The Marauder Stories: Sirius...

由 hisimperfectangel25

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WARNING: UNDERGOING SOME SERIOUS (no pun intended) EDITING "Talking to yourself is one of the first signs of... 更多

The Marauder Stories: Sirius Black
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty One
Chapter Forty Two
Chapter Forty three
Chapter Forty four
Chapter Forty Five
Chapter Forty Six
Chapter Forty Seven
Chapter Forty Eight
Chapter Forty nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty one
Chapter Fifty two
Chapter Fifty three
Sneak peek for Book Two

Chapter Thirty Eight

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由 hisimperfectangel25

This one is dedicated to my 300th fan, NarikoThunder :)

Chapter Thirty Eight

James strutted down the front lawn; carrying the ‘normal’ broom over his shoulder. Remus, Sirius, Jimmy who James invited to come along and a very smug Arianna followed closely behind. The afternoon snow fell softly onto them as James laid the broom on the ground; Remus, Sirius and Arianna watched as James cleared his throat.

                                “What are we going to do?” asked Jimmy as he walked beside Arianna; Arianna was about to answer but James beat her to it,

                                “I am going to show you how to fly on a broomstick.” Said James as he lay the broom on the ground beside him; Jimmy’s eyes widened in awe

                                “Really?” he said; amazed. Arianna just shook her head as James nodded proudly

                                “Yes my fellow James,” he said “Now watch.”

“Up.” He said firmly to the broom which didn’t move a single bit. Arianna grinned; James just narrowed his eyes at her and looked back to the broom “Up.” He said a bit louder, still no response. Sirius was starting to smile now too, Arianna on the other hand was holding back her laughter

                                “Up!” he said again; annoyance was now obvious in his voice “I said up you bloody broom!” he cried, looking directly at the broom; James continued shouting at the broom until a couple of muggle children passed by, stared at him awkwardly and started running off; afraid that they had just seen a mad man.

                                “Up! Up! Up!” James cried “Up I say you bloody broom!”

                                Sirius grabbed Jimmy and covered his ears,

                                “Now, now Prongs.” He scolded “There is a child in our presence; I believe you should put the cursing to a minimum.”

                 James gave him a glare also to Arianna who was laughing now. Remus who was on her other side was starting to laugh now too. James gave them each a good glare and grabbed the cleaning broom from the ground. Arianna thought he had given up but James; like always was very persistent.

                He walked away from his friends and nearer by the sidewalk, giving him a lot of space and a lot of exposure to the people passing by.

                                “Prongs what in the name of Merlin’s bottom are you doing?” Remus called;

                                “I,” said James puffing and pointing to his chest proudly. Arianna who knew this was going to get even more entertaining handed Jimmy to Sirius for a while. Sirius just laughed as he pulled the little boy into his arms “my dear friend Moony. Am going to show this little boy,” he said pointing to Jimmy “My fellow James –“

                                “Could you stop calling him that?” said Arianna in annoyance, James rolled his eyes and waved a hand dismissively

                                “As I was saying,” James continued “I am about to show all of you that Arianna has been lying about not playing Quidditch and she has a broomstick she can use for Quidditch right here.”

                Arianna just rolled her eyes

                                 “Number one!” Sirius cried as he stopped tickling Jimmy, “Hey are you on a break or something? You seem to be rolling your eyes lesser now.”

                Arianna just laughed

                                “Maybe…” she said as she looked back at James who had now started mounting the broom just as an old muggle couple passed by; staring at James as if they had just seen a mad man. James just gave them a little salute as he kicked off hardly from the snowy; slippery ground.

                Because the broom wasn’t a magical one; James wasn’t able to fly and because the ground was quite snowy it was also slippery making James slip on the ground. Unluckily for the old muggle couple, James slipped right in front of them blocking their way.

                The old muggle woman gave a shriek and held onto her husband.

                                “He’s a mad man Victor!” she cried; “He must be that bloke they’ve been showing on the telly! That deranged maniac they’ve been showing lately on the news!”

