Just The Girl On Floor-Niall...

By Onederfulgurl

7.1K 125 9

Dotting kisses around my face and said with an adoring smile; "God who knew that the girl on floor would be s... More

1~meet Kelly
2~some date
Ladybird 4
The birth of a gay baby~5
6~ The dream
9~Family Dinner and bad news
10~locked out
11~ Ant
12~ new job
16~ Plane horror
17~Birthday tiger
18~mine all mine
24~I don't care
25~lustful looks
26~ half a heart
27~ Oh no you didn't!
28~ Nothing on you
Telephone box
30~Party in the USA
31~story of my life
32~ cargasms
33~ repay you
34~where can i be sick?
35~Christmas Decs
36~ Secrets
37~ Baby sitting
38~ Ireland
39~The dad and Granddad
40~Christmas spirit
41~ Sexed up
42~New Years Bang
43~Batterd brown book
44~Kisses and Coffee
45~Off our faces
46~Feelings drained
47~Lunch Club
48~Final chapter


260 3 0
By Onederfulgurl

A week has gone past and I haven't heard much from Greg or anything from the guy at the club. Me and Danni have been working really hard. She has helped me a lot with my dancing and we also go out to do a bit of shopping or just for a coffee. Gina's partner is really nice as well, she is called Emma. I have chatted to her a couple of times and she is really nice, very British with a strong accent. It's funny. My job is going well. I get loads of food that is good as I eat like a pig. Every day me and my co worker split the out of dates that are fine to eat. And  get 75% off everything I buy which means everything is real cheep for a grocery shopping, my job now.

"Time to split the free food!" Ellie calls out from the staff room. I jog over

"What is there today?"

"6 packets of crisps variety bags, 2 fish figures and 10 ben and jerry's!"

"Half and half?" I ask Ellie nod and I put me 3 bags of crisps, fish fingers and 5 tubs of ben and jerry's in a bag and grin

"My shift is over now so I am gonna go, bye Ellie!"

"Cya on Monday love!" Ellie said. I grabbed my clean clothes not bothering to change. Before I leave the shop I buy 2 bottles of red wine Sainsbury's basics so they only cost about £1 each! And then a packet of posh fags as I had some cash left over. I walk out of the store and run to my bus stop so I don't get soaked in rain and wait for my bus..

I hope off the buy at my stop saying thanks' to the driver and then hear screaming. What the hell is going on. It sounds like all the school girls in the world just saw a spider. I trench down the road to my flat. It is getting more and more crowded. There are girls everywhere

"What the hell is going on?" I ask a random girl

"They are there right there!" She said I am now dripping wet as I forgot my umbrella

"Well I am trying to get home so move!" I said pushing through the girls until I got to my flat compartment

"Move bitch we can't see them!" A girl yelled at me

"Oi I don't know who you think you are talking to but this is my flat so if you would all fuck off I would appreciate it!" I yell punching in the code and walking into the flats, flashing my middle finger at the girls as I close the door

"Fucking hell what is wrong with these people all I want is a fag and some wine!" I said to myself trenching down to the lift. As I go I bang into someone

"Shit I am sorry!" I said looking down and I see a familiar head of curls "oh look who it is my Dan!" I said putting out my hand to help her up.

"See you don't like crowds!" She says

"What the hell are they doing there any way I was just trying to get home it's bloody 8 o'clock!" I say Danni grins nervously

"Yeah that might be our fault" Danni says

"Who's our?" I ask

"Danni Paul said we have to stay until they leave because he can't come as it is our fault!" A voice says from behind me, I spin around to see a brunet boy and the back of a blond guy that looks familiar

"OK Liam. This is Kelly my partner in dance!" She said he looks at me and then smiles

"Sorry I didn't see you there. I'm Liam, if you don't mind me asking how did you get in here?" He asked

"Pin!" I said "I live here in this trampy place!" I say pointing to the damp patch on the wall

"It's not that bad!" An Irish voice said, an Irish voice that I couldn't get out of my head. The blond guy spun around and there he was the guy from the club.

"I know you!" I said pointing at him he jumped

"Yeah most peo-" He started but I cut him off

"You was the guy at the club that got me a taxi when I was a pile of shit!" I said he looked closely at me and then his face lit up light he remembered

"OH yeah and you was pissed at your boyfriend!" He said I nodded

"Yup and I still haven't heard from him!" I said

"Well he is a dick!"

