The Players Secret Little Sis...

By fireworksofdance

38.6K 823 122

Every school has one. The one guy in the school who can have any girl he wants. Half the population loves him... More

The Players Secret Little Sister
Chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5

Chapter 1

6.7K 121 22
By fireworksofdance

Chapter 1-          

9:45 pm. I roll over and slowly sighed, 9:46 pm. I turned back to the TV that was blasting some advertisement for a hearing aid. I flipped through the channels searching for something to watch, 9:50. What’s the point in finding something to watch now? I turn off the TV and am walk towards my kitchen when I hear giggles coming from outside. Looking over at the clock I saw that it was finally 10pm, the time I’d been dreading all night. It was a Friday so of course he would be coming home with a girl tonight. Grabbing my phone and keys and walked to the back door. Guess I’m staying over Nikki’s house tonight. Quickly dialing I prayed that she’d answer.

“Hey Nik! Can I stay over?” I asked as soon as I knew she answered.

“I’ve been expecting your call,” she responds in a creepy voice. “But I told you yesterday that I was leaving for Vermont for winter vacation today.” She says back in normal peppy voice.

 “Seriously I can’t go home now though. I will die!” I yell. I hope no one heard that because I'm sure I sounded pretty crazy.

“Sorry babe.”

“UGGGGH. I guess I’ll call Sara then. Have fun.” I don’t want to ruin her trip with my whining.

 “Oh ya, a week stuck with just my parents. This is going to be a blast!” Nikki answered with fake enthusiasm before hanging up.

 I start walking down my driveway toward my car, when I notice someone just sitting in a car across the street. I start to squint my eyes to make out the person’s face but the car speeds away. Wow, that was weird.

 In school Monday I was bored out of my mind. The rest of my vacation was pretty uneventful expect for the fact that I pretty much lived at Sara’s house. Sarah and Nikki were the only ones who knew that Jake was my brother. We had been best friends since the 1st grade so it was hard not to tell them and of course they also would have probably figured it out themselves if I didn’t. I was busy staring out the window of my chemistry class when a paper landed on my desk. I look around but everyone seemed as bored and unfocused as I was. Who could this even be from? I don’t talk to anyone in this class. I open the note and read, in very bad hand writing, “I know your secret. And I think everyone else deserves to know too. Why not just tell them before I do. You’ll get more action that way anyways.” I look around again but I have no idea who could have written this. Judging by the hand writing it looked like a boy. And seriously “you’ll get more action that way anyways,” are you kidding me. This is one of the reasons why I didn’t want people to know, because they’d assume I’d sleep with anyone and everyone too. Well that’s not going to happen. And neither is people finding out my secret. Now who could it be from? Eliminating the girls I was left with 9 suspects. Let’s see, 2 goody goodies, 4 football players, 1 new kid, 1 straight up jerk, and 1 bad boy that stays to himself. Okay now it’s down to 5 people. I easily eliminated the 2 goody goodies and 2 of the football player. The 2 football players were my brothers best friends and have known for about 7 years. So now the final 5. Before I had a chance to observe them more the bell rang and everyone got up and rushed out. Just my luck!     

The bell rang signaling the start of lunch and I ran towards my locker ditching my books. I wonder if Jake got the note too. Probably not, no one messed with Jake. Well maybe Jake would have an idea of who could know. Then he could yell at them to shut up about it since everyone listened to him, he was the captain of the football team after all. I smiled at that. Lost in the thought of Jake beating up everyone I hate I walked directly into a wall.

“Ow.” I muttered rubbing my head. Who the hell puts a wall in the middle of a hallway?

“Watch it slut.” Okay since when could walls talk? Weird whenever I pictured a wall talking I didn’t suspect it to say such rude things. Wait, what am I saying walls don’t talk! I looked up and saw who else but Drake Knight aka the biggest asshole to ever live. Remember that bad boy who stays to himself? The one in my chemistry? Part of the final 5 suspects? Yup, that was him. I was about to open my mouth for a comeback when he just pushed me into a locker and walked away. Did I mention he was an asshole?

I finally made it to my locker steaming as the late bell rung. Opening it I throw my books in not really caring how they landed. My math book, however, missed and landed on to the ground spilling most of condense out onto the surrounding floor. Shit! Can my day get any worse? I stuffed all of my papers back into my binder and only a folded paper laid on the floor. Are you kidding me! This better just be something I doodled on and forgot about. Nope of course not. Dear universe, when I asked if my day could get any worse that was a rhetorical question not a challenge. How the hell did he open my locker anyway? I’m seriously going to hurt this kid! The flipped open the note so fast I was surprised it didn’t rip. Hmm most be reinforced, I should get some of that. Not that have any anger issues or anything. “You’ve got until 8th before I tell. I’ll see you at lunch. Bye babe.”  Now there were three things I was certain of. 1.) I was right, this is definitely a guy. 2.) I was going to kill him. And 3.) This hand writing was so much neater than my first note. Oh so it’s some team action going on, “fun”. At least I had lunch to try and figure out which guy I'm supposed to be killing.

