Give Me Mercy [Book 1]

By ChatDies

29.7K 763 202

Mercy Fortuna had all but given up after her mother and twin brother abandoned her with her abusive father. A... More

Mercy Fortuna #1
Seto Kaiba #1.5
Seto Kaiba #2.5
Mercy Fortuna #3
Seto Kaiba #3.5
Mercy Fortuna #4
Seto Kaiba #4.5
Mercy Fortuna #5
Seto Kaiba #5.5
Mercy Fortuna #6
Seto Kaiba #6.5
Mercy Fortuna #7
Mercy Fortuna #7.5
Seto Kaiba/Mercy Fortuna #8
Seto Kaiba / Mercy Fortuna #8.5 (The End)

Mercy Fortuna #2

1.9K 51 9
By ChatDies

[[A/N: I just wanted to point out that I'm perfectly aware that Yugi's last name is actually spelled Mutou, or Muto in english, yet pronounced Moto.  However, Imma go ahead and spell it Moto, because I'm too lazy to go back and edit everything that I wrote a year ago, when I didn't know that, lol]]

*Mercy's POV*

My second period class was English 4, Tristan was in this class with me. Though he sat right next to me, we never talked. The teacher was babbling on about the play Hamlet by Shakespeare, however I wasn't listening. I had too many thoughts floating around in my brain, about Damon and my new friends, and a few about Kaiba as well. When the bell rang, signaling the end of English I rushed to my locker to grab the textbook needed next and to check my schedule. Next was Trigonometry101, a subject that I wasn't too fond of and was nearly always failing.

"Don't get too comfortable, I'm about to make your life here living hell," I looked around, finally settling my gaze on the cheerleader in front of me.

"Whatever." I muttered as I slammed my locker door shut and went to find my next class. The only person in the room was Damon, no teacher unfortunately. The second he set eyes on me, he rushed out of his seat and came towards me. Backing up, I watched as emotionlessly as possible as he advanced.

"Mercy, I didn't abandon you, I was going to come back, I swear," he rambled, and I listened a bit before a movement to my left showed alerted me to the fact that someone else had entered the room. Seto Kaiba, though he hadn't yet noticed Damon and I in the corner.. "You're my twin, my sister. I never meant to leave you with him. I'm sorry", he whispered into my ear, his usually calm voice shaking. "God dammit, look at me," my brother grabbed ahold of my shoulders and began to shake me vigorously. I tried desperately to get away from him, my shoulders began to hurt, and tears filled my eyes.

"Let go", I ground out between my teeth. I saw Kaiba glance at us and then make his way over. "You're acting just like HIM, Damon. Let go, it hurts!"

Seto Kaiba placed his hand on Damon's shoulder, the second his palm touched my brother, Damon’s fist swung towards my 'savior'. Kaiba caught his arm, the impact not seeming to bother him in the least. More students came in, including Joey and Yugi, and as soon as they noticed what was going on they came over as well. I yanked myself away from my brother’s iron like grip and with tears streaming down my face I hightailed it out of the classroom, feet pounding against linoleum as I went. The halls were still crowded, but I dodged as many as I could, apologizing when shouldering passed someone was unavoidable. Stepping out into the fresh air, I ran as quickly as my legs could carry me, in whichever direction they pleased to go.

After thirty minutes, I slowed and looked around. I had no idea where I was, to my left was a giant tower, with the words Kaiba Corp. at the top, and to my right was a small Duel Monsters Card shop. I decided to head in to the latter to ask for directions on getting back to Domino High.

"Good Afternoon, how may I help you?” were the first words I heard as the little bell jingled overhead. Looking towards the voice, I saw a short, round man with graying hair and a gray beard. His eyes looked vaguely familiar, as did his almost child-like facial features.

"I'm wondering how to get back to Domino High School, can you give me directions?" A smile lit up the elderly man's face, and I just couldn't help but to smile back. He seemed so nice.

"Actually I was just closing up for lunch, I'll give you a ride back. My name is Mr. Moto".

