The Unsolvable Equation

By thewriters101

6.1K 267 83

Alexia Lee is a genius, and with the world at her feet, and nothing left to discover. For Alexia, the world i... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-one
Chapter Twenty-two
Chapter Twenty-three
Chapter Twenty-four
Thirty-eight: The Finale

Chapter Sixteen

112 5 1
By thewriters101

Alexia knew, from the moment her philosophy teacher, Mr Tim, walked in, that a new assignment was on the way. She could feel her expectations rising and excitement bubbling in her veins. Mr Tim was the only decent teacher she had and he never failed to deliver the best questions that actually posed a mild challenge for her.

Today however, Mr Tim didn't start off by writing the topic down on the board. Instead, he faced the class and waited, a mysterious smile playing on his lips. When everyone was settled, he announced the question and Alexia watched to see the reactions of the empty-minded beings around her.

"I know what you all are thinking," Mr Tim said. "And yes, I do have a new essay question for you." A soft groan rose up from the class and Alexia cheered internally. "However, it's not what you all might be thinking. For this essay, there is no topic."

This, she was not expecting. No topic? When had the school loosened it's reigns enough to let such a vaguely mind-blowing topic slip through the cracks of the system. She took one look at the confused faces around her, struggling to wrap whatever meagre substance their minds contained around this new idea, and her mini internal celebration grew into a full-blown satisfaction party.

"Since there is no fixed topic, you will be graded on how intriguing your topic is and how well you answer the question you pose," Mr Tim continued. "So surprise me! Think out of the box! There are no boundaries! Come up with the most interesting topic and blow my mind!" He looked Alexia in the eye and said, "I expect big, big things from you lot."

Alexia tried not to grin too widely. Oh, you will be surprised, Mr Tim.

"Hey!" Almier called out, running to catch up with her in the hall. "So you heard Mr Tim, what are you going to write?"

Alexia shrugged. "I haven't thought of it yet. Maybe a commentary on our society and how it is filled with idiots with more silicon in her bodies than matter in their brains," she remarked, staring at Natalie and her group of friends, chatting about the essay, most probably, given the look of absolute worry on their faces.

Almier followed her gaze and laughed. "What do you think they'll write about?"

"Probably love or some other cliche topic," she said. "Or maybe they'll do a study on how the amount of lipstick affects the level of I.Q of a person. What are you doing, anyway, Almier?"

Almier looked down at his intertwined hands. "I really don't know. I was thinking maybe something on history, but it wouldn't be very deep, would it?"

Alexia thought about this. "But you're Almier, you'll probably find some way to twist it around and make it blow everybody's mind."

Almier laughed. "Thanks for the encouragement, Alexia, but I think you overestimate me."

"Almier, please. I've seen both sides of the pole, and believe me, I know smart when I see it. And you," she poked his arms. "Are definitely not on that end," she said, pointing at Natalie.

"Oh, Alexia, you make my ego swell," Almier said, grinning like a child on christmas after receiving the best present of his life. "Too bad I can't hang around longer to absorb more compliments," he hoisted his bag up on his shoulder. "Math calls." He waved to her and darted down the halls.

Alexia stared at his retreating frame, and silently gave thanks that she had finally met someone whose essay she could actually read out of genuine interest. She smiled to herself. This was a refreshing change, and how lucky was she that it came in the form of Almier. She started to unload books that she hadn't bothered to read into her locker and began pondering over what question she might choose.

Something controversial, perhaps?  I could tackle it from both sides and present to them a side that has never been discussed before? Or maybe I could go for something they would never have thought of. What is something that a highly-trained philosophy teacher would never have thought of? Something so simplistically brilliant, so common that no one has ever given it consideration, something -


Alexia whirled around to pounce on whoever had interrupted her thoughts and found herself face to face with Caden. Automatically, she glared at him, then remembered his deed of kindness and softened her gaze. "Yes, Caden?" Alexia said through her teeth, forcing a smile.

"So I saw you talking to you boy-to - i mean, Almier," Caden remarked.

"Wow, some incredible observation skills you've got there!" Alexia deadpanned.

Caden rolled his eyes. "Ok, ok, genius, I get it. So, what topic are you doing?"

"Haven't decided. Almier's doing something on history, though. I'm honestly excited to read it."

"Almier, eh? He's pretty smart, I've heard," Caden said.

"Yeah, he is," Alexia eyed him warily. "Feeling the heat, Caden?"

Caden's eyes danced with an expression that she could not read. "No," he said casually. "But I believe that question is more applicable to you."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"What I mean is, Alexia Lee, you might have finally met your match."

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