Primal Urges

Od Doccubus21

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Bo's inner monster rises to the surface causing chaos and heartache. The ones that love Bo the most will go t... Více

Primal Urges Chapters 1-5
Primal Urges Chapter 6-10
Primal Urges Chapters 18-26

Primal Urges Chapters 11-17

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Od Doccubus21

Chapter 11


“Home sweet home,” Kenzi says  with a hint of sadness knowing that Bo wasn't there. “You want a night cap before we head off to bed, Lauren?”

“Sure, what the hell, I need to shake away some of this tension. Make it something strong Kenzi.” Lauren shrugs off her jacket and heads toward one of the stools situated at the kitchen counter.

“This calls for vodka, a couple of shots of  Stolichnaya and you will be loose as a goose. Plus it's Russian just like me,” Kenzi say with a wink as she expertly fills up a couple of shot glass with the crystal clear liquid.

“Bottoms up Hot Pants,” The goth says, as she passes a glass to Lauren and giving it a little clink against her own, slams it down in a quick practised motion.” Lauren follows the Russians lead and swallows the liquid fast, savouring the slight burn and  warmth that disperses throughout her being.

“That certainly hit the spot. One more?” Lauren holds her glass out to be filled again, which Kenzi is quick to comply, filling her own as well.

“za vashe zdorovyé,” says Kenzi, the words sliding effortlessly from her tongue as she slams down her second shot.

Lauren chuckles at the meaning of the Russian saying before downing her own shot.

“You know Kenzi, drinking to your health is totally an oxymoron. I would love to take a look at your liver to see how healthy it is.” 

“I'm Russian doctor, Vodka is like water to us,” Kenzi states like it is a true fact. Lauren laughs at the young girl enjoying the friendly banter, before stifling a yawn.

“Time for bed me thinks Doc, are you okay with taking Bo's bed, the couch really isn't up to scratch for sleeping on.” Lauren hesitates for a fraction of a second before deciding that the good memories far out weighed the bad ones and nods in agreement standing from the stool and turning towards the stairs. 

“You can borrow a pair of Bo's sweats and a tee to sleep in if you want, I'm sure she won't mind.”

Five minutes later Lauren climbs into Bo's huge bed, inhaling the familiar intoxicating scent of the succubus, missing her embrace immensely as she buries her face into the pillow. A small hesitant knock at the door brings the blonde back to reality as she says, “Come in.”

“Are ya decent, no lady parts on display?” Kenzi asks through the door. 

“Come in Kenzi,” Lauren says unable to contain a small snort of laughter and a roll of her eyes. The goth girl opens the door a little and pokes her head in, with an uncertain smile playing across her lips.

“Can I stay in here with you Doc, I don't really want to be alone right now.”

“Sure, the bed's plenty big enough, I don't really want to be alone either to be honest,” Lauren says with a reassuring smile.

Kenzi enters Bo's room with an armful of extra pillows and blankets weighing her down and dumps them on the bed. “Just remember this awesome bod is off limits to the ladies, and that includes you Hot Pants, no sexy Kenzi for you.”

Lauren looks over with a mock expression of annoyance.

“Kenzi to be honest, you really aren't my type, no offence.”

“What the hell are you talking about? I am everyone's type,” Kenzi pipes back.

“I prefer my woman a little more voluptuous, you are a little too skinny for my liking Kenzi. Though you do have gorgeous eyes and killer fashion sense, but that's not enough to make me want to sleep with you. So you are completely safe,” Lauren says really starting to like the girl in front of her.

“Okay Hot Pants but I'm putting these pillows down the middle of the bed as a precaution, just in case my incredible magnetism draws you to me in the middle of the night,” Kenzi retorts with playful seriousness.

Both women get comfortable, snuggling deep into the covers as exhaustion begins to overwhelm them.



“What really happened that night, I realise now that you would not have wanted to hurt Bo on purpose. Did the Ash really send you to sleep with her, to be a distraction.” Lauren lets out a resigned sigh and turns to face the curious loyal companion of the woman she loves.

“He implied it Kenzi, but when I came over I had no intention of sleeping with Bo. I know we had been flirting and stuff, but I wasn't sure if it actually meant anything or if that was just a part of who Bo is. She really has no idea the effect she can have on people, plus she was still trying to learn control. I certainly don't have a death wish and I'm not exactly the most assertive when it comes to making a move. I actually thought about drugging Bo if she didn't listen to my pleas to leave the Lou Anne  situation alone.”

Kenzi laughed at the drugging Bo part. “Oh she would have loved that. NOT.”

Lauren gave a small smile at the comment before continuing.

“But when I asked her why helping a woman she barely knew was so important that she would risk starting another Fae war over, the answer she gave was so unexpected and filled with such conviction, it made me want to help her too. My resolve slipping when she talked about wanting a normal life with a picket fence and kids and that who the hell would want to share that with her. Oh Kenzi, I fell even deeper in love with her than I already was. I wanted to show her just how much her humanity makes her better than all other fae. That I would willingly give anything to give her that and more. I wanted to give her hope that she could have a genuine relationship, that it didn't just have to be about sex and her biological need to feed, that she was so much more than just a succubus. I can't regret it Kenzi, even with the mess that resulted afterwards and the pain I caused her. I just wanted to keep her safe. It was a shitty situation and I completely screwed up any chance of finding out if we could have had something. Though there is a tiny part of me that clings to a small iota of hope that we can move past this and that I can at least have Bo in my life. I need her in my life, even if she doesn't return my feelings, I can't lose her Kenzi.” Lauren slide back down under the covers and waited for the unusually quiet girl to say something, anything.

