The Art of Persuasion

By mysterywatter101

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Sirius Black is the man who has it all. Or he likes to think so anyways. But after a gruesome event that invo... More

Chapter 1 : The Brilliant Plan
Chapter 2 : Adventures in the Broom Closet
Chapter 3 : Confrontations
Chapter 4 : Ballroom Dancing in Hogsmeade
Chapter 5 : Passing of Notes
Chapter 7 : Chocolate Frogs
Chapter 8 : John Lemon
Chapter 9 : The Wild Goose Chase
Chapter 10 : Pick Pocketing
Chapter 11 : Geoff's Amazing Puppets
Chapter 12 : Mr ShagsALot
Chapter 13 : Mid Atlantic
Chapter 14 : Skipping Stones
Chapter 15 : The PMSing Prince
Chapter 16 : Snog After Snog
Chapter 17 : Love is a Bitch
Chapter 18 : A Clever Yet Shitty Idea
Chapter 19 : The Art of Persuasion
Epilogue : Geoff POV

Chapter 6 : The Stick Man Wars

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By mysterywatter101

"Lily, it's been an hour, can we stop studying now?" I begged as I was quizzing her for the hundredth time in the Common Room. She held up one finger, signaling just one more question. I shook my head at this.

"You've memorized the whole bloody book. I'm hungry, come on, lunch is starting in five minutes," I said looking at one of the clocks in the room. Lily sighed and sat down on the couch besides me. She took the book from my hands and looked at it herself.

"Fine, you win. You're always so impatient..." she mumbled the last bit. I pretended I didn't hear it. I got up and stretched my achy arms. I spotted the Marauders watching us from the stairs leading up to the boys' dormitories. I also pretended I didn't see them and urged Lily to get up.

"Come on Lily, I'm starved and Geoff is most likely bugging the living hell out of someone. Let's go already." Lily held her hand up while still reading the book. I assume she was telling me to hold on for a moment, but then again, I wasn't sure. She could have been telling me to shut the bloody hell up.

"I thought you said I won! I'm hungry, hear that?" I pointed to my growling stomach. Lily rolled her eyes and put the book the down in defeat.

"I heard it all the way from the stairs. I do suggest trying to control your hunger, love," a conceited voice said from behind me. A sigh escaped from my chest.

"Good Afternoon Sirius," I greeted turning around, wearing a fake smile. Curious second years watched us.

"I thought that Sirius Black didn't have a girlfriend anymore...damn," one disappointed girl mumbled.

"Are you joking? He's four years older than our age! I'm sure that's illegal somehow," another second year chirped in. Sirius smiled at them, which caused them to giggle. He then turned to me once more.

"Mind if I steal Evelyn away from you, Evans?" he asked, though I knew he was going to take me away anyways.

"Shouldn't you ask her instead?" Lily retorted with a slight glare. He turned to me.

"Would you mind, love?" he asked, still smiling. I returned his smile, to make it appear that I didn't mind. Though, I do admit, I was a bit curious what he wanted to talk about.

"Great," he said simply, grabbing my hand. I tried not to jump, but I felt my heart a pound a bit as he did this. He led me out of the portrait hole and continued to swerve left and right till we were outside. He then led me to the Quidditch Field. I watched silently as I saw a familiar face on a broomstick.

"It's Captain What's-His-Face!" I exclaimed, pointing towards him. Sirius stared at me with an amused expression.

"You mean Dagget?" he corrected, pointing at the man I was pointing at. I nodded and watched him practice with his beater. It looked like to me, he was hitting them pretty hard.

"Not bad at all, that Dagget. Actually, it appears he's much better than last year, which brings me to what I wanted to talk about." He gave a slight pause and looked towards me. I tried my best not to frown, knowing that I wasn't going to like this.

"You see it appears that I need to practice a bit more than I thought I would. In other words, I need you to cover for me tonight, you know for our detention." He gave me a slight sheepish grin, but to be honest, I wasn't entirely sure if he felt guilty at all.

"...It was your fault that we have those detentions. Your bloody mouth got us even more detentions and now you expect me to cover for your doings?" I felt my cheeks enrage with flame as I said this. He opened his mouth but closed it again and stared at me with his intense grey eyes. He sighed and ran his hand his sleek, black hair. I found myself wondering how exactly his hair felt like.

"Please Evelyn, I'll make it up to you somehow," he begged, which was by far odd. I blinked as he said this.

"Did you just beg me to do something?" I inquired from him. He frowned slightly at me.

"Must you avoid the subject? Will or will you not help me out here?" he asked in an impatient tone, which basically pissed me off. What gives him the right to be so bloody impatient when it was his fault in the first place?

