One direction's "little" secr...

By sexycarrotclub

463K 9K 1K

His lustful red eyes looked into my blue ones right before his head dipped to my neck. I let out a moan if pl... More

contest. (CLOSED)


3.4K 128 18
By sexycarrotclub

*Last Chapter*

Liam's POV

We had been running for a little over 3 hours and we were reaching the coast. The boys and I were trying to figure out if we should go by plane or boat to get to the Island.

After we reached the beach, we stopped by a small travel agency to discuss transportation options.

"So there is a small plane that can take us or a speed boat..." Niall said, summing up our options.

"I say boat." I announced.

"Me too. If something happens, a boat is a quicker get away option." Zayn said.

Within minutes, we had successfully rented a motor boat.

"So who is driving?" Harry asked.

"Me!!!" Louis volunteered. We all silently agreed and got in.

Louis started up the boat and headed off to sea.

"Does anyone know where we are going?" He asked.

"Hang on let me get out the map-"

Harry pulled it out but the wind caught hold of it and ripped it from his hands. We all watched in horror as the paper touched the water and disappeared.

"What are we going to do know?" Zayn asked heartbroken.

"We are never going to see Bea again!" Niall wailed, falling to his knees. I looked toward Louis and tears were rolling down his face. Harry was pale and his mouth was hanging open just looking toward the place the map sunk. Zayn looked like he was about to murder someone. His hands were clenched to his sides and his face was scrunched up. And me, well I feel like half of me blew away with that map. The only thing that I have truly loved and treasured has just slipped through my fingers. The honest truth is, who knows who if we will ever see our one true love again.

While staring at the sea, something caught my eye. It looked like an island was quietly moving toward us.

"Uh Guys...." I tried to get there attention but they were being too emotional.

What would you do if there was an Island moving toward you? Run or go to it?

I wasn't sure so I stayed put, not moving a bit.

The island came closer and closer till it was right in front of us, then it stopped. It was your average island, sandy beach and a forest in the center.

"Louis, Niall, Harry, Zayn, you might want to look at this." I said, shaking the closest person to me which was Harry.

"Look." I pointed my finger at the Island.

Zayn and Harry turned their heads to look.

"Holy shit." Harry mumbled. This got Louis attention and he looked up.

"Woah."He gasped. It took Niall a minute to come around and look up.

"Should we get on it?" Zayn asked.

"Why not? We're vampires." Niall said. He stepped out of the boat and walked onto the island. We followed after him. We walked a few steps when a rustling from the foliage stopped us.

"What was that?" Louis whispered.

"I don't know." I whispered back.

Moments later, a figure emerged. It took me some time to realize that it was a woman.

"You beckoned me?" She asked, coming forward.

She was naked aside from a thick vine that wrapped around her ankle that trailed off somewhere in the forest.

"Who are you?" Niall asked.

"Patricia." She answered.

Bea's POV

"Im hungry." I mumbled.

"Me too. I wonder where Finn is." Cici said.

"Why don't we just scream and bang on the door till someone lets us out?" I suggested.

"Their is one problem with that, Bea. Your tied to that chair." Cici almost smiled at my small dumb moment.

"Fine then, you can go and bang on the door." I mumbled.

"I would but I'm not that desperate...." Cici said.

I just huffed and slid lower in the chair. Who knows how long we will be in here!

Harry's POV

"So what your saying is, in order for you to save Bea, you have to get off this Island and the only way to do that is to get a witch to undo this spell or have someone to take your place?" Louis asked.

"That is exactly what I'm saying." Patricia answered.

"How do we know we can trust you to free Bea if one of us takes your place?" I asked.

"Because you said Finnick has her, did you not?" We nodded.

"Him and Tisdale trapped me on this Island so I will happily destroy him." She smiled.

"I'll take her place." Zayn volunteered.

(A/N: I VOLUNTEER AS TRIBUTE! Sorry, I couldn't resist. Carry on.)

"Are you sure?" Liam asked.

"Yep. Just go save Bea. When you save her, you can come back for me and she can release me." He said.

"Ok. What has to happen is you Zayn, you have to stand on the vine behind me and then one of you has to cut through the vine right behind him. The vine, once it's cut, will wrap around the closets creature." She explained.

Zayn did what he was told and stood on the vine a foot behind Patricia. Louis found a sharp rock and I began to saw through the thick vine.

As soon as the vine was cut, it wrapped around Zayn's ankle. Patricia cheered from finally being free.

"We'll be back soon, lad." I told him and patted his shoulder. He just nodded and lowered himself on a rock.

"Don't worry about me, just go save Bea." He said, shooing us toward the boat.

We all piled into the boat and Louis started it up and sped it to shore.

"How long have you been on that Island?" Liam asked her.

"A little over 100 years." She replied.

"How did you stay alive?" Louis asked from his place at the wheel.

"The vine kept me alive somehow." She shrugged.

The rest of the trip was silent.

As soon as we had reached land, we returned the boat and sped off to find Bea.