I walked into the lunch room and over to my friends. As I sit down I quickly scan the lunch room for any of the 5 suspects. Great there are 2 of them here, the straight up jerk, Tom and the bad boy, Drake aka asshole whose doing to die as soon as I get him alone that is. Wait! Drake is always alone so who is talking to. The person slowly turned around while saying some finally words. I examined the side of his face and no way! Tom? What is happening to society! Tom can’t be in a conversation unless it ends in a fight. And Drake doesn’t talk to anyone period, well except for the occasional insult. What could they be talking about! Suddenly they both look at me and continue to glare back. Then Tom starts shaking his head approvingly. Okay that’s good enough for me. I stood up without breaking eye contact and walk over to them.

“What the hell?!” I yelled. It was more of an intimidating statement because I didn’t want to scream and have everyone watching us.

“What?” asked Tom who was trying to put innocence in his voice- key word there being trying. Drake looked like he was holding back laughter.

“What are you laughing at Drake?” I asked knowing he hated when people talked to him but it put him over the edge when people said his name.

He stood up looking down at me glaring. How did I not notice how tall he was in the hallway?! He had to be over 6 feet tall. Okay so maybe yelling at him wasn’t the best idea. “Why’d you come over here?” he asked in a very intimidating voice. I saw Jake and his friends, which consist of pretty much the entire football team’s starters, stand up and look over here getting ready to help. I shook my head no giving a forced smile and he sat back down but I knew he was still keeping a close watching. Wow he was over protective and so were his friends. It’s a good thing they sat in the corner and no one noticed how they were about ready to come to my rescue. That would have differently raised a few questions. About 7 guys on the team knew, they also knew not to tell. I was fine with that too because they were fun to hang out with. Plus they were like my brothers, if they knew it meant I’ve known them since I was five. I smirked when I saw the rest of the guys at the table that didn’t know look around completely confused. But my smirk was removed when I saw Drake still looking at me.

I just stood there looking at him unable to find my voice. “Well?” he asked.

“U-um… y-you were looking at me?” Crap I stuttered.

They both smirked at me. After a second of silence Tom finally said “we both know that’s not the real reason you can over here.” He raised an eye brow at me as in telling me to continue on trying to find another excuse.

“Nope, that was it,” I said quickly and turned to walk off. I took only one step forward before Tom called out to me, “Hey if your brother is ever making too much noise for you my beds always free.” Yup he definitely wrote the notes. Asshole. Guess I can add him to my hit list.

I froze looking to see if anyone heard before I turned back around. “Shocker there,” I said. I stayed long enough to see Tom’s face get mad and Drake burst out laughing before I turned and walked out of the cafeteria. I had no clue where I was going; all I knew was that I didn’t want to be in there. I was walking towards the front doors, might as well leave early, when I heard foots steps behind me. Please don’t be them! Please don’t be them! Please- the footsteps disappeared and I felt like dancing. But instead I decided to scream in my head in case anyone saw. ‘Yes! The mean people lefff- awwwwwwwwwww’ I was quickly pulled to the right and then to the right again. When I stood up I was in a dark closet and someone had a good grip on my upper arm. “Is it true?” a gentle voice I didn’t recognize asked me.

“Is what true?” I asked.

“That your Jake’s sister?”

I sighed, “How the hell is everyone finding out about that!?” I said exasperated. “Might as well go posted on Facebook or maybe Twitter. No! I should start my own website! I mean why is it even such a big deal anyway” I yelled throwing my hands into the air.

He chuckled, “Well he is Jake. “Wanna good fuck go to Jake.” “Man whore Jake.” “Stereotypical football captain Jake.”

“You could be a bit nicer he is my brother after all.” I said bitterly.

“Oh yeah, sorry, well be careful then. There is going to be a lot of guys who think you’re just like your brother. And a lot of girls who will just want to be your friend to get to your brother.” Oh look he brought up the second reason why I didn’t want people to know about Jake. I was about to ask him who he was and why he cared but before I could open my mouth his lips crashed into mine. It was quick and gentle and before I could even react he pulled away and left the room leaving me completely confused.

