I'm Nothing Without You. Boyx...

By CupycakesGoRawr

81.3K 1.8K 738

(SEQUEL TO IRRESISTIBLE <3) They've made it through there little bumps in the road now they finally live toge... More

I'm Nothing Without You. Boyxboy
Zwei (:
Drei (:

Uno! <3

13.3K 398 98
By CupycakesGoRawr

Well Hello there! I know its been about a week? I'm not sure. Yes one week! Sorry that I didn't upload during the weekend had tons of things to do! School is being a bish right now -____- but anyway! Here's the upload! Hope you guys enjoy! <3 The song is just cause I was listening to it and said what the hay, lets put it in the upload! :D <3 (。◕‿◕。)

Oliver and I were having a blast, we were cooking dinner, well more like he was cooking dinner, while I was jamming out to mostly anything and everything.

The song I Melt by Rascal Flatts came on, I jumped up and down getting excited, this my jam! Hey don't hate, country music isn't all that bad either. Swaying my hips slowly to the music, I waited for the lyrics to start. Once they started I started singing along. 

When you light those candles,

up there on that mantel setting the moooooooooood,

Oliver was leaned up against the couch and had his arms crossed over his chest, studying me. I continued to slowly sway my hips.

I just lye there staring silently preparing to love on you.

Well I can feel the heat from across the 


Aint it wild what a little flame can make you want to 


I pointed my finger at him and belted out the next part of the lyrics,

I meeeeeeelt,

everytime you look at me that way.

It never fails anytime, anyplace.

This burn in me is the coolest thing I've ever felt.

I meeeeeeeeeeeeelt.

This put a smile on both of our faces. He pushed himself up off of the couch and approached me.

Don't know how you do it,

Wrapping his arms around me from behind, "I know how I do." He said flirtatiously.

I laughed a small laugh and continued on with the song, 

I love the way I lose it everytime

What's even better is knowing that forever your all mine.

"Forever and ever, baby."  He mumbled.

Getting tired of singing, I reply back with, "Really?" 

"Of course." 


He softly wacked me upside my head, "Ouch!" I complain.

"Good. I'm glad that hurt." He walks away in the direction of our kitchen.

"Baaaabe, I was only kidding." Following after him, he was sturring the noodles so his back was facing me.

"Suuuure." He said sounding serious, but I knew he was only kidding around.

I skip up to him, "Baaaabe."


"I loooooooove you." stretching out the the o'.

"Sure you do." 

My mouth fell open, no I love you back?! That meanie! 

"I do! I love you so much, look! I'll show you." I said while making him face me, he raised an eyebrow, "This much!" I widen my arms.

"Oh that's so much!" He said sarcastically.

I pout, grabbing his face in between my hands I bring my lips to his. Kissing his lips slow but sensual, I savour the kiss and slowly pull away and whisper, "On a serious note, I do love you, more than you'll ever know."

His facial expression changed from pretending to be serious to really being serious, "I love you too, now don't kiss me like that while I'm cooking ever again."

Realization hits me, "Why not?" I try to act innocent.

"You know why."

"No I have no idea, enlighten me."

"Oh I will be enlightening you, later."

My jaw drops, later?! Oh baby. 

"Close your mouth, or things will be stuck in there that you won't want to be stuck in there," he chuckles.

I laugh and close my mouth, "Fine," He turns to the stove turning it off and takes the noodles off the stove and dumps them into the strainer. "Is din din almost done?" 

"Yes." He says while placing the noodles on the counter right next to the spaghetti sauce, oh yummy! My stomach growls just at the site of it, "can we dig in?!" I ask excitedly, hunger taking over me.

He smiles at me, "Sure." 

I grab for my plate quickly and pile noodles and sauce on it and head toward our spacious dining room, it was big-ish. It had a light in the middle of the ceiling and a wooden table big enough for four but we only had two.

