Popular Nerd

By Random_Teenager

1.7M 67.3K 21.3K

Nathan Johnson is the nerdiest guy in school- everyone knows it. But Paige Heartfield couldn't help but see s... More

Chapter One// The School Nerd
Chapter Two// His Phone
Chapter Three// Too Shy
Chapter Four// His House
Chapter Five// The Real Me
Chapter Six// Please
Chapter Seven// New Guy
Chapter Eight// Football Practice
Chapter Nine// Dinner
Chapter Ten// Who Is He?
Chapter Eleven// History Project
Chapter Twelve// Don't Cry
Chapter Thirteen// Strange
Chapter Fourteen// That's New
Chapter Fifteen// Laura's Party (Part 1)
Chapter Sixteen// Laura's Party (Part 2)
Chapter Seventeen// New Friend
Chapter Eighteen// Date?
Question & Answer
Chapter Nineteen// New Partner
Chapter Twenty// You Have To!
Chapter Twenty One// Nathan's P.O.V
Chapter Twenty Two// Teacher's Pet
Chapter Twenty Three// Thank You
Chapter Twenty Four// The Real You
Chapter Twenty Five// To Conclude
Chapter Twenty Six// What Happened?
Chapter Twenty Seven// That's Enough!
Chapter Twenty Eight// You Understand?
Chapter Thirty// I Told You
Chapter Thirty One// I Never Knew
Chapter Thirty Two// We're Done
Chapter Thirty Three// Tease Much?
Chapter Thirty Four// He Loves Me?
Chapter Thirty Five// Hey Princess
Chapter Thirty Six// Sounds Lovely
Chapter Thirty Seven// Calm Down
Chapter Thirty Eight// Everything Alright?
Chapter Thirty Nine// You'll See
Chapter Forty// I Do Care!
Chapter Forty One// Come In
Chapter Forty Two// Why Move?
Chapter Forty Three// You're Right
Chapter Forty Four// Too Late?
Chapter Forty Five// Nathan?
Chapter Forty Six// Plane Ticket
Popular Nerd Review
Chapter Forty Seven// Come Back
Chapter Forty Eight// My Girlfriend
Chapter Forty Nine// Wanna Fight?
Chapter Fifty// New Beginning
Nathan's Points Of View
Nathan's POV: Chapter Nineteen// New Partner
15 Shawn Mendes Songs Relatable To Popular Nerd!

Chapter Twenty Nine// A Ride

29K 1.1K 520
By Random_Teenager

You ok?

My phone screen flashes as I enter my bedroom. I have just come up from eating dinner and glance towards my phone to see a new message. At first I thought it was from Lacy. But after a second look, I realise that it is from in fact Nathan.

Yeah. Why u ask?

Maybe it was a text to ask if I am ok after being chucked out of his house from the other day? However I know my assumption is wrong as I scan through his reply.

I spoke 2 Josh b4 as he seemed angry and he mentioned your name. I saw him arguing w/ u in the corridor so I wanted to make sure everything was OK.

My lips creep into a smile as I reread the message, each time my heart skipping a beat at how cute it was he cared. So I wonder why he kicked me out his house on Saturday? If he is being considerate now, why wasn't he before? Boys!

We didn't argue. He asked me out and I said no. He got angry that I rejected him 😶

My eyes enlarge with panic as I suddenly remember Josh's exact words: Tell no one about this. I broke the promise. He won't find out though, right? Hopefully. I gulp with anxiety.

Didn't realise he fancied u. Probably wants to make Courtney jealous. DON'T go out with him!

It takes me by surprise that Nathan sounds so desperate for me to not go back to Josh. Even though I said I had rejected him, I wonder why he objects to the thought of us dating again? Is he just looking out for me? Ok, I'm not used to Nathan acting this way. Then it clicked in my mind: this is his real self.

I won't. I promise. But why??? ☺️

He's not good 4 u 😣😒😑

I stare down at my phone with my hand hovering over my mouth. Had I read that right?

Then who is good 4 me? 😌

Oh my gosh, why did I just ask that? He's going to think I'm wanting him to be the one. I'm dreading his reply...

