a true hood story (mindless b...

By mrsyoungperez

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a true hood story (mindless behavior love story but mostly roc and ray)
makin new friends
a taste of trey(rated r)
new home
2 weeks later
fam and friends
who is she
im in trouble
support group
brand new kind of me
a good day gone wrong
I knew that was gon happen
finding out
I dont know
moving day
3 years and 9 months later part 1
3 years and 9 months later part 2

brand new

844 9 2
By mrsyoungperez

Andrean P.O.V

so tonight was the night of me and treys date im a jacobs house getting ready

jacob:soooooo.... wheres ike taking you

me:you really need to stay away from lyric

jacob:were just trying to look out for you because we love

lyric:i know dats right

jacob:i feel a un holly sprite

*door bell*

lyric:(yells)i feel it to preach


me:yall need jesus

so i walked to the door and answered it with them right behind me i was wearing

me:    http://www.polyvore.com/untitled_12/set?id=74622927

i was looking bad

trey:you look amazing

jacob&lyric:(attitude)she know

me:yall stop....thank you

trey:so you ready

jacob&lyric:naw she just want to seat here

me:jacob and lyric go please, for me

lyric:we da oldest

me:act like it... dont act like im your mommy and yall trying to scare away my date

lyric:were just trying to make sure you dont get hit...i mean

jacob:beat.. i mean

lyric:stomped...thats all of them right jake

jacob:yea we got em all

lyric:just making sure

trey:i deserve that

jacob:and more

i saw trey hold his head down

me:bye you 2 come on trey

i grabbed trey hand and walk to the truck he opened my door help me in closed it and went around to the other side and got in

me:im sorry

trey:i deserve it

Janean P.O.V

i was at home watchin tv and cooking dinner waiting for ray to come home so texted drea to see whats she's doin


Nene:wat you up to boo

Drea:on a date wit trey

Nene:awww i feel bad for you

Drea:shut up and why havent you talk to me

Nene:cuz ray said if you keep hanging wit her she gon get yo ass hurt

Drea:o im sorry love

Nene:it's im not gon let him come between us

Drea:that good stand up for yo self even if it means running

Out of Convo


Back in Convo

Nene:i g2g ray here bye boo

Drea:bye love

End of Convo

me:im in the kitchen

ray come in the kitchen with flowers like really stank ass flowers you beat my ass for 2hours and all i get is some STANKY ASS FLOWERS

ray:baby im sorry for what happen this morning

me:i made dinner

ray:(gives you the flowers)here

me:(gives him his plate)here

he takes the plate and go to the dinning room i put the flower in a vase and walk into the dinning room and sat on the other side of the table and thought about what happen this morning


i just woke up and didnt see ray by my side then i smelt somethin and it was foggy so i got up and walked down stairs i saw ray smoking weed on the sofa so i turned around slowly and tried to tip toe upstairs but failed

ray:janean bring yo ass here

so i turned around and walk back to him


ray:were my breaktfest


ray:you was suppost to get yo ass up and make me breaktfest

me:well the last time i checked you hand hands to work with and feet to walk yo ass in the kitchen to do it yourself

ray:(gets up and backs her to a wall)wat you just say


ray:answer me(punches her in the stomach)

i held my stomach in pain i was finna answer when he pulled my head up by my hair and punched me in the face i hit the ground and balled up in pain i was scared he then flipped me over and got on top of me and repeatedly punch me in the face

me:please stop ray

ray:imma beat yo ass untill i get tired and i dont get tired so easy

*2 hours later*

he got off me then kicked me in the stomach next i remember coughing up blood and blacked out



i jump in fear

me:(talks out of fear)yes

ray:(talks out of guilt)why arent you eating

me:im not hungry

ray:if it's about th(GCO)

me:ray (starts to cry alittle)please just leave it alone i just want to think that this morning never happened ok please(gets up and goes up stairs)

i dont wanna be with ray anymore

Ray P.O.V

i love janean.. i've done this to two different girls but janean always makes me feel bad cause would say fuck yo feelin's and mean it but wit janean i feel like im a beast and i cant stop myself my mother would roll over in her grave two times if she seen the man i have became..i got up and went upstairs to janean and all i could hear were her soft faint cries when i opened the door i became angry not at her but at myself all the make-up has smeared i could see how bad i beat in her face it made me sick i didnt know i was taking my anger out on her and at that moment i didnt feel any better than my father he used to get drunk come home and beat me and my mother...the day she died she told me to "be the bigger man remember to treat a woman right treat her as if she worth a million" and thats janean to me