"I'm Mercy Fortuna, it's very nice to meet you". Mr. Moto led me out to a rusty old truck, that I automatically fell in love with. A 1973 Cheyenne Chevrolet truck, it absolutely beautiful despite the rustiness of it. He opened the passenger door for me before he walked around, getting in the drivers side. While I knew that you shouldn't get rides from strangers, this man didn't feel like a stranger at all, instead he felt like I'd known him for ages, and I already trusted him nearly completely. Something that I was sure I'd regret later on down the road.

"It's lunch there as well, I think I'll say hello to my grandson. What grade are you Miss Fortuna?"

"I'm a junior, sir", I replied. After that everything was quiet and after a few minutes we were pulling up into the school parking lot. As soon as I stepped out, Yugi and his friends were running up to me.

"Mercy. Are you all right", Joey questioned. I curtly nodded my head, and then their attention turned to Mr. Moto.

"Hi Grandpa", Yugi said, with a huge smile on his face.

"Hello Yugi, I was just dropping off Miss Fortuna here, it seems she had gotten lost", Mr. Moto chuckled softly. My eyes traveled back and forth between the two, as I suddenly realized why Mr. Moto's eyes looked so familiar, and why it seemed like I'd already known him before.

"Mercy!" A voice yelled angrily from across the school parking lot.

I stiffened instantly upon hearing his voice. Why was he here, at the school? I had thought he had to work! I quickly bottled my emotions back inside me, and straightened my back. "Bye guys," I whispered before walking over to my father.

Whenever I got close enough he grabbed my arm and drug me towards his truck. "The school called and said you weren't in your classes. Where the hell were you?”

"Uh...I got lost," I whispered. Even to me, the excuse sounded weak, but I was hoping he wouldn't notice.

I realized we were getting a lot of attention, and as I looked around I met Damon's gaze. He looked as terrified as I felt, and though I didn't like my brother, I didn't want our father to see him so I quickly got in the vehicle, with father following my lead. He took off, and what should have taken fifteen minutes to get to our new house only took five.  

The second we were in the house, I was on the floor with my face throbbing. I looked back up just in time to dodge the kick that was coming for my ribs, but instead he managed to land a stomp to my hand. I barely held in the scream of agony that bubbled up through my throat.

"Make me something to eat,” he muttered as he turned away and went to sit on his reclining chair, switching the TV on to a basketball game. Standing up, I went to make him a couple of roast beef sandwiches, making sure not to jostle my hand which was slowly but surely turning a light purple. After I finished, I took the plate to my father and ran up to my room, before lying on my bed, and falling asleep.


"Annabelle, where the hell are you? ….. Mercy, get down here!" 

I climbed down the stairs of our old house slowly and turned to face Father. 

"Yes?” I questioned, eyes already watering, knowing what would come if he didn't calm down. 

"Where's your mother and brother?” Father roared, his usually handsome face a disgusting tomato red.

"I don't know. I'm sorry. This morning they said they were going to the grocery store". 

"They did that yesterday. God dammit! They fucking ran! You weren't even important enough for them to take. They abandoned weak little Mercy,” Father taunted, a smirk adorning his face.  

"No,” after that single word was uttered, all hell broke loose. Father beat me for ten minutes. That may not seem like a lot, but when you're getting slapped and punched and kicked, it feels like eternity.  There was nothing I could do besides lay down like the weakling I was, and take it.


"Wake up, woman," my father's booming voice echoed through my empty room, startling me awake. Looking at the clock, I saw it was eight PM. I was supposed to have dinner done thirty minutes ago. I sprinted out my door and to the kitchen, making Chicken Alfredo as quickly as possible.

My stomach rumbled, and it occurred to me that all I had had today was that single piece of bacon I had stolen earlier that morning. After setting the heaping pile of noodles and chicken in front of him, I went to the bathroom and took a quick shower. Afterwards I went to clean up the kitchen and living room and once I was finally finished, thank the gods; I went back to bed.

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