Slenderwoman X Male Son Reader

By DMC3Vergil

12.1K 104 22


Chapter 1

Chapter 2

5K 49 16
By DMC3Vergil

After Family Guy, American Dad, Ect was over, you went straight to your room. Once you were inside, you had shut the door behind you. You started to shed the suit from your body, droppong the article of clothing to the (Wooden/Stone/Carpeted) flooring. Until you were just in your boxers, picking up the clothes that was lying upon the floor. You took it over to the hamper that sat next to your dresser, opening the lid, you threw the clothing in. Shutting the lid, you opened one of the drawers of the dresser. You took out a pair of (Fav Color) sweat pants(im srry 2 any1 thay doesnt like sweatpants. 2 me, i dont like them. becaus the fabric makes me itch an causes rashes when i wear them), shutting the drawer, youbegun to slip the clothing on. You streched your long limbs until you heard a light pop sound, walking over to the light switch, you turned the lights off. Once the lights was off, you headed over to your comfy bed. You slipped into your bed, pulling the covers over yourself. You sighed in relief, loving the softness of the bed you were in. Sleep started to call your name, you soon begun to drift off into the dreamworld.

Next Morning

Your alram went off, turning onto you back. You reacehed over to turn off the alram clock, hitting the snooze, but it didn't turn off. Hitting the button several time, but it still wouldn't shut up! Growling to yourself, picking the clock up, you threw it across the room. Sliencing it, you smiled to yourself and turned back onto your side. Your arm drapping over a small form that was curled up against you, Your eyes snaped open(ur face is revealed. not covered up like usual). Looking down, you could see a head of brown hair. You were confused, you don't remember anyone letting someone enter your room, let alone anyone sleeping with you. Lifting the covers, you could see a sleeping girl. Your features soften when you realized it was just Sally, she was like a little sister to you. She would almost follow you everywhere, when you weren't around, she would become worried and would start to ask questions on where you were. 'She's adorable,' you thought to yourself. You moved a lock of brown hair behind her ear, she snuggled close as possible to your bare chest. A small smile crossed your lips, placing your arm back around her small form. You watched as she slowly begun to open her green eyes, a small yawn escaped her. Sally rubbed her eyes as she looks up to see your (E/C) orbs stairing back into her's, she smlied cutely.

"Hello Sally, I don't recall seeing you here last night." You said as you sat up, you ran a hand through your (H/C) locks of hair. You turned around, your back facing Sally, you than stood to your feet.

"I had a bad dream," you than turned to face the little girl, you held your arms out to her.

"Aww, come here you poor thing." Sally crawled over towards you, once she was close enough, you lifted her up into your arms. Holding her close to you, you begun to walk over to your closet. Setting Sally down on th dresser, you slid the door opened. Your eyes widen in shock, your closet is filled with nothing but black suits. You moved them around to try and find your normal clothing, but they weren't there!

"What in he- Fiddlesticks did my clothes go!" Sally giggled as she kicked her feet back and fourth, a sticky note in her small hands. You looked over at her as she held the sticky note out to you, you took it into your own hands. Looking down at the colored piece of paper, it was in your Mother's hand writing. You automacly knew it belonged to her, it was very neat and eleigent when she writes it in cursive. You stared to read over the small note:

__________, Dear
Your clothes wear is off to be 'cleaned', you shall wear these in they're absent. Each one has a certain day to be weared on, like Monday, Tuesday, and so on.

You sighed and facepalmed yourself, tossing the little note down onto the dresser. You looked over towards the closet once more, you searched for one that would be labeled Saturday. Once you did, you took it out of the closet. It was just like the one you wore yesterday, you turned to Sally, you lifted her up and sat her down upon the floor.

"Go get ready to get a bath," you said as you begun to gather the suppies you needed inorder to take a shower. Sally begun to walk over towards the door, but before she left, she had stopped and turned to face you.

"Is it okay if we take a bath together?" You stopped what you were doing to look at the young girl, a WTF/confused face was present when Sally said thay. You really didn't expect her to say that,


"Please." Sally said as she made a puppy dog look, you sighed and rubbed your forehead.

