Hidden Essence Book I - The B...

By QueenYolandaBoo

350 0 2

As a nineteen year old girl, Sage pretty much has gone through it all, at least that's what she thinks. Not b... More

Chapter I
Chapter II
Chapter III
Chapter IV
Chapter V
Chapter VI
Chapter VII
Chapter VIII
Chapter IX
Chapter XI
Chapter XII
Chapter XIII
Chapter XIV
Chapter XV
Chapter XVI
Chapter XVII
Chapter XVIII
Chapter XIX
Chapter XX
Chapter XXI
Chapter XXII
Chapter XXIII
Chapter XXIV
Chapter XXV
Chapter XXVI
Chapter XXVII
Chapter XXVIII
Chapter XXIX
Chapter XXX
Author's note

Chapter X

12 0 0
By QueenYolandaBoo


The silence in the basement is nerve-racking. I've been sitting here contemplating about what I should do for hours now and I think my final decision has been made. The keys. I hid them in my bra as soon as I found them. They almost caught me, but I was agile and collected enough to mislead them. At first I didn't know what was supposed to happen next. My first idea was to give them the keys back so they would consider me trustworthy and maybe even free me, but who the hell was I kidding with that one. I was scared. I didn't know what to do, what if they found out? I thought of throwing them away in the hallway, so they could just pick them back up and nothing would change, but that is exactly the problem. Nothing would change. They would pick them up and it'll pass as if Becka just dropped them on accident and nothing would change. I would still be locked in here for the rest of my days. No, I couldn't let that happen. Hours and hours of thinking, reflecting, measuring whether one possibility was better than the other, but now my decision is made.

Now, I'm leaving. It's night. I don't hear any footsteps above me. Everybody's asleep I assume. I take the keys out of my bra as carefully as I can to not make them jingle again. My hands are trembling. Come on, Sage. You can do this. I stand up from where I was sitting and slowly tiptoe towards the cell door. Here we go. I pick a random key out and I very gradually bring it to the keyhole. The beating of my heart picks up a quick pace and my breath hitches a little. No, I will not regret this. Either I'm stuck here forever, either I die when trying to escape. Those are the options. I swallow the lump in my throat and proceed. When I turn the key, it makes a very silent cracking noise that has me on edge for a little while, but the sensation fades away as the door opens. I quickly close it behind me in case anyone peaks into the basement when I'm gone, at least they'll notice my departure a little later. I tiptoe through the now very long hallway, has it always been this long? I stop when I reach his cell. I didn't want to stop, but something made me stay. My head is turned away from it, turned away from him, but somehow I know he's awake. What am I still doing here? Leave, Sage! My words don't arrive to my head as my body stays in its place. Should I free him too? No, he's a werewolf, he's just like them. Why are they keeping him caged though? My head slowly turns towards the said cell and my eyes meet his gold yellow ones. A shiver runs through my spine at the sight of them. I can't precisely describe how his gaze makes me feel, I'm too caught up in it to be able to make sense out of anything. I need to go, before they all wake up. I tear my gaze from his eyes and march towards the staircase.

"Wait." His raspy voice startles me and my body completely freezes from it. He's talking. To me. Go away, Sage. My brain is telling me to run, but my body stays still. I need to learn to listen to myself, this is becoming insanely dangerous. It's like I'm spelled. Maybe I am, he has healing powers, he might just have freezing powers too. I am proved wrong when I suddenly twist around to face towards him. What in the freaking world am I doing? Signing my death note, that's for damn sure. His eyes are glowing from where he's sitting. I yelp and jump back at the sound of the chains. My back is pasted against the door of the opposite cell, keeping me as far away from his cell as possible. He is now standing up in front of the metal bars, held back by the silver chains. My heart beats at an unbearable pace. Don't be afraid Sage, he's chained and locked behind metal bars. I try to reassure myself, but it doesn't do anything to calm me. What does he want from me? Why did he tell me to wait? His eyes reveal nothing but color and shine. "Who, who are you?" I stutter. My voice is weak. I know he is who I used to call 'Wolfey', but I want to know more. I want to know what he is doing here and what he seeks in me. I want to know what they find so unpleasant about him, what makes it that he is kept in captivity. He doesn't answer my question. It's as if he doesn't want me to know. Was it too much of a personal question, I only asked for who he is. "Why did they lock you up?" I ask as my heartbeat slows down a little. His eyes are mesmerizing. It's so fascinating how they can glow like the sun. "Because of you." He says. Well at least he's talking now, but I wish that what he said made sense to me. Because of me? What do I have to do with anything? "What do you mean? I haven't done anything to get you locked up." I whisper nervously. His eyes close for a while and when they open again the yellow color is gone. Something in my chest tugs at my heart at the loss of the wonderful color. What is happening to me? "They locked me up, because they think that I mean something to you. If that wasn't the case, I would not be alive now." He bluntly says. His voice is smooth as he talks, it somehow calms my nerves in such a gentle way. He must be using some kind of power on me, because the feelings inside of me are not coherent at all. What also strikes me a lot is his lack of emotion. Isn't he scared or angry to be locked in some random villa filled with people that only crave for his death? "What makes you think you have any meaning to me?" I snap and I notice that his jaw clenches. Wow that was so harsh, it even stinged me. But I have to be like this. I need to get away from here, away from him and all those other wolves. He didn't give away any reaction to my hard words. Is this dude even alive? "You're leaving?" He asks out of the blue. Well obviously. I nod lightly. He goes back to his sitting position and is now looking into the void. "You shouldn't." He simply retorts. Excuse me? Is he serious right now? "Bet you monsters would like that, won't you now?" I come on strong because I'm annoyed. He is demanding for me to stay whilst he's the one in the chains. I don't think so. "They're werewolves. They'll find you even if you went for China." He explains and my annoyance levels up. He obviously doesn't know who nor what he's talking about. Did he really think I was going to go for a place on Earth? "Trust me, where I'm going no one will find me, not even you, wolf." Is the last thing I say before I head out of the basement.