I decided I should leave after that because I didn’t know who else knew my secret and I was completely confused by that kiss. I walked out the doors and across the parking lot toward my house. Seriously front doors of the school and no guards or security or anything!? Wow this is a pretty pathetic excuse for a school. Deep in thought about our school’s crappy security, I almost didn’t notice the same black car from a couple days ago speed out of the parking lot; well at least I thought it was though. Really a black minivan and a black jeep look the same to me. But it had the same tinted windows and black paint and it looked expensive. I just shrugged it off thinking that it was a different car. And even if it was the same car there were probably hundreds of these cars in New York. But who owned such a nice car here? Okay that was a stupid question. Everyone around here is rich but still something just feels off to me about it. Oh my god I hope my life isn’t turning into one of those creepy thriller movies. And if it is I at least hope it’s one of the 2012 fake scary ones that is so predictable unlike the old ones were everyone dies. Yup definitely don’t want my life to turn into one of those.

I woke up feeling completely refreshed. Hopefully today will be a normal school and I won’t have to deal with Drake or Tom or some random guy who likes to kiss me. But wow that was a good kiss. I practically skip down the stairs, wow I’m in a good mood, or maybe it’s the fact that I was just thinking about that kiss again. I get down to my kitchen before I realize how quiet and dark my house is. Okay, that’s creepy, but whatever. I turn around to see what time it is. Holy fudge balls!! Its 4:30 am! There is still an hour and a half before I usually wake up. Well I did go to bed as soon as I got home yesterday and that was like at 1:00 pm, so I guess I’ve had enough sleep. Great I love when I wake up early then I have time to get ready instead of rushing like usual.

I ran upstairs and take to take a shower. By the time I’m done getting dressed and doing my hair and make-up its 6:00. (Now you see why I always have to rush, I’m very slow.) I run down the stairs and see my brother in the kitchen with a giant plate of pancakes in front of him. Perfect I did after all just do all that running up and down stairs. I tip-toe in behind him being silent and then quickly lunge and grab his plate. I’m about to put a pancake in my mouth when I fall to the ground. Jake has me pinned in seconds.

“You know after trying that every day for the past year, you think you’d be able to do it by now.” Jake says while sitting on top of me.

“Can’t breathe.” I gasp. “Fat butt crushing me, you know they invented this place called a gym right.”

“Hey! I am not fat!” God he is defensive. “Does this look like fat to you?” he flexes his arms showing off his muscle. Wow, what does he do to work out? Because whatever he does I want to try it. He finally climbs off of me but makes no effort to try to help me up. Being the lazy morning person I am I continued to lay there until Lily comes in and starts dragging my feet towards the door telling me I have to leave for school.

I managed to get to school pretty early, about 15 minutes until the bell so I decide to wait in the parking lot for a while. (It’s where everyone hangs out until the bell) I zone out thinking about what today could be like. It’s so weird how it seems just like a normal day, but it’s not just a normal day. Today I have to deal with Drake, Tom and my mystery kisser. Today is going to either be great or awful. The world is weird like that. Everyday feels the same. It could be your first day of high school or your last day on earth, your 18th birthday or simply just a normal day and it never feels any different. Why can’t your body have a natural ‘this is going to be a crappy day so go hid’ sensor? Well if everyone does find out the truth today it’s a good thing every one my school seems to have short term memory loss. I mean really people? You make a big deal about something for a good 10 minutes until something better comes along. Worst comes to worst some slut will get pregnant and I’ll be forgotten.

I come out of my thoughts and realize it’s been 10 minutes and everyone’s leaving the parking lot. I walk into the front doors feeling surprisingly focused. Apparently I realized something in that 10 minutes of hard think though I'm not quite sure what. All I know was that for some reason my feet were looking for Drake and Tom and refusing to go to class until I do. I only have 5 minutes left until the bell where the hell are Drake and Tom?  I had a great morning and I’m not going to let anyone ruin that neither Drake nor Tom nor some annoying teacher who’s pissed because I late. I realized I was going to talk to them and find out if they are going to tell everyone. It’s not like they told anyone yet right? I’ll stop them and then I can go back to being late to school and not really having to worry about much because hard thinking in the parking lot is way to stressful. And stress really isn’t that good for me because I usually get really snappy for no reason. I turn to go down the hallway towards my, and theirs, class when I notice the hallways empty. That’s really weird I’m not late today so where is everyone? I turn back to go look to see where everyone disappeared to when a hand wraps around my waist. Oh great I hope it isn’t that guy again. I hear a door close. Okay dark and no windows. Yup the creepy guy again.

“Leave.” Wow he sound a lot more intimidating then yesterday. Wait. I know that voice! How do I know that voice! How do I know that voice? Wait a second. Did he just tell me to leave I don’t think so.

“Pardon me?”

“Leave.” What? But he just brought me in here didn’t he?

“You’re the one who brought me in here.”

“I mean school not the closet. Stupid girl.” Did he just call me stupid? If it wasn’t for the same low voice then I wouldn’t have even thought he was the same guy.

“Why? And who are you anyways?!” I hate people telling me what to do.