"Um..Yeah, sure." Sally yeahed and than left your room, you were in shock. You knew that kind of thing was either for Mother and Daughter or Mother and Son, but you shook that off for now. Once you gathered the objects you needed, you headed off to the Bathroom. The line wasn't long, you were only the second one in line. Ticci Toby stood infront of you, he turned around to face you. As he did, he slightly jumped back.

"______, don't do that! You scarred me!" He twitched a couple of times, you shrugged. Masky walked passed the both of you, Masky and Toby sending a glaring at eachother. You covered Toby's eyes, you removed your hand when Masky was no longer in sight. The bathroom door opened, Jeff and Smile dog left the restroom, Toby quickly entered. He shut the door as Sally made her way towards you, she took a hold of you hand. You look down at her, she smiled up at you. You returned the jester, you both waited for the male to get done. Soon others started to file up behind you both, when Toby was fully done, Sally had dragged you inside. You shut the door once you both were inside, setting your things on the counter that was near the sink. Sally did the same, walking over to the tub. You filled it with warm water, you stripped off your sweatvpants and boxers. Steppind into the tube, you sat down in the water. Sally walked over to the tub you were in, you looked away. You refused to watch Sally undress, once she was done, she climbed in. She sat infront of you, Sally was facing you. Looking over to her, you thought this was awkward. But you ignored it, reaching up. You grabbed the removable showhead, you smiled as you pressed the button, causing water to come out. You sprayed the water into her brown hair, making it damp and wet. Setting the shower head down, you picked up a bottle of shampoo and conditioner. Sqeezing them into one hand, setting the bottles down. You ran your hands through Sally's hair, spreading the shampoo and conditioner. The mixture started to become foamy,

"______, do you have a crush?" You stopped what you were doing, picking up the showerhead once more.

"Why do you want to know? Is it because you have a little crush on someone.~" You teased as you sprayed the water into her hair one more, washing away the foam.

"Y-Yes." She quitly spoke,

"Oh~ Is he cute.~" You said as you sat the showerhead down as you begn to wipe her face off, She nodded her head, a small blush on her cheeks. You chuckled as you begun to wipe her arms off,

"Is it someone I might know? and is it Jeff or maybe Ben." Sally looked away, embrrassed. "Yes, and its not one of them. He's really nice to me and can be very fun when you get to know him." She said as she looked back to you,

'Nice and is fun when you get to know him?..Hmm." You thought to yourself, the only person you can think of would be Splendy and a couple of others.

'This is kinda tough to figure out,' you didn't notice that Sally had got out of the tub until you heard her speak.

"I can give you a hint." You turned to look at her, she was already dressed. You leaned back as she approached,

"Sure, I would like a hint." You smiled at her, she now stood beside the tub. Your smiling face was than turned into shock when Sally planted a small kiss on your lips, she giggled and quickly ran out of the bathroom. You were still in shock, you snapped out of it when someone started yelling for you to hurry. Thats what you did, you quickly took your bath and got dress. Once you got fully dressed in the suit you had to wear, you placed the dirty clothing in a hamper and left the bathroom. You walked around the large mansion, trying to find your Mother. You found her in the study, entering the the study. Slenderwoman looked up, you approched her desk.

"Something the matter, _________?" You sat in a chair infront of Slenderwoman's desk,

"I think Sally likes me.." You spoke in a almost quite tone,

"Oh really?" You nod your head,

"She gave me a small pick on the lips..." You could her your Mother giggle, you crossed your arms and scrawled.

"You got yourself a little girlfriend. Hmm?" Even though she doesn't have a face, you could picture a teasing smile on her lips...If she had any. But your scrawl turned into a small smile, you lightly chuckled.

"Your going to tease me about this. I know it." You said to the faceless woman,

"Of course. Almost all us Mothers usually tease our children here and there." She said as she leaned back into her spiny chair,

"Before I forget..Where is my usual clothes that I like to wear?"

"Didn't you read the note? They're being cleaned." You sighed,

"So, about your little Girlfriend." A small laugh escaped her, you lightly growl.

*im srry that this 1 has nothing but Sally in it -_-"

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