Mini Fanfic's.

By Bhettiboop

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You don't always have to read a FULL story. Check out some of my Mini Fanfiction stories. c; More

September 20th!
Murder, she wrote.
School Hours.
Boys will be boys!
Star. [Denial Flashback.]
Roses are Red.
Bittersweet Revenge.
Sierra Leone - Frank Ocean.
Vampire Diaries.
You're a Jerk!
All For You. [Denial Fanfic.]
What's my Name?
Mentality. [Movie Review.]
"Just as bad as I do."
Use Me.

"About Chres." [Mentality flashback.]

4.5K 231 76
By Bhettiboop

3 years before the bombing …

At this time, Chresanto was only 18 inside of the mental home. And as he sat inside of the place, he always kept to himself before Zonnique came into the picture. As he sat inside of his room reading his book, Mrs. Miner walked inside of the place and glanced at him.

"The therapist is here, Chres." Mrs. Miner sighed. “You’re going to have to talk. Wether you like it or not."

As Mrs. Miner shut the door, Chresanto growled and threw his book across the room, furious. He really hated talking to multiple therapists, because none of them could fully contain his anger. But the therapist that walked into his room, was a woman that was only a year older than him. He found her a little attractive, but not that much. As she sat down with her notebook, she smiled and watched as he gave her a furious look.

"So, your name is Chresanto?" The girl asked. “My name is Jessie!"

Chresanto didn’t say anything. He continued to give her an angry look as the moment got more and more awkward, watching her glance down at her clipboard and write down a few things about him.

"Well why don’t you start by telling me something interesting about you. Maybe, a secret?" Jessie smiled. “I don’t mind."

"I’m 18 and have a 3 year old son named Romelo." Chresanto smiled, trying to drift her away.

"Well, there’s nothing wrong with teenage pregnancies!" Jessie smiled. “You’re taking care of him, right?"

Chresanto placed his tongue on the side of his face, giving her a small smile.

"Yeah…" Chresanto mumbled, looking off to the right.

"Well why don’t you start off by telling me why you’re always so angry at everyone?" Jessie asked. “Do you have any secrets or such that you would like to tell me?"

Chresanto smiled, but didn’t say anything. He could tell that the girl was growing pretty frustrated by him not saying anything. She took a deep breath, then glanced at the door.

"So would you like to meet up for lunch after this and talk?" Jessie groaned in an irritated tone. “Because the nurse told me that you have to accumulate at least an hour of-"

"Actually, I can tell you one of my darkest secrets." Chresanto said, giving her an evil and sneaky look. “But brace yourself, alright?"

"Alright." Jessie smiled as she clicked her pen open and prepared to write. “I’m ready."

As Jessie prepared to write, Chresanto laid back into his bed and placed his fingers together on his stomach, crossing his legs and glancing up at the ceiling.

"It all started when I was 14…" Chresanto nodded, looking up at the ceiling. “I’ll never forget a girl named Asha. She had short black hair and golden brown skin…."

4 years ago…

Back in his freshman year of school, Chresanto was just as social as was now. Anti. As he sat against the wall, he seen Asha walking towards him with his friends, giggling and laughing. As he laid eyes on her, she stopped laughing and sat down next to him as he sat against the wall, reading a book like he always did.

"Hey." Asha smiled, trying to hold in her laugh.

"Hi?" Chresanto responded, giving her a weird look.

"Wanna go out with me?" Asha chuckled. “I have no boyfriend and i’m pretty bored without one."

"Uh…….sure?" Chresanto shrugged in a bland expression and tone. “Why not?"

"Wait a minute, why would you go out with a girl that you don’t know?" Jessie asked, cutting into the story.

"Because I was lonely, bored, and had nowhere else to turn." Chresanto sighed. “But don’t worry, we broke up."

"I wonder why.." Jessie laughed.

"Oh, but I didn’t tell you why." Chresanto said, putting his index finger up.

After going out with the girl for over a week, Chresanto decided to start inviting over. For the next two weeks after that, Asha often used his home to throw parties for the rest of the school while Chresanto’s mother was gone. Afterwards, Chresanto went to a party that she threw at her home. Throughout the party while he hung out with random people that he didn’t know, he didn’t see Asha once. When he jogged up to her room and opened her door, there she was. She was completely naked with another boy on top of her. As they jumped up, Asha covered her face as the boy barked vicious things at him.

"Get out of here, faggot boy!" The white boy barked as he waved his hand at the door.

"I was heartbroken and I didn’t even know her. That was my first girlfriend." Chresanto said, laughing a little. "But we winded up making up probably a day or two after she came over to my home."

2 days later, Asha winded up coming over Chresanto’s house to apologize after the two didn’t speak at school since the incident. There, she sat down on the couch and glanced at him in a sorry form.

"I am so so sorry for cheating on you. It’s just that, me going out with you was a prank and I really liked that other boy better." Asha sighed. “Do you forgive me?"

"Of course I forgive you." Chresanto smiled as he held his arms open. “Come on. Give me a hug."

Asha leaned in while sitting on the couch and gave Chresanto a tight hug, not really caring if he forgave her or not.

"Then, I let her have it…"

As Asha hugged him, Chresanto snatched out his needle and jabbed it into her neck, injecting a deadly poison into her system. Asha lifted off of him and froze, placing her hand on her neck. Soon after, she fell onto his hardwood floor and sprawled out there. Chresanto spit out the cap he kept and placed the needle into his pocket and stood up, glancing at her on the ground. There, she laid on the ground struggling to move her body.

What he’d injected into her system was something that paralyzed her, causing her to die a slow and painful death. As she laid there unable to move her face or anything else on her body, Chresanto watched a tear roll down her blank facial expression. Chresanto leaned over her and smiled, watching her move her teared eyes a little.

"That’ll teach you to never cross my path again." Chresanto smiled. “Now, i’m gonna sit here and watch you die."

Jessie’s mouth dropped open as she watched Chresanto laugh his head off. She was speaking to someone who was extremely sick and a killer. As he laughed, Jessie sat there shaking in her chair while he slapped his knee out of enjoyment.

"I sat on the couch and placed my foot on her neck while she laid on the ground to feel her pulse beat back and forth, then I stopped!" Chresanto laughed. “She looked like a mannequin doll or something! The police never found her body, which I figured. I know how to hide them good, too. Do you want to know another secret?"

Jessie glanced at him in a fearful form as he leaned into her ear and placed his lips by it, closing his eyes before sending chills throughout her body.

"I had my son by raping a woman, and I am a professional killer." Chresanto whispered. “And I LOVE to kill. It gives me an ultimate rush that sometimes give me a boner when i’m alone. THAT’S how much I love to do it. Now, would you like to meet for lunch and discuss anything else?"

In that instant, Jessie dropped her clipboard along with her pen and jolted out of his room. He smiled, stood up, and shut the door behind her before grabbing his book and laying back down in his bed to relax.

"I didn’t think so." Chresanto whispered at the door, smiling to himself.

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