Her existence

By The_Mad_Nation

5.6K 194 4

No one knew that she was a demon. Not even herself. No one knew she was reincarnated. No one knew why she, he... More

Motherly Love
What the Hell!?
Why now?
What am I looking at?
The Devil?
Not Bear!
Did we just?
Dear lord help me
Well Damn...
Love? What the hell?
Fuck This
Uh oh
So many unanswered questions...
If you love me...
Why can't I?
Well... I bet no one expected this
Here I go
Surprised yet!?
Lots going on
Family Reunion or Massive Heart Ache?
Valdum and Violet
Authors note
The Deed Has Been Done
Would you like a side of Bitch with that?
Fear. If you say it enough it sounds funny and then you won't be scared anymore.
Let's make one and break one
The Elders
Limbo sucks
Anthem for Angels
Authors Note

A little fun... Right?

138 6 0
By The_Mad_Nation

I don't like the way he's looking at you;

I'm starting to think you want him too;

Am I crazy, have I lost ya;

Even though I know you love me, can't help it;

I turn my chin music up;

And I'm puffing my chest;

I'm getting red in the face;

You can call me obsessed;

It's not your fault that they hover;

I mean no disrespect;

It's my right to be hellish;

I still get jealous;

'Cause you're too sexy, beautiful;

And everybody wants to taste;

That's why (that's why);

I still get jealous.

~ Nick Jonas, Jealous

"Don't ruin the fun!" I exclaim.

I smile at Alec who wraps his arm back around my shoulders and continues to talk to me while we walk in the gardens.

"I think he's jealous." He whispers, chuckling.

"He probably is. But he has nothing to worry about because you're gay."

I really don't understand why Bear has been like this lately. He gets so pissed at the slightest things the guys say to me or tease me about.

"I don't know. You might just convert me." He says, wagging his eye brows.

I push him away, laughing.


He smiles.

"So how's your wrist?"

"Gross. Wanna see it?"

"No, no thanks."

"You sure?" I hold my wrist out and put my fingers under the band aid. "It's all green and leaking puss..."

"Ew! Get away from me Elizabeth!"

He holds his hands out, backing away. If Alec is anything, it's a germ-a-phobic. He hates when Mason refuses to take showers and freaks the hell out when someone touches him that he doesn't know. He germ-x's his whole body. He even makes his boyfriend, Jace, shower before crawling into bed with him. He's such a girl.

"Oh come on! It's not actually that bad. I was kidding."

"I don't believe you."

I sigh.

"Okay. But don't ask later." I say, pretending to be let down.

"Trust me, I won't."

"Hey guys!" Titus says, jogging up to us.

"Hey." I say with a large smile. "What's up?"

"Well... I was talking to Serina about going out tonight and she said yes!"

"Am I allowed?" I ask.

"Yeah. She said she knows you can take care of yourself."

"Sweet!" Alec says. "Then we will have to get you all sexied up!"

I didn't understand what he meant by that until we went back inside to try on clothes.

"The hell Alec!? We're going out, not stripping." I exclaim.

"Come on! You'll look totally hot in it! It will accent your curves and make you look slimmer, I promise."

"If I don't like it, I'm not going."

"Don't be so dramatic." He scowls.

I take the dress and rush into the bathroom. I throw off my clothes and slip on the black dress. I zip the back and look. Well... He was right. I do look slim. And my butt looks good along with my cleavage. This might work.

I step out and shyly let him have a look. He smiles.

"You look hot! Spicy!"

I blush and give a warm smile.

"What shoes?"

"The heels."


I sit on the bed and pull the shoes on my feet. When I stand it's not as bad as I thought. The dress is a little too tight for my liking but I can still breathe.

"Wait till Bear sees you." He says, crossing his arms and putting a finger to his mouth. "Spin."

I spin in a circle. I'm so glad I know how to walk in heels... Somewhat. When I stop and look at him his smile grows.

"Let's go see Bear!" He exclaims, grabbing my hand and practically dragging me out of the room.

We walk down the hall to his room and he knocks, placing me behind a wall next to the door.

"What do you want Alec?" He asks as he opens the door.

"Quick question."


"On a scale from one to ten." He grabs my arm and pulls me in front of him. "How hot does Unis look?"

I feel my cheeks flare as his eyes skim up and down my body. I see his eyes linger on my curves and cleavage and his eyes also travel up and down my legs repeatedly. He looks up into my eyes and runs a hard hand through his hair.

"Uh..." He swallows.

I hear Alec chuckle.