“I know that Bo cares Lauren, she wouldn't have been so devastated and upset if it didn't mean anything. I think if you tell her what you just told me, it would make things so much better for her. She feels like people just lie and use her all the time, underneath it all she is not as confident and tough as she appears. She needs people that care about her to reassure her  that she isn't a monster and that she deserves good things to happen to her. I think you can be that for her Lauren, I really do, it's just gonna take some time to rebuild that trust.” With that insight, Kenzi lets out a huge yawn, eyes drooping heavily, her body screaming at her to rest.

“With that said we really need to get some shut eye, otherwise we are never going to save the woman you want to have kids with,” Kenzi says with a wink as she turns over and closes her eyes, waiting for sleep to take her. Lauren closes her eyes feeling a little less burdened and more hopeful that Bo and her may be able to find their way back to each other eventually, no matter how long it takes.

Chapter 12


Shani looked around the huge hotel room before refocusing her undivided attention onto the beautiful succubus who was raiding the mini bar for something nice to drink.

“This is a really beautiful suite Bo, must be quite pricey am I right?”

Bo lets out an amused laugh as she turns around drinks in hand and approaches the sprite with a mischievous twinkle in her eyes.

“Yeah, it's costing me a bundle,” she says laughing again.

“Can you pretty much make anyone do whatever you want?” Shani asks wanting to learn more about the exotic creature in front of her.

“To be honest with you, I am only just starting to experiment with my powers. I'm not sure what my limits are or even if there are things I can do that I don't even know about yet. I only found out that I was fae three or four months ago. Before that I just thought I was a freak that every two to three weeks ended up waking up next to a dead lovers. I've come a long way in learning some control over my abilities but I have a long way too go.”

“Well Bo now that you have me here, what would you like to do with me? Care to experiment some of those gifts on me?”

Bo not needing any more encouragement discards her drink before wrapping her arms around the blonde's shoulders pulling her close. Closing the gap further, lips almost touching, Bo asks, “What would you like me to do?” As Shani feels the succubus' breath on her lips, she lets out a small moan before crushing her lips against Bo's drawing the succubus into a deep passionate kiss, thrusting her tongue forward searching, probing, tasting. Bo responds in kind as she allows her hands to glide down the sprites body, following each and every curve before resting them on the blonde's hips pulling  Shani's body intimately up against her own. Bo breaks the kiss, eliciting a cry of protest from the sprite, before kissing, sucking and licking her way along the blonde's jaw, neck and collarbone. 

“That feels so good,” Shani moans, feeling a little weak in the knees as the succubus continues down too expertly kiss, lick and suck at the exposed mounds of her breasts protruding from her low cut dress.

The succubus' bends down placing her hands just above the knee, sliding her fingers under the hem of the sprite's dress and slides it up, pulsing hot bursts of desire into the fae as she slowly rises, taking the dress off over the woman's head.

Bo stands back appreciating the sight of the blonde as she slowly begins to disrobe, craving to feel skin against skin as her hunger builds and builds rising to the surface.

Bo standing naked before Shani and watches the almost nuclear explosion of passion and desire emanating from the blonde as her eyes drink in every inch of Bo's body before gazing into the succubus' now glowing electric blue eyes.

“Let me see all of you,” Bo rasps as her gaze follows the sprite's hands as they reach behind unclasping her bra and letting it fall to the carpet. “Exquisite,” the succubus groans, licking her lips as she watches Shani, gracefully slide her panties down and stepping out of them, approaching Bo with heavy desire filled eyes. Shani pulls Bo towards her, pressing their hot flushed bodies together and encompassing the succubus' parted lips with her own, mashing them together in a frenzied kiss. 

Bo unable to hold the hunger at bay any longer begins to feed on the ancient fae, moaning in ecstasy  at the potent and powerful life force flowing into her system. The chi ignites every nerve ending until she feels she may internally combust with the power and heat that is coursing through her entire being, bringing the succubus to climax with just the taste alone.

Becoming too much she pulls away needing to put some distance between herself and this very powerful creature. “Wow,” she says between gasps of air, “Fae must be like really great wine they get better with age.”

Shani lets out a delighted laugh. “Thanks, I think.”

“Oh that is definitely a complement,” Bo replies, finally regaining her faculties.

“Come on lets get you into bed, so I can explore every inch of you with my mouth,” the succubus says, taking the blonde's hand and leading her to the waiting bed.

And the succubus does just that, bringing loud moans and cries from the sprite, until they are both completely spent and satisfied.

The next morning 


Shani stretches out like a cat enjoying the feel of the early morning sun caressing her  luminous skin. She is still aglow with the remnants of the marathon sex session, she  feels well and truly satiated. Nymph's paled in comparison to the prowess that the young succubus had shown her last night. Bo was not beside her and she was concerned until she heard the shower running in the bathroom. Spying Bo's phone on the bedside table, the sprite rolled across the bed and picked it up, planning on putting her number into contacts because she definitely would not mind doing that again. Turning it on, she was grateful that it was on vibrate as text after text flashed up on the phone and a message telling her Bo had 15 missed calls all from a person named Kenzi and what do you know Lauren Lewis. Curiosity getting the better of her, Shani began to read the missed texts.

Kenzi: Bo Bo, r u ok ? Come home please? 

Kenzi: I forgive you Bo.  Just get your succubutt back here.

They all pretty much went like that and Lauren's were even more intriguing.