"You know what, I don't give a damn. Skip detention, I don't mind at all. I'll be more than glad to do it by myself. I'll get Lily to put in a word to Professor Slughorn ahead of time, if that will make you happy. It would make my life easier," I declared, anger rising from my chest all the way to my face. I kept my tone calm when I spoke however. Sirius's face brightened a bit.

"God, I owe you-" he began but I started to walk away before he could finish his sentence. It felt like the earth was thundering when I walked because I was so angry. What made me even angrier is that Sirius didn't try to stop me...okay, wait hold up there. Scratch that last thought, it's not like he's my actual boyfriend. I'm starting to act like one of those possessive girlfriends who tie down their boyfriend. Of course, I still have a right to be angry. Who in their right mind wouldn't be angry?

Angry thoughts continued to swirl through my head as I made my way to the Great Hall. I spotted Geoff, once more pestering that Melody girl, though she didn't look all that scared. Actually, she was laughing at something he said, but I felt my stomach churn with both anger and hunger.

"Geoff," I stated as I came up behind him. He turned around and hugged me.

"Evelyn! Where were you?" he asked, a bit concerned. One thing I love about Geoff is when he knows when I'm upset.

"Oh, I was just out with Sirius..." I casually put, even though anger was seeping out of me. Geoff gave me a suspicious look.

"He didn' any thing, did he?" he asked in a slightly serious tone.

"Oh, no, nothing at all. He just left me with our detention so he can go zoom around on his broomstick," I assured with a bit of sarcasm. Geoff's eyes widened a bit.

"You're bloody joking...weren't those detentions his fault?" he asked scratching his head. I nodded and walked into the Great Hall. Geoff quickly followed and spotted Lily, being bothered by Potter once more. Currently, he was trying to impress her with his new play for Quidditch. He did his whole ruffling-the-hair technique, which seemed to boost his ego even more.

"Lily, my love!" Geoff cried, taking a seat right in front of her. His outburst seemed to have interrupted Potter's speech, seeing how he sent Geoff quite a look. Geoff looked up at him and smiled.

"Oh, don't mind little old me." His smile increased even more as he said this.

"How nice of you to join us, Wickett." Potter returned the smile. Lily ignored both of them and turned to me as I sat down beside Geoff.

"Where did your boyfriend take you? A romantic picnic?" Lily asked. I snorted at this.

"Not at all. He wants me to cover for him tonight's detention, so he can go to Quidditch practice. It's fine with me, seeing how I'll get more work done," I lied through my teeth. Lily raised a suspicious eyebrow.

"So...I need you put in a word to Professor Slughorn. You know how he loves you so much..." I continued, crossing my fingers under the table.

"Oh Evelyn, do I have to...? You know how much that man bothers me..." she complained with a slight frown. Geoff chirped up after this.

"If not, we could just all sit around discuss who you fancy. I'm sure Potter would join us." He grinned and nodded at Potter, who was immediately interested in our conversation.

"Evans fancies someone?" he repeated, staring at Lily. Geoff nodded while Lily threw a hand over his mouth to keep him quiet.

"I'll see what I can do, Evelyn..." she sighed and walked away. Potter quickly followed, asking her many questions.

"Geoff, it is no wonder you're a Ravenclaw," I said, astonished. He always found these little tidbits out.

"It's a shame I don't like it that much. I'd rather be with you, Lily and Alice," he continued to smile a bittersweet smile. I patted him on the back and ordered my meal. I started to eat as Geoff ordered his meal. We sat in a comfortable silence for a few minutes. This is usually the side of Geoff I see more often than anyone else, except his mother of course. He can be quite quiet and mature, believe it or not. He just likes to be the center of attention when surrounded by people.

"'Lo Evelyn, Geoff," a deep but humble voice greeted from across us, occupying Lily's old seat. I looked up and choked a bite on a bite of chicken. Remus was sitting there, with one book in his hand.

"Ah, Remus." Geoff smiled at him and started to converse animatedly. I smiled at him and continued eating. After a few minutes, I decided to join their conversation about the biggest Slytherin gits in our classes.

"It's rather awkward being partners with Snape in DADA," I explained to Remus and told him a brief summary of what happened last year. Geoff nodded at this.

"I remember that, he was rather pathetic, wasn't he?" he added to the end of my story. Both Remus and I nodded at this.

"Ah, I suppose you're talking about Snvillelus?" Sirius took a seat on my other side.

""Lo, Remus, Wickett, and Evelyn dear." He smiled at me but I looked down and set my fork down. I felt anger boil in my stomach again.