Not Ethan or Josh. They r bad news, stay away from them. They don't deserve u 😡

I want to jump with a weep of joy. He's being protective and looking out for me. He is being his true self: caring, loving and cute. This is him. If only he could see that. But why was he not acting like this when I was round his house on Saturday? Was it because Laura was also there? But why should that matter?

Thank u 4 looking out 4 me ❤️

Wait, did I really just send him a love heart emoji? I recheck my message and my eyes expand with the realisation of what I have just done. Sweat forms on my forehead as I stress about his upcoming reply, crossing my fingers he doesn't think anything of it.

Np they r jerks

Aren't they ur mates??? 😂

I find it strange the way Nathan describes his friends with a negative connotation. Is he masking his feelings towards Josh and Ethan the same way he covers up his true identity? Does this mean he has been lying whenever being around them? I wonder if he has genuine feelings for Laura or if that is fake as well.

Yeah. But I didn't agree with the way Josh dumped u and the way Ethan treated U

How come u didn't do anything at lunch tho? When Ethan pretended to not know me?

I send the message and wait. After patiently waiting for over ten minutes, it is evident that Nathan has either put down his phone and not yet read the text or he is clearly avoiding his response. I let out a tired sigh and change into my PJs. With the draw of my curtains, I switch of my light then crawl into bed.

U free 2 meet up?

My eye brows cross with puzzlement as I figure out the meaning to his text. Did he mean now?

Soz but I'm grounded. Plus it's 9pm 😄

What about b4 school? Could give u a lift?

He suggests. I smile through my lips as I type back a reply.

That sounds great. Don't have my car privileges whilst being grounded so it'll be nice to have a ride 💕 Thanks.

Pick u up at 8 😉


"Bye mom!" Yelling from the hall, I tug on my black heeled boots. I struggle with the laces but manage to tie them and open the door before Nathan had a chance to knock and lead my mom to suspicion.

"Wait, Paige," my mom appears by the kitchen door with a frowned expression in her wrinkle proof face. "You walking to school in heels?" She questions with pressed lips. I close the door slightly to block her view of Nathan on the other side.

"Umm, well it's not a long walk." I try to hide any traces of lying, building a strong and believable excuse. "Plus my other shoes are dirty. I'll be fine. But I really have to get going now."

"Ok then, bye." She waves from the kitchen. I shut the door close behind me, glad that she hasn't seen anything.

"Hey," Nathan greets me with a smile as he leads us to his car. I have deliberately kept the curtains closed in the living room, therefore my mom can't see me get into his car. Tactical, I know.

"Hi," I reply back, shutting the passenger door once I am sat inside.

"Ready to go?"

"Well it's school, who actually likes school?" I look over towards him whilst laughing.

"I like school," he puts the car in gear and we drive off the kerb and down the street. "I like learning new stuff," he admits with a nonchalant shrug. I study my eyes on him. My heart beats a mile a minute. He just has to speak and he is attractive. He wants to learn. The last time I met someone like that was with The Real Nathan.

"Music?" I suggest, glancing down to the radio on the touch screen of the car.

"Sure," Nathan cautiously takes a steady hand off he wheel and turns the radio on, turning up the volume.

"My mama don't like you and she likes everyone..."

Laughter slips from my mouth as I throw my head back with my hand covering my face. With a humours grin, I look over at Nathan to see his lips pressed tight together with his hands gripping tight onto the wheel, his knuckles white with strain.

"I swear I didn't know," I can't hold back my laughter as he shakes his head, playfully scowling under his breath. The Justin Bieber song continues and I begin to sing along. "Coz if you like, the way, you look that much, oh baby you should go and love yourself."

"And if you think, that I'm, still holding on to something, you should go and love yourself." We both exchange a glance and I smirk. "I hate you," he jokes whilst holding back a laugh.

"Take that back!" I yell, still trying to control my giggles. He rises his eye brows and keeps his eyes focused on the road. "Nathan..." I whine, trying to get his attention.

"Paige..." He mocks with an awfully fake girly voice. I bite my tongue, mostly from how terrible it was.

I look out the window and ignore his laughing fit. "You're so childish." I try to insult.