Lauren: Bo please come by the lab, we can help you, please Bo.

Lauren: Bo we are all here for you, Kenzi is fine, we just want to help.

What the hell is going on. None of my business she thinks, obviously Bo doesn't want to deal with whatever drama is happening that's why the phone is off. Just put your number into contacts and turn it off.  Taking a picture as well so that Bo can put a face to the name, she finishes and puts the now off device back where she had found it. 

Maybe I will drop by the Ash's compound and at least let Dr. Lewis know that Bo is okay, she decides as she waits for the succubus to come back to bed. Hearing the shower turn off Shani decides to order some breakfast from room service, she is absolutely famished and presumes that the succubus will definitely be hungry after the work out she had last night.

Chapter 13


Feeling more rested than she had in quite sometime, Lauren left Kenzi sleeping peacefully and headed to the compound to search through the archives hoping too find anything that may shed some light on who had marked Bo and how she could stop it before it completely consumed the love of her life. But after five hours Lauren hadn't gotten any closer to discovering an answer. Feeling dejected, she decided to go to the Dal to see if Trick or even Dyson had found anything that would bring them closer to solving the mystery surrounding Bo.

Lauren calls Kenzi on the way to her car, asking if she wants to tag along. With a resounding “Hell yes,” from the goth, Lauren heads in the direction of the crap shack to pick up Kenzi.

“Thanks for the lift Hot Pants,” Kenzi says as she slides into the fancy town car. “Oooh shiny.” Lauren hears as the thief unable to control herself begins to push every visible button on the dash in front of her. The blonde playfully slaps at the young girls hands, telling her “Stop touching stuff before you break something.”

“Sorry old habits die hard. I'll be good,” the girl says leaning back into the soft leather seat and closing her eyes.

The Dal

The first thing the two ladies see as they enter the Dal is Dyson and Trick at the bar heads close together having what looks to be a very important discussion. Hope flares between the two women as they quickly head towards the bar, eager to find out what news Trick has discovered.

“Trickster what do you know?” Kenzi says jumping up onto the barstool next to Dyson.

“Have you found something Trick?” This from Lauren as she joins them sitting next to Kenzi.

Trick turn towards the new comers and greets them both warmly before answering the shared question. “It could be nothing, but I have had reports that some Dark Fae henchmen having been asking around looking for Bo. They are being discreet not giving any information as to why they are looking for her, but that's not what's bothering me.”

“Well what's bothering you, don't keep us in suspense Trickster,” Kenzi say leaning over and giving the bar tender a gentle slap on the shoulder. “And pour something nice to drink please.”

Handing Kenzi a bottle and a glass, Trick continues saying what he needs to say. “The guys doing the asking work for a fae they call The Ghost because he rarely leaves his lair. He's supposedly a really rare kind of fae by the name of Seth and he's a bit like the human version of the Godfather.”

“So we are dealing with the fae mob,” Kenzi says staring at the old fae in disbelief.

Trick doesn't say anything to the goth girl, his eye's fixed at the troubled but thoughtful look on Lauren's face. “Lauren, What is it?”

“It's a crazy thought that crossed my mind, when you mentioned the fae's name. Is this fae descended from the old clans Trick and when I say old, I mean the ancients?”

Tricks nods his head, “I think so. Why?”

“The ancients very often in old times showed themselves to humans telling them that they were Gods. If Seth is as arrogant as a lot of the fae are, no offence intended, his name would represent something about his origins. I think he is descended from the Egyptian God Set, he was portrayed by the Egyptians as the God of darkness and chaos and was largely believed to be evil. He would trick and murder anyone who got in his way, but could also control others to do his bidding.” Lauren took a couple of deep breaths well aware that she had started to sound like an encyclopaedia, and looked at the open mouthed staring faces of her friends. 

“What? Do you think I'm wrong? Stop looking at me like I have something hanging out of my nose.”

“Sorry Lauren, I think you could be right. You truly are amazing. You know that right?” Trick says remembering why he liked the doctor so much. He loved talking to Lauren, she shared his passion for knowledge. He felt a warm rush of affection for the woman that so often was the unspoken hero, saving the people she loved with her brilliant mind and never expecting anything in return.

“I need to go to Egypt,” says Lauren abruptly standing up from her seat and gathering her things.

“Wait, what,” Kenzi says almost choking on her drink.

“I need to study the Hieroglyphics, in Sets Temple. I have some old friends from college that majored in archaeology, they should be able to pull some strings so I can get to where I need to go. There may be something there that refers to his power and what can be done to reverse it.”  

“I'm coming with you,” Dyson says, not asking but telling. Lauren bristles as she openly laughs at Dyson. “You would be the last person I would have accompany me Dyson.”

“What. Why?,” retorts the wolf, shocked by the doctors words.

“Seriously... you want to do this now?” Lauren says. Kenzi swivels in her seat, knowing that this showdown was gonna be epic and she didn't want to miss a bit of it.

“Dyson you have treated me with complete disrespect and disdain for years. Which has gotten even worse since Bo arrived, you have done everything besides piss on her leg to mark her yours.” Kenzi could barely contain her laughter at the last comment, enjoying the doctors new found bravery. “ We can barely tolerate being in the same room with each other, why the hell would I want to be stuck in some cold dark tomb with you. I had hoped that eventually you would see that I would give everything that I have to serve the best interests for Bo and for The Light fae. I at the very least deserve your respect for the work I have done over the last five years. So until you start treating me better than something you would scrap off the bottom of your shoe, I want nothing from you. So piss off Dyson you are definitely not coming on this field trip with me.”