"Ah, I'm full now. I'm going to go now, if you don't mind Geoff, Remus," I told him as I got up.

"Not at all." Remus smiled and looked down at his book. Geoff got up too.

"EVELYN. GUESS WHAT? I GOT THAT ONE SONG DOWN ON MY VIOLIN. LET'S GO TO THE COMMON ROOM." Geoff then grabbed my hand and practically ran to the Ravenclaws' Common Room. I fought my best not to look back, even thought I did want to see Sirius's reaction. I do want him to know that I am angry.

After many turns, we ended up at the familiar statue, which Geoff always knows the answer to. I often try to answer my question but end up failing.

"Two women fight over one child. They claim that both of them are the mothers and the other is a fraud. What should you do?" the statue said aloud.

"Oh, let me get this one...!" I murmured, starting to think but Geoff beat me to it.

"Why should we concern ourselves with others' affairs? Let the two proclaimed mothers settle differences to their likings. Are we not taught not to meddle?" Geoff asked the statue.

"Not the answer I was looking for, but wise indeed." The statue swung open, letting us go into the gold-blue room. I sighed as he started to go up the stairs.

"I wanted to try to answer the statue!" I shouted up after him.

Sirius's POV

You know what bothers me? When the female species are mad at you but act all happy and ignore you. It's confusing as hell. I just had finished Quidditch practice and headed my way to Common Room, right? Well, I ran into dear Evelyn, and wouldn't say a single thing to me. I tried and tried, because normally she would give in. However, this time, she continued walking, picking up her pace. After that, I gave up and decided to get some sleep.

You'd think that a girl would able to sleep off her anger, right? It appears we were proven wrong, my friend. I started off my day as if it were any normal Sunday. I got ready and headed down for breakfast with Prongs. Of course, he wanted to sit next to Evans, as usual. Evans was with Wickett and Evelyn, which was normal too. I took my usual seat next Evelyn, while Prongs took a seat next to Evans. Prongs then ruffled his hair and grinned at Lily.

"If you haven't heard, Lily, our game is tomorrow. Mind cheering me on?" he stated smoothly, wearing a toothy grin. Evans glared at him.

"I mind very much Potter." She practically poured all of her loath for him in his name.

"Are we still on last-name basis?" He put a mock sullen mask on. She gave a curt nod at this.

"If you decided to be a prat for the rest of your life, then yes," she retorted, shoving a spoonful of porridge in her mouth. How can Prong stand being in love with such a stubborn woman? That, my friend, will surely remain a mystery. I turned to Evelyn and gave her an ever oh-so charming smile.

"I'll take it that you haven't forgotten the game, right, love?" I asked her, trying to capture her attention. She stood up stiffly and walked away. Wickett quickly followed, giving me a dirty look. I turned to Evans and raised an eyebrow.

"...What's in her knickers?" I questioned, waiting for her reaction. She stood up as I said this.

"Frankly, I'm not sure, but I have no need to stick around here." She made her way to catch up with Evelyn and Wickett, after she said this. Prongs reached across the table and gave me a slight smack on the head.

"Bloody hell! What was that for?" I smacked him back on the head.

"If you get Hall mad then Lily will get mad, therefore ending all of my chances to talk her," he explained, rubbing his head. He also ruffled his hair in this process.

"Oh, so you're blaming your misfortune on me. Fine, mate, I'll make Evelyn happy again." I sighed and rested my head on my hand for the remainder of breakfast.

Evelyn's POV

The nerve of that Sirius Black! He just disrupted a rather peaceful study session in the library. Well, Geoff and I were drawing a stick figure war while Lily was actually reading, but still! I was winning...unless Geoff was letting me win again. He really needs to stop that.

Anyhow, back to my infuriating story. I had just slain Geoff's Clarasaurus when Sirius popped out of nowhere. Okay, so I saw him first and had got up to leave, right? I murmured a quick excuse to Geoff and Lily was much too absorbed in her book to notice.

Just as I passed the Biography section, I felt someone grab my elbow. I almost yelped out loud, but a hand quickly covered my mouth. I, then, was pushed into the Biography section. I looked up, not really surprised, to see Sirius. For once, he wasn't grinning, instead he just had a slight smug look.

"Oh, Evelyn, what a surprise. I absolutely had no idea that you had study sessions with Evans and Wicket every Sunday." He smiled as he said this, which roused up some familiar anger.

"What do you want?" I snapped at him, a bit too loudly. He gave a faint 'shush' and put a finger to my lips.

"Let's watch our temper, love. Speaking of temper, may I ask just what tied your knickers in a knot?" he put rather bluntly. I blinked at this, registering what he had just said.