Tree after tree I pass in the darkest colors of the night. The moon is the only thing lighting my path to freedom. I successfully sneaked out of the villa. Everyone was sleeping as I had predicted. I went for the forest and I still am in it. I've been running for about an hour now. It looks like it might be four am or so. I have nothing with me except for those damn keys. I wanted to take them with me, as a sign of victory, a thing to be proud of. I wanted to take them with me on my journey, so I can always be remembered of these last couple of days. They have been hell, but nonetheless I never want to forget what has went on during them. I needed those keys and those days as my last memories. 

This forest is never going to end it feels like, but I cannot give up. I have to continue to run as far as I can before they find me. I can't let the chance at freedom slip through my fingers. Don't give up, Sage. This is the last effort you will ever have to go through, don't blow it all up. 

I stop running for a while when I see the sunlight awaking. About an hour to go and it'll be daytime. I need to catch my breath though, I'm exhausted. I lean against one of the trees for a while to give my feet some rest. They're incredibly sore. My breathing is heavy so I try to get ahold of it. My shirt is soaked in sweat and I feel my jeans stick at my skin. Holy moly, this feels uncomfortable. My mouth is also very dry and I am extremely hungry. I probably should've ate the food they gave me, instead of being so hard-headed. Oh well, it's too late now. After a few minutes of rest I continue my hike out of the woods. 

I wish Wolfey was here. He would make me feel safe and happy. He would heal me whenever I'm hurt. He would keep me company and protect me from the world. Sadly Wolfey died and he is now only a distant memory. Get it out of your head, Sage. Get it out of there. I've said it before and I'll say it again. This is why it's better not to rely on someone, because you know that at some point they will go away. And when they do, you're left with an empty heart and an unexistant soul. But don't worry Sage, you'll meet him again, soon.

I stop running again when I reach something that looks like a small lake. The sun is now up. I near the lake and I'm struck by its beauty. The water is cristal clear, I can even see the bottom of it. There's a lot of light-reflecting rocks at the bottom which gives it such a wonderful, magical vibe. Unbelievably splendid. I get rid of my shoes and my top and start to unbutton my jeans immediately. There is no way I'm leaving this place without having a swim in here. I pull down my jeans so I'm only left with my matching black bra and panties. I leave my stuff in a pile on the ground and head to the edge of the lake. I hesitate a little before I dip my toe into it. I'm welcomed by the most resfreshing sensation in the world. This is ideal. Now I can refresh myself from all the sweat that I've accumulated. I dive in, hands first. The water flows along my body reviving every inch of my skin individually. The coolness of the water reaches my head and eases the ache in it. This is the best I've felt in so long. The moment of ecstasy nearly makes me forget to hop up for air again, so I hurry myself to the surface. My head pops out of the water and I dramatically gasp for air. The sun is shining right in my face, but I couldn't care less. Everything looks so perfect from here. It's as if the trees that are surrounding me close me into my own little world where I can enjoy some peace and well needed rest. I spread my arms and legs and let myself float like a leaf on the water. Thank goodness for a moment like this. My eyes close and my heart finds the ease that it needed for so long. 

I don't care about anything now, not about one single being. It doesn't matter if life ends now or not. If I'm promised that it'll continue like this, in this lake, with this serenity, I will gladly live on until my body numbs by its own weaknesses. Until age pulls me out of this ephemeral world. No one matters, not mom, not dad, not those bloody wolves, not Wolfey, not him. Right here and right now is what I want my life to stay. I slowly close my eyes and sink into the most easeful and quiet trance I've ever been in. The water doesn't feel like water anymore, it feels more like soft and cottony clouds I'm drifting on. The air is thin and fills my nostrils with the most enticing aromas that I've ever come across. The sent is a mixture of different herbs and I notice a hint of smoky wood in it. Delicious. Why has it taken so long and so much pain to get to this point of completeness and euphoria? Because that is exactly how I'm feeling. Euphoric. Complete. My heartbeat has never been this slow and this relaxed. The sound of it suits the environment and the current vibe. "Take me away." I breathily whisper to the nature around me.

"I will." Is the last sound my ears capture before my body is drowned into the depths of the water below me.



>- Calvin Harris - Sweet Nothing -<

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