Hopes, Dreams, and Horses?

By mwauha

60.1K 1.4K 330

Lara was awaiting her summer with glee, excited to spend time with her friends without her teachers constantl... More

Brook View Riding Academy
The Houdini of Horses
Up, Up, and... Down?
Just A Bruise
How to Fit In
Failure X100000
Just Right Outside
Sooner or Later
Closer to the End
Riding the Top

One Chance at Glory

3K 85 11
By mwauha

Much education today is monumentally ineffective. All too often we are giving young people cut flowers when we should be teaching them to grow their own plants. -John W. Gardner


I sat in the saddle, keeping my eyes closed. Butterflies flew around my stomach, bouncing against the walls, then turning around and heading in the oppisite direction.

At the same time,  wondered what was so important. Vegas and I had worked so hard, there was no doubt we'd fail.

But this was our test. Our only chance at glory. And I had tight competition.

I opened my eyes and looked into the ring, just as Daisy and Thor finished. They were almost perfect, except for one pole knocked down.

If I was right, I knew Thor would recieve a good beating for that.

Suddenly, words went over the intercom. "Next we have Lara Smith on Vegas."

It was my turn, and I tapped Vegas's sides.

He stepped forward, his movement full of strength, a single action sweeping all my worries away. I tighted the reins, took a deep breath, and let him canter into the arena.

We diid the mandatory courtesy circle. I felt all eyes on my back as I finished the circle and directed Vegas towards a three foot chicken coop.

Ok, Vegas. 1, 2, 3... 1, 2, 3.... Up!

We flew into the air, perfectly in sync, me raised out of the saddle and him arching his neck, jumping perfectly.

He knew the drill, just as I did. And together, I was sure, we'd snag the blue ribbon.

But I couldn't lose focus now. Despite how much I wanted to dream about us winning, right now I had to work for that dream.

We headed to a liverpool. Once again, we were inn sync and jumped gracefully, landing lightly and heading towards a two foot high gate jump.

Vegas tucked his legs in underneath him and I rose out of the saddle. We landed smoothly, and my eyes headed directly towards a combination. These last two jumps would decide if we won or not.

I reminded myself this was a hunter jumping contest. It wasn't about time, but merely how well the rider and horse did together.

We soared over the first jump, landed, then Vegas took off over the next one. I stayed completly in beat with him.

We were perfect.

We left the arena with a grin plastered on my face.

Time seemed to soar untiil the announced the placings. I listened sadly as she announced the placings, starting from fifth and moving all the way up to second. They hadn't called me name once, and I was sure they hadn't liked my ride.

Until they said, "First place goes to Lara Smith on Vegas!"

I didn't even think. I squealed and leaned onto Vegas's neck, hugging him. People clapped, Emily and Sarah came over to congratulate me, and Daisy scowled.

Two hours after the show, the barn was empty and I was alone in the barn, holding my ribbon tight and staring at Vegas.

Suddenly, I heard a voice behind me.


I whipped around to see Jake. He was smiling, and his eyes moved from the ribbon in my hand to my face.

"Thanks," I said shyly, feeling my face flush red.

He laughed lightly, totally carefree, and sat beside me on the haybale. "I saw your ride today. You were really good."

"Thanks, your not so bad yourself." I said, without thinking, and I was surprised at my response.

"Hey now!" He said in mock serious-ness. "I'm better than you!"

"Hardly!" I laughed. It was unusual to find myself so comfortable around him, especially since he was a boy, but I acted like we had been best friends always.

Then he did the unpredicted.

He leaned over, and kissed my cheek. When he pulled away, his eyes were soft and he was grinning.

"W-wow." I murmured quietly. "I didn't expect that."

"I like to do the unexpected." He winked at me. "See ya tomorrow."

I nodded at him. "Yeah. Bye, see you."

When he was out of the barn, I turned to face Vegas. "Did you see that!?" I squealed. "He kissed me!"

I was so excited.

Little did I know..

was that Daisy was watching from right around the corner.

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