"Hm, what are you talking about?" I lied while wearing a fake smile. Sirius took a step closer, smiling at me as well.

"I know very well when a girl is angry. I've seen it multiple times. Let's put the games aside." Even though he was smiling, his stormy grey eyes were unreadable. I looked at him questionably.

"Sirius Black is suggesting putting games aside? Do you perhaps have a minor case of amnesia? Okay, this is bloody brilliant! I'm Evelyn Hall and we never talk. I don't think we have ever met-" I started off but he brought a finger to my lips again.

"I'm sorry to disappoint you, love." He gave me a fake sad smile. I felt realization rush through as I remembered I was supposed to be angry with Sirius.

"Why should I explain myself to you?" I retorted, regaining composure. He stood calmly, continuing to smile.

"Perhaps, if I knew why you were angry with me, I could apologize properly." I snorted at this and mustered a glare towards him.

"You might have figured it out if you weren't an ignorant git, leaving people behind with your problems." I spat at him. Realization seemed to dawn on his face for a moment.

"You mean to tell me...that you're angry that I left you with one night of detention? Something as childish as that?" he asked me. His expression was rather unreadable. I felt anger rise in my chest again.

"It's bloody nice to know how much you value my opinions. I'm so glad someone can understand my childish antics." I started to walk away but he grabbed my elbow.

"May I make an assumption? I'm assuming that you enjoy being angry with me." His tone had a challenging ring to it. I turned around sharply towards him.

"I beg your pardon? What would give me the urge to do such an absurd thing?" I asked him, trying to lower my voice.

"I don't know, it's your own "witty" mind." He put air quotes around the word 'witty'. I had enough of him making fun of me.

"Just why does it bother you when I'm angry?" I snapped at him. I turned around once more and he simply let me go. I rushed past Geoff and Lily once more, heading for the other exit. Geoff called my name, but I kept walking. I continued my way out of the library, but before I could reach the exit, a voice called my name. I took a deep breath and turned around to see Clara White. Oh, what a surprise.

"Are you okay, Evelyn?" she asked with oh-so genuine kind voice. I nodded and started to turn once more.

"Did you perhaps...have a spat with Sirius?" her fake voice chimed into my ears. I turned harshly towards her.

"Yes, yes, in matter of fact we did! Go ahead, he's in the Biography section, I mean if you want to shag him," I snapped at her. Her face shriveled up in anger. She opened her mouth to say something, but I pushed myself out of the exit before I could hear a single word.

Sirius's POV

'Just why does it bother you when I'm angry?' Those words continued to ring through my mind. I mean why does it bother me? I agree with Evelyn, it's unlike me to feel so... I'm not sure what I feel about this. I'm not sure whether to call it anger or irritation. Just why would I be angry? I frankly have no idea whatsoever.

I continued to collect my thoughts for that moment or so. I really didn't feel like pursuing Evelyn at that moment. It was like a never-ending game of chase. This girl was also confusing the living hell out of me. I think I've had enough confusion for the day.

I decided that the library atmosphere wasn't all too great for me, so I left after a few minutes or so. On the way out, I caught a glimpse of Clara glaring at me. I smiled at her and walked out of the library.

There were two hours to kill before practice. Perhaps Prongs wouldn't care if I got practice a bit early. Yeah, that seems to be the more promising than to sit around for two hours. I quickly made my way down to the field. It was empty, which was perfectly fine with me. I walked back to the changing room. I rummaged through the wardrobe for my own Quidditch gear. I rapidly dressed into them and rushed out of the changing room to the broom closet. I grabbed my broom and the Quidditch trunk. I, then, dragged the Quidditch trunk out in the field. I flipped each lock open and grabbed a beater. I eyed the two bludgers cautiously. Both of them were rattling about in their cages. I believe it is best to only practice with one for the time being. I quickly unlocked a bludger and backed away. The ball zoomed out of the trunk and off to other side of the field.

I hopped on the broom and flew up to my normal position I would take during a game. I kept an eye out for the bludger. No signs were seen yet. I allowed myself to ease a bit then suddenly WHAM! The bludger zoomed by my ear by just an inch.

It soon become a routine where every five minutes or so the bludger would come by. Each time, I whacked it harder and harder. It felt bloody great to be honest. It's also a healthy way to rid of anger. Well, I'm not sure if it's anger... I've been over this, haven't I?

I continued to practice for the remaining two hours. A shout interrupted my concentration. I looked to see Prongs in the air, holding a quaffle.

"Oi Prongs! How long have you been up here?" he shouted to me. I held up two fingers.

