L is for .....

Od MillaB

600 18 18

Callie Sterry is just a girl trying to find her way in the world. However, Callie is soon to meet a guy who... Viac

L is for .....
L is for..... Looks
L is for ...... liquor
L is for ..... Loner
L is for..... Labels
L is for..... Love

L is for .... liability

60 2 5
Od MillaB

I couldn’t make the pancakes fast enough. I swear guys are just wild animals. Ari sat on Austin’s lap, she really was too cute for her own good. Those guys were suckers for her big eyes and quivering lip when she didn’t get what she wanted. He was saving pancakes for her from the other guys and making them as unhealthy as possible for her.

I heard the front door opening and so i walked out of the kitchen, closing the door behind me to prevent the boys seeing. Mum was stood there, swaying slightly. “Mum?” I asked, “Are you okay?”

Mum laughed, “What the fuck, Callie you ruined my life” She spat. I sighed, I’d been through this hundreds of times.

“Mum, I think it’s time you went to bed” I told her. She walked towards me. The next thing I know she’d slapped me around the face and pushed me back into the wall, causing me to crack my head on the banister. I winced in pain as she held me hard against the wall.

“Don’t you dare tell me what to do” She spat and giving me a final push she let me go and stormed upstairs. I fell to the floor crying. She’d never hit me before. Not like that anyway, of course I’d had the odd slap for bad behaviour, but not like this. I ignored the pain and walked back into the kitchen, putting a smile on my face.

“Sorry about that guys, I tripped on the stairs” I chuckled, “So clumsy” I smiled and got back to the stove. “Anymore pancakes?” I asked, shaking slightly. Caden noticed and got up, standing next to me, “Hmm, no I think we’re fine.” He smiled, “Guys, how about you go see whats on TV.” He suggested. The guys knew when they weren’t wanted. I thanked them when they put their plates in the dishwasher. They really were thoughtful for boisterous guys.

Once they were in the living room again, Caden turned to me. “Callie? Why is there a hand print on your face if you just fell down the stairs? Mum?” I put my hand over my cheek and turned around putting the pan in the sink. “Callie!” He exclaimed, “You’re bleeding!” I groaned, not again. “Mum’s gone mad!” He growled.

I got some wet cotton wool and held it to my head. “Maybe you should go lie down, but don’t sleep” Caden told me.

I shook my head, “I got things to do and I’ll fall asleep if I lie down”  I sighed, “Hey, she still blames me for dad” I sighed another tear threatening to fall. Caden pulled me into a hug.

“Fine” He said as I finished cleaning the kitchen. He picked me up, “The patient will have to be looked after” He laughed carrying me towards the living room. “Callie, when did you last eat?” He asked. I knew I couldn’t fool him, so I shrugged, I honestly couldn’t remember. It could have been yesterday, sometime…

Caden groaned again, “Callie stop this! You’re making me worry.” He walked into the living room. Everyone looked around. The guys moved as he put me down. “She hit her head and opened her stitches again. Can you guys make sure she sits still and doesn’t sleep while I go get her some breakfast” He told them then ran out before I could protest.

Some one was moving me, and next thing I knew I was sitting cradled on Riley’s lap. He took the cotton wool from me and held it on. “Silly billy Callie” He smiled. I leaned my head on his chest, he was warm and comfy. “Just don’t sleep” He whispered to me, kissing my forehead. Austin was sitting next to me, with Ari on his lap.

I smiled, “Looks like the girls get the guys” I giggled. These two guys I’d known the longest, they were honourable family members. Of course there were the other guys around, but Riley and Austin were my guys. I smiled at that thought. Suddenly there was clicking fingers in my face, “Hey, don’t sleep!” Austin said concerned.

I looked up and nodded as my brother brought out a plate, “Eat!” He told me. I groaned.

The guys decided to have a day in since they were going to watch the game on TV anyway. After a while I felt better. I smiled my thanks, “I’ll go get something for later then” I smiled grabbing my purse. You know, one good thing about being a model, I didn’t have to rely on mum for an allowance. It was really handy for moments like this. After some protesting from Caden I was soon out of the house and walking to the shops.

I can’t have gone 5 minutes when I heard a call. I turned to see Lucus waving at me. I waited for him to catch up, “Hi” I blushed…I blushed!! What was going on. He smiled, “Did you get home okay last night?” He asked.

I looked at him, “Did you see me?” Then I thought about the blanket, “Did you put the blanket over me?” I asked.

He laughed nervously, “Me? What no, I…I saw your brothers looking for you and said I’d keep an eye out” He shrugged, scratching the back of his head.

I shrugged and carried on walking. “So, can I come with you?” He asked. I stopped and looked at him.

“Erm…sure, but…Why?” I asked him. He chuckled nervously again,

“I don’t know the area well, you could show me?” He said.

I shook my head, he really was an odd one.

We walked to the shops, and he followed me all the way around the supermarket. I picked up some snacks and some heat-able pizza’s along with some fizzy drinks. I knew the guys could eat forever. Lucus followed me the whole way around.

Once I’d paid we were making our way back along the cliff top. I needed to cross the road, so looking both ways I stepped out, only to be pulled backwards into a solid body. I was about to cry out when a speeding car followed by two police cars skidded around the corner right to where I’d just been. I stared speechless for what seemed like hours.

“Are you okay Callie?” Lucus’ voice spoke. Shaking I turned around.

“How…how….how did you know?” I asked.

He didn’t look me in the eye, “I heard the siren” He shrugged. “Be safe Callie” He smiled before turning around and running back down the beach where I’d seen him go last time.

If things hadn’t been bad before, they had just got a lot more weird.

Okay, i was in a good mood so decided to update....i'm not even sure if anyones reading this and enjoying it! ah well.  TTFN x

p.s. don't 4get, the music to each chapter :P

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