The Unsolvable Equation

By thewriters101

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Alexia Lee is a genius, and with the world at her feet, and nothing left to discover. For Alexia, the world i... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-one
Chapter Twenty-two
Chapter Twenty-three
Chapter Twenty-four
Thirty-eight: The Finale

Chapter Eighteen

134 7 3
By thewriters101

 “Gordon! I need someone to get me some firewood, this fire ain’t gonna light itself!”

Alexia turned around to see Chris, who somehow look even more orange and crisp than usual, storming towards their table. It wasn’t angry storming, just Chris showing off his bountiful amount of strength that even action he did had to cause some physical impact of some sort. Caden sighed. “Chris get someone else, I’m busy,” Caden protested.

Chris narrowed his eyes. “With what? You girlfriend over here? Drag her along with you then!” He boomed, pointing at Alexia. Alexia glared at him so hard she was surprised his burnt skin didn’t sizzle and pop.

“He’s not my boyfriend. Screw off, Chris,” she seethed.

“Gordon you’re on firewood duty! Don’t be a dick and just go fetch the damn wood, bloody hell!” Chris snapped, ignoring her. Then, he stormed away.

Caden stood up reluctantly. “Well, Alexia, I’m gonna need some help,” he stared innocently at her, a request she had no intention of obliging to.

“Go on your own, Caden,” she replied, avoiding eye contact with him.

“Yeah, so I just so happen to recall you haven’t paid me back for the dress, and um, now would be a good time. Just saying, you know.”

For the second time that day, Alexia felt like she was being pushed into something against her will by the power of guilt. “Ugh, fine,” she gave in reluctantly.

The two of them made their way into the woods under the suspicious and interested eye of K.H and the confused gaze of Almier burning a hole at the back of Alexia’s head.

Alexia glared at Caden. “Ugh. So it appears I am now stuck with this shitty excuse for a man again. Seriously, Caden, was being neighbours not enough?” Caden just gave a quick smile before walking further on. Odd. Why doesn’t he rebut my insult?

Before long, they had their arms full with pieces of wood that were poking their way into Alexia’s skin. She grunted as she tried to stack some more into her already full arms and was disappointed to realized that cramming physical items into her arms did not work the same was as cramming information into her brain did.Suddenly, she felt a slight tap on her left shoulder, and her heart jumped. She turned to the left, only to realise that nobody was there. To her right, Caden was breaking out in little spastic giggles.

“I can’t believe the smartest girl fell for the oldest trick in the book!” Caden exclaimed in between fits of laughter, glowing with pride from his little “achievement”.

Alexia found herself subconsciously smiling, against her own will, but just punched his arm and continued walking. Caden handed her a bag and they dumped the firewood in it. For the rest of their little ‘task’, Alexia ignored Caden, preferring to look at the repetitive scenery of nature which she took no interest in rather than Caden’s annoying face. Caden realised this too, as he started to repeatedly poke her arm, hoping to get her attention. Alexia decided to continue walking, but Caden was persistent.

“WHAT DO YOU WANT.” Alexia snapped, whirling on Caden.

Caden grabbed her arm and dragged her to the nearby bushes, and Alexia suddenly recalled every horror movie she had ever watched.

Alexia squirmed under his grasp. “What are you doing? You are going to get us lost with your stupidity!”

“Come on, don’t get your panties up in a bunch. I just wanna show you something,” Caden insisted, turning back and flashing her one of his famous “I am up to mischief” smiles. Alexia just sighed and continued to follow him, silently hoping he wouldn’t get both of them killed.

Caden stopped in his tracks and Alexia looked up. In front of her was a beautiful pond, the water shimmering under the sunlight, coupled with the relaxing sounds of the animals. Alexia’s jaw dropped in awe.

“I told you so,” Caden laughed. “I rendered Alexia Lee slack jawed, man, I am on a roll today!” Alexia turned and laughed along with him, even though there was nothing funny to laugh about, but silence soon ensured. They sat under a shady tree, not making a sound, the sound of birds chirping in the distance, like a natural stereo. They sat like this for a good amount of time, enjoying the tranquility of the scenery.

“Watch the sunset with me,” Caden whispered, the first to break the imaginary vow of silence. 

Alexia nodded but resisted the urge to laugh. “Why Caden, taking a leaf out of those romantic novels aren’t you?” she teased, closing her eyes to focus on the sounds but found herself slowly drifting off to sleep.