"Minutes?" he shouted once more. I cupped my hands around my mouth.

"Hours!" I yelled back He started to yell once more but the bludger whizzed past my ear once more, catching me off guard. Throughout the following the practice, I was more cautious.

Is it healthy to be mad for more than a day? It's Monday and Evelyn still refuses to utter a word to me. I've now decided that I'm a bit irritated by her being so bloody childish. Women love to be mad over the dumbest things. Honestly, I still think she's just angry since she gets a thrill from it.

Right now, we're partaking in DADA. I sit behind Evelyn, a little bit to the left really. I was paired up with Parkinson as my partner. He was a bit cocky at the beginning of the year but now that he knows who runs things around here, he's pretty quiet. Snvillelus sits pretty much in front of me. It's rather fun to bombard him with notes.

Evans used to get after me and Prongs for every thing we did to Snvillelus but ever since their spat, she steers clear of him. Not having her around to yell her bloody head off takes away a little bit of the fun. However, Snivellus insists on picking fights and I never back down from a fight.

Anyhow, during Potions, Evelyn of course wouldn't speak a single word to me. I brushed it off, since it was the morning. Prongs continued his usual routine in History of Magic, with showering Evans with notes. Evans responded with the usual answer as well, either 'Go to hell.' or 'Bugger off.' Of course Prongs seems to take this, as 'I love you'. Therefore he just has to return the love every time.

Evelyn acted as if all three of us were invisible, instead of her usual snickering or whispering to Lily. I won't lie I was slightly perturbed. Just how long will she insist on dwelling on such a small little thing?

What frustrates me the most is the fact I don't know the cause of my irritation. I mean, isn't this treatment better than having a woman yelling in your face for twenty-four hours straight? I would think that is, but I still can feel myself frowning at the thought of being ignored. Perhaps, we could settle our differences...oh bloody hell women are so damn confusing.

Evelyn's POV

I confuse myself very much. I'm supposed to be angry with Sirius Black, right? Right. There's this little voice, however, in my head. It keeps telling me this "Just why are you making such a big deal over such a little thing?" over and over in my head. It's like a toddler who learned his first word and it's all he or she can say. Then, my mind automatically resorts to the comment Sirius said. I mean the thing about me enjoying being angry with him. I'm not quite exactly sure that's it...I think it's more that he puts himself first. OH BLOODY HELL. I am turning into of those obsessed girlfriends. Wait! I did not just call myself his girlfriend, of all things. Oh damn it all to hell.

"Eveeeeeelyn. Pay attention to me. Love me, adooore me!" Geoff cried into my ear, awakening me from my thoughts. We were eating lunch at the Ravenclaw table for once. I insisted on it, and Geoff really didn't put up much of a fight. Well, he did throw himself to the ground and announced to everyone that he was going to die if he ate with the Ravenclaws, but that was it. Now he was fully recovered and was currently telling me about his day.

"Oh, sorry Geoff. Go on, continue." I patted him on the back and smiled. He took my cheeks and pulled them down.

"This is what the real Evelyn is feeling," he said, somewhat seriously. I blinked at him, a bit confused. I gently pulled his hands away from my face.

"What are you talking about?" I asked him, bewildered. He gave me a full smile.

"Right now, you're frowning in the inside," he stated as it were the most obvious thing in the world.

"Just what makes you so sure of that?" I challenged, crossing my arms.

"Well, you're staring at Black while I'm telling you about my glorious day," he informed me. I felt myself jump a little. Now that I think about it...oh shit. I'm now staring at him every bloody minute. My eyes averted their attention fully to Geoff. He smiled once more.

"Now as I was saying...." he then continued in a rapid chatter about how he suspects Professor Slughorn is planning to adopt Lily as his own daughter. I felt myself drifting away from the conversation by each minute. I closed my eyes and sighed. I slowly put my head on the table, and rested my head.

"Evelyn! Don't go to sleep noooow. I'm getting to the best part," Geoff complained. I held up a hand to signify that it was all right.

"I'm listening, Geoff," I moaned. What the hell is wrong with me...oh?

"Geoff, what's the date?" I asked him abruptly, sitting up.

"Oh, October Fourteenth!" he shouted merrily in my ear. I groaned once more. I now know why I'm feeling like this. Perhaps it's due to that...time of the month. I will not go into details. Geoff rubbed my back, clearly confused. I remained silent for a few moments till a voice interrupted it.

"Evelyn, can we talk?" an oh-so familiar voice spoke behind from me. I turned to meet the owner of the voice and nodded. I got up and Sirius ushered me out of the Great Hall. He then led me to an empty corridor and stopped.

