Pain |Π½.Ρ•|

By hxrum_

2.1K 101 4

Pain /pΓ£n/ noun 1. physical suffering or discomfort caused by illness or injury. More

Chapter 1 || The Bruises
Chapter 2 || New Things
Chapter 3 || Freedom
Chapter 4 || Waking Up
Chapter 5 || Moving In
Chapter 6 || The Ritual
The Four Elements.
Chapter 7 || Power
Chapter 8 || Brother
Chapter 9 || Forgiveness
Chapter 10 || Kiss Me
Chapter 11 || Taken
Chapter 12 || Heavenly Fire
Chapter 13 || Back Home
Chapter 14 || Witch Country
Chapter 15 || The Truth
Chapter 16 || Daggers
Chapter 18 || Masquerade Ball
Chapter 19 || Weapons Date
Chapter 20 || Fangs and Canines
Authors Note.
Chapter 21 || Misunderstanding
Chapter 22 || The Prophecy
Chapter 23 || Falling Slowly
Chapter 24 || Beginning
Chapter 25 || The Battle
Epilogue || Broken
Authors Note.

Chapter 17 || Training

78 3 0
By hxrum_

Song(s) for the chapter:
Miss Missing You -Fall Out Boy

Coffee For Closers -Fall Out Boy

Steal My Girl- One Direction

Harry's POV

I stared out of the window, watching the Golden Tower and Covens glisten in the sun. I held the white parchment in my hand, tightly. Alex won't be too happy about this, I thought.

You are invited to The Queen's Masquerade Ball, at The Golden Tower.
This event is to welcome our new Princess.

I turned around and saw that she was still sleeping. She looked so cute, with her nose scrunched up and her arms and legs all over the bed. Slowly, I saw she was stirring and opened her eyes. Her hazel eyes stared right in mine.

"Were you watching me sleep?" Her morning was so hot.

I smiled, "Maybe a little." She chuckled, and sat up on the bed.

I walked over to her, and bent down to kiss her. Electricity sparked, making my lips go a little numb. She pulled away, I opened my eyes and saw Alex glowing from the inside. The Heavenly Fire, I thought.

She pushed me off her, gently. "Sorry, still don't have much control. And you aren't helping exactly," she said, crossing her arms.

I held my arms up in defense, "Hey, I'm not gonna say sorry for trying to kiss my girlfriend. Don't worry you'll get control over it."

She chuckled and got up off the bed. I pulled her in my chest, and kissed the top of her head.

She pulled away, "What's that?" pointing at the crumbled piece of paper. I scratched the back of my neck, and handed it to her.

She was confused but took the paper and opened it. I saw her expression change from happy to anger in seconds. She crumbled it back up and threw it across the room.

"HOW CAN SHE HAVE A FREAKING BALL WITH EVERYTHING THAT'S GOING ON?" She yelled, her eyes turned golden and her skin started glowing.

I tried to touch her arm but it sparked me. "Hey, calm down, love. Evelyn is doing this so that people don't panic. It's her nicer way of telling them about your fath-I mean Marcel," I said, cutting of the word as she glared at me.

She took a deep breath in and closed her eyes. I could hear her counting and inhaling and exhaling. She opened her eyes, they were back to normal and her skin had stopped glowing.

"Sorry." She sighed.

I smiled, "It's okay, love. I get why you're mad. But now you can attend your first ball as a Princess." I pulled her into me from her waist and kissed her forehead. I already knew she was rolling her eyes despite the fact that I can't see her face. 

"That ball can suck my ass," She mumbled. I laugh and decide to hold my perverted remark. 

"Anyway, you're gonna be hanging out with Ryan today. He's gonna show around the different Covens, and other places. I would do it but I have to get back to duty," I said, as she looked up at me confused.


I nodded, "I'm the Commander of the Army, love. You should come with Ryan, then you'll see how serious I kick people's ass."

She laughed, "I will be sure not to miss that."

She stopped laughing, and had a serious look on her face. "Hey, thank you for listening last night. And for letting me play your guitar. I forgot how much I missed singing. And for not judging me based on everything."

I stroked her cheek, "No problem, Warrior Princess. And you can take the guitar anytime you want."

She smiled and put her hoodie back on, "So, how do I go out of here now? I can't have people see me like this."

"You look fine."

She gave me the stop-lying face. "I'm serious! No one is gonna care," I said.

She groaned and mumbled "Fine."

