My 5 Stepbrothers

By ImperfectOne02

482K 11.3K 3.1K

Adlynn is forced to move to a whole new state with her mom and a family she never met. She had five new step... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Authors Note
Chapter 9
Cast Change
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Authors note
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32

Chapter 10

11K 299 28
By ImperfectOne02

I woke up to my alarm the next morning so that I can be ready before we leave. I looked at all of the boys and they were already dressed in the outfit that I picked out for them. Except they all had white sweats on and not their white jeans. I'm perfectly fine with that because I'm not ready to wear skinny jeans the whole trip. I had a pair of white sweats in one of my suitcases so I dug them out and got changed. I sat on my bed and fell back asleep without realizing it.

There was a knock on my door so I jumped up like I was not asleep. I opened the door and saw the boys standing there. I smiled at them and walked back to my bed.

"I see you got the hint?" Luke said looking down at my sweats. I nodded and let out a small yawn. I laid my head on Scott who was sitting next to me and I guess I fell back asleep because the next thing I knew is that I was in the car and we were on the road. I woke up and saw that I was in Scott's car with him, Jakob, Hayden, and Andy. I was in the front with my pink fluffy blanket on me and all of the boys were talking and laughing. They got quiet when they saw me sit up.

"Why are y'all staring at me?" I asked them.

"Good morning to you too." Jakob said sarcastically.

"Morning." I simply said as I reached for the radio to turn on music. The boys didn't mind due to them all singing along to the song that was on. I don't know what the song is called but I kept it on because they were happy.

"I'm hungry." I whined. The boys all looked at me and Scott turned the music down as Hayden grabbed his phone.

"Hey dad Adlynn finally woke up so we can stop to get food now." Hayden said into the phone then hung up a few seconds later.

"Do we get to eat now?" Jakob asked.

"Yeah dad said the next town is less then ten minutes away so we will stop at a cafe. He said he will call Luke and let him know that we will be stopping." Hayden explained. We all nodded in agreement and started talking about random things. I was fully awake now. The boys would make a joke and we all started laughing. It was awesome. When we all got into town we followed the others to a little cafe. It was seven o'clock and Scott had told me that we left at six instead if five. I got out and noticed that my hair was still down and probably looked like crap. I put it up in a messy bun and went inside to the bathroom to fix it better. When I got done I went back to sit with everyone and a table they had pushed together in order to fit all of us. A lady came out and took our drink orders then left.

"Do you know what you want?" My mom asked us. Everyone nodded and started talking about the new house. Mom had told us that me and Ashton will be sharing a room and the twins will also be sharing a room. Despite how big our house is she told us that it will be better because there is only seven bedrooms and we need to keep one open for the nursery. We all agreed  and got our food. After we finished eating we all piled back into the vehicles we came in. I took my phone out and texted Ashton.

Me:'Hey roommate😊'

Ashton: 'hey. What's up?'

Me: 'nothing. How's riding with the boys?'

Ashton: miserable. They like to pick on me.

Me: poor baby do you want to switch Andy at the next stop?

Ashton: will he switch with me?

Me: let me ask

"Hey Andy do you want to switch Ashton at our next stop because the two older boys won't stop picking on him?" I asked Andy.

"Sure." I nodded and went back to my phone.

Me: he said sure. Text dad and tell him to stop at the next store because you have to pee.

Ashton: okay I will thank you.

Me: no problem.

I put my phone back in my pocket and a few minutes later Hayden got a text from my mom saying that we are stopping at the store up ahead for the bathroom and he agreed. When we got to the store I got out with the boys and went inside. I went to the drink section and bought me a lot of drinks. You know just in case someone in the car want one. I went and sat in the car waiting for the others to come out. I took my phone out and started scrolling through my pictures when I found a picture of me and mom at the beach last year. She seemed so happy. But she is so much happier here with James and the boys. I never thought I would have such a great family. I looked up and everyone was standing around the car.

"She might still be in the bathroom." I heard Luke say. Did I forget to mention that they didn't see me leave. The windows in the car were tented so they couldn't see inside.

"I just got out of there. No one was in there." My mom said with a hint of worry in her voice.

"If my little sister was taken I'm going to kill the bastard that took her." Damon said with so much anger. I decided now was a good time to get out before someone gets killed. I got out real slowly but none of them heard me or saw me because they were all facing away.

"So are we just going to stand here or are we leaving?" I asked with a smile.

"Where the hell have you been?" Luke yelled. I flinches a little.