"Okay. Now, I'm sorry for the whole detention incident. It was selfish of me, and all that great stuff, but damn it Evelyn...! You are a very strange woman." By this point he was doing a bit of a pacing back and forth walk. I felt my anger wash away in my stomach. Guilt and a little bit of fear filled it back up. Now that I think about it, I haven't seen Sirius angry, not even frustrated.

"Sirius-" I began but he continued on.

"Ah, what also drives me crazy is when you cut me off." He stopped pacing and looked at me.

"Is that so? You bloody well do that to me as well," I retorted back, without thinking really. He stepped closer. A smirk came across onto his face, and he said I was confusing.

"Oh, really?" he asked in a challenging tone. I gave a slight nod, at which he took another step.

"Yes, really," I responded at his challenge. He walked closer till there was only a slight distance between us. I moved my head slightly to look up at him. It appeared he was looking down a bit to see me as well.

"How often do I cut you off?" he asked me, keeping his gaze. I fought the urge the fidget,

"Just about everyday," I said, once more without thinking. He lowered his head down slowly; so it was only hovering by face only about five centimeters or so. I felt my face heat up just by being so close to him.

"Really?" he murmured to me.

"Y-yes," I found myself stammering. What the bloody hell is wrong with me? His face came even closer to mine, till we were only a centimeter apart. I could feel his hot breath on my lips.

"You know what, love?" he murmured once more.

"...What?" I asked him with my face getting redder by the minute. His finger gently pressed my forehead.

"I think I can see another wrinkle." As of that, he patted me on the head and walked away, leaving me very flustered.

"Everything is good now?" Geoff asked me, while walking me to the Gryffindor Common Room. I shrugged and then nodded.

"I suppose so; I mean we didn't leave in fuming anger or anything," I explained, while trying to find the best explanation about my spat with Sirius. It confused me as well.

"Unless he's planning to kill you in your sleep and then drag you out to the Slytherin dorms so they can feast on you," he said in a serious voice. I stopped walking and stared at him.

"Just what is it with you and things feasting on other people?" I asked him, a bit bewildered really.

"Why it's horrid to call Slytherin things! Call them fiends," Geoff corrected my very rubbish mistake. I laughed at this. He gave me a toothy grin.

"Blimey Geoff, you never cease to make me laugh," I praised him and he hugged me.

"I love you too, Evelyn!" he exclaimed, swinging me about. I laughed once more and urged him to put me down. He did so and continued walking. Classes had just ended and many people were getting ready to attend the Quidditch game. I went with Geoff so he could change, and now we're going to the Common Room so I can change. Also, we have to meet up with Lily and Alice.

We approached the Fat Lady and she granted us permission. I told Geoff to wait for a moment or two. He threw himself on the couch and started to obnoxiously singing 'Ninety-Ninety Bottles of Beer on the Wall" (A/N: Which I do not own, by the way.)

I trotted up the stairs, towards my dorm. Lily was sitting on her bed reading a magazine, while Alice was digging through her trunk.

"'Lo." I said to get their attention. Lily looked up quickly and smiled, mumbling a greeting. Alice turned to me.

"Evelyn, do you think it would be too chilly to wear just a sweater?" she asked me, holding up a rather cute black sweater.

"Well, you could bring your coat along, just in case. I'll hold it for you, if ya want," I offered, going to my own trunk. Alice beamed a little and thanked me. I opened up my trunk and dug around for a pair of bell-bottom jeans. I then pulled out a red shirt with a red check over shirt to go over it. It was simple but very comfortable.

"Are we done yet?" a bit impatient Lily asked us. I turned and nodded.

"I am, what about you, Alice?" I asked, watching her go into the bathroom.

"Just a moment...done!" She walked back out, smiling. Alice is one of those girls who are just naturally happy and optimistic. It suits her very much as well. I can see why Frank is crazy about her.

"Should we make banners or something for Frank?" I asked, motioning towards my trunk, if we needed supplies. Alice shook her head.

"Frank's too modest for that. He'd get embarrassed and lose focus. Keepers need to keep focused." Both Lily and I agreed to this.

"Well then, shall we?" Lily asked, opening the door. Alice and me followed after Lily, headed downstairs.

"TWENTY-SEVEN BOTTLES OF BEER ON THE WALL, TWENTY-SEVEN BOTTLES OF BEEEEER. TAKE ONE DOWN AND PASS IT AROUND, TWENTY-SIX BOTTLES OF BEER ON THE WALL." Geoff's voice reached up all the way through the hallway of the Girls' Dorms. I peered over the stairwell to see a bewildered Remus and a frightened Pettigrew staring at him.