"Where is Finn holding Bea?" Louis asked.

"I know, follow me." Patricia said.

She led us to a small castle with tons of guards. They looked to be mutants of several different animals.

"Here is the deal, I will tell Bea that I'm here and then I will destroy all spells put on this castle. This will cause chaos and while everyone is freaking out, you go save your girlfriend. Got it?" She planned and we nodded.

She raised her bare arms and began to focus.

One of Finn's weird mutant guards spotted us and began to run after us but half way he began to change to a normal human. We looked toward the castle and noticed all the guards were transforming to human too. As soon as the guards realized they were no longer mutants, they ran among themselves in panic.

We took this as our chance to attack as we ran into the castle. We almost immediately caught Bea's sent and ran toward the smell.

We found ourselves at a cell door with only a single lock holding it closed.

"Why isn't there more locks? Bea is a vampire after all..." Louis wondered out loud.

"Louis!" Bea's desperate voice called out from the other side.

"Bea!" We squealed in excitement.

" Hang in there, love. We will get you out." I yelled.

With one swift movement, I knocked down the door.

My eyes naturally drifted to Bea who was currently tied to a chair.

"Bea." I sighed in delight as I ran over to her and broke the restraints holding her.

She immediately pulled me into a hug, placing a kiss on my cheeks.

"You saved me, thank you." She whispered.

"I would always save you." I whispered back placing a light kiss on her head before pulling back and shoving her toward the 3 lads where they had similar reunions.

I silently thanked the Cici before walking toward the boys and Bea.

"Hey, where is Zayn?" Bea asked.

"Uh...He had to replace Patricia on the Island." Harry explained slowly.

"That little bitch! I so saw this coming." Bea almost growled and ran from the room.

We gave Cici a questioning look but all she did was shrug. The lads and I took off after Bea, following her through the confusing halls and occasionally yelling after her.

We reached the castle walls and watched as our love ran up to Patricia and shoved her up against a tree. It didn't have to take someone that knew her to know she was furious.

Leaves, sticks, dirt, and other rumble that was laying around the yard began to float up and swirl around the pair, starting a tornado of chaos.

Fear fell onto Patricia's face as well as confusion.

Bea's POV

"You fucking lied to them and now Zayn's going to freaking die because of you, you bitch!" I screeched in her face.

Anger and sadness was definitely fueling me at this point.

"What are you talking about?" She asked confused.

"You are such a idiot! The vine will suck the energy out of Zayn so that he dies then it will come after you!" I screamed.

"Chill, I didn't know!" She yelled her hands up.

I had two choices here; Go save Zayn or sit here and kill Patricia. I pick choice A.

"I'm going to save Zayn and when I come back, you better be so far gone or I will not hesitate to put you back on the Island." I growled and started to walk away but not before gesturing for my boys to follow.

"I'm guessing you heard that?" I asked them once they had caught up with me and they nodded sadly.

"When was the last time you had blood?" Louis asked me.

"Not before I was Kidnapped." I shrugged.

"Okay then, lets get you some blood." Niall said. I shook my head.

"Not until we save Zayn." I stubbornly stated.

Harry took my arm and pulled me into him.

"Bea, you won't make it to the Island unless you get some blood into you. Now come on, lets find the nearest hospital." He demanded in his raspy voice.

"Fine." I muttered, giving in.

I was dragged to the closets blood bank where I quickly devoured two blood bags.

"Im done now. Now can we leave?" I begged. They nodded and off we went.

The journey was pretty uneventful and in only a few hours, we had arrived. I had used magic to fly us across the ocean and to the island.

"Zayn!" I yelled as soon as my eyes spotted him. He was sitting on the shore with his head between his knees looking extremely weak.

"Bea. You're okay." He croaked and forced a weak smile.

"Yeah I am but your not." I sighed kneeling before him.

I gently grasped onto the vine and it dissolved under my touch. Once the vine had been removed from Zayn's ankle, I fell into his frail body. As I tightly held him, he wrapped his arms loosely around my waist.

"Im so glad you are okay." He nuzzled into my neck.

"Me too but I'm more happy over the fact that you are actually still alive. If you were anything other than a vampire, you would be nothing but a limp body." I whimpered, my eyes tearing up a bit at the thought.

"But we are all here and we are alive so lets not think about that now." I heard Niall say from behind me.

I looked up and smiled at my favorite Irish boy and he took that as a signal to join our hug. The other 3 joined us soon after.

"As long as we are together." I cried holding them tighter to me.

"We are your 5 warriors and you are my queen." Harry said.

And from that moment, I knew with no doubt in my heart, I would be FOREVER THEIRS.

The End.

ℹLoves, Im crying right now. This was the last chapter of ODLS but do not panic, there will be a sequel. and it will be called;

Drum roll please.


See what I did there? If you didn't, go back and read the last sentence of the story again.

Before I call it a night, I want to thank every single one of my fans and most of all, those who have been there since the beginning. I love every single one of you and I hope you continue to support me through the next book in the Reborn series. xx

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