The Laws of Wizardry (On Hold)

By TheFirstWinterSnow

2.6K 60 44

Valarie Brenner was just your average klutzy, clueless young wizard. For who she was, she had a great life…bu... More

Transferred to Hell!
And Just When I Thought Things Couldn't Possibly Get Any Worse!
Not...So Bad.
Another Side of You...Oh Boy, Won't This Get Interesting?
To Hear and To Be Heard.
Grrr! Do I, or Don't I?!

Surviving the Retched Day!

342 8 4
By TheFirstWinterSnow

Chapter Two: "Surviving the Retched Day!"

After I fell on top of the guy, I realized it was that Carter guy from a few minutes ago, and not only that…but…I realized that, when I fell on him, our lips touched.

He just laid there completely stunned, while I on the other hand, blushed redder than a cherry red tomato, and got off of him very quickly, scrambling like crazy to get myself back onto my feet.

"I-I-I'm so sorry! I wasn't watching where I was going, and I-I-I…GRR! I'm so sorry!" I said frantically; as I watched him, very calmly, get himself back on his feet.

He looked at me with a cold expression spread across his face, and then, completely ignores me as he goes to sit down. I just stared at him in awe as he did. Not because he was, by far, the cutest guy I had seen since I got here, and I almost just shared a kiss with him, but, it was because he just completely ignored me after that, as if nothing just happened! What a jerk!

Martin walked passed me, and went to take his seat, chuckling the whole way.

"Um, miss Brenner I presume?" I heard someone say. I then turned to see a middle-aged woman; I was assuming was Mrs. Paxton.

"Y-yeah?" I stuttered.

"Yes, if you're done introducing yourself to that young man, I suggest you come up here so I can introduce you to the rest of the class."

Immediately, almost the entire class broke out into laughter. I looked down in embarrassment, as I walked to the front of the class.

"Silence!" The teacher shouted, and just like that, the room was suddenly quiet. Damn, talk about obedience.

"Alright everyone, this is our new student, Valarie Brenner. Be nice to her." Mrs. Paxton said, looking back at me. "You can go take the seat right over there." She said, pointing to the seat, that just so happened to be right next to Carter's seat.

Great, just fantastic. I thought to myself, as I waked over to my seat, and sat down.

About half way through class, I averted my attention away from Mrs. Paxton, which wasn't all too hard, seeing as what she was telling us was stuff I already knew, and therefore, did nothing but bore me, and I focused on Carter more. Cheeks crimson red, I finally got up the courage to try apologizing to him again.

"Um, again, I apologize for what happened." I whispered to him. He ignored me again, and, by the looks of it, on purpose this time.

I furrowed my eyebrows at him. What was with this guy? "Um, excuse me? Didn't you hear me just n-" I whispered to him again, but, before I could finish my sentence, he finally snapped, and turned his head to look at me.

"Alright girl, in case you didn't catch on, I don't care! Now, believe it or not, there are some people who like to go to class so they can learn something. So, would you please leave me alone?" He said in a hushed tone, and then, went back to listening to the teacher, and for the rest of the class, acted as if I didn't even exist.

Once class was finally over, I noticed Carter get out of his seat and walk out of the room a lot quicker than the rest of us. I glared at him the whole time.

Alright, that guy has some serious issues. I wonder why he's so damned coldhearted? I thought to myself, getting up and walking out of class again.

Once again though, I did what I've been doing, pretty much since I first got here, and bumped into someone again!

"Dammit! Would you people just watch where you'r- Oh, h-hey." I stuttered, looking up at the person, and noticing it was Cameron again.

"Hey yourself. Um, Valarie, right?" He asked me.

"Uh huh,"

"Yeah, um, I don't think I've properly introduced myself last time, I'm Cameron."

I smiled, and opened my mouth to speak again, but before I could, someone grabbed hold of my arm.

"Okay, Valarie I think it's time to go." I heard Martin say, as he began to pull me away from Cameron.

I looked back at Cameron, who had a stunned look on his face.

Once we were far enough away from him, I looked up at Martin as if he were crazy.

"Wait a minute," I began to say, stopping dead in my tracks, which also made him stop as well. "What do you think you're doing?"

"What do I think I'm doing? I think I'm getting you away from a him, that's what."

"I was just talking to him, there's no harm in making casual conversation!"

"With Cameron, yes there is! I thought I told you to stay away from him?!"

"Martin, I barely know you! You do not, under any circumstances, have any right to tell me what to do! He's a nice guy, so what!"

"No he's not Valarie. Please, I'm just looking out for you, okay? That guy is no good, trust me."

"I don't need you to look out for me! And, I don't trust you yet, because, like I just said, I barely know you! So, if you'll excuse me, I've got another stupid class to get to!" I shouted walking off without letting him say another word.

Don't run into anyone; don't run into anyone. I chanted to myself inside my head as I made my way to my next class. A class that, although it's simple name, scared the hell out of me just hearing about it!

"Potion mixing class." I said to myself.

Time to blow up the school. I thought.

And I, almost, did just that! Hell, the damage I made in that room suddenly put my little incident with the bolt of lightning to shame! Why I turned out to be so damned clumsy, I will never understand.