I shook my head, as she gave me quick peck on the lips. She walked towards the door and opened it, before walking out she winked and smiled.

I just stared after her, I sat down on my bed. I put my head in my hands and groaned. I want to hold her again. I want to kiss her until our lips go numb. I want to touch every part of her body. I want her to moan my name. I want to feel her body against me.

"What the hell are you doing to me, Alex?" I said out loud.

I shook my head and got off my bed. I stared at my black guitar, thinking of the song she sang last night. Suddenly, an idea came in my mind.

I wrote a Fire-Message to all the guys, telling them the plan for tonight.

I quickly took a shower and put on my black skinny jeans and my FireBlazers leather jacket. And got ready for the fighting.

Alex's POV

I stood in front of the FireBlazer Coven with Ryan beside me. I stared across the field, watching all the Covens radiate with Magic.

"Mother, has requested our presence," Ryan said, he knew I didn't want to see her. I told him about what happened last night with Evelyn. He knew everything already, but he wanted Evelyn to be the one to tell me the truth. We both established that even though Ryan was my half-brother, it doesn't matter to me because he is my brother and nothing will change that.

"Alright." I said with a sigh. We started walking towards the Golden Tower. I decided to ask him about Izzy.

"So, tell me about Izzy. How did you two meet?"

His lips curled upwards at her mention, "We met during one of our training sessions. Everyone here is required to learn physical combat. We were both paired together. Two different people. Fire and Water. It was hard to get along at first. She beat my ass every time we started combat. We both a made a bet once, whoever won a combat, the loser would have to do whatever the winner wanted. She thought she had it in the bag," He chuckled, his eyes twinkling.

He continued, "I tricked her, and I won. She was shocked, nonetheless she had to do whatever I wanted. So, I made her go on a date with me. She was reluctant but she didn't have a choice. I took her to a secret cave, where you could see the Lake Lynn in the distance. We talked all night, I attempted to make jokes and make her laugh. She, for once, had put down her guard. After the date, I kissed her and things went really well. After that, we hadn't made it official yet but we hung out all the time. We fought over the stupidest stuff. She is a calm person but she is stubborn. And I get fired up over pretty much everything. Perks of being a FireBlazer. Anyway, I finally asked her out, and we've been together since then. And I can't explain to you how she makes me feel. She makes me want to punch a wall and kiss her at the same time. We fight a lot, but my day always sucks if we don't make up. Either I make it up to her or she does to me. Everyone thinks we're not the best pair since we always get each other mad. But we're each others support. I make sure she doesn't do anything stupid and she keeps me in line. We're miserable without each other. So why not be miserable together? And honestly, I'm usually the one that fucks things up but I can't imagine my life without her."

We both stopped in front of the big gate. He looked over at me, a little embarrassed. I smiled at him, "You really love her, don't you?"

"Yes." He said that one word like it said everything he felt about her. Like it was simple to love anyone.

"Don't ever let her go." I said, holding his hand. He smiled, "I won't."

The gates opened and we both walked in. I couldn't help but smile for my brother. He has grown so much, he has fallen in love. I miss the years that we were apart. But I could see that he was happy. He really loved her, and I couldn't imagine him with anyone other than Isabelle.

I was shaken out of my thoughts from a voice I didn't want to hear.

"Alexandria." I saw my mother sitting in her throne, wearing a knee length dress, that looked like suit. Her hair was tied in a low slicked ponytail. She was wearing red lipstick, and a little makeup.

I bowed down with Ryan. I stood up and took a seat on the sofa next to Ryan.

"You wanted to see us, mother?" Ryan asks, polite but I could see he was glaring at her. She glared back, her eyes fierce.

She stood up, "Yes. Alexandria, you will be receiving training in all aspects of Magic. And you will also be training with Harry for physical combat. Now, as you're the Princess of this Kingdom, you have many responsibilities, which Ryan will help you oversee."

"It's Alex by the way. And don't we have more pressing matters to see to? Like I don't know, stopping my bloodthirsty father, who I found out about last night. Thanks to you," I glared, my voice dripping with sarcasm.

Her eyes didn't waver, but she had a familiar look that showed me she was frustrated, "Well, Alex. If you plan on stopping Marcel, you need training. And without training I will not let you near any fights so you can forget about fighting in a War."

I stood up from my chair, Ryan held my hand, "Last time I checked, I don't take orders from you. Queen or no Queen. It's my decision and I will do everything I can to protect my friends and innocent people. Even if it means getting myself killed in the process," I said, my voice firm and full of confidence. No idea where I got that from.

