My Saviour, Harry Styles

By meganrubin19

6.5K 156 40

When an abused 18 year old runs away from home and meets a boy, she feels love like never before. Together th... More

My Savior Harry Styles
Is this a dream?
Meeting Niall
Meeting Brianna
The Truth Comes Out
The Amusement Park
Carnival Games and Hand Holding
A Little Bit of Drama
Job Searching and Heart Fixing
A Lovely Picnic
First Day on the Job
A Late Night Snuggle
Movies and Meeting Liam
A Dinner Date
The Perfect Boyfriend
A Girls Night. Or So They Thought...
Romance Is In The Air
The Party
Picking Up The Pieces
Putting Them Back Together
A Promise...
Plot Twist...
Sneak Peek:)
The End:'(

A Girls Day

181 6 0
By meganrubin19


Jen's POV

I sat next to Harry on the small, squished couch. All of the guys were beside me watching the game, and they were quite loud actually, but Harry and I didn't care, we were in our own world.

I looked towards the door as a smirking Liam walked in. But there was no sign of Ann.

"Liam?" I yelled over the noisy room.

"Yes?" He asked, moving closer to me so he could hear me better.

"Where's Ann?" I asked, worried about my best friend.

"She left. She wanted me to tell you thanks and she will see you on Monday at work." He said simply, shrugging. I could tell he was trying to hold down a smile.

Hmm, something is up, and I am determined to figure out what it is.

All thoughts aside, I decided to live in the moment and enjoy the time that I got to spend with my boyfriend.

I nestled my head right into his chest and he played with my hair. I realized that I was exhausted and I somehow managed to block out all the noise around me and drift into a deep, well needed, sleep.


I woke up with a jolt. I quickly took in my surroundings. I was laying in my bed, but I didn't fall asleep here.

Then, I rolled over and looked at my clock. Holy sh*t! It's 10:00!!! My heart started pounding as I jumped out of bed.

I am gonna kill Harry when I see him! He should've woken me up! Ugh.

I had no time to waste so I raced into my bathroom and quickly ripped off my clothes. I stepped into the shower but right before I turned on the water, realization hit me.

My alarm didn't go off because I didn't set one. I didn't set one because it was Saturday.

One of the perks of shadowing Ann on the job is that she doesn't work weekends, so therefore, I don't either.

I put my pyjamas back on and lazily slumped back into my room. There is no point in lying down again because I am never gonna fall back asleep.

So I slowly walked down the hallway, into the living room. It was surprisingly clean, even after having three extra guys here.

Harry was sitting on the couch and I slumped down beside him, placing my head on his broad shoulder.

"What's wrong baby?" He asked me gently.

"Nothing, I'm just tired." I said while smiling up at him. He makes me so happy.

"Why don't you call Brianna and see if she wants to hang out with you today? Maybe you two could go to the mall or something?" Harry asked. I don't know if he wants me out of the house or if he just wants me to be more social.

It doesn't matter though because I agreed with the idea.

"Mhmmk I'll call in a few minutes when I wake up a little more." I said, lifting my head off of Harry's shoulder and looking up into those beautiful green eyes that were staring down at me.

"Do you want me to make you some eggs or something for breakfast?" He asked kindly.

"Yes pwease." I said, sounding like a child.

He chuckled and kissed me on the forehead before getting up and disappearing into the kitchen.

I smiled. I am so grateful to have such a loving boyfriend. I remember that my dad would never make any meals for me. I had to feed myself. But now, I feel like I'm living the high life.

But with that comes another feeling. I don't know how to describe it but I just feel a never ending amount of debt that I need to pay back to Harry and all my friends and I have a feeling that that feeling will never go away.

My thoughts were interrupted as Harry waltzed into the living room with two plates in his hand.

"Here you go love." He said while handing me one plate and keeping the other for himself.

"Thanks Haz."

I watched him as he carefully sat down next to me, trying not to drop the eggs off of his plate.

"No problem. Anything for my girl." He smiled and I mentally awed before kissing him on the cheek.

We sat together, talking and eating for a good half an hour. Then, a sleepy Nialler walked in the room.

"Morning sleeping beauty." I said to him.

"Ha ha, very funny." Niall mocked while plopping down on the chair. "I only woke up because I smelled food."

"Well sorry Ni, we ate it all." I broke the news to him.

A look of disappointment splashed onto his face. "Oh."

I couldn't see my friend looking this sad. So I grabbed his hand and started dragging him towards the kitchen.

"C'mon, let's go make you some food."

He smiled before happily following me to the kitchen.


After Niall was fed, and everyone was happy, I decided to call Brianna.

*Ring Ring*

The phone rang twice before someone picked up.

"Hello?" A tiny voice questioned on the other line.

"Hey Brianna?"

"That's me."

"Oh hi, it's Jen."

