When I found you (Niall Horan...

By young_freespirit

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When I moved to London with my best friend to follow my dreams I would never have imagined my life would goin... More

When I found you (Niall Horan fanfic)
Chapter 1.
Chapter 2.
Chapter 3.
Chapter 4.
Chapter 5
Chapter 6.
Chapter 7.
Chapter 8 "A Little Secret"
Chapter 9 "At the same time, other place"
Chapter 10 "Surprise"
Chapter 11 "There's nothing better than a friend"
Chapter 12 "Rollercoaster"
Chapter 13 "On the set"
Chapter 14 "Same mistakes"
Chapter 15 "Misunderstood"
Chapter 16 "Such a mess"
Chapter 17 "Goodbye"
Chapter 18 "Deep conversation"
Chapter 19 "Ready?"
Chapter 20 "Premiere"
Chapter 21 "After party"
Chapter 22 "Drunk"
Chapter 23 "Hungover"
Chapter 24 "Let's work it out"
Chapter 25 "Spain"
Chapter 26 "Paris"
Chapter 27 "Shh"
Chapter 28 "Locked"
Chapter 29 "Karaoke"
Chapter 30 "Hospital"
Chapter 31 "Cupcakes"
Chapter 32 "Shopping"
Chapter 33 "Niall's Birthday Part I"
Chapter 34 "Niall's Birthday Part II"
Chapter 35 "Niall's Birthday Part III"
Chapter 37 "News"
Chapter 37 "Sleepover"
Chapter 38 "Picture"
Chapter 39 "LA Baby"
Chapter 40 "Something unexpected"
Chapter 41 "Make up?"
Chapter 42 "It's official"
Chapter 43 "Envelope"
Chapter 44 "Empty"
Chapter 45 "Hometown"
Chapter 46 "Second day"
Chapter 47 "I want you"
Chapter 48 "Chloe"
Chapter 49 "Snow"
Chapter 50 "Shed"
Chapter 51 "Christmas day"
Chapter 52 "Tell me this isn't true"
Chapter 53 "It's done"
Chapter 54 "Flashback"
Chapter 55 "Where am I going?"
Chapter 56 "NYC I"
Chapter 57 "NYC II"
Chapter 58 "New Year, Old Beginning"
Chapter 59 "First Gig"
Chapter 60 "Sharp Games"
Chapter 61 "Rewind"
Chapter 62 "Bus"
Chapter 64 "Blurry"
Chapter 65 "Not in the mood"
Chapter 66 "A little bit for us"
Chapter 67 "More conversations"
Chapter 68 "Confessions"
Chapter 69 "Appointment"
Chapter 70 "clubbing"
Chapter 71 "Diary"
Chapter 72 "My guardian angel"
Chapter 73 "You, with me"
Chapter 74 "The End"
Chapter 75 "Epilogue"

Chapter 63 "Guilty"

263 5 0
By young_freespirit

7th May 2013

When I opened my eyes this morning I noticed that Niall and I fell asleep in the couch. I woke him up because apparently we had arrived in Norway. It was very early in the morning, the sun wasn’t out yet. We had separately interviews before the concert starts so we went to the hotel to have a shower and get ready before going. 

We were both a bit sleepy. The boys were there, all together, but Theresa and Chloe, they weren’t with them which surprise me, probably they were sleeping or something. 

"Hi guys" I said, but I had no response, instead, they looked at me with a weird face, like if they were disappointed on something. “Hey, is everything ok?" I asked.

"Don’t act like you haven’t done anything, [Y/N]. I wasn’t expecting this from you" said Zayn.

"What? What are you talking about?" I asked in concern. Suddenly Theresa and Chloe arrived. She was hugging Chloe and she had her head hidden in Theresa’s neck. 

"Ok, someone tell me what’s going on here, I don’t get anything! Why is she crying?" Everyone looked at me, except Niall, that was even more confused than me, like if I had done anything bad, I swear I didn’t know why everyone was acting like that!

When we had the key of the room the boys took Chloe with them and Theresa waited there, looking at me. I didn’t know her face, she’d never looked at me that way.

"I don’t know what to say…" she said. “I thought you were different, [Y/N] but apparently, you aren’t, you’re like everyone else. How could you? I know you don’t like her, but this has crossed the line. I can’t see you like my best friend or even friend right now, I can’t call you that.I’m sorry"

"Wait, wait wait, what are you talking about? I don’t understand anything!" My voice broke when I said this because what Theresa has just said broke my heart completely. I could feel my eyes starting to water too which make it worst to understand all the situation.

"Look, don’t pretend you’ve done nothing. I’d never thought you will do what you wrote on twitter earlier literally, so… you know what? Just fuck off… and don’t hurt Chloe again" she said and start walking to her room. I stood there with tears in my eyes. Niall immediately wrapped his arms around me and tried to calm me down.

"Shh, princess, don’t cry over here, let’s go to our room, paparazzis might see you"

I nodded and as soon as I crossed the door, I started crying uncontrollably. What the hell have I done to deserve this? I started to remind every move I did yesterday but I couldn’t think of anything. Theresa said something about twitter, but the only thing I wrote yesterday was the quote, I didn’t do anything else! My phone started buzzing and buzzing as people were waking up apparently. It was twitter notifications. They were fans and I read them all.

