What a curvy girl wants

By BabyDollKnowsAll

437K 13.3K 2K

Juliette M. Lake was not fat. She was curvy and had the hips of a goddess, that didn't stop her from feeling... More

The Acquaintance
Time Management
Men R' Us
A day off
The Devil's Daughter
With Blessings On top
What A Sinclair Wants
A Proposition at Hand
Two Faced
What she needs
Body Worship
The day after
Play by Play
A little brothers place
Juliettes keeper
The clumsy writer
Sweetie Short
A Bittersweet Helping
The Secret Side Of the Sinclair Boys
Sweetest touch
Discoveries in the oddest places
Fire and Rain
A new heart for Juliette
3 Wave Love
Morning Milk

Taking Turns

14.5K 479 54
By BabyDollKnowsAll

Thank you for your kind words, y'all are the best tbh. But UGhHDJSJKCAJ I rushed the story with that kiss and I am now questioning my life choices lmao. I should have thought it through more.

Also, Credit To MediterraneanCutie because she's rad and helped me out with this chapter

Forgive me dad. I know for a fact that you didn't want me to fall out of rhythm and be a *cough* *cough* hoochie. I swear I wasn't in control of what I was doing.

Forgive me dad, for not being in control and for losing my mind and for my deceit. I know you didn't want me to be this way.

I didn't mean it to go this far so why does this feel good?

Our lips touched for what felt like forever and i wanted to die my body was running the worst fever. I moaned through the tounge teases, feeling Mr. Sinclair's lips quirk up into a smile.

Mr. Sinclair released me suddenly and I took the opportunity to gasp, catching my breath. God what am I ever thinking, why did I let him kiss me, I have a boyfriend. I never ever would be the disloyal type. That was reserved for girls like Chelsea. Who like their men with six figure bank accounts and Armani Suits.

"Are you alright Juliette." I saw Mr. Sinclair reach out for me but I stumbled back. The hurt made an appearance in his face. But what about me, what about how I felt? I tried. I was really really trying to not feel how I was feeling about him.

"Don't touch me. Why? Why did you kiss me?" I was crying, I hated this. I was a cheater. I let him do it to me and I liked it. Temptation is so evil. Too wicked, vindictive and fucking abominable. Andres didn't answer me. "Why would you do that to me, when you know that I have something with someone. I am happy with him." I demanded

That's when Andres scoffed.

"If that were so then why did you let me kiss you. If you were truly loving him the way you say you are then you wouldn't have let me do that."

"So you're trying to blame me because you don't think I like him enough. But what you don't understand is that is isn't about what you think! This about me! And my relationship with someone that isn't you, you doing the kissing, the caresses. That's a big hell no when I'm with someone. You just don't do that to someone. It's malicious."

I promised myself that when I left high school I wouldn't cry so much as I had in those early years after my father's death because of other people's feelings towards me. I let myself get roped into this. Here I am crying over a man, this was one of the things I said I'd never do as well.

I want it but, I don't want to. I have..not Andres. "I'm going home." Andres blocked my path

"But what if you weren't with him. With anyone. You want me Juliette, we both know that much. You know me Juliette and I you." He interrupted.

Stimulatingly, yes. On the Job, yes. Mentally, on non sexual personal levels of getting to know one another as other than an employee and her boss..no.

"God.." My voice croaked. I pressed my wrists to my eyes and sucked in my sobs and scorching tears. I can't do this, I can't do this no I just can't. When I released my wrists from my face I..how could he, I didn't even know he wanted this. He wouldn't have wanted this..but would he have? I don't know much no--less than that.

"Mr. Sinclair, the only thing I know about you is that you're an attractive multimillionaire that built yourself up from the bottom. The only thing you know about me is that I'm your secretary. Good night." I deadpan and slipped past him. I leave everything except my purse and phone on the desk. I wrap my coat tightly around myself and leave the building.

"Taxi!" I shouted weakly upon arriving outside and one stopped instantly. I wasn't ready to go home. Not yet.


Andres stood there. Processing. Until, the thoughts became to much of a burdened and bubbled over in his subconsciousness. He smashed his fist against the wall, putting a dent into the plaster. He'd never met a more aggravating person in his entire life, besides his own brother at least.

Juliette was sexy as she was cunning and it felt as if she had seduced the man. Led him on only to slap Andres in the face.

The way she felt in his arms tantalized his senses. Every heart felt dip and curve made him mad. Those lips that tasted like the ripest mouth watering wild berries, and they were delicious. Her moans carried his soul, and she slipped through his fingers like sand.

Down in the depths of his emotion, Andres felt guilty. Whether for his actions or his desires, he didn't know.

"Dammit!" The man wailed walking up to his desk and wiping it clear of all the past organized documents.

"I had her! I had her!" He screamed over and over clutching his hair. Andres sucked in a quivering breath, trying to gain more control then took out his phone. His fingers wobbled as he dialed the number.

"Hello?" A hushed tone answered

"It didn't fucking work."

Aero Sinclair on the other line, was confused. Until it dawned on him what his brother meant. "Fuck, what happened."

"She exploded! She told me I was selfish but I'm doing this--we're doing this for her. Doing every little petty thing to upping the
at the job and calling her into work and revoking cell phone privileges and she still wants him."

Aero rolled his eyes, no duh. Now thinking about it, what they did was pretty stupid and childish. Limiting a woman's time with her partner because they didn't like him? Downright foolish. Aero rubbed his forehead.