"Oh hey Jen! How are you?" She sounded excited.

"I'm good. I was wondering if you wanted to do something today?" I asked, impatiently waiting for her response.

"Yeah, sure, I'll be at your house in 20 minutes and we can discuss plans and stuff k?"

"Ok, bye."

"K, see you soon, bye!"

Then the line went dead. I walked back into the living room and Niall's head snapped towards me.

"Who were you talking to?" Harry, who was sitting beside Niall, asked.

"It was Brianna. She's coming over in a few minutes." I answered and Niall's eyes lit up.

"Oh good. I wanted to see her today. I miss her." Niall said while smiling. It was so cute how much he loved her.

"Not so fast big boy, she is coming to see me." I said while turning away. "I'll be in the shower if anyone needs me!" I hollered while walking towards my room.


After a quick shower and when I was done getting ready, I walked into the living room to find Niall and Harry still sitting in the same position.

"When Brianna and I go out you two should go do something." I said while plopping myself down on Harry's lap.

The two boys looked at each other with questioning looks before Niall spoke.

"There's nothing to do."

"Oh c'mon, you two could do lots of things. Go see a movie, or go buy your girlfriends something nice." I said with a huge smile and a wink.

Just then I heard a car pull up. It was Brianna. I ran outside to meet her.

When we saw each other, she pulled me into a tight hug.

"I've missed you Jen." Brianna said while we embraced.

"I've missed you too Bri, it's been too long." I said before we released our embrace. "C'mon inside." I said, motioning to the flat.

"So what do you want to do today?" She asked me while we walked to the house.

"Do you want to go to the mall and then we could go out for lunch or something?" I suggested.

"That sounds great! We have so much catching up to do!" She squealed while we walked inside.

"Is that my BriBear I hear?" Niall said while getting up to greet Brianna who jumped into his arms.

They kissed each other passionately for a while we Harry and I awkwardly sat there. When they released each other Brianna hugged Harry then sat on the couch.

"Ready to go?" I asked her.

"Aw, but I just sat down." She wined.

I laughed. "C'mon, let's go."

"Ok." She gave in as she stood up. Then she turned and faced the boys. "We are going to the mall, do you guys need anything?"

"Nah, we're good babe. Thanks though." Niall said before kissing her again.

"K bye!" Brianna and I said in sync as we walked out the door.

When we got in the car, Brianna looked at me.

"Jen, is it ok if I take my friend with us today? I know you wanted to catch up but she is going away on a trip and this will be the last time I get to see her before she leaves." She pleaded.

I laughed. "Sure. Last time Dani came with us and I had a great time. I'm sure it will be the same way."

Her face lit up. "Oh thank you!"

Then she turned a corner and drove down a street that I haven't been down before.

Soon, we pulled up to a small apartment and Brianna honked when we were in the driveway.

A few minutes later a girl came out of the flat and raced towards the car. As she got closer, I got a better look at her.

She was beautiful. She was tall and had a slender frame. Her blue eyes twinkled in the sun and her long blonde hair flowed behind her.

I watched her as she hopped in the backseat.

"Hey Ash!" Brianna squealed.

"Hey girl." Brianna's friend replied.

They both started giggling and I just sat there, dumbfounded.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I need to introduce you two. Jen, this is Ashley and Ashley, this is Jen." Brianna smiled at us.

I turned around in my seat to see Ashley. She smiled at me and stuck out her hand.

"Hi Jen, it's very nice to meet you. I've heard a lot about you." Although she smiled, I could sense that there was something about her that couldn't be trusted. But I didn't know what.

I shook her hand and returned the smile before turning back around in my seat.

"So, where are we going?" Ashley asked Brianna.

"Well, Jen and I decided to hit the mall and then go to the Olive Garden for lunch." Brianna said while trying to stay focused on the road.

"Sounds fun!" Ashley squealed. She seemed kind of fake to me. Like she wasn't actually bubbly and nice like Brianna is, but she was a wannabe.

The rest of the car ride was spent talking and singing along to the radio.

When we finally arrived at the mall, Brianna dragged us into her favourite stores and picked out outfits for everyone to try on.

I felt like I was in a fashion show. I tried on so many outfits but in the end, I only bought two. Well I didn't buy them, Harry had given me money earlier. (Yet another debt I have to pay)

Every time I came out in something, Ashley would always comment on how good I looked. She seemed really suspicious to me. But I tried my hardest to ignore it all day.

After a few hours of shopping, Brianna got really hungry. Typical Niall, I mean, Brianna.

So we headed to the Olive Garden which was located across the street from the mall we were at.

As we walked in, delightful aromas filled my nose. It reminded me if my workplace.

A young looking waitress greeted us at the door.

"Hi, how many?" She asked cheerfully.

"Three." Bri answered.