Dyson just stared at Lauren, his jaw clenching and unclenching. At a loss for words and fighting his anger, he turns away from the blonde's angry eyes and leaves the Dal.

“Holy shit Doc, that had been building for a long time huh, Jeeesus that was awesome, scary but awesome.” Kenzi looks at Lauren with new found respect, “doc has definitely grown some balls,” the goth thinks to herself.

“Kenzi, would you like to be my look out and research assistant? We will be using The Ash's private jet, what do you say?

“I say hell yeah Hot Pants, let's go on a field trip.” Kenzi's jumps up from her stool with a little dance and a clap of her hands. Lauren turns towards Trick, hoping her tirade with Dyson hasn't tainted the friendship she has formed with the small barkeep over the last few years. The blonde lets out a sigh of relief when she sees nothing but kindness and understanding in the old fae's eyes. 

“It's okay Lauren, I'm surprised you managed to tolerate his attitude for this long. You are right, he has been goading you a lot more lately because of Bo's obvious affection for you and I'm sorry for that. You have done so much for so many people and it is a privilege and an honour to be your friend. You are very important to The Light and to Bo, I too hope that in time he will finally look past his own mistrust and prejudices to see what the rest of us see. Good luck in Egypt and call me if you need anything Lauren, anything at all don't hesitate to call okay.”

“Thank you Trick, that means a lot coming from you. Come on Kenzi let's go pack our bags, we have a plane to catch.”

Chapter 14


Bo was just about to hit the call button on her phone, when she realises that calling Lauren is out of the question. Hell calling any of her friends is out of the question she thinks. “Ow,” she mutters as she stumbles into a darkened doorway to figure out who she could call to help her heal. “Can't feed off of a human, I'll kill them and draw attention to myself. Plus it will take more than one to fix this mess.” Looking through her contacts, a huge smile crosses her lip's when she sees a name she can call. Grateful that the cheeky, sexy sprite had taken it upon herself to put her number into her phone, Bo hits the call button and prays that the fae will answer. She has just about given up hope, when the other end picks up. 


“Shani it's Bo, I'm sorry to call so late...”

“And so soon,” The sprite says interrupting the succubus with a gleeful giggle. “This certainly is a pleasant ….....” Shani stops mid sentence hearing a whimper and uneven breathing coming from the other end of the line. “Bo? Are you okay? What's wrong?” There are several seconds of silence before the succubus responds.

“I was attacked by a couple of fae, I got away but I'm hurt real bad Shani …. I need your help to heal. I know we barely know each other.....”

“Not another word Bo, of course I'll help you. Tell me where you are and I'll come get you.”

Bo ends the call, as another wave of intense pain radiates from her abdomen. She's pretty sure all the ribs on her left side are broken, the pain is excruciating. While she waits for Shani, Bo goes over the jumble of events that have led her to where she is now. 

Earlier that night.....

The succubus was leaving some crappy dive bar after feasting on a couple of really drunk cowboys, when she was grabbed forcefully from behind and dragged around the corner into an alley. A black van was idling with it's side door open and she was being practically carried by a huge fae, with his thick tree trunk of an arm around her neck. Bo planted her feet on either side of the opening and pushed hard, staggering the giant holding her and wiggled from his grasp. As she turned to run away, the van's driver side door was flung open and Bo was clotheslined, crashing hard onto the asphalt. 

The wind completely knocked out of her, Bo struggled to get the precious oxygen her lungs were screaming out for. She was effortlessly dragged  up and off her feet and slammed into the cold bricks of the alley wall. Seeing an opening to escape, Bo grabbed the man's head with one arm a forced him into a kiss, sucking deeply on the fae's chi as she rode him to the ground where he collapsed  in a heap. She was caught off guard by the second man as she felt his huge arm pound into her shoulder blade's, sending the succubus onto her hands and knees. 

Before Bo had time to get up, a huge boot connected with the left side of her midsection with such force that it lifted Bo off the ground, before landing several feet further up the alley. The  brunette rocked back and forth hands clutched at her side, fighting the urge to pass out from the pain. Seeing the man approach again she did the only thing she could think of. Mustering as much strength as she could, Bo kicked out fast with her leg, connecting with the giant fae's knee, hearing a loud crunch and pop as her boot found it's mark. The man yelled in pain and fell to the floor, temporarily unable to support his own weight. Then Bo ran, she ran until her body screamed for her to stop and now this is where she stayed shivering from the cold and pain, waiting for help to come.  


Shani was in a near panic, before she finally spotted Bo, curled up, shivering and nearly unconscious in the darkened doorway.

“Bo, honey, I'm here. Stay awake, come on, I need you to feed.” Kneeling down, the sprite tilts the succubus' face towards her allowing her access to Bo's mouth. Shani hesitantly brushes her lips against Bo's. Nothing happens. The succubus' skin is cold to the touch, Shani has no doubt that Bo is bleeding internally and her body is shutting down in shock. Summoning her power from the earth, Shani relaxs her breathing and places her hands onto Bo's chest. The sprite then starts releasing a steady stream of heat through those hands into the chilled body of the succubus. 

With a shuddering agonised breath Bo looks up into a pair of glowing deep violet eyes. Shani wastes no time in crushing her lips with Bo's again and this time the succubus responds, kissing the sprite with intent. Bo drinks greedily from the potent fae, feeling as her body repairs itself with startling speed. The succubus moans as she feels the powerful chi working it's magic, enjoying the heat that it spreads though her entire being. Bo holds onto the sprites arms tightly, fingers digging in as she continues to feed even though her body is completely healed. 