                James coughed off some snow and started getting up; which made the old woman shriek even more, her husband obviously a protective one ‘shielded’ his wife.

                                “I’m not mad!” James cried as he started brushing himself off; “You’re the ones who’s mad! What in the name of Dumbledore’s beard is a nelly?”

                                The old woman had now got out her umbrella

                                “It’s really him!” she cried now breaking away from her husband’s ‘shield’. She then started hitting James with her umbrella “Quick Victor! Call the police!”

                                “Ow! Ow!” James cried as the woman hit him with her umbrella; James, Remus, Sirius and even little Jimmy who were watching were laughing their heads off. Arianna was practically crying because of her laughter. “Oi! Sod off!”

                                The woman then hit him even harder

                                “Wash your mouth boy!” she cried as she hit him again “Kids these days have no respect!”

                                She continued hitting and hitting James until, Sirius thought he was suffering already.

                                “Satisfied?” Sirius asked looking at Arianna; Arianna wiped the tears from her eyes and nodded. Sirius smiled and handed Jimmy back “Well I guess I’d better get him now.”

                                Arianna laughed again as Sirius walked down to the sidewalk; running a hand through his hair as he talked to the old lady.

                                “Uh excuse me –“

                                “What? Are you another deranged maniac?” she asked, narrowing her eyes at Sirius

                                “Now Eleanor dear –“said the old muggle man; holding his wife back a bit who just pulled away.

                                “Er no…” said Sirius as he lowered down the woman’s umbrella “I’m Sirius and this boy you had just started hitting violently ,” he said as he helped James up “Is my cousin Sever –“ he cut himself midsentence from his little joke because James gave him a look “James. James McGonagall.”

                                “He has a bit of a mental disability you see,” Sirius continued “I hope he didn’t cause any much trouble… He’s been active a lot lately… Too active…” he then looked at James who gave him a glare.

                                “Active on what?” asked the old woman as she narrowed her eyes at both boys “Drugs?”

                                Both Sirius and James didn’t know what that meant; Sirius opened his mouth to say something most likely to sound weird to the muggles but Arianna who had been watching ran up to them and stopped him from uttering another word. She squeezed herself between the two boys and put and arm on each of their shoulders,

                                “Okaay boys I think that’s enough,” she said “Do forgive them, they er… Are new in town. Everything here is new to them. Their country is really isolated and –“

                                “Where did they come from?” asked the old man; narrowing his eyes at them. Arianna started racking her mind for a good country,

                                “Wheretheheckistan!” Cried Sirius happily        

“Er… Yeah there…” said Arianna “Well it was nice meeting you bye!” the three of them then walked back to the porch where Remus and Jimmy were; laughing. Arianna couldn’t help but laugh again too; so did Sirius. James who was feeling a bit sore and annoyed because they kept taunting him about the broom thing couldn’t help but suppress a smile,

“Seriously Padfoot?” he said as he sat down on one of the summer chairs on the porch “Wheretheheckistan? Where the hell did you get that?”

“I have no sodding idea.” Said Sirius laughing, his bark like laugh made never failed to make Arianna to laugh along with him.

*                      *                              *

                Arianna was having a good time with the Marauders. She found James’ cluelessness about muggle things quite amusing. James was quite fascinated about their muggle stuff and occupied himself with them almost all afternoon; Remus read some of the books on their shelves and well Sirius just spent the whole afternoon with her.

                                “What do you want for Christmas?” Sirius asked as he held Arianna’s hand in his as they walked around in Arianna’s back yard. Arianna shrugged,

                                “Meh anything will do.” She said casually; Sirius looked at her with a surprised look on his face. Arianna laughed

                                “What?” she asked laughing at the look on Sirius’ face. He just smiled

                                “Nothing,” he said “It’s just kinda weird…”


                                “Because most of my past girlfriends were very demanding that’s all.” He said looking down at her “Not that I like them better or anything…”

                                Arianna just laughed and messed up his hair. She then kissed him on the cheek; Sirius laughed and grabbed her by the waist

                                “What about you?” asked Arianna “What do you want?”

