. The first man off the boat was William James, one of his faithful crew members. He proceeded to greet him rather informally by throwing his arms around him in a tight hug.

As more of his crew unloaded and began to check on the wellness of the crew that'd been stranded on the island, Alexi and Devlin filled the crew in on what was going on. 

Caitlin had gone missing. They'd discoverd that early on and had searched tirelessly for her. Not too long after they'd found out she was gone a ship had been spotted off in the distance flying the jolly roger. He could only assume that Richard had re-captured Caitlin. 

Now with the arrival of his very own ship Alexi was beside himself with excitement at the thought of being able to pursue his wife and rescue her yet again. 

The woman needed rescuing more than anyone he'd ever encountered in his life. He'd been scared earlier that he may never be able to rescue her because they would never get off this godforsaken island. Apparently there was some sort of devine intervention of his behalf as within the hour he was on his way to his ship and setting off to find the pirate ship that held his wife.

As soon as Alexi and his men spotted the pirate ship they were quick to try and slow down so they could have the element of surprise. They were far enough away that as they ventured closer to the island instead of further out to see they were slightly concealed by the shape of the island itself. 

The foolish pirate hadn't decided to set sail yet. Why?

As the darkness began to fill the sky Alexi and his men came up with a plan for rescuing Caitlin. This time there would be no men left behind. It wasn't and option. Everyone would go. Everyone would get away from this damn island and they would head home as soon as it was humanly possible to do so.

As the final strands of light faded and the stars begain to pop out in all of their glory Alexi again lead several of his men to the smaller row boats and on their way to the ship ahead of them.

Alexi quickly and quietly rowed alongside Devlin and a few other men to the side of the pirate ship. They'd been less cautious last time they'd made a rescue attempt and they each were trying to be as stealthy as they could on the water. Their boat crashed roughly against the side of the ship and Alexi was certain their cover was blown.

He listened for any sign that they might be caught, and sighed heavily in relief when he decided they were all clear.

They used rope that was hanging from the rigging to walk along the side of the ship up to the rail and then pulled themselves over the rail. It was easier said than done but they did what they had to and eventually every man was safely on deck and crouching low into the shadows to be sure they werent seen from any possible lookout.

There were two men that were supposed to be on night gaurd that were busily arguing over a poker game that wasnt going favorably for one of the players. Devlin came forward and before he could think he gripped both unsuspecting men's heads in each of his hands and clapped them together with all the force he could muster.

They crumpled limply to the ground and William James quickly helped him tie the men up with rope and stuff gags into their mouths. Violence was necessary, murder however was not. 

Alexi had one goal in mind. Only one thing that he wanted. His wife. He let his men handle the rest of the problems that might arise and he crept slowly to the door of the Captain's room.

He tried the door knob and found it locked. Great. Just great. Devlin came up beside him, and tried the handle too. He looked around as if there would magically be a key when they heard an ear peircing scream.

They hadn't spoken a single word since they left their ship. All it took was one look and Devlin and Alexi each backed up and rammed into the door. Shattering it into peices as it came off its hinges and flung open haphazardly in the doorway.

Alexi saw red at the sight before him.

The pirate captain lay between his wifes thighs. He was fully naked and she wasn't anymore dressed than that either. She was screaming in terror and the pirate had pulled his hips back to take the final plunge and be inside Caitlin. Before he could get any further Alexi grabbed him by his neck and threw him into a wall.

Caitlin scrambled around the room frantically and all she could find to cover herself was a sheet. Alexi glanced her way and inclined his head slightly in her direction. Her big blue eyes stared up at him and the fear that he saw only powered his anger that much more.

He gripped the pirate in one hand and pouned his face with his other fist. Blood spewed all over his shirt and he still continued to beat the pirate.

Somewhere along the line the man had passed out and lay limply as he contined to get beaten.

Caitlin was screaming for Alexi to stop and Devlin was trying his best to get him to release the man or at least stop punching him.

Finally the anger subsided and Alexi's ragged breathing was all that could be heard in the room.

The sounds of running could be heard down the hall and soon several of the pirates men were trying to get in the room.

"What the hell is going on in here?" Demanded one of the men.

Alexi quickly brought out the blade from his shoe and pressed it to the pirates neck. He held the unconcious man to his chest with an arm hooked around the pirates underarms to support him. 

"If you come any closer, I promise you I will slit his throat from ear to ear." Alexi's voice was deadly as he spoke, He was more than done with this filthy lot and was more than ready to take his wife and go home. "You will allow my men and I to leave this ship. With my wife. Unharmed. We will be taking your captain with us. Upon arrival at our own ship we will release a boat containing your man and you may then retrieve him. One wrong mood, one little thing amiss and I will kill him. Is that clear?"

The men nodded and agreed to what he said. Even Scotty. They were either too tired or too done with the mess as well to continue. Their fight seemed to be gone. For reasons Alexi couldn't quite place he felt that he would've had no problem just leaving the captain as he was and being on his way but to be cautious he took him anyways. 

The plan went flawlessly. Caitlin was too shaken up to do much more than allow herself to be carried and hoisted around from ship to boat to ship. She sat silently staring off into the distance in a daze.

Alexi released the pirate as he promised. He may have 'accidentally' punched him one more time in his head for good measure. It made him feel better at the very least.

Alexi left his men to get everything settled and allow them to set sail towards home. He scooped Caitlin up into his arms and carried him to his Captains quarters. He laid her gently on his bed and quickly took off his boots and shirt and got onto the bed next to her.

The blank expression she'd been wearing all night was still plastered across her face.

"Wife?" He questioned softly.

She did not respond. Her eyes barely even flickered in recognition of his voice. 

"Caitlin!" He shook her shoulders slightly and with a rapid blink her gaze finally focused on his.

"Alexi?" Her soft voice chilled him, She sounded so cut off and distant.

"Yes, My love?" He asked.

"I.. I need to ask you something." Her peircing blue eyes focused on his own as she said this.


"Did you.. Did you leave me?"

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