Shani shoves Bo hard in the chest breaking the kiss and the flow of raw power. The succubus let's out a growl of protest before leaning back against the door. The sprite slumps against the wall feeling tired and depleted from the use of her magic and the succubus' greedy feeding.

“I'm sorry Bo, I can't give you any more, you will have to do the rest on your own.”

The brunette gazes into the still violet eyes of the sprite and tenderly caresses the side of her face.

“There is nothing left to fix,” she says with a smile. “But if you hadn't broken away, I would have taken everything you have. You taste amazing, I have never tasted anything so *groans yummy. There are just no words to describe what you taste like.”

“Okay, well you are going to have to help me home because I can barely stand,” Shani says as her head begins too pound.

“The hotel is close, if you don't mind staying with me?”

“Yeah that's fine. I just really need to lay down.” Shani says as she allows Bo to put  her arm around her waist for support.

Some time later in the darkened hotel room...... 

Shani lays beside the soundly sleeping succubus unable to shake the feeling that she really should pay a visit to Dr. Lewis. Why did she call me and not her friends? What is Bo running from and why am I too afraid to ask these questions to Bo? Something was bothering the sprite but she couldn't determine what it was. I will visit the Ash's compound tomorrow, otherwise I'm going to go insane, she thinks as she rolls over to spoon with Bo. Shani quickly drifts back to sleep enjoying the feel of Bo's body pressed against hers.

Chapter 15

The Ash's Private Jet

“Damn this plane is sweeeeet, hey what does this button do? Oh oops sorry Doc, my bad,” Kenzi says as she releases the emergency oxygen masks above their heads.

“Kenzi, it's an eleven hour flight there's a mini bar in the back, help yourself. But I want you to drive when we get there so I'll let you know when I need to cut you off in order for you to sober up in time okay.”

“Where are we landing anyway?” Kenzi asks as she makes her way to the bar. “oooh we have snacks too, want some peanuts Lauren?”

“Yeah sure, I haven't eaten all day,” the doctor says, realising she is famished. “Bring over anything that looks good, I'm starving.”

“No probs doc, you want a drink as well? And you didn't answer my question. Where are we landing?” The goth girl dumps dozens of assorted snack foods onto the vacant seat next to Lauren before going back to grab the drinks.

“We are setting down on a landing strip in the middle of the desert. A jeep and supplies will be waiting there for us, then it will only take an hour or two to get to the site of the shrine.”

“I hope we find something to help Bo. I miss her Lauren, I just want my Bo Bo back.”

“Me too Kenzi, me too.”


Lauren held on tight as Kenzi navigated their jeep along a barely visible trail as they neared the GPS coordinates of the ancient Egyptian town of Sepermeru. The half buried stone structure came into view as they flew over a large crest of desert. Kenzi brings the jeep to a halt in front of what appears to be the entrance.

“We have reached our destination, finally. It's so bloody hot and there's nothing but sand, this place bites Lauren. Why couldn't Seth be an ancient fae from Hawaii or something huh? What is this place exactly?” Kenzi asks as she eyes the darkness beyond the opening with wariness. “It's kinda giving me the heebie jeebies.”

“This is what remains of a sanctuary built for the worship of Seth. It was called the House of Seth, Powerful-Is-His-Mighty-Arm and a cult-place called “The Sunshade of Re-Horakhte” this is one of the smaller shrines considered to be affiliated with the primary temple enclosure of Seth, who was the supreme “Lord” of this town. Sepermeru was the centre of the cult that worshipped him, even after the deity started to be viewed as more of a demon than a God.”

“And we are going in there?”

“Yes Kenzi, we are going in there. This is where the cult did most of their worship, there are apparently extensive writings contained on these walls. I need to study them. Can you help me unload all of the equipment?”

Hours later....... 

“Die zombie hooker bitch, die. Shit! The slut got me.” Kenzi sighs as she turns her attention to Lauren who has been muttering away to herself for what seems like hours. “You know Lauren, you're lucky they released a mobile version of my favourite zombie hooker game or I would have completely lost my shit already. This place is  creepy as all hell, shadows seem to move along the walls. Please tell me you have found something because every second I'm down here makes me one step closer to running out the door and screaming like a girlie girl.” 

Kenzi not getting a response from the doctor, picks up a lantern and heads hesitantly into the darkness towards the mumbling form of the blonde, who is writing furiously into a notebook.

“That's it, there's just that last line that doesn't make sense, dammit.”

“Lauren?” Kenzi says placing a gentle hand on her shoulder.

Lauren feeling the contact, jumps out of her skin and gives a yelp that would have been funny if they weren't underground in this god awful place.

“Shit Kenzi, you scared the hell out of me, give a girl some warning before you sneak up on them.” The doctor turns toward the goth girl with a small smile of apology on her face. 

“Sorry, I was completely absorbed in the writings, I have found reference to some sort of potion that the priests would administer to humans affected by the “Darkness” but that it didn't work because the formula was incomplete and only the cultists knew what the missing piece was. I'm pretty sure this last line of inscription is the key to finding out what it is but I'm having a few difficulties with the translation. It says something like inside here is the only salvation look under the ray of sun to the hidden vessel of thee.”

“So what you have been writing in that note pad of yours, is the ingredients to a potion that is incomplete because they have hidden the special sauce that make it all come together.” Kenzi says. “Damn now I'm really craving a burger smothered in that famous special sauce.”