"Geoff!" I called from the top step, to get his attention. He stopped singing and turned his attention to me.

"Evelyn! Lily Billy! Alice!" he greeted in return. We all jogged down the stairs to meet up with him.

"'Lo," Remus greeted us as well. I looked forward to Quidditch games because it became an unspoken tradition to watch the games with Remus and Pettigrew. Actually, it was because of one of the games I started fancying Remus. I just was standing there when I turned to notice that Remus had gotten taller and quite handsome. I couldn't talk straight around him for a month after that.

After a few minutes of chitchat and trying to calm Geoff down, we headed down to the Quidditch Field. When we got there, there were two crowds on both sides on the field. We headed towards the crowd wearing red and gold and took a seat on the second-to first bleacher. I looked across the field, watching the Hufflepuff crowd. I could barely make out White and her friends.

"Heeeeeeello everyone! Today, here we are starting off the Quidditch season! Today's match will be intense, like any other game. Gryffindor versus Hufflepuff! Oh, there's my little Molly with her dear sweet friend Arthur! Hopefully they're nothing more than friends, because Molly is just far too young-"Fabian Prewett's voice was cut off by Professor McGonagall. I turned around slightly to see Arthur Weasley as red as his hair and Molly Prewett fuming. There was a little laughter in our crowd.

Shrieks and cries of excitement erupted from our crowd as the Gryffindor team stepped out on the field. Hufflepuffs did the same when the Hufflepuff team stepped out on the other side.

Madam Hooch blew her whistle, at which Potter and Captain What's-His-Face up at. Their teams followed them. Madam Hooch talked for a moment and then let the snitch go. Cries and cheers followed there after.

I watched Sirius take Beater position on the Gryffindor side of the field. He was about twenty feet away or so. My eyes shifted to Potter, who was currently holding the Quaffle. Finally, I looked to Frank, who was swaying back and forth, with a determined look.

Sirius whacked the Bludger, which went flying towards a Hufflepuff chaser.

"And Diggory is on Johnson's tail for the snitch! What's this? It appears they have both lost sight of it! Ooooh, Abbot was just hit square on the shoulder by a Bludger. Looks like he'll have to sit out for a moment. No wait! He seems to be alright!" Fabian's voice was coated with false happiness as he said this. Cheers came from the Hufflepuffs, while jeers came from us. I cupped my hands around my mouth and shouted.

"Sirius! Get your aim straight!" I scolded, a bit. He turned towards me slightly and grinned. He gave me a thumbs-up and turned to whack the Bludger straight at Captain What's-His-Face. The Bludger hit him on his side, which caused him to drop his bat.

"Aim for the seeker!" Alice shouted at him. Sirius grinned once more and turned to look for a bludger.

"He knows what he's doing," Remus reassured us, watching the game. I felt myself blush as I heard his deep voice. An hour of this cycle occurred until Fabian was practically screaming.

"WHAT'S THIS? JOHNSON IS REACHING OUT AND BEHOLD! HE HAS GOT THE SNITCH. JOHNSON HAS GOTTEN THE SNITCH. GRYFFINDOR WINS!" Fabian exclaimed, latching onto Professor McGonagall. Geoff gave a scream of excitement and grabbed everyone he could in a group hug, including a confused Pettigrew.

Everyone rushed down the stand to go see the Quidditch team. Many people were patting Johnson on the back, remarking how short the game was. Girls were surrounding both Potter and Sirius, giggling at all the jokes they were telling. Lily gave her congrats to Johnson and spoke briefly with Frank. Potter then came up behind her and apparently surprised her. She turned around and glared at him, while he began to speak about his game. I found this a bit surprising, seeing how she didn't walk away as usual.

"How's that for a game?" a deep and breathless voice came from behind me. I turned to see Sirius grinning of course. The group of girls were now keeping a five feet distance from us, whispering and giggling.

"Well, your fan club has doubled because of it," I replied, motioning toward the giggling girls. He came up and casually put an arm around me.

"They still need a president, mind joining?" he asked me. I gave a slight laugh at this and shook my head.

"I saw that you and Moony were gabbing through the game," he continued, patting me on the back. We started to walk towards changing room.

"All of us get together during Quidditch games," I explained and he gave a nod at this.

"Well, this where I need to get changed. I would let you come in, but Prongs is rather bashful." A hand smacked his head as he said this. I saw Prongs grinning however, as he did this. I laughed and walked away, heading for the Common Room. I started to think about how I felt towards everyone. It soon came down to Remus and Sirius. It's been about a month or so since Sirius and I started 'dating'. His plan was going well and no one knew of it, if you exclude the Marauders. Things with Remus were still the same, just friends. Things with Sirius were like a roller coaster, however. My feelings always change with him. It's quite frustrating.