So anyway, after that class, I went to another one of my normal classes, which was Math. Oh, did I ever mention how much I hate math? Yeah, well, I do, and for a good reason, I suck at it! Okay, so maybe that's not a good reason, but still, I hate it.

Once that class was over, I made my way to the lunchroom. I sat down at one of the tables after getting my lunch, and decided it was a good time to clear my head.

I hate it here. All of the people I've met so far have been either jerks or overly protective! My other school wasn't any joyride, but at least the kids were relatively normal! Grrr! Let's just hope I can survive the rest of this stupid day! I thought to myself, looking ahead of me, on the other side of the room. I was looking at my friend Kylee. Man! I can't believe she never told me about coming here! And, much less about her being a wizard! We've been friends for over ten years and I never knew that! Well, one thing I know for sure is that I'm going to confront her about it after all of my stupid classes are over!

I smiled while staring at her, thinking about how I would confront her later, when all of a sudden, somebody stepped into my line of vision.

I looked up at the person, and noticed it was that jerk Trevor from before. His friends were with him again, which made me realize that they probably follow him everywhere.

He was just standing there looking down at me with a smirk on his face, and also with a tray in his hands. "Hey new girl, mind if I sit here?" He asked, referring to the chair right across from me.

"First of all, my name is not new girl, Its Valarie. And second of all, no, you may not sit there!"

He just let out a slight chuckle, and sat down anyway.

"So, Valarie huh?"

"Yes, you gotta problem with that?"

"No, I like that name, but on you, it just seems wasted, that's all."

"Wasted? What in the hell do you mean by that?"

"I mean, it's a nice name that should belong to a nice girl."

"What? I am a nice girl! I'm just not nice to asshole's like you!"

He just smirked, and then got up while saying: "You know, I think I'll go and sit somewhere else."

As he began to walk off, I stood up and shouted at him: "Hey! I'm talking to you, ya freak!"

Just then, he stopped walking, turned to glare at me, and after a few seconds, walked back to the table.

He dropped his tray on the table in an angry manner, walked over to me and got right in my face. "You're going to wish you never called me that." He said in a very hostile and quiet tone of voice.

"Oh yeah! You wanna bet?"

He just smiled at me again, and then grabbed onto my arm and held it in the air.

"Hey, what are you doing? Let go of me!"

"Hey everyone! May I have yawl's undivided attention for a moment please?" He shouted, so loud that the entire cafeteria could hear him. From what I could tell, they all did exactly what he asked. "Good, now, I'd like to introduce y'all to the new girl, Valarie! A great, no, fantastic example of how beauty isn't always everything!"

All the sudden, everyone started snickering. All of them at me, and I swear I had never been so angry and humiliated both at the same time before then.

He looked back down at me, and then said: "Welcome to my world newbie."

I looked at him with a very angry expression spread across my face. I was about to say something back to him, when I saw a hand reach up and grab onto his, and then they said: "Trevor, let the girl go now."

I turned my head to look at the person, and saw that it was Carter.

Trevor looked at him, and glared. "Or what? You'll hit me? Go ahead, make my day!"

"Just. Let. Her. Go. Now. Trevor." He said in a very serious tone of voice.

Trevor cocked a grin, and then looked back at me. He let out a slight chuckle, as he let go of my wrist, and walked away with his idiot buddies.

Carter glared at him as he walked off. And, for a few seconds, I watched him walk off as well, but then turned back to look at Carter.

Whoa, no fight or anything! Very straight-forward. Well, I guess I would've expected this guy to be like that. I thought.

I stared at him, and I immediately began to wonder why he had done that just now? I thought he didn't like me, so, why?

"Um, excuse me." I said to him, which caused him to turn his, still glaring, face to me.

He furrowed his eyebrows, and while letting out a heavy sigh, he turned his head away from me. "Don't get any ideas girl. I only helped you just now because I can't stand Trevor and the way he tends to treat others, not because I actually give a shit about his victims at all." He said very coldly as he put his hands in his pockets, and then walked away from me.

Well, at least that asshole has 'somewhat' of a heart. Even if he didn't help me because he cares, he still helped me, and for that, I think he's alright. I thought to myself, watching him walk off and allowed a small smile to appear on my face.

Anyway, after that fiasco, I decided to go ahead and make my way to my next class. Yeah, I'd probably be one of the first students to arrive, but hey, at least I'd be early…unlike any of my other classes. The name of this class by the way (don't laugh) is called Magically Challenged Class. I know, too cliché right? Well, none-the-less, I personally need to go to this class because of my inability to control my magical abilities most of the time.

Once I arrived, I noticed I was the only student who had gotten there so-far.

Damn, either I'm way too early, or I'm the only magically challenged person at Wizard Academy. I thought, as I looked at the front of the classroom, and saw a man, leaning against a huge desk, and writing something down. I was assuming it was the professor.

I walked in front of the desk, and said: "Um, excuse me? You're Mr. Fitzgerald right?"

The guy stopped what he was doing and stood up straight to look at me. "Yes, yes I am. How may I help you? Class doesn't start for another fifteen minutes." He said.

I just stood there, completely and utterly speechless.

No way! There is no way in hell HE'S my professor! Hell no! I thought to myself.

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