Black Hole Wars BK1

By Sekirei107

269 12 11

Sai, an astronaut from earth year 2591. He fell into a black hole. No knowledge of how long hes been there... More

Black Hole Wars BK1

269 12 11
By Sekirei107

The Black Hole Trilogy: Book 1 (any ideas for a better name than book 1?)

Prologue: The Escape

The hands of death lay upon me, it's grip growing tighter with each passing moment, willing me into its deep embrace. The darkness surrounds me, a loneliness engulfing me. Temptation to fall back and just give up, heavy upon my mind. Its promise of ending, its gift of freedom, begging me to give in. But deep in the recesses of my mind lay a sliver of hope.

I know not whom I be, nor where I float. It must be hell, as nothing could be worse than this. Every moment feels of an eternity. I leave my eyes closed, as I see the same thing, whether I look or not. I delved back into myself, grabbing onto that sliver, its hope, bringing me thoughts, fighting away the hands.

As I grabbed for it, a bright light flashed around me, maybe a second, maybe a year, but when it passed, and grew dull, I opened my eyes for the first time in a long time. I viewed around me, searching for the source of light, and as my eyes adjusted, I saw its beginnings. A small speck of white off in the distance. I struggled against my numb limbs, and slowly began to swim my way through the air torwards it, inch by inch I grew closer. When i reached it i could see it was but a speck, so i touched it, and an explosion resounded around me, pulling me into a white tunnel, for a few moments i flew, tumbling turning, and ended at the end of the tunnel.

Around me I could see stars, I could see planets, I could see life. With joy I screamed, and suddenly my memories rushed in, down to every last though i'd ever had.

My last thoughts were these: 'I'd Escaped, I'd escaped the black hole'. And once again the blackness took me, as I passed out.


hey guys new story i think it will be good. plz plz comment, i love every comment even the bad, i just enjoy that u took the time to give an opinion.

-Seirei Sai

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