"Who are you talking to baby?" Chelsea asked picking a piece of broccoli in her mouth (A/N: That was so unsettling to write because I don't like watching people eat and I pictured her doing just so.) She sat across from the man, her eyes spelled mischief. The pair were out to dinner. Chelsea's choice, and though she wasn't being unflattering or irritating in anyway tonight, Aero was greatful for Andre's call to distract him.
"Just Andres, I'll be done in a second."

"She said I didn't know her!"
"And do you?"

"I--she's from New York."
Aero chuckled, it was fun hearing the older Sinclair's distress.


"And she's intelligent a downright charmer who doesn't even know of her charming capabilities. She is Allergic to Peonies and her father is deceased..fuck."

Aero wanted to die in laughter. He himself didn't know much about the woman, but he could always ask. He got to know her a little better when he apologized though. She was forgiving, and other than that one time, she didn't call out Chelsea anymore. At least to his knowledge. Yet she gets led astray by many things. And she speaks her mind.

He looked at Chelsea with patient eyes and placed his fork down to sit back into the chair.

"I hope you know, that if you..if we don't pull ourselves together. We'll be looking for a new Secretary." Andres went silent on the other line.

"Would that be that much of a problem though?" Chelsea asked innocently. Aero frowned pulling the phone away from his face. "Yes. And just because you treat her like shit doesn't mean she is to everyone else's disposal Chelsea. Grow up honestly- Yes I'm here."

Although he shouldn't be the one to talk about immature..

The woman fumed. Her pale knuckles cracked and her heart rate heightened. But she smiled tightly and stabbed her food. Even after all these years, even after she's worked so hard to make sure of this girls downfall. Fat, emotional, dead daddy Juliette Lake is still more sought after more than her. But she will not allow her to come between what she wants.

"You're right, I don't even know what I was thinking." The woman laughed cooly still jabbing at her food. "Why should I be worried about my boyfriend laying down tapestries for his secretary. Right? I only get you new clients and large donations, model for your agency and yet she's the one you defend right?"

Aero rolled his eyes "Andres, meet me at my complex. Yes, antío." The man hung up then called for a check. He would not deal with this woman tonight. He would not explode and embarrass her. For God sakes, what drove this woman to hate so much. "What are you doing? We just got here." Chelsea demanded.

"And now we're just leaving. You need to cool your head. And plus, my brother needs me."

Anger bubbled at the back of the woman's throat. But she wouldn't come undone in public, she never has and doesn't plan to start. She'll be strong till the day she dies. "That's fine. Take me home." Chelsea gets up while Aero tosses a few hundreds to the table and they make their way out of the Restaurant.

"I'll be taking a separate Car, Ellis will be taking you home." Chelsea didn't say anything to Aero, for the sake of making this relationship between them keep working, she'll have to behave herself for a while.

"Of course, see you darling." She smiled and slipped into the sleek convertible.

"Yes?" She poked her head through the window.
"Your spiteful jealousy, isn't sexy. Take her home." Aero tapped the car, it sped off before he could see the murder enveloped in his Girlfriends eyes.


I should really be home wallowing or talking to my boyfriend.

"Drink up Julez!" Yvette yells at me over the loud music. I called her, not going to in-depth about what happened at the office after she left. All I told her was that I needed to clear my mind. I looked at the brown liquid in my cup.

When I called her, she told me that she new the perfect place to blow off steam. And so far it was just the two of us surrounded by sweaty raving college students.

I had no idea what the hell this was. When I said clear my mind, I didn't me haze it. Not at shady spot in midtown either.

"Yvette..I don't know."
"Come on! I made sure nothing that could kill you again was in it, drink up. Because I know what's bothering you, It's Mr. Sinclair isn't it." She asked me seriously for a second but I shrugged. I was dating your cousin, what the hell do you want me to say.

"You've been looking a trite drab lately." She danced around me mocking a British accent and I smiled.

"Por Vida?" I asked holding up the concoction. Yvette repeated with her own.

"Por Vida mi amor!"

And we downed the drinks together. It burned in my throat but settled warmly in my stomach. Fuck that was gross. But I felt loose, wild and I wanna dance.
"Let's dance!"

2 hours and 27 drinks later~

"You..ya know what you should do?" Yvette slurred but my head was so heavy, it felt as if she were speaking another language.

Somehow, we ended up on a floor, in the..bathroom? I'm guessing since there was a toilet. I was leaning on Yvette.

"Call Mizzer Sinclair an' tell em uh..somethin'"

In a world where drunken babble made sense, Yvettes idea sounded muy perfecto. You know what, I will call Andres, he owes me an apology.

"Yeah..imma call now." I felt around in the purse that was on my lap, in my speed dial I tapped a number. The bright light of the phone made my vision blurry.

I laughed, his voice sounds so funny "Come an' get me I'm fucked upppp. You needa say showwy"

"Yezz dis is she." I laughed again and Yvette started chuckling along with me, making the entire situation a whole lot funnier.

"Find me fast okaaay bye byeee."
"Juliette wai-"

I hit the button that looked red and I guess that ended the call. I let my head fall back against the tile.


Aero looked at his phone in horror. What had Juliette gotten herself into. But instead of pondering on why she would drink herself into a stupor, he grabbed his coat and headed out of his complex.

Andres had retired for the night in the guest bedroom, Aero would call him in the morning if her wasn't back by then.

From dealing with his confused brother, to dealing with the woman who confused him. Aero didn't know what was worse.

Sorry if there are mistakes.

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