Faking It In Style

Autorstwa _cousinsunite1

293 5 7


Faking It In Style
Chapter 2 Autumn - Mr Recording Guy
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chaper 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8

Chapter 3 - Rose-Anne - The Boy Who Stole Sammy

23 1 0
Autorstwa _cousinsunite1

A/N Hey you! Yes that’s right, I’m talking to you. Hey! I’m the last third of this story. Heather. Yeah… so go ahead and read, if you want to.


Chapter 3

I walked into a tree! And got a nose bleed. Very pleasent for people who walk past. Don’t ask how it happened.

I walked up to my Granny’s house, taking out the key that I owned. When I bumped into something hard… again. I held my nose to see if it was bleeding. It wasn’t. Thank God because I looked up and saw a boy (probably older than me) .


“Wow, slow down there. I found him in my garden an-”

“Sammy never runs away! He always sits beside you on the couch, and lays beside you in bed. And carries Kyle around on his back.” I said, sadly at the thought of Sammy running away. Then I thought on happier notes ‘Well at least this guy found him and he didn’t go too far.

“I’m Louis by the way.” He said holding out his hand.

“Rose-Anne” I said taking his hand and shaking it violently. He laughed and shook our hands side-ways. We started messing and I giggled so hard I almost pissed myself. But I didn’t because I invited him in. We walked in laughing.

“Who’s this darling?” My Granny asked.

“Oh, this is Louis, he found Sammy in his garden.” I said, on latching Louis’ lead from Sammy’s collar. Sammy ran up to my Granny and almost knocked her over, but didn’t. Obvs. Kyle came running up to me. He’s my cousin if you were wondering. His parents died in a house fire. He survived miraculously. He’s like Harry Potter, except Harry survived something much worse.

“Ro-An!” He shouted. He’s only two.

“Hey there buddy. Kyle.” I said. He looked up. He looked scared. He looks so cute when he’s scared.

“This is Louis.” He looked calmer but still cute.

“Hey there.” Louis said. He hid behind my leg and peeped out to see if he was still there and went back behind.

“He gives great handshakes.” I said and laughed. I pulled him off my leg. He grabbed at it but didn’t reach.

“Go on, give him one of your great handshakes Louis.” Louis held out his hand. Kyle held out his hand shyly. Louis shook it up and down and side to side. Kyle laughed and his head bobbed up and down when Louis shook his hand.

“Again! Again!” He shouted.

“Come on little guy! Have you had your lunch yet?” I asked. He shook his head and we proceeded into the kitchen.

“Eggy Bwead!” He shouted. Louis looked confused.

“French Toast.” I said.“He loves it when I make it. Do you want some of my Chocolate Fudge Brownies?” I asked him. His face lit up. I giggled.

 Sammy galloped into the kitchen and slid into Louis which caused him to fall over.

I laughed and Sammy licked Louis’ face and jumped on my leg which caused me to fall over. Louis and I burst out laughing. ROFL. Literally.

 Then Kyle ran over to me. He loves me! Then Kyle jumped onto Sammy’s back. He neighed and pointed to the sitting room and Sammy ran over to the couch and slid into the couch and Kyle flew off onto the couch. Louis and I got up.

After I made the French Toast and Brownies I called Kyle and Kyle called Sammy and Sammy ran into the couch and Kyle hopped on. Sammy ran to Louis but Louis Dodged him this time and he ran into the island. I lifted Kyle off and put him on one of the stools. Louis and I sat beside him.

“I should really go. I have to go to the x-factor auditions.” He said.


“Well, yeah. Here.” He said handing me a piece of paper. “Call me whenever.” He said smiling.

“Cool. Well, see ya later. Or tomorrow. Or next week. Okay, Bye.”

“He was nice. When are you going on your next date?” Oh Granny.

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