My mothers eyes widened for a moment, and then she was back to her serious face. "Very well, if that's what you want, then I'll see you at the ball tonight." She said, before walking through in an invisible gate.

Ryan turned towards me, his eyes full of concern and proudness, "I will make sure you don't get yourself killed." He said before kissing my forehead. I smiled. He motioned for me to go. We both walked outside of the Tower.

"So, where do we start?"

I shrugged, "Doesn't matter."

He pulled me along with him, and we started walking towards the Aquanetts. I rolled my eyes, of course that's where he'd go first. He couldn't wait to see girlfriend.

We stood outside the Coven, I tried to walk inside but I seemed to hit an invisible wall. I looked at Ryan confused, he pressed his palm on the side of the entrance. The brick went inside and a small iPad slid out, floating on water. Ryan put his hand on the iPad, it burned red and orange. He motioned for me to do the same. I put my hand on it, the iPad seemed to scan it. My hand glowed red before the iPad disappearing.

I still looked confused. Ryan chuckled, "Security measures. No one from another coven is allowed inside unless you have permission from someone on the inside. Or if you're Royalty." He said motioning towards us.

He took my hand, and we walked to the Entrance. This time there was no invisible wall, and we both just walked in. This Coven was way different than ours, the walls were Black and Blue, there were things floating on water. The only thing same was the furniture, and the elevators. People stared at us, some actually bowed down. Ryan held his hand up to say its okay. They all nodded and went back to what they were doing.

Ryan and I stepped in the elevator, as he presses the button to the 10th floor. I watch the different floors go down, as we went up. I felt a strange sense of calmness in this Coven. The elevator came to a halt and the doors slid open. We both walked out and I followed Ryan. We stopped in front of a dark blue door with 307 painted in bold black letters. He knocked twice, seconds later the door opened with a confused Isabelle.

The confusion quickly turned to smiling as she saw Ryan. She threw her arms around him, as he chuckled and wrapped his arms around her waist. I could hear them whispering something but I didn't know what. It was cute honestly, they were so in love. 

Who would want to love a girl like you? My mind scoffed.

I shook my head. I cleared my throat as they had started kissing right in front of me. They pulled away, both blushing.

"Hey, Alex!" She smiled, pulling me in for a hug. I chuckled, "Hey, Izzy."

"What are you guys doing here anyways?" She asked, motioning us to come in. We walked in, I saw her room was painted different shades of blue, with purple. Her room was very organized, she had bookshelf, with book of Spells and Water Magic History. Her desk was filled with makeup and weapons. She didn't have a window like I did in mine. But when you looked at her ceiling, water was floating around. Like in a ocean, waves splashing together. It was very fascinating.

I snapped out of my trance with Ryan's hands in front of my face, filled with fire. I looked at him confused, "What?"

He chuckled, the fire disappearing in his hand. "You were in a trance, that happens a lot in Aquanetts. It's one of their specialty, they can calm your nerves during War, or anything. You can't help but sucked into their trance. FireBlazers are the same except we make people feel anger, and think more War-like. Doesn't work on everyone though," He stated, while Izzy nodded.

I couldn't help but wonder about that. Why would you want to make people angry on purpose?

"What do you mean doesn't work on everyone?" I asked, feeling curious.

He shrugged, "One FireBlazer can't make another one feel angry. And our anger doesn't work on Aquanetts. This helps me and Izzy a lot, so at least I know I'm not making her mad out of nowhere."

Izzy scoffed, "You still make me mad out of nowhere," She pointed out. I chuckled as Ryan rolled his eyes.

He kissed her on the forehead as there was a knock on the door. She walked to the door and I heard a familiar Irish accent.

Niall walked into the room looking adorable. His hair was in a messy quiff, he was wearing a black leather jacket with a blue three swirl pattern, similar to the one Izzy was wearing.

He was surprised to see me, but pulled me in for a hug. I smiled and hugged him back. He gives good hugs but not nearly as good as Harry's. "What are you guys doing here?" He asked, pulling away and fist bumping Ryan.

"I'm showing Alex around, before we go for training. Actually, do you think you could bring her to the Field? I have to get some work done with FireBlazers, and Izzy has to get to her Water Training," Ryan asked him, Niall nodded, Ryan looked over to me to ask if I was okay with this. I smiled and nodded, it would give me chance to get to know Niall a little better.