"Clara...! Oh, come on don't be angry. It's just the beginning game," a voice pleaded with White. I looked to my left to see Clara White pacing away from Captain What's-His-Face.

"Oh, shut it, Daryl. You lost in just one bloody hour! You need to practice more often if you want succeed Sirius," she exclaimed, throwing her hands up in the air. Captain What's-His-Face looked clearly insulted.

"Now you're comparing my Quidditch skills to him? Oh, Sirius this, Sirius that. If you love him so bloody much, then why the hell did you dump him?" he questioned her, grabbing her hand. White stopped and opened her mouth, but another voice interrupted them.

"Because she's absolutely mad? I didn't mind, however. I now have dear Evelyn." Sirius's arms enclosed around my waist and he rested his head on my shoulder. Both White and Captain What's-His-Face were both red. I felt mine heating up as well.

"Why you-! Mind your own damn business." Captain What's-His-Face snapped at him. Sirius merely shrugged and let go of me. He then grabbed my hand and led me away, towards the Common Room. We continued walking for about five minutes or so, and then he stopped.

"Well, the Hufflepuff Common Room is this way, as well, correct?" he asked me, and I nodded, not getting his point.

"So... Clara and Dagget will be coming this way any minute, right?" he continued, grinning. I slowly nodded still confused.

"Your point is...?" I asked. He gently pushed me against the wall and murmured in my ear.

"Wouldn't it infuriate her even more if she saw us, snogging, love?" I blinked, a bit shocked on how bluntly he put the word 'snogging'. I merely shrugged and I swear I could feel him grin.

"Hm?" he asked once more. My face couldn't get any redder.

"I suppose so..." I began but couldn't finish. Sirius took this moment and slowly moved his lips towards mine. My heart began to pound violently. Seconds seemed like hours as he moved in close, till his lips met mine. My hands reacted by themselves, reaching into his hair. His hands kept me against the wall, as he pressed himself against me. I felt as if I were losing my mind as his hands moved slowly up to my neck, then to my jaw. One of my hands went to his neck, bringing him closer to me. I remember hearing two sets of footsteps that stopped for a few seconds then sped up. I didn't even bother to open my eyes.

Sirius's hands slowly traced my body up and down. His kisses became a bit shorter and rougher. I suppose I reacted in the same manner, but I really couldn't remember my own movements. Suddenly, I felt his tongue go into my own mouth, which brought me back into reality. My eyes fluttered open quickly. I gently pulled away from Sirius, causing him to be pushed back. He looked at me, a bit confused. I waited a minute to catch my breath.

"Err...uh...I'm pretty sure they passed by now..." I stated, looking down in sudden interest with the floor. Sirius shifted slightly and cleared his throat.

"'Hem. I, uh, knew that," he said a bit awkwardly as well. I looked up at him, and blushed slightly. I looked down once more.

"Well then...I better get going...I'm sure Lily and Alice are already celebrating without me." I said the last part rather fast and turned to walk away.

"Ah, yeah I left my the changing room, so I'll need to be going back," his voice called after me.

"See you later!" I called back, pacing away as fast as I could. Did I just willingly snog Sirius Black? He didn't have to blackmail me at all! My God, my God, just what the bloody hell was I thinking? There's just no way I can fancy him! He's Sirius Black. I'm Evelyn Hall. I fancy Remus Lupin. No one else at all!

I soon came up to the Fat Lady. I said the password rather quickly, which confused her. I repeated myself and walked into the Common Room. People were celebrating with Butterbeer and a little bit of Firewhiskey, whoever brought that. I practically ran up the stairs. I rush to my dorm and opened the door quickly. I closed it in the same manner. Lily looked up from her magazine and stared at me.

"Are you all right?" she asked, a bit confused. I nodded and sat on her bed.

"Where's Alice?" I asked her, looking at the magazine cover. Witches Weekly is what it said. Alice subscribed to it every year.

"Downstairs with Frank of course," she said as it was obvious.

"Oh, yeah, of course she would," I stated, lying on back, on her bed. Guys are so bloody confusing; I don't understand them at all. Yes, guys are very stupid. Why did God make guys?

"Lily?" I asked her. She looked up once more from her magazine.

"Yes?" she inquired, giving me her full attention.

"Why did God make men?" I asked her. She thought for a moment and answered.

"No, no, you have it all wrong. God created men first, but he realized they were a mistake. Then he created women." Lily explained, at which I laughed at it. Oh how it felt good to laugh.

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