me:janean baby are you ok

janean:ray can i tell you something


janean:(crying)i dont wanna be with you anymore

i broke out cryin i love her and she doesnt want to be with me....it broke my heart cause my mom told my dad the same thing before he got his gun and killed her

me:noo please im sorry i'll get help please just dont leave me your all i got left

janean:wat you all i got left

i told her everthing about wat happened to me and my mom

janean:omg ray why didnt you tell me

me:idk just please dont leave me

janean:im not gonna leave you baby ok


Andrean P.O.V

me and trey just got done with dinner now we were in the truck going home

me:baby i forgot my clothes

trey:we gon go home first i got a little suprise for you


so we got home and walked in i saw a big box that was open

me:wat is it

so he goes and pulls out two puppys(miniature dachshund a.k.a wiener dog)one with a white bow and one with a blue bow they where both black and brown

me:omg trey there so cute (grabs one)

trey:what you wanna name them

me:what there both mine

trey:yea you got these two and i got sunny and bruce

those are his pitbull's

me:awww thank you baby (half hugs him)

trey:ur welcome so what you wanna name

me:that one(points to the one in trey's hand)is itchy

trey:like from all dogs go to heaven

me:yea and this one is mr. weenie

trey:from open season


trey:you really are one of a kind


trey:(puts itchy down)i got another suprise

me:(puts mr. weenie down)ok

trey:close yo eyes and i'll lead the way

so we walk and i heard the back door slide open and he helped me step down so he let my hand go

trey:wait so i can turn on the lights



so i open my eyes and saw a sheet covering something

trey:(grabbed a peice of the sheet)ready


he pulled the sheet back and i just went crazy

me:AHHHHHHHHHH OMG BABY I LOVE YOU(jump on him with her legs around his waist kissing him repeatedly)

it was a all white two door audi A5 coupe... i finnaly got off of him after a minute

trey:you like it

me:like HELL NAW I LOVE ITTTTTTTTTT just like i love you

trey:i love you 2(leans in)

we kissed then it turn to makin out on the hood of the car he started kissing on my neck then down to my chest he pulled my shirt out of my skirt and unbottoned it

Lyric P.O.V

it was 9 and andrean still aint back im finna call her


me:when you gon get here 

drea:in a min

background:stop cock blockin

me:shut up nigga and you get your ass here now

then i hung up

Andrean P.O.V

me:baby stop so i can go before my sister starts 


me:you gon take me

trey:(gives her the keys)you dont need me to take you when you can take yo self

me:ok i'll be back in a min

so i got in the car and and took off i still couldnt believe this car is mine and it drove perfectly when i got to jacobs house lyric was waiting for me 

me:(gets out)wats wrong

lyric:who's car is that 

me:mine trey got it for me



so me and her went inside tre and jacob were sitting watching tv

lyric:jacob he got yo girl a car 



so him and tre look outside the window


tre:wait thats a 2014 Audi A5 Coupe


tre:thats fresh too you gotta have connections to get some shit that hasnt been released

lyric: trey:1 jacob:0




so i got my stuff and left the drive home was full of thoughts about dad and lyric they been having problem even when i was there it was hard for him to pay rent if they get thrown out there wont have no where to go but i wont have to worriewhen i pull up to the house i put my car in the garage then when i got out there was an all black aston martin i never seen it before so i knew it was brand new when i walk in the house it was dark i just went straight to my room i opened the door and saw he had nothin but a towel on 

trey:hey baby


trey:(kisses on her neck)

me:baby can i ask you somethin

trey:(walks her to the bed)mmmhmmm

me:how much did you pay for my car

trey:(throws her on it)umm about 60 grand(crawls on top of her)

me:you didnt have to do that

trey:(starts to take her clothes off)i wanted to

me:and is that your aston martin

trey:yea i spent a million on it


trey:now stop with the 20 questions and let daddy do his job

~~~how was it my bad for any mistakes and i gonna update for a whole week starting on roc's birthday i didnt know where the story was going but now i know so yea i kinda thought no one likes this and its boring but thanks to MINDLESS_QUEEN i will finish the story and i need someone for the story so that will end on tuesday anyway comment vote fan me and stay mindless~~~ 

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