Unbreakable Humans (R.S.L).

By fallin4youROSSLYNCH

5K 341 74

"Why do you smoke? You know that can kill you, right?" "Yeah but that's the thing, knowing that I could die b... More

Welcome to another journey!
Chapter one: long days, longer nights.
Chapter two: hit and talk
Chapter three: Crash and a Tour
Chapter four: Endless work
Chapter five: Avoid her at all costs
Chapter six: lets eat
Chapter seven: Flash Flood
Chapter eight: Nothing Confusing About That
Authors note: chapter update?
Chapter nine: Lets get you cleaned up
Chapter ten: I can't do this
Chapter eleven: I want to go home
Chapter twelve: I don't want trouble
Chapter thirteen: Fighting for what's mine.
Chapter fourteen: Goodnight
Chapter fifteen: Your my rose, and your my light
Chapter sixteen: Somewhat.
Chapter seventeen: Happily
Chapter eighteen: Deal?
Authors note: please read
Chapter nineteen: Something bad
Chapter twenty: The girl said Apple Bee's
Chapter twenty-two: All for you
Chapter twenty-three: what did you say?
Chapter twenty-four: stop the storm.
Chapter twenty-five: I love you
Chapter twenty-six: Dont Leave Me

Chapter twenty-one: You don't get it.

152 11 3
By fallin4youROSSLYNCH

I'm back again with another chapter.

How's the book going, guys?

Thank you so much to MackenzieCarol223 for commenting and voting on this book.

It means so much.

If you would like a chapter dedicated to you, please leave a comment and I'll make sure it gets done.



Chloe's POV

Ross was being really nice.

He was even buying me dinner.

So was this a date?

Or was he just being friendly?

Either way, he was still being the best boyfriend ever.

"Table for two?" the waiter asked us as we stood waiting to be seated.

"Yes please." Ross said, holding my hand.

"Right this way." the man said, leading us to a booth.

The restaurant was almost empty, seeing most people where were young people and some old ones, plus is was almost close to around ten.

"Right here." The waiter said, pointing towards our seats.

"Thank you." I said, scooting into one side of the table.

Ross went into the other one.

The waiter handed us our menus and asked what we wanted to drink.

Giving him our order, he left and went to get them for us.

I stopped and looked at Ross, a smile on my face.

"This is nice." I said, playing with a napkin.

"Yeah, it is." Ross said, looking at me.

"So, um," I didn't know how to say this. "Is this a uh, date?"

Ross stopped, a blush creeping onto his face.

"Uh, yeah, yeah, I guess this is." he said, moving his gaze from mine.

"So what are people supposed to do on a first date?" I asked.

He blushed more, his cheeks a deep pink.

"I- I don't know, actually." he said, messing with his fingers.

He looked so cute when he was nervous.

I guess he didn't think of this as our first date.

We only made it official about an hour or two ago.

"Your so cute." I said, a smile on my face.

He blushed more, his cheeks now red.

"I'm not 'cute'." he said, a grumpy look on his face.

I just laughed, his face too cute.

"Sure." I laughed more.

"Really, I'm not 'cute'." he started. "I'm more of. . . what would you call it?" he questioned.

"Sexy." he smirked.

I busted up laughing, people from other tables looking at us with strange looks.

I quickly stopped laughing, but I my shoulders still shook from the silent laugher I was still having.

Ross just smiled at me, his smirk going from ear to ear.

"Don't make me laugh like that." I said, after I stopped my laughing fit.

"Why?" he asked, his smirk still on his face. "Your so cute when you laugh."

He teased me.

I blushed, hiding my face in my hands.

Ross laughed now.

"And I'm the cute one." he said, laughing more.

"Ross! Stop!" I blushed more, hiding my face.

He laughed again, this time clapping from how funny he thought this was.

"Your so adorable." He said, sitting forward and looking at me.

I only moved back, leaning on the back of my seat.

We looked at each other for a minute, just seeming to bore into each others eyes.

"Well, look who's here."

Both me and Ross turned, seeing Malina with a guy by her side.

He had dark brown, almost black hair.

His eyes were a light bluish grey, nicely going with his light, pale skin.

There was little facial hair on him, mostly on his chin and faded from there.

He was attractive, but I wasn't interested.

They were both dressed in nice clothes.

She was wearing a light yellow dress that went with her hair.

This made me feel self cautious, only being in jeans and a band t-shirt.

He was in jeans and a plaid shirt.

"Fancy seeing you guys here." she smiled with her white teeth.

She saw both me and Ross looking at the guy weirdly.

"Oh this is Elijah." she said. "This is Ross and Chloe." She introduced us to him.

"Mind if we sit with you guys?" she asked.

She didn't wait for our answer, but sat down by Ross.

Elijah sat by me, his gaze stern and straight at me.

I scooted over towards the wall, trying to get away from him as much as possible.

He only took this as a gesture to move closer.

Ross saw this, shooting daggers at Elijah.

"So, what are you guys eating? I'm starved." Malina said picking up a menu and opening it up.