I sat down, Oliver right on my trail, he sat across from me. Just as my fork was about to make contact with my spaghetti for my second bite the doorbell rang, are you kidding me?!

Scowling, I get up from the table, "Cedric, I got it." He said while trying to get up.

"That's okay, you made dinner, eat." I say smiling back at him as I head toward the door. "But, they sure do know when to come don't they?" 

Oliver laughs, "They sure do."

I open the door with a smile, "Hello." I say as my eye's connect to a pair of hazel eye's.

"H-hi. I am um your next door neighbor, Drake."

"Oh, your Tara's husband?" 

"Yeah, she sent me over."

I turn my head to the left, "Hey Oli, Tara's husband is here."

He gets up from the table and heads in our direction, I look back at Drake. "Well I'm Cedric and this is Oliver." I motion at Oliver as he comes into view.

Oliver sticks his hand out, "And you are?" He asks politely.

"Drake." He sticks his hand out and they shake hands.

"Well would you look at that, Oli. You made a friend!" I say excitedly. 

He chuckles and looks at me and then lets out a hysteric laugh. My eye's widen, "What's so funny?"

"Y-you have spaghetti sauce on your face." He says while sticking his finger in his mouth and wiping the sauce away.

"Oh how embarassing." I giggle out, "Hey! You got your saliva all over my face." still giggling and wiping the saliva off my face.

"You like it." 

Rolling my eye's I turn back to Drake, "Sorry about that, anyway. Tara seems nice."

Oliver is still chuckling softly to himself. 

"She has her moments." He says, while looking from me to Oliver. What's his problem?

"Don't we all?"

"True, are you guys...." He motions his finger between Oliver and I.

"A couple?" Oliver asks.

"Yeah that." 

"Yes we are." Oliver says while wrapping his arm around me possessively. Which made my heart flutter, awww he is just too sweet.

"Oh, well that's....nice." 

"Isn't it?!" I sigh happily.

"Well, ummm why did you guys move here?" He curiously asks.

"Just looked like a great place. Right?" I say looking up at Oliver, he smiles down at me.

"You bet."

"How did you guys get together?"

I frown, this was always the hard part, debating on wether or not to tell him that we were half brothers.

"Long story," Oliver says. Phew, he always knew what to say.

"I have time for 'em."

"That's okay, we have dinner sitting at the table and it'll get cold." his arm around me tightens. 

"Well then maybe another day? How about it Cedric?" I look over at him.

"Uhh sure?" Not sounding too sure.

"Excellent." He says while clasping his hands together. "Then I'll see you later?" He says while looking at me. 

"Ummm, you'll see us later." Oliver said, causing Drake to look away from me. 

"Sure. I'll see you both later." He nods.

"Yeah, we can all be best of friends!" I say trying to ligthen the mood, for some reason I felt so much tension in the air.

Drake looks at me, "Sure, friends." He says excitedly. "Tara, will be happy to hear about it."

"Well let's get back to eating, Ced." 

"Kay. Bye Drake."

"Bye Cedric and Oliverrr!" He sang and waved. 

Oliver pulled me inside and shut the door, "Well he seemed friendly!" I say.



"No no. Quite the opposite."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean....nothing, just please don't be alone with him, I just have a bad feeling about him." He says while pinching the bridge of his nose

"But, you barely know the guy.."

"I don't have to know the guy! I can tell, something doesn't seem right." He says while looking off into space.

"Hey, okay. I won't be alone with him." I say soothingly while gathering him up in a hug.

He lets out a sigh of relief, "Good." he says while hugging me back.


I think this is about two pages, which sucks but oh well <3  I hoped you guys liked this upload! :D

I kinda liked it, hmmmm. Please do tell me what you guys thought! Tell me if you think it needs improvement! IF you think so I will do so :D <3  Or if you think its moving too quickly, whatever is on your mind! Please do share.

Anyway! <3 Love you guys! 

Lovely tacos <3

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