Don't call me Hoods. (A Hoodi...

By Moniscar

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Characters. (More will be added as the Story goes on)

Chapter One

511 35 15
By Moniscar

Chapter One

Monica’s PoV

It’s been a few years since my dad was found dead. I was only 15 then, now I’m 19 and about to move out. My mother was so devastated after two years she… Killed herself. I never told anyone but my best friend, Tavia. She always knew how to help even though she couldn’t. Since I was 17 I lived with her and her family, but now since I earned enough money to rent an apartment I’m moving out and leave Tavia and her family. I knew this would mean having to get enough money every month to pay the bills and for food. It won’t be easy but it will work eventually. I talked to my college about helping out with a scholarship so I was able to live in my apartment, they said they would help but I needed to pay $100 to them for helping with the scholarship and them helping pay the apartment. I agreed so that means about 600 dollars to just the apartment and the school. And my monthly paycheck is 800 dollars so I will only have 200 for food and clothing. I can manage that, I hope.

                I walk down the street with Tavia whom was helping my carry my stuff to my new place. “Moni, you don’t have to do this. I and my family will help you out.” Tavia told me for literally the hundredth time. I sighed and looked at her before tossing the boxes slightly so I could get a better grip onto the boxes so I didn’t drop them.

                “For the last time, I’m sure; I can manage living on my own. I’m not going to kill myself like my mom.” I said with a hint of hurt in my tone I picked up my pace as we crossed the road into the parking lot of the apartment building. Tavia did a weak smile as she looked around the parking lot and found a car stop to walk on. “Tavia, please don’t do that while your holding my boxes, I have glass in there and I don’t want any of it to break.” I said looking at her.

                “But Moni! This is fun!” she whined getting off. I rolled my eyes smirking as I moved the boxes into one hand and carefully open the door to my apartment. I almost dropped the boxes when one of the neighbors caught them just in time. “Oh my god, thank you!” I said while holding my hands over my mouth.

                “No problem. I’m Brian.” He said looking at me pushing the door open with his foot. He walked to my bed and set the boxes down onto the bed. “I-I’m Monica, and that’s my friend Tavia,” I said pointing to me then Tavia. He smiled and then left but he said that if I needed anything to just stop by to the apartment next door. I agreed and closed the door after he left. Tavia was opening the boxes and organizing the stuff in my room.

                “Looks like the movers already got here and unpacked my furniture for me. That was nice of them.” I said looking around the apartment smiling at how neat my stuff was. I sat on the couch and watched Tavia unpack my glass figurines. “Tavia, you don’t have to do that, you helped me enough already.” I said smiling and shaking my head. She once again said no and continued to unpack my figurines. I sighed and started to read some manga that I got for my birthday.

                Tavia eventually sat down and took the book from me and turned on the TV. “Moni, you need to stop reading manga. It’s gonna ruin your brain.” She said laughing. I rolled my eyes, “Like TV won’t ruin my eyes,” I said sarcastically. She shook her head before watching TV. I sighed and watched with her. I smirked as I took the TV remote and turned on ‘Bleach’. She groaned and looked at me with her ‘really’ face. I smirked and continued to watch. She sighed but continued to watch because she also loves anime like me. “Monica? You have any food here?” Tavia said getting up. I look at her and sighed.

                “Tavia, I just moved in. Of course I don’t have food. Later I’m going shopping. You can come if you want.” I said looking at her. She groaned and sat back down, “Fine.”


It was about 2 hours until all my ‘Bleach’ recordings were over. I got up and shook Tavia awake, “Come on; time to go get food.” I said as she woke up. I sighed and went to the door and brushed my short hair into the ‘Beiber’ style with my fingers. Tavia got up and walked behind me as I left the apartment. Once she was out I locked my apartment and we went onto the store for some food.


Hey guys! This is Twere with the first chapter on Don't call me Hoods. I'm gonna work hard on this and I've been having this question asked to me a few times:

'Can I be in this story'

But guys this is a story that only me and my besties in real life are gonna be in. I'm sorry but if you want to be in a story of mine I MIGHT make a story with you guys in it. I will have a form out later and then the first 10-15 people who sent in a form can be in the story! :D So ya. Twere out!

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