                                Sirius shrugged as he rested his chin on her head, he grinned to himself.

                                “Meh a decent kiss from you is good enough.” He said, Arianna just smiled. She turned to face Sirius and wrapped her arms around his neck

                                “Well you can get your present early then,”  she was about to kiss him when the back door that lead to the kitchen suddenly opened; Arianna and Sirius quickly pulled away as her mother’s head popped out from the door

                                “Time for dinner, you kids should better get in.” she said; she eyed the two of them for a moment then went back inside.

                                “So could we –?” Asked Sirius hopefully, Arianna laughed and messed up his hair

                                “Nope,” she said “it’s time for dinner.”

                                “Why is life so unfair?” Sirius said looking up the sky as they walked back towards the house.

                                “Arianna dear, could you help me set the table?” her mum called after her as she and Sirius entered the kitchen; Arianna nodded

                                “Sure mum,” she said, she looked at Sirius and gave him a nod signaling him to go with James and Remus. Arianna walked over to her mum who continued eyeing her as she got some dishes.

                                “I thought you said you didn’t meet many boys this year?” her mum asked conversationally as they set the table. Arianna did her best to hide her face as she set the dishes around the table,

                                “Yeah well it’s only them…” she mumbled as she now started setting the eating utensils. Her mum continued eyeing her; Arianna felt like she was being x-rayed.

                                “What about that Sirius boy?” her mum asked, taking a glance at Sirius who was playing chess with James, she looked back at Arianna who was now trying to occupy herself with the table.

                                “What about him?” Arianna asked. She straightened herself up and looked up to her mum who stared right back at her, she then ‘accidentally’ dropped the spoon and fork she was holding just as her mum was about to say something. As she picked up the utensils she prayed that what her mother was about to say was not what she was thinking.

                                “You seem to like him.” She said; Arianna cursed under her breath as she got up “And he seems to like you…”

                                “Er… Yeah I guess…” Arianna mumbled as she went for the kitchen sink and started to wash the spoon and fork she had just dropped her back on her mother. She didn’t feel like having this conversation with her mother.

                                “How long have you been going out?” her mother asked.

                                “A few weeks…” Arianna answered honestly, her mother smiled and walked over beside her.

                                “It’s alright dear,” she said as Arianna turned off the tap “I’m happy for you.”

                                Arianna looked up at her mum, eyes wide in surprise

                                “You are?” she asked, her mother laughed

                                “Yes I am.” She said “I can tell he really cares for you.” She glanced at Sirius again who was laughing with James, she looked back at Arianna and smiled at her daughter “And you care for him. I personally thought you were quite different at first. But when you two got together you sort of complemented each other, like you bring out the best in each other.”

                                Arianna laughed as she hugged her mum

                                “Thanks mum,” she said “Thought I have to say, what you just said was rather corny.”

                It was her mum who laughed this time.

                                “Ah yes but it’s true.” She said as Arianna pulled away; still smiling. Arianna smiled back at her mum. She glanced at Sirius who caught her eye, he smiled at her and saw that she was talking with her mum, from the look in her eyes he had a feeling on what they were talking about.

“But I think you shouldn’t let go of him. I think he’s a keeper.” Arianna’s mum whispered in her ear, Arianna looked up at her mum who smiled at her knowingly. Arianna hugged her again,

                “Do you really think so?” she asked; her mum nodded. Arianna then pulled away from her mum who wiped a tear from her eye. Arianna laughed

                “Why are you crying mum?” she asked as her mother wiped her tears

                “Oh nothing, nothing.” She said as she blew her nose “I’m just so happy my little girl has found someone who cares –“

                “I’m not getting married mum.”