"Sitting right here. You were all busy so I came back out and I've been in here ever since. Now if you will stop yelling and let me explain next time then I won't have to yell either." I yelled back at him. I got back in the car and everyone else got in the cars too. Andy switched with Ashton and we left. The boys tried talking to me but I wasn't in the mood for it. I pissed because of Luke. He had no right to yell at me. Even if he was scared. He should just be happy I'm still alive and not in a ditch somewhere dead. I noticed that I was crying and wiped the tears away before any of them saw. I took my headphones out of my pocket and plugged them into my phone. I turned my music on and looked out the window. The boys didn't try talking to me again after that. I slowly fell asleep and dreamed about my life before my dad went to jail. How horrible it was. How many time he almost killed me. And the worst thing is I can't tell mom about it. I had a dream that my dad had come back and shot me twelve times six in my stomach and six in the head. He stood over me and shot my one more time in the chest. I woke up screaming and crying. The boys all jumped and looked at me. I was looking straight ahead and I couldn't breathe.

"Adlynn." Scott said. I couldn't move I was frozen in my spot. Hayden called the parents and everyone pulled over. James and mom ran out of there truck towards us. Scott ran over to my side and tried getting my to calm down. I was having a panic attack and a asthma attack. When I was little the doctor diagnosed me with sever asthma. I haven't had to use my inhaler for almost a year now. Bet my mom always had one for me. She have it to Scott and he did what he had to. I calmed down and just started crying. Scott got me out of the car and held me in his arms. I then noticed Luke, Damon, and Andy right next to mom. The other three boys were still in the car probably because I gave them a heart attack when I screamed the way I did. I'm surprised Scott didn't wreck. I took deep breathes and I got myself to stop crying. They all looked at me wanting me to explain. I looked at each of them.

"I don't want to die." I said lowly but they still heard me.

"What do you mean?" Scott asked me. I looked up to see concern in his eyes.

"Mom he's getting out soon. He's tried to kill me before he went to jail. Every time I came home with bruises it wasn't because of school it was because of him. He told me that if I told you he will for sure kill me. And he said that goes for telling anyone. He raped me and I couldn't do anything about it. I was a little kid I didn't have enough strength to stop him. Mom I'm so sorry." I said without a breath. I started crying again and so did my mom.

"Who did that to you?" Luke asked.

"Her father." Hayden said from behind us. He was the only one I've told about my dad but I didn't tell him anything he did to me. I looked at him and he looked just as pissed as the other boys. Even James. I went over to my mom and hugged her. We stayed in the side of the road for another thirty minutes talking about it before we had to leave. When I got back into the car the boys were still mad.

"Please." I told them. They each softened their look when I spoke.

"Why didn't you tell us?" Scott and Jakob said in unison.

"Because I was scared." I said simply. Scott took my hand and then everyone started driving again. It was silent the rest of the ride. We were almost there anyways. I stared out of the window most of the time. About an hour of driving I got bored. I had already forgotten but I know the boys didn't. I smiled to myself when I looked in the back seat and the boys were asleep. Ashton sat in the middle and he had his head on Hayden's shoulder and his feet on Jakob. They looked so peaceful. Then out of nowhere Ashton started talking.

"Do you just stare at people for the fun of it?" I looked confused until he opened his eyes and looked at me. "I'm talking to you."

"No I'm just bored and our driver is not talking so I was going to talk to y'all but y'all are asleep."

"No we're not." Hayden and Jakob said.

"Oh. Then why are y'all laying like that?" I asked.

"Because it's fun. You should try it." Ashton told me. I giggled a little. Scott grabbed my hand.

"Don't even try it." He said looking serious.

"You're mean." I said while glaring at him.

"You'll get over it." He said with a smile. I smiled to myself and took my phone out. I called mom.

Hey mom how much longer till we get there?

Twenty minute. Are you feeling better?

Extremely I just had to tell someone. I've kept it bottled up for so long.

I'm happy you're better and I'm glad you told us. I love you.

Love you too mom I'll tell the boys how much longer we have. Bye

I hung up the phone.

"How much longer?" Ashton asked sitting right this time.

"Twenty minutes." I said with a smile. He nodded and we all started talking. Jakes phone rang and he answered it. He talked for a few minutes and it sounded like he was getting angry. He hung up the phone and looked at us but he gave us that look saying he didn't want to talk about it. So we dropped it and started talking again.

About twenty minutes later we pulled into a beautiful house. This is officially our home.

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