“Wait! What if the final component is literally in this tomb. Kenzi use those all seeing eyes to search that mural in the corner. Light the torches on the walls get as much light as you can and start looking for a sun with rays of light, it will probably be small or concealed in another drawing.”

“Ahhh okay doc, and what are you going to do?”

“I'm going to call Trick and give him the list of other ingredients, some of them are rare and may take some time to gather. Give me a yell when you find something.”

“Are you sure about this Hot Pants?”

“No but it's the only thing that makes sense. Only the cult members had access to this shrine, so it makes sense that only they had access to the cure.” 

“Okie Dokie, never fear Kenzi is here, if there is something hidden in that mural I will find it.” Kenzi says looking more serious than Lauren has ever seen.

Having lit all the torches Kenzi set to work scouring the entire mural for a sun. Kenzi was looking it over for about the forth time when she finally spotted it in the bottom left corner. There was a simple drawn picture of a sun, with six finely etched golden lines depicting the rays of light. The thief looked closer and saw just beneath the golden lines was a diagram of what looked like a vase with a lid. Setting the lamp in her hand down, Kenzi hurried towards the exit to tell Lauren she had found it.

“It's tiny Lauren, I almost missed it. See right here,”Kenzi says, unable to hide how proud of herself she is as she points out the tiny sun in the corner.

“Wow the lines are so delicate, nice job Kenzi.” Lauren turns toward the goth girl flashing her a smile like a mother would to a child to show her how proud she was.

“Yeah but what does it mean and what's with the vase looking thingy underneath the rays of light.”

“That's not a vase Kenzi, it's a canopic jar,” Lauren explains.

“It's a what now?”

“A canopic jar. They were used to store the viscera of the deceased for the afterlife.”

“So it's a jar with preserved guts. Oh ewwwww.”

“Look at the direction the rays are facing.....Hmmm.....Kenzi can you grab the hammer and chisel out of my pack please.” Lauren searching the stone blocks surrounding the area the rays of light were facing, felt a slight difference in the texture of one of the stones. Taking the tools Kenzi was holding out to her, she began to chip away at the stone. “This stone is limestone, whereas the other stones on the inside are granite. Look there's a hidden cavity behind this stone.” Lauren chipped away at the edges until she was able to slide the stone free from the wall. Nestled in the small crevice was a canopic jar. “This is it Kenzi whatever is in here is the final element needed for the potion. I'll grab a specimen cannister and grab a sample.”

“Can't we just take the whole thing,” the thief questions.

“No we can't it's an artifact, customs would confiscate it, but I have papers allowing me to take specimens and they won't look inside the sealed cannisters.”

“Okay doc, let's take what we need and get out of here. I'm really hating all this sand , it just gets everywhere.”

Chapter 16


The sprite hesitates outside the doors of the lab. She is in two minds as to whether to involve herself in whatever is happening between Bo and her friends. It's really none of my business, she thinks and yet everything in her is telling her that talking to Dr. Lewis is the right thing to do. Dr. Lewis had given Shani her yearly physicals ever since the Ash had brought her back from the Congo as his ward. Last year the doctor had saved one of her sisters from a nasty parasite that had almost killed her. Over those few scary weeks that her sisters life was hanging on by a thread, Shani had gotten to know the doctor a little bit. 

Lauren had been incredibly supportive and compassionate to her during that dark time and had dedicated herself to finding a cure for her sister. Dr. Lewis would not be pleading with Bo to come to see her, unless it was something serious. 

What if I don't talk to Lauren and something bad happens to Bo. She feels a tightness in her stomach at the thought of something happening to the succubus. Shit! Am I falling for her; I barely know the woman. Must be all part of her charm as a succubus, she decides before finally stepping through the door into the sterile lab beyond.

Looking around the brightly lit lab, Dr. Lewis is no where to be found. Grabbing the attention of one of the lab techs she asked if the doctor was available.

“No sorry miss, Dr. Lewis was called away on an urgent matter, she may be gone for a couple of days. Is there something I can help you with.”

“Umm no that's alright. Can I leave a note for Dr. Lewis in her office,” Shani asks giving the male tech her most dazzling smile.

“Yeah I guess that will be okay, her office is the big one in the corner,” he says, before scampering back to his work station.

Shani proceeds to Lauren's office and writes her a quick note asking the doctor to call her and that it concerns a certain succubus named Bo, followed by her cell number and name. That should get her attention, she thinks before heading back out into the lab. Giving the helpful lab tech another nod of thanks and a smile, before exiting the compound.

The Dal

“Hi Trick, it's Lauren can you hear me?”

“Yes I can hear you. Are you and Kenzi okay?” Trick says happy to hear the doctor's voice.

“Yeah we are both fine. I found a formula for some type of remedy against the darkness. Trick some of these ingredients may be hard to get, that's why I'm calling ahead so you can get a jump on gathering them. Get a pen and paper ready. The first thing I need is a couple of sacred Ibis feathers. Second a vial of Oxyrynchus oil, you got that?”

“Yeah anything else?”

“Yep I need some crushed scarab shells and a vial of Buthridae scorpion venom. The rest I won't have trouble getting.”

“Are you on your way back now?” Trick questions sensing there is something Lauren is leaving out.

“Soon Trick, we just have to find the last hidden element that activates the potion. I think we may have found it if Kenzi's wild gesturing is anything to go on. I'll call you  when we get back Trick.”

“Okay bye Lauren, I'll get started on gathering the supplies. Take care of yourself and Kenzi,” says a relieved Trick before hanging up and calling his black market and rare goods contact.


