normal | m. yoongi

By kaseymariev

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nothing hurts more than hearing your idol's pleas to be normal disclaimer: contains talk of mental health iss... More



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By kaseymariev

The next day, I had off from work and only one class, and it was my easiest class so far. It was my last writing class and after I finish it, I'll be done with school, forever. Kind of exciting to think about, though a little scary because I have no idea what I'm going to do after college. I majored in journalism but I'm still not sure if that was what I really wanted to do with my life.

I really like working as a barista but they hardly get any money. I've thought about opening my own shop but that's an exorbitant amount of cash, and a lot to handle.

I stopped writing in my journal after I heard my professor call out the end of class. I sighed, putting my notebook in my bag along with my laptop and pen. I checked my phone to see my notifications and surprisingly, I had a text from Yoongi.

'Hey, didn't see you in the cafe today :( '

I rolled my eyes, chuckling at his text before replying, 'day off ^^''

'I wanna see you, can we meet up?'

Little butterflies fluttered in my stomach as I walked through campus. I got in my car and decided what to text. Should I just say yes? He's famous and can't risk being seen with me on a date...wait is it a date? Aish you think to much... I just said aish in my thoughts....#youknowwhenyouhavelivedinkoreatoolongwhen

A blaring noise coming from my phone shut me out of my thoughts, soon noticing Yoongi was calling.

I answered my phone, "Hello?"


***Language warning, if you don't know little Yoongi has a sailor mouth so you were warned***


"Yoongi?" I couldn't help my laughter at this point, Jimin doesn't have any respect for his hyung.

"Aish, don't listen to that punk, sorry for disturbing your class." Yoongi apologized and I could hear laughter from the other side of the call, sounding like Jimin and Taehyung.

"I just got out of class so it's fine," I replied, "But you wanted to do something?"

"Uh yea-" "OF COURSE HE WANTS TO HE LOVES YOU SO MU–OW HYUNG!" I heard a door slam and a lock noise.

I covered my mouth from releasing any fits of laughter. "Okay, now that's taken care of, want to go see a movie?"

"In public?" I didn't think of what I said till I said it. "What? I was thinking at my apartment, did you want to see one in theatres" He asked nervously.

I cleared my throat, trying to say something. "Oh um no it's okay! I meant like is it a date ha ha."

"Oh, then yes! Well if you want it to." "Of course." I replied a little too quickly, almost smacking myself in the face. "I'll text you the address," "alright!" My phone beeped, notifying me that I had a message.

"I'll um see you there in like 20 minutes." He hung up after that and I looked in my rear view mirror. I had no makeup on and my hair wasn't the best, and it takes 30 minutes to get to his apartment. Great. So I quickly out on concealer and mascara as the least I could do, and my hair...well I just left it in a messy pony tail.

I backed up out of the parking lot and made my way down the streets to the location my gps was taking me. When I got there, I rang the door bell for his apartment number before he unlocked the front door to the building and let me in.

I was soon greeted by his gummy smile, welcoming me into his apartment that smelled like him, minty.

"How was your class?"

Yoongi closed the door behind me before I replied, "It was alright, extremely was your day?" I almost didn't want to ask because he looked so tired and sickly. My heart ached for him, not as a fan but as a caring friend too.

"Busy..." Was all that managed to escape his pale lips as he flopped onto his couch, patting the space next to him. I bit my lip, concerned because he didn't look healthy at all. " don't look well..." I sat down, examining his features. "I'm fine, what movie do you want to watch?"

Sighing, I placed the back of my hand onto the idiot's forehead. "Aish, you're burning up!" He groaned out of annoyance but I didn't care, he was sick. I got up and looked around in his freezer for an ice pack, luckily there was one. Wrapping a small towel around it, I made my way back into the living room. "Lay down."

He didn't argue and laid down, resting his hands on his stomach. I placed the ice pack onto his forehead, moving his light mint hair out of the way. "I can't believe you, working so hard when you don't feel well."

"I have to." Yoongi muttered, turning on the television. "Oppa...." The term just seemed to slip out because I was concerned and it made a smirk paint itself onto the boy's face. "Oppa?"

"Shut up...I'm trying to care for you." I chuckled dryly, sitting on the only free space on the couch. "I know, I'm just messing."

He looked away from the television, patting the space in front of him, indicating he wanted to hold me. "Are you kidding me? I'm not getting sick!" I'm not even sure if he was actually sick or just overworked...most likely the second one. "I'm not even that sick, come here idiot." I could tell he was starting to get impatient, but I could care less. Must be the stubborn American spirit in me.

"Aish you're so stubborn." He got up and wrapped his arms around me before laying back down, spooning me. Laying completely still, I squirmed to get more comfortable. "Can't you get any more comfortable?"

Damn, he was just a grandpa today. "Yoongi, what's wrong? You're so grumpy today." Now it was his turn to squirm a little. "No, just you squirming in this position isn't the best for a guy."

My eyes widened slightly, returning to my stiff position, "Sorry."

"But," I turned my attention from the tv to Yoongi. "I've just been really busy and under a lot of pressure at work."

Grabbing the remote, I clicked mute, responding so we could have a civil discussion, he needed it. "What kind of pressure?"

"I just-I can't really say...I'm not sure who to listen to..."

I bit my lip, "You want to please ARMYs and be a good idol but sometimes it too much pressure..." Silence filled the air after my statement that busted my cover. "Like how they want more of you guys and to work hard but at the same time they say to's probably confusing..." I continued.

"How did you..?" He didn't finish, instead I responded what I thought he was asking. "I've been a fan of your music for awhile..."

"No, I meant how did you read my mind?"

I was slightly taken aback, I thought he'd be a tad bit angry I lied to him this whole time, but he took it so lightly. Maybe he expected me to be a fan...cocky bastard. "I just can see unhealthy you look but you still put a big smile on your face...ARMY notices this kind of may think they'd want you to be hard working but we care a lot more of how your doing, we want you to be happy and healthy."

I took a deep breath, finishing my statement that spoke not just from me, but from the rest of the fandom, well at least most of it. Yoongi stayed silent, but I felt his arms tighten around me and his head rest on the back of my shoulder. "Yoongi?"

"Thank you Rory...thank you so much."

I turned around, returning his hug, he definitely needed one. But as I did, I noticed his cheeks were wet. It was so sad and yet he looked still so beautiful when sick and upset. I only hugged him tighter, rubbing his back, letting him know I'm here and that I care.


Yoongi and I backed away from each other quickly, standing up with blushing cheeks. My insides twisted as I came to face the rest of Bangtan at the door. Minty head cleared his throat, gesturing to his friends. "Rory, meet BTS."

Author -- short and emotional chapter :p

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