After a while, Alexia groggily opened her eyes to see Caden staring right into them. “You have beautiful eyes.” He whispered. Alexia didn’t know how to reply, and felt a strange sensation creeping up her neck. “They’re just one shade of brown,” she deadpanned sleepily and went back to dreamland.

“Wake up, Alexia. Wake up.” Caden suddenly whispered harshly, a sense of urgency in his voice as he shook her awake. “It’s time to go back to the campsite.”

Alexia immediately shot up and looked at Caden. “What is the time? The sun has already set! Why didn’t you wake me up earlier? Now we are going to have a problem navigating back to site! I didn’t even bring a flashlight!”

“It was interesting watching you sleep. It is the only time you are not the human version of the devil.” Caden joked.


Caden saw Alexia panic. “Shhhh. It’s going to be alright. I brought a flashlight.”

They both stood up and slowly began walking towards the nature track to return to the campsite.  

“You know, Caden, I dreamt of you just now.” Alexia said softly.


“You said I had beautiful eyes,” Alexia laughed and said in her usual condescending tone, “Like that would ever happen.”

“That wasn’t a dream.” Caden quietly mumbled under his breath. He turned his body slowly and inched closer to Alexia. Her heart started to beat furiously as Caden’s face drew nearer. Alexia took a sudden step back. What is he doing? Oh good Lord, what is he trying to do?

“Hey, Caden. Where is this place? I don’t remember walking past these bushes. Are we lost? Oh dear lord, oh god. I don’t want to be lost out here, especially with you.”  Alexia rambled suddenly, beginning to panic. Phew. That was too close.

“Even while you’re panicking you still can find ways to lower my self-esteem,” Caden forced a laugh.

“I am serious Caden. I think we are lost!”

Caden opened his mouth, but heard a “click”. He looked at his torchlight and realised it went out of batteries.

Alexia glared at Caden. She assumed he did not bring any spare batteries, being the nut-brain that he was.

“Hate to break it to you, Genius, but we’re going to have to find our way back by hounding our night vision skills,” Caden sighed sheepishly.

They continued walking and with every step, Alexia was pretty sure that they were getting even more lost than before. Before she could open her mouth to complain, though, she slipped on a branch and began to tumble down a hill she failed to have noticed and her screams filled the air. She felt a sharp pain shoot up her right leg and her ankle felt as though it was being torn away from the rest of her leg. Alexia clutched at it desperately in the dark, as if her force would stop the pain from spreading. She silently cursed Caden for getting her lost, K.H for forcing her to come, herself for agreeing to come.

“Oh shit.”

She heard a rustling of bushes and Caden’s worried face suddenly appeared.

“Shit. Shit, shit, shit. What the hell happened!” he immediately bend down and inspected her ankle.

“It’s just twisted, it’s not so bad,” Alexia insisted, wincing. She looked right at him and felt a little bit bad for cursing him when she saw the genuine worry and panic reflected in his eyes.

“Hey, at least your brain’s still in tact,” Caden joked, trying to lighten the mood.

Alexia scoffed but laughed along. “After spending one whole day in the presence of those people, I’m not sure it is, anymore.”

Caden offered his hand to her. “Can you walk?”

Alexia accepted it and helped herself wobbly to her feet. Miraculously, the pain was almost gone and her ankle seemed to have clicked back in place. “I think so.”

They hobbled, well, she rather, back to the campsite slowly, Alexia, much to her own reluctance, leaning on Caden for support. For a while, neither of them said anything, then Caden decided to break the silence.

“You know,” he began. “Now that you’re all vulnerable and stuff,” he gestured at her ankle. “I guess that his would be a good a time as any to  have a nice little round of confessions,” he laughed nervously.

“What are we Caden, twelve?” Alexia said, smirking.

“Nah, I just didn’t feel comfortable hiding the fact that I liked you, anymore,” Caden stammered quickly, then averted his gaze.

Alexia reeled back in shock. Had Caden just confessed to her? Had the boy who had done everything in his power to make her life hell just admitted he liked her? No way. No way. Alexia should have been laughing in his face at that moment, she should have made one of her famous snide remarks then moved on with her life. However, she found herself at a lost for words, not even sure if she wanted to say what she normally would. Suddenly, it all made sense. All the times he had made fun of Almier had been out of jealousy not for the sake of annoying her. His occasional silence, his random acts of kindness.

“Caden, I-”

“I know, you don’t have to say anything. Just, if you change your mind about going to the dance with Almier, I’m always open.” It wasn’t a direct request, but still one nonetheless, and Alexia didn’t know how to respond, and so she didn’t. They walked on in silence and Alexia wondered why the air around them felt heavier than before.

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