"I will leave two alone then." He walks down the hall, leaving us to stare at each other.

"You look amazing." He whispers.

"Thank you." I feel the blush crawling up my neck and flaring my cheeks.

"No, really though. Like... Holy shit." He whispers. I let a small smile pass. I'm soo self conscious right now. I can hardly look at him honestly.

"So where are we going?" I ask.

"To a club about 20 minutes away. It's a special club for Nephilim and since you're 16 you're old enough to drink."

"Okay. I probably won't drink much but cool. So when are we leaving?"

"In the hour."

"What are we doing until then?" I ask.

"We're all going to chill in the lounge and talk. We are bringing two extra girls and one guy."

"Alec, Bird, and Mason's dates?"

"Yep." He sighs. "Apparently they talked Bird into it but the other two were jealous. Titus wanted to stay home so it's a miracle he's even coming."

"Now we need dates." I tease.

"That's what I'm here for." He says, coming and wrapping his arms around my waist. In these heels, I'm only a few inches shorter than him. I come to his nose instead of his chin.

"I feel remotely taller. Even though you're just a giant." I say. He smiles and let's a small chuckle escape.

"You are wearing 3 inch heels."

"I know. And if I break my ankle tonight I'm going to punch Alec."

He puts a finger under my chin and brings my lips to his.

"Come on." He says after pulling away. He takes my hand and we walk down to the lounge.

As soon as I get there, I'm surprised at how pretty the girls are. They look stunning and they are laughing. They are siting on Bird and Masons laps.

Bird looks loose and engaged for once. Mason looks happy but not as goofy. Alec looks like his same happy, dramatic self.

"Holy. Shit." Mason says, looking at me.

"I told you she be looking amazin'!" Alec exclaims.

"Thanks guys." I awkwardly say. The girls look at me with smiles.

"You do look great Elizabeth." The one says.

"Thank you."

"Yeah, really great." The other one says. They both look really sincere.

"Well you guys look great too!" I exclaim, sitting down in my spot next to Bear. His hand goes and sneaks to my thigh.

"Oh thank you! You know, I spent two hours trying to figure out what to wear?" One asks, laughing. "I'm Jenny." She's the one on Masons lap.

"It's nice to meet you Jenny." I respond.

"And I'm Lily." The other girl on Birds lap says. "But you can call me Lil or flower."

"It's nice to meet you too Lily."

"So are you nervous?" Jenny asks.

"A little but I'm sure it'll be fun."

"Hell yeah it will be fun!" Alec says. "I won't let you not have a great time!"

"Thanks Alec."

He winks and Bear clears his throat. Jealous of a gay man? Damn Bear.

"So have you decided how we're going to round everyone up? We need one sober member." Titus says.

"I could." I say. "Drinking just makes me do really stupid stuff anyways."

"Oh no." Alec says. "You are drinking. And I'm watching you do stupid stuff."

"Alec, we could go out any other time. I can take this shift."

"Okay." He caves.

"It's probably smarter that you stay sober since you're the strongest." Lily says. I blink.


"Yeah. I can sniff out power... And lord knows you have a lot. I'm surprised you didn't kill Mary when you fought her."

Is that why they are nice to me? Because they are afraid?

'Don't worry. They like you for who you are. These girls don't judge.' Bears voice in my head assures me. I nod lightly.

"Alright, I think we should head out." Alec says, standing. Everyone follows suit and gets to their feet.

We all walk outside and over to the left to a parking place. I stop in my tracks. A black, sexy mustang is in my view, an all white dodge charger, and a cherry red Ferrari. Holy shit.

"Which one do you want to take? We have dibs." Bear tells me.

"Which one is your favorite?" I ask.

He gives on of his sexy smiles and we walk over to the mustang. I want to jump and squeal and laugh. It's going to be fun.

"Okay so we can take 3 in the mustang." Bear says. "So Titus, Alec and Jace can ride with us."

"Bird, Lily, Mason, and Jenny can take the charger. I would advise you let Bird drive because you may think he's a good driver sober, but he's even better drunk."

That earns a few chuckles and a giggle from me.

"Okay guys, let's file out and go." Bear says.

We go into our designated cars and Bear let's me ride shotgun, sparing me Alec and Jace's make out session. Poor Titus.

The engine roars to life and I can't help but sigh. This car is so sexy and loud. God I think I'm wet already. I look over to Bear to find him smiling at me. Oh shit, he heard that. Well, too late to back down now.

He puts his hand on my thigh after putting the car in gear and we take off. The barrier opens for us and closes back up once we're out.