"Alright, we should get going then." Izzy said, we all nodded and walked out of her room. We all got into the elevator, and started going down. When we got to the library, Ryan and Izzy kissed and departed ways. We three walked out of Aquanetts. Ryan gave me a kiss on the forehead, "Be careful, okay? Do you know how to Fire-Message?"

I nodded, blushing as I found out from Harry last night. "Alright, well Fire-Message me if anything happens. You should be good in Niall's hands though. I love you, Lex." My heart quickened, as I heard my old nickname. I smiled, giving him a hug. It felt like a part of me was back, when I heard him call me that. A part that Ryan and I always shared.

"I love you too, Ry Ry." I said, knowing it would annoy him. He groaned and rolled his eyes. Niall and I laughed as we watched Ryan walk away.

I turned my attention back to Niall, "How are you, Ni?"

He smiled at my nickname, "I'm good. How have you been doing? I know it's hard being here with Evelyn and all."

I faked a smile, "I'm okay. This is a little overwhelming though, This whole new world. But a part of me feels like it belongs here, like the other world was just a dream. A very bad dream."

Niall nodded understandingly, "I totally get what you mean. But if you want to talk to anyone, I'm here for you," He said, holding my hand. I smiled and we kept walking towards 'The Field.'

Niall and I talked the whole time we were walking. He made stupid and adorable faces, and he attempted to make puns, he failed. But I laughed with him, a real laugh. It felt good, honestly Niall can make you feel better in no time.

We finally reached The Field. The name suited the place perfectly. There was an open field in front of me, the forest surrounding the big open space. People were crowded around, all training. Some were fighting, others were exercising. Some were fighting with swords and daggers, and some were using bow and arrow. It was a very fascinating sight. I could hear a lot of grunts and groans, swords slashing together. But there seems to be a voice louder than anything, I saw a person in black and red leather jacket, with the FireBlazers emblem on the back, standing at the center of the crowd. He was yelling commands, and telling people to stop messing around and focus. His voice was very familiar. I was curious to see who it was. I knew he was from my Coven from his jacket.

We walked closer, and I saw the chocolate curls that I loved running my hands through.

"Harry!" Niall yelled, causing him to turn around. Harry's eyes roamed to see who called, until they landed on us. He smiled when he saw me, that was until his eyes landed on Niall's hands intertwined  with mine. His eyes turned dark, and I saw his fists clench and his jaw tense. I quickly took my hand out of Niall's. Everyone else kept doing what they were doing and didn't acknowledge us.

He walked towards us, glaring at Niall, who scratched the back of his neck.

"What are you guys doing here?" He asked, his voice low, but I could see that he was pissed. But why? It's not like I was making out with Niall.

"I was showing Alex around, before she did her training. Which is now I guess." Niall shrugged. He had his own training, so he gave me a hug and kissed me on the cheek before walking away. 

Harry's eyes glazed, "I thought you were with Ryan. Why are you with Niall?"

I shrugged, "Ryan had to do something, so Niall decided to show me around. It doesn't matter if I was with him."

"It matters to me! I don't want you hanging out with him." He said, his voice firm.

I stared at him, shocked, "What the hell, Harry? I can hang out with whoever I want. And I'm not going to stop hanging out with Niall. He's my friend."

He scoffed, "I think he wants to be more than just friends."

I mentally hit my forehead from frustration, "Are you serious? Harry, we are just friends. I like you, and I chose you. So can you stop being jealous? Because its stupid."

He sighed, letting out a breath, "You're right. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to be jealous." He wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me closer. My heart beat quickened as I was closer to him.

He dipped his head and kissed me on the lips. Electricity crackled between us. Instinctively, I put my hand in his soft chocolate curls, pulling him closer. I could feel him putting his frustration through the kiss. Slowly, we pulled away after a few seconds. I smiled and gazed in his green eyes.

He quickly kissed my nose, making me giggle. I'm surprised I giggle and laugh, I rarely ever do that. It still felt foreign. He chuckled, before taking my hand.

"Now, let's get you trained," He said, before pulling me a long to the group who were fighting. My eyes widened. Oh this is gonna be so bad.

"Your in charge of all these people?" I asked, still amazed at the number of people that were here.

He nodded, "I help train so that everyone is combat ready in War. Using your powers isn't always enough in a combat. So, I make sure everyone knows what they're doing and don't get themselves killed. Ryan makes sure that everyone is ready, and gives the commands. I have different leaders assigned to every group. We have Hand-to-Hand Combat, Archery, Physical Training, and Weapons Training."

