Leaving (Lauren Cimorelli Fan...

By sweet___disposition

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Lauren Cimorelli meets a guy named Jaiden Beckham. At first she insists that she doesn't like him but as more... More

Friday Night Football
My Name
Tail Gate
Could Go Wrong
Here For You
That Girl
You've Got Me
Broken Smile
I'm Here
The Countdown
...It's Important
Nothing or Everything
My Place
I'm Yours
Breaking Us
Back to Nashville
Belongs To Him
Voluntary Pain
Given Choices
Final Chapter
A/N about future stories
2 New Stories!!!!
New Lisa Story up now!!


647 19 5
By sweet___disposition

Lauren's POV

Last night Dani came home with food for our family. I knew that something was up with her when she got back because she was acting weird. When I asked her about it she dodged the question for a while. Then she finally told me that she ran into Jaiden when she was picking up our food.

Since we broke up a few months ago most people probably wouldn't think it's a big deal. But Dani and the rest of my family know that I struggled with our break up. And just because I'm with Noah, doesn't necessarily make those struggles go away.

I do love Noah. I'm not sure if it's to the same extent that I loved Jaiden, but I also haven't been dating Noah for as long as I dated Jaiden.

My family isn't crazy about Noah, but I'm glad I'm with him. I think he is good for me. He's fun to be around and he makes me happy. I have a good relationship with him.

I know it's wrong to even think about Jai when I'm with Noah but I think it's because he was my first love. My sisters have told me that the first time you love someone it changes you forever, and no matter how hard you try that feeling never goes away. And I think that's why I need to talk to him. I just need to talk to Jai one last time. I need closure.

I hesitantly picked up my phone, questioning if this was a dumb idea. The last time I called him he didn't answer and he never called back. So that has created doubt in my mind. But I pushed that feeling aside and went to his contact and clicked the call button.

It felt like the phone was ringing forever until I finally heard him answer.

Jaiden- "Hello," he said as if he was unsure if he wanted to talk to me.
Lauren- "Hey Jai." I said with a small, but sad smile on my face.
Jaiden- "Hey... How are you?" He said sweetly.
Lauren- "I'm good. I just wanted to call and talk to you for a few minutes if you aren't too busy?" I questioned hopefully.
Jaiden- "No I'm not busy. What's up?"
Lauren- "The last time we talked, you said we couldn't be friends and then you explained to me why. And now I understand it. I understand why you don't want to be friends and I understand why you don't want to be in my life. And I knew that I don't deserve any more explanations from you, but I need to know something."
Jaiden- "What do you need to know?"
Lauren- "Did you want things to end between us?"
Jaiden- "Laur... I don't think we should talk about this. You have someone. I don't think it's a great idea that we bring this up."
Lauren- "Jaiden... Please."
He sighed softly on the other end of the phone.
Jaiden- "You know I didn't. I don't know why you even have to ask." He said calmly but with a bit of irritation behind his voice.
Lauren- "I know you are upset with me still. But could you ever forgive me?"
Jaiden- "No." He said bluntly. I turned my face towards the ground, hurt by his quick response.
Lauren- "I never, ever wanted to hurt you." I said getting upset.
Jaiden- "I know you didn't, but you did. Now you are with someone else right? So go be with him because I'm not going to hurt you back by ruining your relationship. Because I'm sure Noah wouldn't want you talking to your ex."
Lauren- "Jai I'm doing this because I care about you. I don't want you to hate me!" I said getting more upset and frustrated.
Jaiden- "Hate you? I don't hate you Lauren! I never have and I never will. No matter what you do to me I couldn't hate you."
Lauren- "You don't hate me but you're mad enough to not forgive me. What can I do? Why can't you forgive me?"
Jaiden- "I can't talk about this with you Laur. I'm sorry. I have to go.... Have a good thanksgiving."

I heard a click on the other end of the phone as he hung up. I set my phone down and ran my hands through my hair. That isn't how I wanted that phone call to go.

I grabbed the picture of me and Jaiden out from under my bed and looked at it. I set it down beside me as I rubbed the sides of my head with my fingers. I glanced at the picture once more.

I would never admit this to anyone, but sometimes I wonder what we would be like if I hadn't lost sight of our relationship.

I need to let go of this false hope that one day he will come back to me.

I already lost him.

Jaiden's POV

I hung up the phone quickly on Lauren. I knew that if I had stayed on the phone any longer then I wouldn't have been able to hold back on admitting how badly I want her.

I was sitting in my car in the parking lot of this cafe hangout. I never come here, I just came to see Dawson since he worked here. I go out to go see him while he was on break, trying to shake Lauren out of my head. He has a 30 minute break and since we wouldn't have a lot of time to hangout we thought we would use that time to catch up.

As I was walking up to the cafe Dawson walked out. He had a big smile on his face as he greeted me.

Dawson- "Hey man! What's up? How are you?!"
Jaiden- "Hey I'm good! What's up now you can't sit inside when you're on break?" I said laughing confused at why we weren't inside. He shook his head.
Dawson- "No I just figured you wouldn't want to go in there to hang out."
Jaiden- "Why not?" He hesitated but then answered.
Dawson- "Noah is in there. And he's with some girls. So I figured it was probably best if you weren't in there."
Jaiden- "He's in there right now?"
Dawson- "Yeah..."
Jaiden- "Well then, let's to sit inside."
Dawson- "You want to go sit in there? With your ex girlfriend's new boyfriend?" He asked confused.
Jaiden- "Yeah. I need to see who got my girl."

Let me know what you guys think in the comments below! I love hearing what you guys have to say!(:

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