notice me

By mieschkaloveszayn_

668 76 1

She's caught up in a sick love game .His caught up in her sick games . She wants him but he doesn't know that... More

Who am i ?
Tries to make him jealous
Just awful
New beginnings
Everybody knows
Status .
Boyfriend .
Losses .
Meeting the family .
Moments .
Virgin .
Phonecalls .
Fights .
Truth .
Unresolved .
Bro Code .
Rewind .
Tonight .
Gentle .
Lunch .
Babe .
Choices .
Sequel !!!

Goodbye , Zayn

16 1 0
By mieschkaloveszayn_

Song for this chapter :

Love you , goodbye by One Direction

Zayns POV

I stand there and I just can't believe those words left her mouth.

"No , she can't be"I say.

That's why she never answers our phone calls or texted us .

"Oh no , dear ! Not as in dead gone , she's in Essex with her grandma "she says and I sigh in relief .

"Essex ?"I ask and she nods .

"Oh "I sigh again and it all becomes silent and awkward again .

"Uhm , I need to get home for dinner"I quickly say and she nods .

"It's nice to see you again , Zayn "she says and I nod .

"Goodbye , Zayn "she says and I smile turning around .

I walked away from Rosie's house only thinking that I'll never ever see her again .


5 years later

Rosie's POV

"Come on, grandma ... I need to leave or I'll miss my plain "I begged because my grandma won't give me the keys to my car and she won't unlock the door .

"But I don't want you to leave , ladybug"she said and I laugh because I can't believe that im going to Los Vegas .

After I made my choice between Niall and Zayn I ended up choosing to not pick between them and just leave my life that I lived in Bradford .

I was hurt and I didn't want either one of them to feel my pain so I left and I finished high school in Essex .

After that I focused on my dancing career and now I'm going to dance in Vegas !!

I forgot about them and I just forgot about everyone in Bradford .

"Granny ,I will skype everyday and when i get my first pay check I will fly you over okay ?"I said and she pouted .

"I'm so proud of you "she said and I kissed her cheek and hugged her .

"I know granny and I love you "I said and my grandma handed me the keys .

"Thank you"I said .

"I love you , ladybug and you are going to do great ! Don't forget to call me and your mother okay!"she says and I nod .

"Yes , granny !"I say leaving the house .

I begin to drive and all I could think was that in going to start a new life in Vegas .

I got to the airport and as I left my car and begin to roll my suitcase , I sighed and I smiled looking around .

I can't believe that I'm here and that im going  to chase my dream . I think that it was the best that I left Bradford because no one tried contacting after a week and I never heard from either of my friends or Zayn and Niall .

Before entering the line I stared at all the people rushing into the line all waiting for their lives to begin .

"Rosie "I suddenly hear and as I turn around I can't believe I see him .

Standing there in front of me after 5 years .

"Zayn"I breathe out as I see the hazel 5'9 blackish brownish hair stand I front of me .

I try smiling but it just fades every time because I can't believe he is standing in front of me .

We both begin to walk to each other and my heart begins to race and I can't believe that I am walking to him .

When we are about a few feet away from each other we stop and we just stare at each other and i can't believe that he is standing in front of me .

"I can't believe that you're standing in front of me after 5 whole years"I say and he smiles .

Ugh I missed that smile .

"After you decided to ditch me and Nialls asses "he jokes but then I don't laugh because I felt guilty . He noticed and cleared his throat .

"Uhm so what you doing here ?"he asks me .

"Oh I'm going to Vegas for a dance thingy"I whisper and he looks at me .

"What?"I ask after i realize that his staring at me with this weird grin on his face .

"After 5 years , I finally see you "he says and I giggle .

"So , Zayn . What brings you here ?"I ask him trying to avoid my blushing .

"Haven't you heard ? "He asks me and I shake my head .

"One direction "he says and I shake my head again .

"Really ? The boys and I went on X factor "he said and I shook my head .

"I wasn't really socializing these past 5 years"I laugh and he laughs as well .

"I had to do something whilst waiting for you "he says and I slowly look up into his eyes .

"You were waiting .... For me ?"I asked and he nodded .

"Look Rosie , when you left I was heart broken and I realized that you are the girl for me "he begins and then he takes my hands .

"Everyday I thought of you and your smile , your eyes and every time that we fought because those are the moments I spent with Rosie Ross . You make me feel happy and you made me realize things like acceptance because I accepted my feelings for you . I learnt to accept who am I and that made my relationship better with my dad . Rosie you were the best thing that happened in my life ... I'm so happy that i met you and when I heard you were back together with Niall and you took his virginity it was heart breaking because I was going to ask him if I could ask you out but it seems like he beat me to it but Rosie what I'm trying to say is that ... Im In love with you .I love you Rosie "he says

My heart melts in that moment and I could feel myself blushing and I could feel myself smiling like an idiot .

This was what I wanted for so long and I finally got it . The boy of my dreams right In front of me and he is confessing his feelings for me .

Everything that i dreamt of . Being Zayn Malik's girlfriend and being In love with him .

"Say something "he whispers as I stand there saying nothing .

"No"I say and he furrows his eyebrows .

"What?"he says and I roll my eyes .

"Fuck "I say and I pull his head closer to mine and seconds later our lips were together .

Suddenly the whole room goes in slow motion and the world doesn't matter anymore at that moment .

His lips felt like home , like I was meant to be in his arms . I felt fireworks and I felt my heart beat so fast it could beat out of my chest .

I feel myself smirking against his lips and then I pull away .

"I love you too , Zayn "I say and he smiles so wide , it made me laugh .

He picks me up and spins me around and I smile as I take in his scent .

He puts me down and he stares into my eyes .

"The plain departing for Vegas is departing in 3 minutes "the lady sat through the intercom.

Both Zayn and I  turn to look at it and I sigh because i had to leave .

"Goodbye , Zayn "I say and I let go of his hands .

I kiss his cheek and all he does is stare at me .

I turn around and walk away and I can't believe that I just kissed him .

Before entering the line , I turn around and look back at Zayn one last time .

I smile through my tears and he just stand there and he doesn't re act . I turn back around and sigh .

"One day we'll meet again "I say under my breathe .

I just walked away from the boy I loved , the boy i wished who would notice me .

I just walked away from .

Zayn Malik .

The End .

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