"I'm childish?" He denies, his voice rising higher in defence. "Puff! You are a child."

"How am I?" I yelp defensively.



"Coz you are," his lips creep up into a smile, his eyes sparkling, reflecting the morning rays of sunlight, shining in through the side window. A beautiful sight I must add.

"You are ridiculous," snorting, I cross my arms with the shake of my head, also trying to prevent myself from sighing in awe at how gorgeous he actually is.

I gaze over to Nathan and his eyes are on me. His smile is so contagious; so perfect. I smile back, enjoying the moment of his attention on me. My eyes shift unconsciously down to his lips. So pink, my heart races.

"Ahhhh!" I suddenly jump in my seat at the abrupt jostle of the car driving up onto the side walk. I scream again as we are a metre directly in front of a lamp post. People on the pavement flinch back to save their lives. Nathan's eyes enlarge as he reacts quickly and stirs the car back onto the road. "What were you doing?"

"I don't know. One minute I was on the road and then-"

"Then you were about to run over a pedestrian!" My heart is pounding, and this time not from Nathan's eyes.

"Do you want to drive?" Nathan expresses by throwing his hands into the air.

"Keep your hands on the wheel!" I shriek, my hand glueing to my forehead in fear.

"Chill girl," Nathan dramatically slams his hands on the wheel, placing his hands on the ten and two position. I let out a sigh once I know he is driving safely again.


"You really are too... Too..."

"Too what?" I challenge, frowning one of my eye brows, grimacing in his direction. His eyes are on the road therefore he can't see my facial expression.

"I don't know, but I'll think of it."

"Sure you will," a smile creeps across my lips as I stare out the window. "Well, I know your a bad driver."

"Am not!" He protests.

"Umm hello? Nearly just killed us back there!"

"Melodramatic! That is what you are!"

"No way!" I say defensively, scoffing at his description.

"We didn't nearly die."

"You never know."

"Shut up," he jokes, leaning over to punch my arm. It is only a soft contact of his fist on my arm, however being very weak, I feel it.

"Ow," I whine, running my arm with a baby pout.

"Yeah, you are definitely the child," Nathan laughs.

"No I am not!" I launch my arm in is direction and hit his arm. His muscles are strong so it probably hurt my knuckles more than him.

"Is that really all you got?" He playfully raises an eye brow with a scoff.

"Shut up."


We exchange a grin and both of us burst out into laughter. It is nice to have Nathan's company. The real Nathan, I mean. He drives to a halt and reverses into a parking space. Since I was so engrossed in our conversation I hadn't realised we were already on school grounds. Nathan gets out of the car and walks round to open my door for me.

"Thanks," I step out and let the wind break through my hair. I catch Nathan's eyes on me, yet again I struggle to obtain my blush.

"Oh," he coughs. "Yeah. No problem. Well I guess I'll, see you later? Yeah, umm, bye Paige..." He walks backwards and slams into the hood of a car. He stumbles to find his balance then walks away, his face bright red.

I can't stop smiling. As I watch Nathan walk to the other side of the parking lot, my mouth has clicked into a permanent grin. He is so perfect. Well, when he is being his real self. It's as if he is only able to reveal his true feelings and actions whilst with- OMG! He is only his real self with... Me.

Searching the parking lot, my eyes land back on Nathan. He is too engrossed in his conversation with Josh to notice me staring at him. I take his body in and sigh at just the sight of him. Maybe I do have feelings for him. If only I knew his true feelings about me.

"Hey, you got a light?" I snap back to reality at the sound of Nathan's voice. He is still talking to Josh, who pulls out a lighter and hands it over to Nathan. My heart jolts, as if an electric current has just passed through me. Closely observing his actions, I watch from the school entrance as Nathan raises the cigarette up to his lips and puffs out a ring of smoke.

My heart cracks.

They disappear around the building of the drama studio- a place of no CCTV cameras since Josh super stringed them a couple of weeks ago- and the appearance of smoke ascends into the air.

I lower my head and my eyes fall onto the ground. Maybe he isn't so perfect after all.

A/N- Hope you enjoyed this extra long chapter :D

For a review4review, message me 💕

More coming soon...

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