We speed down the road and I roll down my window, resting my head on the door and letting my hair fly out the window.

I feel him begin to stroke my thigh and I look back at him. He's looking at me and smiling. I smile too and look back out the window.

It's darker now. The street lights are on and the sun is no where to be seen. The moon is slowly climbing up in the sky too now. It looks like a full moon tonight.

We pull into a long driveway. Down the drive is a barn of which we park behind with tons of other cars. Bear turns off the car and jumps out. I open my door and look around. It's secluded, which makes sense.

Bear slips his arm around my waist and we walk to the barn. Alec and Jace practically ran to the doors which opened by a man in a suit. Alec hands him a wad of cash and the man takes it.

Once we all get to the door he let's us through and we stand in the center of the room. The floor begins to sink with us on it and suddenly I can hear music.

When the floor stops moving I step off onto the floor and I look around. There's a bar over to the right. And everything is seeping blue. The dance floor is flashing blue and there's a fog machine pouring out blue light.

There are laser lights that are flashing blue, and the music is really loud but not stupid. There's a DJ way over to the left and I see guards watching along the walls.

"Come! Let's go dance!" Lily exclaims.

She takes my hand and all three of us girls go over to the dance floor. We begin to move to the beat, laughing and twirling and just having fun really. It feels great to dance with them.

Suddenly I feel a hard body behind me and a pair of hands on my waist. I look back at Bear and smile.

The song changes to 'worth it' by Fifth harmony. Suddenly all three of us girls have guys behind us and we all begin to dance.

I see Jenny begin to wiggle her butt against Mason and soon he's just following. I smile as I watch his face. He looks so damn horny and wasted.

Lily whispers in Birds ear and she takes his hand and they head to the bar. I feel us begin to move together. God I can't get over how warm his hands are on me.

I turn around and look at Bear who's smiling. I wrap my arms around his neck and his hands go to my back. He kisses me softly. I don't taste any alcohol. Maybe he decided not to drink.

I pull back and smile.

"I love you." I whisper in his ear.

I feel a tap on my shoulder and turn around to look at Jenny. She's smiling brightly at me.

"Let's go! I love this song!" She exclaims.

I turn back and peck him before I'm pulled away by the girls. We dig farther into the crowd.

We begin to dance again and laugh. I'm mainly laughing at how they cannot dance when they are drunk.

"Say ah!" The crowd yells.

Us three decide to dance on each other really seductively since we noticed the guys watching which isn't the greatest idea but whatever. I glance over at Bear and see a smile on his face and a glint of hunger and desire in his eyes. I smirk and focus back to my task at hand.

I feel a tap on my shoulder and I turn around to face a very hot man.

"Would you dance with me?" He asks.

"Uh... Sure." Of course I'm so fucking nice.

He takes my hand and we walk closer to the music. We begin to dance and soon he's telling jokes and we're laughing.

"What's your name?" I ask.


"Well I'm Elizabeth."

"It's been a pleasure Elizabeth." He takes my hand and kisses it which causes me to blush.

Once I'm left alone in this sea of bodies I make my way to the bar and sit on a stool. I really just want to sit for a little while. We've been here 4 hours now. It has to be 2 in the morning.

I decide it's time to go. I push through the crowd and find Titus drunkenly dancing with a cute girl.

I grab his wrist.

"Come on Titus. It's time to go now." I say.

"Okay." He hiccups. "Bye Melanie."

I drag him with me and grab the girls. I then grab Alec and Jace. Now I just need Bear and Bird.

I spot Bird and add him to my chain of drunk people. Only he's helping keep them together with me. He handles alcohol well.

Now I just have to find Bear. I scout the area and find him dancing with a girl. Okay. I mentally coach myself. Don't get jealous. I take a deep breath and feel calm.

That calmness lasts about 3 seconds as she kisses him. On the lips. I'm about to head over but I see him push her away and shake his head.

He spots me and stops. I can tell he's scared by how wide eyed he is.

It's okay. I say in his mind. He sighs and comes over to me, ignoring the blonde.

He hugs me tightly.

"It's time to go." I say.


I pull them all to the thing we came down on and it takes us back up and out of the loud music.

I help Alec as he pukes and Titus. Once everyone who needed to pee and puke has done so, we climb into the cars.

I take the drivers seat and Bear the passenger. The car roars to life and I follow Bird out of the barns lands.

It felt really cool to drive such an awesome car. Bear watched me and held my hand as I did so. Tonight was fun. We should do this more.

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