Bo knew what she was doing was seriously stupid but she couldn't help herself. Approaching one of the friendlier guards of the Ash, Bo allows the bulky fae to look her up and down before coming in close and resting her hand on his bicep.

“Hello Bo, what brings you here?” the man asks as he sneaks a peek at the succubus'

breasts protruding from her low cut top. Bo pushes a generous amount of power into the ogling fae, watching as he looks at her with eager eyes.

“Would you mind letting me into Lauren's apartment. I left something  there and I really need to get it, but I don't want to wake the good doctor. She works so hard and never gets enough sleep, so will you do that for me, please,” she pleads with the besotted man and gives him a seductive smile.

“Yeah sure, no problem, come on.” With a small kiss to the cheek in thanks Bo follows the big man to the front door of Lauren's home. The guard opens the front door opening it wide enough for the succubus to enter.

“You can go back to your post if you like, I'll make sure to lock up when I leave.”

“Ah problem, I'll leave you to it then.” Without a backwards glance the guard turns and walks away, leaving Bo watching from the front door. As soon as the guard is out of sight, Bo slips quietly into the dark foyer and closes  the door silently behind her. 

The brunette had been out walking, lost in thought, thinking about how much she missed her friends especially Kenzi and Lauren. But she also loved this new all encompassing sense of control and power that she had and knowing that if she went back they would try to take it away. She liked not feeling guilty about all the people she had killed over the years and she loved feeling free to use her powers to do and get what ever she desired.

She hadn't been paying attention to where she was walking until she almost got hit by a car. After giving the driver a few choice words and a finger gesture, Bo looked around to get her bearings and discovered that she was very close to the Ash's compound and Lauren. Being this close to Lauren's the succubus found that she couldn't help but pay the doctor a visit. 

Bo looks around the dark interior of Lauren's apartment her eyes finding the spot where she had straddled the blonde several night's before. She sighs and closes her eyes, reliving the moments from that night while breathing in the lingering scents of Lauren. After several moments Bo heads for the stairs taking them two at a time, pausing at the top, listening carefully for any signs that her presence has been detected. Hearing nothing but silence the succubus silently turns the door handle opening the door to what she hopes is Lauren's bedroom, and hoping that a sleeping Lauren will be in there sound asleep. Bo lets out an audible loud groan of disappointment at seeing the bed empty, it's like three in the morning where the hell is she.

 Bo reaches into the inside pocket of her jacket pulling out a business card from some used car sales man and finding a marker on the desk in the corner, writes one word. SOON. Remembering the vase with roses sitting on the little table next to the front door, Bo runs down the steps grabbing one of the red ones and returns to the bedroom. Resting the rose and card on Lauren's pillow, the succubus inhales the scent of her missing lover one more time before heading back down the stairs and out the front door, being sure to lock it after her.

Chapter 17


“Ahh home sweet home, how I missed you my concrete jungle,” Kenzi says as she fights the urge to kiss the concrete under her feet. Lauren smiles at the slight goth girl as she watches her spins around a few times, arms raised high.

“Thank you for your help in Egypt Kenzi, I know it wasn't a particularly comfortable trip and I want you to know that I appreciate all the help and support you have given me over the last week.” Lauren makes the declaration, hoping the girl doesn't mock her too much for being so sappy.

“Aww well shuck's doctor, how sweet of you to say that about little ol' me,” Kenzi says giving the blonde a playful punch on the arm. “Now come on we have a succubus to save.”

“We have to find her first, Kenzi.”

“One step at a time doc, one step at a time.” After they pack their luggage into Lauren's company car, the two women head back to the main part of the city optimistic that they finally have some answers and that they may finally be able to get Bo back.

Kenzi thinks about how close she and the blonde have bonded over this short amount of time and what her succubuddy will think about it when they finally get her back. Oh there is definitely going to be an “I told you so,” from her best friend, she thinks as she watches the scenery fly by as they gradually get closer to her and Bo's humble abode. 

“Lauren, I'll just grab a shower to get rid of the desert I brought back with me and then I will head over to the lab, if that's cool with you?”

“Yeah sure no problem, I'll do the same. Actually could you stop by the Dal and see how Trick's doing with getting the supplies we need, before heading over to the lab?” Lauren asks.

“Yeah sure no probs, I'll pick me up a bottle of something so I'm not completely bored while I watch you do your research stuff.”

Lauren pulls the car up to the front of the aptly named crap shack and waits for Kenzi to get out and gather her things.

“See you soon Hot Pants,” she says with a little wave of her hand as she trots up the path and up the stairs before disappearing from view.

Lauren, while excited that the trip to Egypt wasn't for nothing, was still anxious about whether she could pull off the complicated method required to make the remedy. There was another complication, that also concerned her but she pushed it aside, knowing she had to focus on one thing at a time otherwise it would get too much and mistakes might get made. No, this is going to work and we are going to get Bo back, she thinks with fierce determination. 

The doctor is relieved when she finally walks through the front door and dumps her gear in the foyer before heading straight up to her room. I'll have a quick shower, a bite to eat and then head to the lab and catch up on whatever backlog has accumulated. She halts at the sight of the red rose laying against her pillow and shivers as she reads the one word on the card. SOON, is that a threat or a promise she thinks as she puts both the rose and the card back on the bed and heads to the bathroom. Visibly shaken by the fact that Bo had been in her bedroom and trying not to think of the scenarios that could have taken place if the succubus had taken her by surprise when she was sleeping, “lucky I wasn't here,” she thinks. Shedding her clothes and stepping under the hot stream of water cascading down, she allows the water to wash away the fear and apprehension, Bo's little note has inflicted. We have to find her and soon. 

