What Love Really Is

By Slythindor_Friends

53.8K 847 477

*Being Rewritten as This is War* Scorpius is in love with someone he shouldn't be. But what can he do? Rose... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18

Chapter 15

1.4K 29 11
By Slythindor_Friends

*Gabby's POV* (Surprise) 

Today is the reaping day as I would like to call it. I'm muggle borne, what more do you expect of me?

The day we find out whom is to compete in the Triwizard Tournament. 

We had been called into the Great Hall just a few moments ago. The Goblet was literally on fire. I mean, I've read stories and heard about the cup, but actually seeing it was completely different. A lot of people from Hogwarts placed their name, but you would expect their to be more from Durmstrang. 

There were maybe 15-20 names from Durmstrang, 17 names from Beauxbatons, and somewhere around 30 names from Hogwarts. 

Wondering why the numbers are so low? It's because everyone is now aware of the true danger that lies in getting the cup. And yet Scorp was stupid enough to put his name in. Seriously? Gah. 

"Settle down everyone. The ceremony will begin shortly." Headmistress called, even though no one was really up. I wonder why she always does that. Is it second nature or something? Oh well. 

She started to walk up to the cup and took her wand out and did some really fancy movement, almost like a dance. The veil came down and the flame went from blue to an almost scarlet color. I had to try not to stare at it too much. Then a feathery piece of paper flew out of it and landed in Headmistress' hand. "Vivian Belrose." She spoke, then a girl who looked to be a seventh year, walked up with her head held high and like she owned the place. Pretty intimidating might I add. The flame changed color to the darkest green I could have ever seen. A torn paper from what seems to be a notebook, flew up and into Headmistress' hand. "Sebastian Thomas." A guy who looked to be somewhere around James' height, and of decent build might I say, came forth looking almost... scary?  I don't know. I knew we where next after that. The flame changed to a golden color and a scraggly paper flew straight into her hands. She had a look of shock and confusion on her face as she read the name. 

"Scorpius Malfoy." 

Next thing I know is that the hall breaks into either congratulations or murmurs, and Rose looking like she could cry at any moment, then running out. Scorp walked up with his head high, but I could see the panic on his face. I'm not stupid. But I just hope that nothing horrible happens during this tournament.

*Rose's POV* 

Why just why must this be happening? 

Please Merlin just keep him safe...

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