"Ok, right this way." The waitress said while walking away, towards the back of the restaurant.

We all followed until she stopped at a small table in the back.

"Your server will be right with you." She smiled before hurrying away.

We sat down and looked at each other silently. Then we all burst out laughing due to a loud rumble coming from Brianna's stomach.

"Hey!" Brianna said, putting her hands up in defence. "It's not my fault that I'm starving."

"It kinda is Bri." I giggled.

Brianna pouted. "Fine then."

I could tell she was just being sassy with me so I just laughed.

She looked at me and smirked.

I had almost forgotten about the third party. Now it was Ashley's turn to sit there awkwardly.

To try and get back into the conversation, Ashley asked me a question.

"So, Jen, how did you meet Brianna?"

I looked at Bri and smiled. "Well, to make a long story short, Harry took me in off the streets and I'm living with him and Ni now. Anyways, one day Ni invited me to come and hang out with him and Bri and the rest is history."

Brianna was smiling widely.

"What about you Ashley, how did you meet Bri?" I asked back.

"We met when we were in the seventh grade and have been best friends ever since. She's been with me through everything." I watched, almost jealous as MY friend exchanged a smile with that fake girl who sat in front of me.

"You know Jen, Ashley is the reason I met Niall." Bri smiled.

"Oh really? How?" I asked, trying to keep the conversation rolling.

"Well," Ashley started, but Bri finished for her.

"Her and Harry used to be really serious and Ash, Haz, Ni and I used to double date."

I felt my jaw drop. This fake used to be serious with MY love. I can't believe it. I wonder how it ended.

"Well you know Ashley, I am dating Harry know." I said sharply and confidently, shooting her a glare.

Now her jaw dropped. After she composed herself she spoke quietly. "Oh, I'm so happy for you two, Harry is such a nice guy."

"I know." I shot back at her.

It was quiet for a while until a waitress came and got our order. Then Ashley began firing questions at me.

"So, how is Harry doing?"

"He's doing really well actually." I smiled while thinking about my boyfriend.

"And how long have you two been dating?" Ashley asked.

"Uh, about three days now." I answered.

She kept asking question after question about Harry and I answered them as best as I could. I could tell she was really jealous.

I am really curious as to why they broke up but if I ask Ashley, she would probably go off her rocker so I'll ask Harry later.

After eating and a few more hours of shopping, everyone was tired so we decided to go back home.

Bri dropped off Ashley first and then drove to my shared flat.

When we arrived, we just sat in the driveway for a while before Bri broke the silence.

"Are you alright? I could sense some major tension between you and Ash." She asked, worry in her voice.

"Yeah, I'm fine. It's just a little awkward you know?" I answered quietly.

"Yeah." Brianna breathed before walking out of the car and towards the flat.

I followed her and when we were inside, Harry and Niall greeted us.

I kissed Harry on the cheek before walking over and plopping myself on the couch.

"How was the girls day?" Niall asked us.

"Great, I had a fun time." I answered before Brianna could say anything about Ashley and I.

Harry looked at me curiously. I knew that he could tell something was wrong. But I couldn't tell him now, I'll save it for later.

So I rested my head on his chest while Niall put a movie on.

It was around 6pm but I wasn't even hungry. Plus, I didn't need food. All I needed was my boyfriend.

I admired Harry's heavenly face while the Man of Steel opening music played.

Harry finally noticed me staring a few minutes later.

"Need something babe?" He whispered to me.

"Nope, I have everything I need, right here." And with that, I allowed myself to relax and watch movies with my friends and my boyfriend all night long.

After a marathon of movies, Harry announced that it was bedtime.

"Aw, but I'm not tired." I wined.

He laughed. "Too bad."

I stuck my tongue out at him but he just scooped me into his arms.

He carried me to my room and placed me gently on my bed.

I didn't bother changing into pyjamas because my clothes were comfortable enough.

"There you go missy, now it's time for you to get some rest. I have a fun day planned for tomorrow." Harry said while kissing me on the forehead.

"But I'm not tired." I stated again.

Harry sighed. "Fine, I'll stay with you until you fall asleep, yeah?"

"Yay!" I cheered quietly.

Harry climbed into my bed and snuggled up beside me.

We were both laying on our sides and Harry's arm was draped over me, his large hand in mine.

A few minutes later, I blurted something out that I shouldn't have.

"I met Ashley today."

I could hear Harry's jaw clench. "Yeah?"

"Yes, and she told me about you two." I whispered.

"Babe, I love you and only you, I am over that snake." Harry purred.

Hearing him say that made my smile. We sat in silence for a while. Then I went for it.

"Can I ask you something really personal now?" I asked.

"Yeah, of course babe, what is it?" He said in my ear.

"I know this isn't my business but how did you two break up?" I said quickly, awaiting Harry's reaction.