“Because your little secret is out and I think you should just give it a day so at least not every guy will try to jump you.” Everyone knows? It wasn’t until then that I noticed his grip on my arm holding me into place and how it was starting to get tighter.

“Everyone knows now?” I barley whisper. He doesn’t answer, but I know he’s still there by the grip on my arm. “Why do they even care? I’m still the same person. Who cares if I have a brother?”

“As soon as the word got out some freshman’s on the football team said that you’ve sleep with all of them so they can increase their popularity.” Are you kidding me! Who the hell comes up with this stuff? Drake and Tom are so dead!

“And they believe that?” I asked still whispering my voice gone.

“Right now no one knows what to believe you have been lying to everyone after all. It’s only a matter of time before more guys are added to “the list.”

“The list? Like the one in that movie where every guy who had slept with the girl signed?” I muttered confused though I doubt he heard me. The List was some stupid movie that came out early that year who the hell decided to apply that to real life? (A/N the list is not a real movie)

 “Is it true?!” Mystery guy yells while shakes me, his grip getting tighter. “Is it?” His voice now barley a whisper.

“Of course not.” I said softly. His grip relaxes on me but I’m sure I’ll have a bruise there tomorrow.  For some reason I felt guilty. The sound of his voice, it was so hurt.

“So the football team didn’t know you are Jake’s little sister?” Crap I don’t really need to get caught in another lie and it’s not like we did the things people said.

“Well” But what if he gets mad again? Maybe I shouldn’t tell him. I feel his grip tighten. Crap I paused now I look guilty.

“Well what?”

 “Some team did know but we didn’t do anything I swear. And they didn’t tell because Jake threatened them if they did. Plus they’re all like my brothers I’ve known them since I was little they wouldn’t hurt me,” I said in a rush. Wait? Why am I explaining myself to him? ‘Maybe because it feels nice to be around him?’ my inner self yelled. No! No delete that thought. Do not think that Madison this guy is a creep that drags you into closet you should not feel nice around him!

“How many people knew?” he whispers.


“How many people in this school knew your secret?”

“Sarah Hefting, Nikki Schoolers, and from the team Matty, Danny, Mike, Justin, Jeff, Ryan, and Mark.

“So which one of them told?”

“Drake Knight and Tom Mitchel.” I felt his body tense when I said Drakes name. I wonder if they hate each other. No shocker there since Drake hates everyone.

“I don’t think they told.”

“Well they did and I need to find out how they even knew in the first place.”

“Are you sure they even knew.” Is he seriously standing up for them? No way he’s probably just curious.

“Yes. I found out they knew at lunch yesterday.”

“It wasn’t them who told.”

“How do you know?” I snapped. See stress fully morning and I snap for no reason.

“Whoever it was texted everyone in this school from this number.” He held up his phone showing me some 827 number. “This is Tom’s number” he said scrolling down his contacts but being careful not to shine the light on his face. He held up a 693 number and even called it.

“Listen.” I said. It went straight to voice mail and it was definitely Tom’s annoying voice.

“Fine it isn’t him. So what about Drake?” He seemed to tense up again. What Is with that?

“I don’t have his number but it isn’t him.” He said in a slightly scary tone.

“Whatever.” I said. I still think it’s him.

“Whatever” he repeated. “Everyone will be in a pep rally until the end of second period I suggest you leave before it ends.” So that’s where everyone went.

“I don’t know isn’t it better to face your problems? I don’t want to look like I’m hiding something.” I said.

“You will face you problems but today you home sick. Understand?” He said in a demanding tone. Like he has any control over me.

“Fine but I’m coming back tomorrow no matter what.” I told him not really wanting to argue about this.

“Fine.” He agreed before his lips meet mine for a second time.

Great I finally get that kiss out of my head and he kisses me again. Even though the first one was so quick I couldn’t help but feel that his lips were supposed to be against mine. Wanting to see if that feeling was true I didn’t waste any time and reacted immediately. He seemed to be very surprised that I was kissing him back. ‘Wait! I’m kissing a creep!’ The smart part of me yelled. ‘Oh can it and let me enjoy it’ I yelled back. His gripped released my arms and moved to my waist and he pulled me closer to him. I moved my arms around his neck and in his hair. Okay he has soft hair that is longer than most guys but shorter than his shoulders. That only leaves about 100 guys in the school. I find him in no time. Note the sarcasm. He licks my lip and I instantly open my mouth. He tongue massages mine and I hold back a moan. We finally break both panting for air. He slowly releases me stepping backwards. The door opens a crack and I hear him whisper “count to 30 and then go home.” Before slipping out leaving me in the closet alone. What I don’t get is that I actually listened to him. I could have ran out and found out who exactly he was but I stayed and counted. Why? Because I liked the trill of the mystery. My life had now changing from quiet to exiting in just one week. And I didn’t want it doing back.

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