
By bialienfromusa

623 23 5


My Life Fucking Sucks
The future
A few years pass
Forced and Broken
I Miss Her
I'm not
Who is this?
What's going on with you?
Clubs and Dreams
I'm sorry.
What happened here?
I love you Biersack. (SMUT)
All day in bed
Oh. My. God (inspired by maia)
But what if tomorrow isn't for us
Valentines party
Wedding Plans
3 Months Later
Our Perfect Wedding
Our Baby Zane

What would have we been?

8 0 0
By bialienfromusa


I haven't seen or texted Max in like a year for texting and two for seeing her and I wonder. What would have happened with we stayed together? All questions I could never answer. I still love her but. She's in love with Andy. And I'm with someone. Marie. She's from Europe and I... love her. I look over to the blonde hair of Marie and her grey eyes that weren't the best looking. I don't want Marie I want Max. Max Raven. My raven. I miss her. I have to find away to break them up. Her insane ex boyfriend might help with that. Or the man who has a crush on her. Or Marie.. I call up Tyler to try to make this plan. "Alexx"? "Hehe Tyler" "what the fuck do you want"? "Your help". "Withhh"? "Breaking up Andy and Max." "Pfffft nice try Alexx I'm not breaking a healthy relationship." "But you broke yours"? "ALEXX YOU SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU LITTLE SKANK" "I'm just saying that you cheated on perfect little girlfriend with Jenna. Your healthy happy relationship. Down the drain from you. Not her. You Tyler Joseph." "Alexx. I'm going to end this call and I want you TO NEVER CALL THIS NUMBER AGAIN"! He hung up. Doesn't matter. I know Josh will help. I call him "hey Alexx" "Joshua. Can you help me with something?" "Uh sure what is it"? "Hehe. Breaking Andy and Max up." "NO"! "Why no--" call ended. Fuck.


I look at Andy as he inhales the smoke from his cigarette then blowing it out as I do the same. The spring weather outside killed me. It was weird to me. Suddenly I get a text. Tyler. "Hey Max. I was wondering if you wanted to meet up today." What? "Uhm sure I guess." "Okay cool I'll pick you up at 7" I didn't answer. "Who was that"? Andy's low sexy voice questioned. "Oh it was Phil asking to go out." "Oh okay." We walk back inside after smoking and I put my phone on the coffee table to go shower.


Max just went into the shower and left her phone on the coffee table. Should I look? No. Yes? No. Yes. I look at her phone before taking it typing her password. I look at her texts with Josh and her friends Dan Phil. Tyler? I look at her texts with Tyler and find out that it wasn't Phil. It was Tyler. Do I have a problem with this? Yes. But it's just them hanging out. Right?


I wash the misfit tattoo on my arm and the broken people tattoo on my stomach changing my mind about seeing Tyler. I should text him that I can't. I get out of the shower with the towel around my hair and body. "Hey Andy's" "hey" he gets up and kisses me attempting to take the towel wrapped around me off. "Stop it" I lightly blush. He kisses by neck in hopes that I'll loosen up and let go. Unfortunately it worked and he unwrapped the warm soft towel around my scarred body. Lifting my arm up and him kissing them ever so lightly. "I love you" "I love you to" he kissed my neck where fading marks from him lie. Going up and up on my hips. Then taking off his shirt revealing his tattoos I smirked and put my towel around me and walked away. I walked into the room and put on my mcr shirt and black skinny jeans. I walk out seeing Andy still shirtless. "Haven't put on your shirt yet Biersack"? "No". "Better get on that I'll be waiting in the car."

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