                “Oh but still!” her mother said “How I wish your father was still here… He would have said the same thing! And Tom… He is missing out on so much…”

                Arianna just smiled as she looked back at the Marauders, she then looked back at her mum

                “Stop crying mum,” she said as she put an arm around her mother “Because I am formally introducing you to my boyfriend.”

*                              *                              *

                “Where’s Sirius?” asked little Polaris Black to her second brother Regulus who was reading a copy of the Evening Prophet. Regulus shrugged as he turned the page of his newspaper

                “Not sure,” he said “I think he’s with his girlfriend or something.”

                Polaris just sighed as she went back on doing her homework. She rested her cheek on her hand as she dipped her quill in her ink well. She was getting bored of doing her homework, and just staying around in their house. Their mother wasn’t around the house because she was with their aunts; currently fussing about the upcoming family reunion. Their father on the other hand was still at work.

                “I wonder what he’ll say about the new portrait…” Polaris wondered aloud to herself, glancing at their mother’s new portrait at the entrance hallway, just by the door. Polaris just laughed to herself at the thought as she went back to doing her homework, Regulus who had heard her did the same thing.

                “Do you think he’ll get mad?” Polaris asked; Regulus opened his mouth to answer but then they heard somebody enter and slam the front door shut.


                                “I think you just got your answer.” Said Regulus as he put down his Prophet; Polaris sighed and set down her homework as she and Regulus got up and headed towards the entrance hallway to see their eldest brother Sirius, pressed up against the wall opposite their mother’s new portrait.

                                “What in the name of Albus Dumbledore’s beard is this?” Sirius cried, pointing at the portrait that just rolled its eyes at him.

                                “That my dear brother is our mother’s portrait.” Said Regulus; Polaris just laughed and Sirius rolled his eyes as he pushed himself off the wall and took off his cloak

                                “I can see that.” He said as he put his cloak onto the cloak’s rack, he narrowed his eyes at the portrait as he did “What I meant was, why the hell did our mother put a portrait of herself up here? It almost gave me a heart attack!”

                                “She says it would look good for the family reunion.” Said Polaris “You know, so that it shows she’s the one who inherited the ‘House of the Noble and Most Ancient House of Black’.”

                                “I still ask myself up to this day what is so cool about that.” Sirius said as he and his siblings walked into the living room where Polaris and Regulus were earlier “I mean this house is just full of old portraits of dead people and heads of old house elves. Who would want that?”

                                “Our mother.” Said Regulus as he went back to reading his prophet, Polaris laughed

                                “Nice one.” She complimented.

                                “Muggle houses are way cooler than this house.” Sirius said as he crashed onto the couch opposite the one Regulus sat at; Polaris who was on the floor doing her homework on the coffee table knew Sirius would say that

                                “Mother is so going to kill you if she hears you say that.” Said Regulus, Sirius rolled his eyes

                                “Yeah right,” he said “not if I kill her first though.”

                                “You wouldn’t!” Polaris cried, Sirius laughed

                                “Just kidding kid,” said Sirius as he messed up his sister’s hair “I wouldn’t want to rot in Azkaban because of her. But come to think of it…” Said Sirius “I think Azkaban would be a totally better place than here.” Polaris rolled her eyes, Regulus didn’t even bother to react he just continued reading his prophet. It was always like that. Sirius never talked to any of his family members much, except for Polaris and his cousin Andromeda of course.

                                “Where have you been by the way?” asked Polaris as she glanced over at a nearby grandfather clock “You left at like one pm and now it’s like seven.”

                                “Anything before twelve midnight is still early Kid.” Said Sirius as he ran a hand through his hair, Polaris eyed him curiously

                                “Well are you hungry?” she asked, testing him.

                                “Nah,” he said “I just ate.”


                                Sirius laughed as he got up from the couch, he messed up Polaris’ hair again and headed out of the living room

                                “Nice try Polaris,” he hollered; Polaris just rolled her eyes. Sirius then headed up to his room; ignoring his mother new portrait as he did.


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