Left At The Truckstop (Rikey)

By SINcerelySatan

6K 234 216

Ray gets left at a truck stop once again, but this time Gerard leaves behind Mikey as well. (rikey) More

Gerard's Lecture
Author's Note

Left At The Truckstop (Rikey)

2.8K 93 117
By SINcerelySatan

A/N: Hey guys, this is my first Rikey fanfiction ever! I'm not so sure how well it turned out So reviews would be greatly appreciated. Oh and anything in italics is thoughts. :) ~SINcerely Satan

Ray's POV

Those bastards left me at a truck stop again... wait a second is that Mikey? "Hey Mikey!, They leave you here too this time?" I yelled over to him. I could tell because he was so tall and lanky, he was wearing his grey beanie and his glasses were on the edge of his nose again. He was wearing a black Iron Maiden shirt and black skinny jeans with tears in the front. God those pants make his ass look so good... SHUT UP RAY! He's straight you don't even have a chance you faggot. Yep my self conscious hates me. "Ray of sunshine!!" I blushed at the nickname Mikey had used snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Hey we should probably call Gerard or Frank to come get us since they I don't know FUCKING LEFT US HERE!" I said to him emphasizing the last four words.

"Uh yeah... probably..." Mikey stuttered out shyly. He was so fucking adorable when he acted shy...

"Hey Ray, can I use your phone to call Gerard? I left mine in the van..."

"Yeah sure" I said handing him my phone.

Mikey's POV

I can't believe Gee actually did this.... I told him everything and he knew I was bi and he also knew I liked Ray like alot... but this, this was going too far I wasn't' ready to try and tell Ray how I felt about him and that is probably exactly why Gerard did this.

I dialed Gerard's number and waited as it rung three times before picking up.

"Hello Gerard." I spoke quietly into the phone

" Hey Mikes whats up?"



"No shit sherlock, and don't act like you didn't plan this Geetard. Now hurry up and come get us!" I sneered.

"Well Mikes you caught me, you're right in saying I planned this and we'll be there in two hours because they just closed the highway temporarily due to wreckage, so you guys will be stuck there awhile-"


" No I am not see you in two hours lil bro." *click* and with that he ended the call.

"Hey Ray, we're gonna be stuck here for awhile Geetard and Frankiegot stuck in traffic and won't be back here for another two hours."

Ray's POV

Two hours? That'll give me enough time to tell Mikey how I feel... SHUT UP FAG HE'S STRAIGHT... I rather him know from me then figure it out cause I keep staring at him and for him to hate me cause I didn't tell him he's my best friend and I tell him everything. Yep I'm gonna do it.

"H-hey Mikes can we go talk over there?" I somehow manage to stutter out.

"Yeah sure Ray" he said as we walked to the back of the truck stop.

Sigh here goes nothing..." Mikey I've been meaning to tell you for awhile now but I'm bisexual".....oh crap oh crap he's silent and he's staring at me like I'm crazy. Calm down Ray calm down keep going. "And well I guess the guy I like is you....Please don't hate me!" Oh God he fucking hates me now I should've known. Tears began to roll down my face as I began to turn away, but before I could Mikey grabbed my face and crashed his lips on to mine.

Mikey's POV

Ray was bi? AND he liked me this couldn't get any better! I had liked him for a long time. This was perfect. And without another thought I grabbed him and crashed my lips onto his. Our lips moved against each other perfectly in sync. I slid my tongue across his bottom lip begging for entrance which he soon granted and we battled for dominance.

After heaven knows how long I pulled away as I stared into Ray's deep eyes and whispered "I've loved you for a long time Ray."

" I love you too Mikey." he whispered as he nibbled my ear.

We kissed passionately for a long time after that only stoppung to come up for air and we stayed in each other's warm embrace kissing slowly and passionately until Gerard and Frank drove up.

Gerard's POV

When I drove up I saw Mikey and Ray were full on making out. "Way to go Mikey!" I heard Frank yell as he high-fived me. Yeah Mikes you finally got your dream guy I smiled, Haha now I can lecture Ray about hurting Mikey this is gonna be good. I stepped out of the van and cleared my throat. The two love birds didn't seem to hear me "Erhm... Mikey...MIKEY!" He looked up at me some what confused " We finally got back to you guys but it seems you two are kinda busy... If you want a fucking ride get in the back of the van already!" I laughed as they blushed and climbed silently into the van.

Ray's POV

We climbed into the van and we drove silently to our hotel for our show tomorrow. Maybe being left at the truckstops all the time isn't so bad after all.

A/N: Well there you have it! My first Rikey. If you're interested in co-writing a story with me or asking for a one shot just message me! Please reveiw and good bye my little demons! ~SINcerely Satan

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