"I wouldn't have put it better myself. Now can I ask why are all the girls out there?" I ask I hear Danni sigh

"Kelly what did Mark tell you about me?" Danni asked I had to think for a minute, what did he say. And then a remembered there were in that band

"Oh I know you are in that band he likes eeerm what's it called the wanted? No it's not that you are too young oh it has a one in it!" I said thinking to myself

"One direction!" The blond guys said

"Yeah that's is. See I had the one bit right" I said

"I see you are not a fan!" Liam said

"Well that's one way to put it, markie is but not me. So why are you in my flat complex?" I asked

"Well we kinda got mobbed by fan's and then we ran here and a girl let us in! But we can't get picked up until they leave " Danni said

"OK then follow me!" I said starting to walk down the corridor to the lift

"What why?" Liam asked

"So you can come to mine obvs I have wine, food and fangs good way to spend the night!" I said clicking the lift button

"We will pass on the fangs but the rest sounds nice!" The blond guys said

"Well it's you loss, there are posh ones too!" I say getting into the lift and clicking level 3

"Sorry but I didn't get your name" I said to the blond guy as the lift set off

"Niall!" He said I nodded trying not to get lost in his bright blue eyes

"So Harry isn't here?" I asked

"What is he your favourite or something he is everyone else's!" Niall said with venom in his voice

"NO! He is marks favourite and he will be coming home at 9 don't want him the pass out. And if he is the curly headed guy in the club he was practically eye raping me so I will pass!" I said, Niall's face looked relived as we got out of the lift. I strolled like a boss over to my door and unlocked it.

"Welcome to my crib!" I say opening the door and walking in. The guys follow my league and Niall shuts it closed

"So, where is the kitchen?" Niall asks

"The best part of the house is this way!" I say running to the kitchen with Niall close behind me

"What you got?" He asks jumping up onto the counter

"Only 5 tubs of Ben and jerry's!" I say pulling out some spoons and grabbing the tubs

"Guys ice cream!" I say with my mouths full off cookie dough, Niall had his own tub of chocolate core and Danni and Liam walked in hand in hand

"Aaaw look at the lovely couple now eat ice cream!" I say toughing 2 spoons at the, Liam screamed then ran away to hid behind the door

"What the fuck?!" I ask completely confused

"sp-spooons" He whispered

"yeah?" I ask in a dull tone

"He is scared of spoons!" Danni says giggling quietly

"Well that is really normal have a fork!" I trough one at him

"ouch! It spiked me!" He said sucking his finger

"Oh grow some balls!" Niall snickered as we ate are ice cream. About 5 minutes later and 4 tubs of ice cream emptied me decided to take a tour of mine and Mark's crip.

"This is the front room and dining room!" I say showing them the inside the look around and nod their heads. It was simple cream and red, stylish as mark chose it but nice. There was a gray L sofa in the corner and bean bag and a flat screen tv on the wall with a Xbox konnect and surround sound. Then across one wall a massive window that had the view of all of London.

"The bathroom and spider cupboard!" I said pointing

"Spider cupboard?" Liam asks

"Where all the spiders live I refuse to go in it!" I said. "Moving on!" I open Marks room door and the guys chuckle

"Not a fan then?" Liam asks pointing to the poster of them all posing on the wall

"Hate to disappoint but this is Mark's room!" I said the guys grins flatern and me and Danni giggled under are breaths

"Yeah he will be home soon. Any way moving on to my room!" I say. we walk down the corridor until we face the back door with 'kell's crib!' carved into the wood. What can I say badaman here

"And this is my room!" I slowly open the door as we look inside and see what is happening everyone gasps but I make a inhumane growl

"You fucking twat. Who the fuck is she?" I ask trough gritted teeth looking over to the bed where my boyfriend was 'pleasuring' this blond bimbo slut.

"Kelly what are you doing here?" He asks sitting up pulling the covers over the girl

"I live here who the fuck is she?" I ask

"Crystal" She says in a high pitched voice I cringe at the slutty name

"You know what Greg I think you just did me a favour! I'm sick of you! You are a pile of shit we are done! You have no idea how long i have wanted to say that!" I say his face fills with sadness

"Maybe the only reason I am with crystal is because you are always at work. She is much better in bed then you ever will be!"