Lauren's Lab

Nodding her head in greeting as her colleagues welcome her back, the doctor heads straight for her office preparing for the mountain of paperwork and lab results that have surely been piled onto her desk. Visibly pleased that there is not as much as she had feared, the doctor's eyes notice the pink post it staring out amongst the sea of white. Reading the note twice, Lauren fumbles for her phone, quickly calling the number listed. As she waits for the other end to answer, the blonde recalls the appearance of the fae that has left the note. Shani had always been friendly and polite in the few occasion they had conversed and was eager to find out what she knew about Bo.


“Hello, Shani this is Dr. Lewis, I just arrived back and found your note,” Lauren says in a detached professional voice not willing to sound desperate.

“Oh Dr. Lewis thank you so much for getting back to me. Umm this is awkward but I heard that you were looking for that unaligned succubus, so I thought I would let you know that she has been frequenting a club down town called Intensity, she has been there several times this week.”

“How do you know that I was looking for her?” Lauren asks, a feeling of jealousy flashing through her as she remembers how attractive the fae on the end of the line is.

“I ran into her a few night's back, she fed off my companion for the evening,” the sprite replies keeping her own emotions in check.

“Did she kill your friend?” the doctors asks holding her breath.

“What? No, no , he was left passed out, quite content. She only fed on him to get to me,” the fae supplies, not realising that the words are making the doctor more and more uncomfortable. The sprite, noticing the elevated breathing from the other women decides to leave certain parts out of this conversation. Sensing that there is more than a simple doctor, patient relationship going on here and not wanting to cause the doctor unnecessary harm, Shani edits the conversation hoping that it sounds plausible.

“We got to talking, after I discovered my sleeping companion and had a few drinks, when she was at the bar getting another round, I put my phone number into her phone  and that was when I saw your texts. You sounded concerned so I thought I would let you now.”

Lauren sensed the story was missing some details but was thankful that the sprite decided not to share them with her. As much as the doctor in her new that Bo had to feed; that it was a biological need, the woman in her found it incredibly difficult to endure. 

“Thank you for letting me know.....” Lauren hesitates not sure, what else to say.

“If there is anything you need Dr. Lewis, let me know. I found her to be quite charming and direct, which is rare these days.”

“Thank you again Shani and I will keep that in mind,” Lauren says before abruptly hanging up the phone. 

The Dal

“Hey Trickster, did you miss me?” 

Trick smiles with genuine warmth at the little goth girl as she slides onto a barstool in front of him.

“Kenzi, you are back, yes I did miss you and Lauren very much. What brings you here?”

“Lauren asked me to check on the status of your supply gathering duties before I head to the lab and I would love something to drink while I'm there so I don't die of boredom around all that science.”

“It shouldn't take more than a couple of days, tell Lauren I have my best guy on it and that a lot of money is buying a quick turnaround,”Trick says as he slides Kenzi a bottle of tequila and sends her on her way.

“Thanks Trickster, we will be in touch.”


Kenzi had gone to the lab but the doctor was no where to be found. Finding one of the friendlier nerds to talk too, she found out that Lauren had gone back to her residence. So that was were she was heading, curious as to why the doctor wasn't doing her boring science stuff.

Finding the door unlocked, Kenzi lets herself in calling out to the doctor as she enters the modern decorated living space. 

“I'm up here Kenzi,” Lauren shouts from the room above. Looking around at the blue eyed girl as she enters her bedroom, Lauren is grateful that Kenzi is already dressed in suitable clubbing clothes, as she refocuses on her own closet.

“Um doc, are you having a fashion emergency, what's going on? You wear a lab coat most of the time no one really notices what you are wearing underneath.”

“We are going clubbing Kenzi, I got a lead that Bo has been frequenting a club down town, so that is where we are going.” Lauren sighs and makes a gesture to Kenzi, 

“Help me find something appropriate to wear... Please.”

“Lauren, we don't call you Dr. Hot Pants for nothing, if you tell anyone I told you this I will deny it to my death, your ass looks great in jeans so put them on with one of your silk button downs and your aviator jacket and if Bo's there she will have a hard time staying away, I promise.”

Grabbing her clothes, Lauren steps into the bathroom pushing the door to and starts changing. Kenzi notices the rose that is still laying on the bed next to the card. Picking it up and remembering the sales man that gave it to Bo, she reads the word SOON and feels her heart sink at the danger Lauren could have been in if they hadn't gone away. 

“Shit Lauren, Bo was here?” Kenzi says knowing the answer before the doctor speaks it. Lauren steps out of the bathroom and starts brushing her hair. 

“Yeah, Bo left it on my pillow, I found it when I got home.”

“It's a good thing you weren't here, huh. What are we going to do if we find our little succustalker, Lauren?”

“I don't know Kenzi, I will take some sedatives with me. If we find her and I can get close enough, I will drug her and pull her out by her hair if I have too.”

“And if we do manage to trap her, then what?”

“I will show you on the way out, lets go.” Lauren leads the way back down stairs into the living area and points to the far wall.

Kenzi gasps as she takes in the sight of the chains dangling from the wall. “Wow doc, that just screams kinky. Who knew,” Kenzi says unable to resist playing with the blonde as she watches the blush rise to the doctors cheeks.

With a shake of her head, Lauren grabs Kenzi by the arm and pulls her towards the front door. “Come on we have a succubus to entrap.”

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