Dark Melodies

Por Somethingcrazy10xoxo

107 2 7


Dark Melodies
The Graveyard Gatekeeper
Body of mine

The Dark, Lonely Corridor

24 1 1
Por Somethingcrazy10xoxo

In a lonely corridor,

Footsteps are heard,

As someone treads lightly,


So that she can't hear,

His footsteps,

In the dark, lonely corridor.

Blue orbs chivied her down,

Down the dark, lonely corridor,

She didn't know,

That there was a presence behind her,

Taking in her every breath,

As she walked down,

That dark, lonely corridor.

His eyelids shut as he took in,

The surroundings,

And the lonely soul in it.

She neared the end of the corridor,

And was about to turn,

When she turned around,

Instead of turning right,

And, finally, sensed someone's presence in that corridor,

The dark, lonely corridor.

Her jet black hair was seen in the ineffectual moonlight,

As it blew it about in the soft breeze.

He came towards her,

And stopped in front of her,

And it was then, that she saw him,

And it was then, that her face fell.

And clocks stopped ticking,

And the soft breeze ceased to blow,

As he came forward,

And she bowed,

Quite gracefully,

As he noticed.

Her lips parted to speak,

But, they could form no words,

For, no sound escaped her mouth.

But, her ashen, petrified  face spoke,

Not just a single word,

But, volumes.

He placed one hand upon her hand,

And another upon her cheek,

So that she faced him,

And he faced her.

Blue orbs poured into green ones,

Warning met intimidated,

As blue eyes gazed at green ones.

At length, she spoke,

But what she said was barely understandable,

As she was in a frenzy,

But, he said, in some strange tongue,

" Come along, darling,

You know you have to go now,

Let's leave it all now,

You can come back another night,

To satisfy your apetite."

She understood what he said,

For that is all what they was,

They, who are the hunters,

They, who are the undead.

As she followed him,

Down the dark, lonely corridor,

 She licked the blood off her lips,

And her fangs,

Silently hoping,

In her heart,

To come the next night,

To satisfy her apetite.

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