"You know what that was as painful and a fly landing on me! It's a lot coming from a guy with the dick the size of a 9 year olds! Get the fuck out of my house I never want to see you again and if I do my fist and your nose are going to come good friend!" Greg slowly gets out of the bed. The slut follows him now fully clothed and the walk out of the room. Danni, Liam and Niall are just stood there in shock as they move a side for them to pass

"Oh and Crystal I would sleep with one eye open if I was you!" I say as they walk out of my apartment. As soon as they leave I stomp out of the room and grab my packet of fags off the counter and walk over to the small balcony that comes off the kitchen. I stand outside and light the cigarette in my hand. Taking in a deep breath letting my senses relax. I finish my first one then debate on having another. I know one is enough. I walk back into the kitchen finding everyone deep in conversation around the table. i can see the small look of disgust on Niall's face but I brush it off. This is my life and I am not going to change it.

"I am sorry you had to see that" I say softly Liam and Danni look up with a sympathetic smile

"it's ok hun" Danni says

"So what do you girl do after something like this happens?" Liam asks I giggle softly

"Eat lots of food and watch horror movies"

"Eat lots of ice cream and watch love films!" Me and Danni both say at the same time Niall and Liam chuckle

"Well we have eaten all of the ice cream so what about food!" Liam says

"And Horror movie!" Niall yells

"Yess get in!" I say doing a victory dance

"But I don't like horror movie!" Danni says

"Don't worry baby I will protect you!" Liam says kissing Danni

"Don't worry Niall I will protect you" I say bringing him into a hug. His chest vibrates as he laughs. His laugh. Wow that is contagious. It's so cute and funny, best laugh I have ever herd

"BABY GIRL?! WHERE IS MY LELLY?" I hear Mark shout he must me home. Niall pulls away swiftly and so do Liam and Danni

"Kitchen!" I shout back

"ready for horror movies and food! Don't forget the wine!" His voice echoes down the corridor and I can hear him walking down the corridor

"We might have a few guests" I say just before he enters the room.

"Ok lelly" He says entering the room. He is wearing his messy work clothes. He works at a primary school he is the reception teacher (A/N I don't know what you call it in other countries but in England reception is the first year when you are 4/5) When he enters the room and see who is there he just stops in shock. Looking back to me, Danni, Liam and Niall. I can hear his brain figuring it out, any moments until he pulls out his charm

"Oh Hello there I'm Mark, Kelly's roommate and best friend. You must be Danni her gym partner and Liam and Niall" he says with his big grin that can make any female/male melt

"Nice to meet you Mark and thank you for letting us stay in your nice flat!" Liam says holding out his hand

"Nope, no formal hand shaking in my house!" He says pulling Liam into a hug and then Niall and Danni

"So if you don't mind me asking, why are you all here?" He asks

"Well we got mobbed and ran into this flat complex then Kelly came when she saw us she said to come in and Paul said we won't be able to leave until they and he won't help because it is our fault!" Niall says putting quotation marks around 'our'

"So kel. Did you really break it off with man slag?" Mark asked I nodded

"Yup and good radiance. You know what he was so cocky it confused him cos his cock was so small!" I said Niall bursts out laughing with everyone else I try to keep a straight face but I can't and start laughing again. Niall's face has gone bright red. When we finally calm down we get the food and pick a move. I walk into the living room and lie down on the sofa taking up all of one side. Mark sits down in the big arm chair and Liam and Danni on the love seat.

"So what movie?" Niall asks sitting on his knee's at the tv.

"MAMA!" I yell

"Oooh I haven't seen that film yet!" He says putting in the disk and walking over to the sofa. He sits down next to me with his legs down the other side. Our backs are resting against other and the feel of his skin leaves tingles on my neck. What the hell was that? I have never felt something like that before. Just thinking I was cold I grab the packet of Doritos chilli heat wave and munch away as the film starts.

Half way through the film and I start to feel more and more tiered. I let out a big yarn with my back still against Niall's. Mark has zoned into the film his eyes not leaving the scream. Danni has her face buried in Liam jumping at every scream. I try and get more comfy without disturbing Niall

"Lay down I don't mind" He says softly his breath tickling my skin leaving goose bumps. I position myself with my head in Niall's lap and blanket over my body. My eyes go back to the screen but my eye lids start to feel heavier. Niall starts playing with a strand of my blue hair wrapping it around his finger. I don't mind it just relaxes me more as I fall into a deep sleep.

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