"Well, we were just about to leave so-"

"Your drinks." the waiter came at the wrong time.

I hid my effort at trying to roll my eyes.

"Thank you." Ross said, grabbing his drink and looking annoyed.

"I'm sorry I wasn't here for your orders." the waiter said to Malina and Elijah. "What would you both like?"

"I would like some water and a salad." Malina said closing the menu and handing the waiter it.

"And for the man?" he asked.

After we all gave our orders, the waiter left and we were alone once again.

"So, what were you guys doing here?" Malina asked, trying to get information. "Hope this wasn't a date. . .?"

Ross rolled his eyes, looking at the not so interesting "desserts" picture.

Malina then went on about something, I don't I know what, I kind of zoned her out.

I felt a hand on my thigh, higher then it should.

I turned to see Elijah looking at Malina, like he interested in his story.

Pushing his hand off, I looked at Ross.

He gave me a questioning look, but I shook my head at him.

The hand came again on my leg.

I pushed it off again with more force then before, acting as a warning.

A smirk made its way onto Elijah's face.

I just gave a look of disgust and looked at Ross who was messing with the salt and pepper shakers.

A smile made its way onto my face, the acts of Ross when he was bored made me smile.

The hand came back, but this time higher then normal.

I slightly jumped, pushing the hand off and setting it down on the seat with force.

"Is something wrong?" Ross asked, aiming more towards Elijah then me.

"No." He Elijah said, acting normal. "Nothings wrong, just listening to Malina's story."

After a minute, Malina went on with what ever was going on.

Ross gave me a look.

I quickly pulled out my phone, texting Ross what was going on.

Once he saw it, he got mad.

"Yeah, sorry to interrupt your story, Malina." Ross said looking at Elijah. "But why the f*ck do you think you can touch what's mine?"

I was scared, the venom that dropped in Ross' voice made me want to coward back into a dark hole and hide for days.

"What are you talking about?" Elijah acted stupid.

"You sure as hell know what I'm talking about." Ross glared. "Don't you f*cking dare touch her again, you piece of sh*t."

"Ross!" Malina acted shocked.

Ross only looked towards her, glaring at her too.

"What?" he asked. "You have something to say too?"

"Ross." I said, grabbing his hand on the table.

He looked at me, his gaze softening for a second.

"Lets just leave."

His gaze narrowed again, like what I said was wrong.

"You want to run?" He asked.

"What? No. This isn't the time nor place to be doing this." I said.

"Doing what?!" he yelled.

"Ross, calm down." Malina said.

He turned to her again.

"Don't you f*cking tell me to calm down!" He yelled.

"Hey man, don't yell at her!" Elijah cut in, standing up from his seat.

Ross gave him daggers.

"You don't have a say in this." He pointed  to Elijah. "Move." he told Malina.

I started getting out and stood up.

Grabbing Ross' arm, I started to pull him.

"Ross, lets go." I said, pulling him more.

His arm moved quicker then I thought.

He suddenly, roughly pushed me.

Making me land on the ground with a thud on my ankle that made a small "pop" sound.

Pain erupted from my leg, making me whimper.

Everyone stopped and looked at me, even Ross and Elijah.

Ross' eyes softened.

I held my foot, the pain starting to grow.

Ross came closer to me, gently grabbing my injured limb.

I hissed, slight movement making it hurt more.

Ross' eyes held pain.

He suddenly looked up at Elijah and Malina.

"We should leave." she suddenly said.

Yeah, that would have been helpful a while ago.

I glared at her.

She tried to look like the good guy.

"You ever f*cking touch her again-"

"Man," Elijah started. "I wasn't the one that pushed her."

This made Ross fume.

"Lets leave." Malina said, grabbing Elijah and walking out.

Ross stood, his hands clenched into fists.

He suddenly stormed out, leaving me behind.

"Wait, Ross!" I called after him, trying to get up on my injured foot.

Limping out of the restaurant, I quickly pulled out a fifty, handing it to the waiter.

"I'm so sorry." I said, limping outside.

"Ross!" I called after him once out doors.

He was speed walking to his truck, going faster then I could.

"Wait!" I called, going as fast as I could, which was a light jog.

Once Ross was at his truck, he stopped, starting to pace and tug on his hair.

When I was finally by him, I breathed heavily, the pain and the amount of walking was a lot for me.

"Ross, look, lets just go home and-"

Ross grabbed me and shoved me against his truck.

This wasn't when he was trying to kiss me, he was trying to make a point.

"You don't get it, do you?" he asked, his voice seething with venom.

I didn't know what to do, so I did the first thing that came to mind.

I shook my head quickly, my eyes growing wide.

He gave out an eerie laugh, his face slightly falling into my neck.

Then he looked back up at me, his lips into a tight line and his eyes dark.

"Of course you don't." he pulled away, walking over to the other side of the truck and climbing in.

I quickly got in, not wanting to walk home all the way home.

This was not the right night.


Elijah up top.

Have a nice day!




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