He pointed to all the groups, and I could see few people telling the others what to do. Harry looked over to me, "You however, are gonna start with Hand-to-Hand Combat."

I bit my lip, a little nervous. Harry noticed and gave my hand a squeeze, "It's okay, love. You're in good hands."

"Alex!" I heard the familiar voice of a lad.

I smiled, "Tomlinson." He chuckled, and gave me a hug. He was wearing a black leather jacket with a silver emblem of lightening.

Harry turned me so I could face him, "Good luck." I mumbled a thanks, before pecking him on the lips. I smile was plastered on his face as he walked away.

I turned back to face Louis. I'm so glad I decided to wear my combat boots today. "Are you ready?" Louis asked, with a smirk.  I sighed and took my jacket off, the sun hitting my black tank top.


By the time, Louis was done training, I was sweating like a pig. My hair was matted to my forehead, while I was covered in dirt. Training with Louis was awful but good at the same time.

Every time I would get ready to fight, I would get punched. I fell so many times, but I could also feel myself getting powerful. Sometimes Louis would hit with me a little lightening, but it would backfire on him because of my heavenly fire. I fought with a girl too,  who was definitely better than me. I put my heavenly fire to good use, for getting stronger.

I was close to dying after training. It was hot, and I looked like shit. Harry had come to watch me a couple times, he tried to tell me some tricks, but it was hard to do when I could feel his hands on me. My breath would get caught in my throat, and my heart would quicken. And Harry knew what kind of affect he was having on me, he smirked and touched me more.

"Are you guys done?" I heard someone ask from behind me. I turned around to see Niall holding a sword, his hair stuck to his sweaty forehead.

I smiled that I wasn't the only one who looked like shit.

"Yeah." Louis and I said at the same time and laugh. I looked around to see everyone had stopped training too. Some were still training, like Archery but that was it.

"What time is it?" I asked Louis, I don't even know how time works in this world.

"4:30." He said, looking at the sky. I don't ask on how he knew that.

"Listen up, everyone!!" I heard Harry yell across the whole crowd, his voice really loud. I don't know how everyone heard him, but they all stopped doing what they were doing and looked at him.

"Good training everyone! Weapons, stop messing around with the swords. Next time I see you guys mess around, I'll be make sure the sword goes through you!" He yelled, pointing to the group with swords. My eyes widened at his threat. He wouldn't do that, right? Or would he?

I could see everyone shake with fear. They are definitely scared of him. I would be too if I wasn't his girlfriend. It still sounds strange calling myself that.

"Training dismissed!" He yelled, as everyone started packing up and walking away. Harry walked over to me, Louis and Niall. He snaked his arms on my waist and kissed my forehead.

"Your girlfriend is gonna be able to kick ass in no time," Louis laughed, Harry joining him. I tried not to blush. I looked at Niall who had a strange expression on his face, he looked hurt and angry.

"Alright, man I have to get ready for the Ball. If I'm late, Eleanor is going to kill me." Louis said, before giving harry and Niall a bro hug and winking at me and walking away.

It got really quiet, I could feel the awkwardness in the air.

"I should get going too," Niall said, I nodded and walked out of Harry's arms to hug him. I heard Niall breathing hard as I hugged him. "Are you okay, Ni?" I whispered in his ear. I felt him nod in my neck.

We both pulled away, he said bye to harry and walked off. I turned to look at Harry, who didn't have an expression on his face.

We both walked towards our Coven. He seemed angry for some reason. I stopped walking, and held Harry's hand to stop him.

"What's wrong with you?" I asked.

He took his hand out of mine, "Why don't you go ask your "Friend" Niall?" He yelled in my face.

I stared at him in disbelief, "Are you fucking kidding me, Harry? What is your problem with Niall? He didn't do anything."

"He needs to keep his hands off of my girlfriend. You're mine." He growled.

I ignored the butterflies in my stomach at his remark, "He didn't do anything Harry. And One: I'm not a thing to fight over. And Second: I'm not your property. Talk to me when your done acting like an ass!" I yelled, I could feel fire burning in my veins. And at that time I knew, my eyes were glowing.

I took a deep breath to calm down my anger. The feeling of burning went away, as I looked at Harry who seemed surprised that I got this angry. I was surprised myself.

I just turned around and walk back to the Coven. I was hoping he would come after me but he doesn't.

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