Harry took a deep breath. "She told me she never loved me. She only dated me so Brianna could get close to Niall."

Wow. She was even lower then I thought. And wow. My boyfriend just shared something really personal with me. I can't believe that. I never even tell him anything.

I turned my head so I could see him and I planted a kiss right on his lips. Then I turned back around and decided it was time to go to sleep now.

I closed my eyes. But after a few minutes, they fluttered open.

"This is useless, I can't fall asleep." I groaned.

"Shhh." Harry whispered in my ear. "Just listen to my voice and relax."

Then, Harry began to sing. His husky voice was almost a whisper.

I didn't recognize the tune but I was captured by his voice and hung on every note he sang.

Soon enough, I felt myself fall into slumber.

The last thing I heard was a quiet "I love you."

Liam's POV (that morning)

"Liam," the girl beckoned to me.

Her angelic voice captivated me and I approached the heavenly woman before me.

When I reached her she placed her hand gently on my cheek. That sent shivers up my spine.

She was so lovely.

She caressed my cheek gently. Then, without even thinking, I leaned forward, my lips inches from hers.

But before we could make contact, she disappeared.

I woke up panting. I was out of breath and clammy.

All night I had dreamt of the beautiful girl from last night.

Andrea, I think her name is. She would not escape my mind.

Pushing my thoughts of Andrea out of the way, I got up and threw some clothes on.

Today I was meeting up with Zayn to have lunch.

I looked at my watch and it read 11:30. Wow, I must've slept in really late.

I walked to my car and got in, driving in the direction of the cafe where we were going to meet.

When I arrived twenty minutes later, I spotted Zayn's car in the parking lot.

I pulled up beside it and sauntered into the cafe.

I noticed Zayn right away. He appeared to be flirting with a waitress in the front of the restaurant. Typical Zayn.

I approached him slowly.

When I was behind them I cleared my throat.

"Oh hey Liam!" Zayn said while eyeing the waitress still.

"Hey, let's sit, shall we." I said, not wanting to be a third wheel on their little conversation.

Zayn turned to the waitress. "Bye, talk to you later."

"Yeah, for sure! Bye!" She squeaked happily.

As soon as she walked away I gave Zayn a death stare.

"So how's PERRIE doing?" I asked, furious.

"She's good. You gotta calm down man, you seem a little mad." Zayn said nonchalantly.

"Of course I am! You have a girlfriend and you're over here flirting with some waitress! You should be ashamed!" I burst out.

Zayn just laughed at me which made me even more furious.

"Mate, you got it all wrong. She's my cousin." Zayn chuckled.

I felt my face instantly turn red. "Oh, sorry, I thought.."

"It's ok." Zayn said. I could tell he was trying not to laugh his head off at me.

Suddenly, a different waitress came and got our order. When she left, Zayn spoke.

"So, how's life?" He asked.

"Uh Zayn, I saw you last night. Not much has happened since then." I chuckled.

"Oh sure, then how come you were in the kitchen so long last night?" He asked, sarcastically.

I could feel myself blush. "It's not my fault I couldn't find something to eat. Niall and Harry never keep their fridge stocked for long." I lied.

Zayn opened his mouth to speak but the waitress came by with our food.

I said a quick thank you to her and she hurried off.

Then Zayn's gaze was on me again. "What's that on your wrist?" He asked suddenly.

I looked down at my wrist. Andrea's phone number was still scribbled on there from last night.

"Is that a phone number? A girl's phone number?" Zayn asked, wiggling his eyebrows.

"Uh, yeah." I said embarrassed.

"Nice! Who's the girl?" Why was Zayn so nosy?

I answered anyway. "Her names Andrea. She was with Jen yesterday. She asked where the door was so I showed her and she gave me her number."

Zayn smirked. "My little Liam's growing up."

I punched his arm. "Stop it."

He just laughed.

For the rest of the time it took us to eat, we talked about random stuff, like the game last night or Perrie.

I ended up having a great time with one of my best mates.

When Zayn left, I sat alone in the cafe.

Ok, here's my chance. I think I've worked up enough courage to call Andrea.

Here goes nothing, I told myself.

I took out my phone and dialled the number that was written on my arm.

It rang twice. Then someone picked up.



Hi guys! K I'm like super sorry that I haven't updated in two weeks! I feel so bad. But I've been having major writers block and I needed a break from writing. Having a set date to update was too stressful for me so from now on I will post whenever I've finished a chapter. I'll try to make it at least once a week.

Oh yeah and I'm going to Alaska this Friday for three weeks and I have no idea if there is wifi or not so, I have no idea if I will be able to update.

But, my goal is to have at least two chapters done when I get back so I will post all of my finished ones then. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Please, please, please, keep commenting, voting, reading, sharing, and recommending this fanfic! I love you all so much!😘


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