my abuse boyfriend (armana st...

By dimples_leah

96.7K 2.4K 169

hey my name is armana I'm 15 in high school only kid idk who my father well I do kno.... my best friends is p... More

my abuse boyfriend (armana story)
it hurts
why stay?
new life
one day ill be your's
Thought I was gone
Help is on the way
back into my arms
To say we friends
New love
Here it goes
Watch who you around
Make a wish
Should be in hell
Like old times
New story
Things change
Welcome 2 da game pt:1
welcome 2 da game pt 2
Sneek peek
Fuck you
I did yu wrong
Own it
I feel like it
should have known
Mix emotions
How you gonna up and leave
Write my wrongs
Who's gonna
Teenage fever
Not a chapter
Been a while
You thought I was to die for

Breaking news

1.2K 48 4
By dimples_leah

Mana pov
Lately I have been feeling sick.I get morning sickness n curve 4 alot of things.

"BABEEEEE I'm hungry"I said fake cryin.Roc looked at me n laugh

"Yu fat bby"He said still laughin.I throw a pillow at him

He's rite I have been gettin fat.

"Ma chill bt go get dress Imma take yu out"He said wlkin into our bathroom.

I got out da bed went our closet

"Ugh wat 2 wear wat 2 wear"I said lookin up lookin at all my clothin.

Den I saw a pinkish dress.I pulled it out n slipped it on.

I wlked out da closet looked in da mirror n saw my stomach.

😒I thnk I'm eatin 2 much.Imma go 2 da gym tomorrow

-Hours later-

"Babe did I tell yu,yu look so beautiful"Roc said puttin his hands over mines.

I smiled.

"yes bby yu did"I said smilin.

"Good I love yu fatty"He said laughin.I softly hit him

"I love yu 2"

Our waiter came 2 our table.We ordered our food n drinks.When we was done we shared laughter n conversations.I swear I love tlkin 2 him.I feel like I can tell him.

Tay pov
I was at home chillin on Instagram until I saw a picture of mana

"Damn bestie got fat"I said out loud

Let me find out Roc feeding her 2 much.

I put my phone down got up started wlkin 2 da kitchen until I heard da door bell.

"who is it?!"

"Hello it's me..."

"Umm who is yu?"I said puttin my hands on my hips like dey can see me.

"I was wonderin after all dese years we had was real"

"Mannn wtf is yu"

They laughed

"It's prince open up"He said in between laughs

I smiled n opened da door 4 him.

"Yu ply all day bt wussup?? Y yu here dis time of nite?"

"Damn chill a nigga cnt see his frien"He said takin a seat

"Ig how yu been??"I asked sittin down

"Good bt I need hlp with something"He said lookin down

Oh shit

"Umm ok wussup??"

He looked at me n got up

"I got hella feelings 4 yu ma I want yu 2 be mines"He said wlkin up 2 up

"Prince uk I only like yu as a bro ur like fam 2 me i-"

Before I could even finish he cut me off by kissin me.No I didn't kiss bac.I pushed him away n whipped my lips off

"I thnk its time 4 yu 2 go"I said puttin my head down.

I heard home grab his keys n da front door open

"I love yu Tay"He said den left

Wtf jst happened???

Shit not cool at all.I would never known he had feelings 4 me like dat.Who would have known.I need 2 tlk 2 Armana asap.

"Hey babe wya"I asked her

"Oh nun jst got inside y wussup"

"Girlll I needa tlk 2 yu like frfr"I said sittin down

"Damn wat happened now?"She asked

"2 much 2 explain on da phone I'll be over in 30"

"Ok see ya"She said den hang up

Prince pov
I known dis was go happened 2 me bt I jst had 2 tell her how I felt bout her.I mean she's rite she is like fam.

"MAN FUCK"I yelled throwin everythin dat was nxt 2 me.

I went in da kitchen got some hard liquor started drinkin until everything went away...

"Yooo prince wat happened??"

I heard someone say.I couldn't open my eyes

"I thnk he's dead"Someone else said

"Man stfu aye prince if yu can hear my move or some shit"

I did as I was tld.After dat I heard police sirens

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