They said something like “Fucking bitch" or “You’re the bitch here, not her" or “Go screw yourself" or “She’s perfect and you’re just a sack of ugly potatoes". Niall was sitting next to me. He tried to take my phone away from me several times but I stopped him. When I finished I threw my phone to the floor and laid down in bed, looking at the ceiling as more tears were rolling down my eyes. 

"Princess, have you… have you wrote this?" Niall said pointing to his phone. He was checking my twitter and I saw messages. I clearly didn’t write them at all. They said something like this:

"Like I said before, let’s be true to who I am. I must confess there’s someone I can’t stand. She’s a plastic barbie, bitch, slut… anything you can call her, and I regret nothing" 

Then another tweet from my account said.

"If you’re wondering the person I’m talking about is… Her name start with Chlo and end with e"

I look speechless at Niall, now it was like I found the missing piece to the puzzle which made me understand everything. I shook my head in disbelief. I didn’t write that, I can’t write that. When I wrote the tweet “Be true to who you are" I didn’t mean all of this. I meant to be loyal to yourself and don’t let anything smash you like it’s smashing me right now.

"I swear I didn’t write that, Niall" He was silent, and this silent was killing me. I’ve lost the majority of my friends and I wasn’t going to stand loosing Niall too, not right now"


I was looking at her but… I’m Niall. I don’t know how to act in these weird situations, I was very bad at calming people down or comfort them, I didn’t want to make it worse. I was scared when [Y/N] threw her phone to the ground. I knew these things affect her like knifes in her back and I tried several times to take her phone away from her, but she didn’t let me. I was suffering too for her, I didn’t like seeing her like that.

I grabbed my phone and started scrolling her Twitter account. Theresa said something about it, so that’s when I see it. Two tweets after she wrote some kind of quote. 

"Princess, have you…" I was hesitating, I didn’t know if this would hurt her even more “have your wrote this?" she sat up and took my phone.  I was looking at her gorgeous eyes. They were read, filled with tears, but still they were gorgeous. When she finished, she looked at me and I could tell she was so sad, she was torn, she was broken. 

"I swear I didn’t write that, Niall" she whispered. I started to remember then that conversation of Chloe and someone on the other line, she was a liar, she was false, and I knew [Y/n] wasn’t able to write that, she’s not like that, I know her so well. She’s too good to hurt anyone, even her worst enemy. 

I then hugged her so tightly, I pulled her to my chest and I was rubbing her hair, just to see if I had the chance to relax her. 

"I know you didn’t write all that shit, babe. I know you, and I know you wouldn’t be able to write that" I said and I kissed her head.

"You do? Do you believe me?"

"I haven’t doubt any second of it, and I swear we’re gonna find who hacked your twitter. Now, go and have a shower, we have interviews to attend"

"But… but what if they ask me about all this situation? What am I supposed to say?"

"Just say the truth, the one who lies, sooner or later will show their real self and they’re going to lose. Just be you ok? And smile, please" I said and kissed her cheek as I was wiping away her tears. 


Before having the interview I had a chat with Lucas, he was asking me if I had written all the tweets, you all know what my answer was, right? For the billionth time, I haven’t written that s**t. Plus, I was with Niall watching the movie and my phone was with me all the time in my pocket. 

I think he believed me, he was like a father to me and it would hurt me so much if he, after what Theresa did, didn’t believe my words either. 

I was siting in front of the interviewer, and after some general questions, it came, and I didn’t know if I was ready or not to hear it.

"So… what happened between Chloe and you, and all your tweets?" I sighed and bite my lip in an attempt to not cry in front of everyone. I was nervous and I know my voice was going to crack in any moment.

"Look, I don’t know how all this situation started, but I swear I didn’t. I haven’t written all those tweets." I had to pause before continue to have a deep breath “And whoever who done that, thank you, you’ve taken a great part of me" I said thinking of Theresa in that moment. I looked at the ceiling trying to contain my tears. “You’re strong, [Y/N], remember that, you don’t want everyone to see you crying, right? Just don’t cry" I told to myself.


When the interview finished, we headed to the arena to soundcheck. Thank God none of the boys were around, it was just my crew there. We had to repeat the songs millions of times because I wasn’t focused on singing, my mind was in all this whole situation, spinning around in who might have been and what did I have to do to make them believe me and not Chloe. Then I went to my dressing room to get dressed when I heard someone knocking in the door.

"Who’s this?"

"Your boyfriend babe" I was looking at myself in the mirror, sat in a chair trying to do my make up. 

"So how are you?" I looked at him and sighed. 

"How do you think I am?"

"Look" he said and took my hands with his. “It hurts me seeing you like this, just forget it ok?"

"How do you want me to forget when my best friend is so mad at me, my fans are mad at me, people are saying nasty things to me, and you’re the only one, apart from Lucas who believe me? How do you want me to forget that everybody thinks I’m a fucking liar, Niall?"

"Fuck people, [Y/n]. You need to show them how strong you are. Make them think that you’re not broken, that’s what frustrate them the most, slap them in the face showing you don’t care"

"And what do I do with the boys and Theresa Niall?"

"I will work it out ok? Don’t you worry about that, as soon as I’m with you, we can make it ok?"

I nodded and murmured a simple but huge thank you to him. Then he pecked my lips sweetly before going to soundcheck. 

I looked back at myself. To be strong… I’ve forgotten what to be strong is, I’ve lost it so many years ago. I really don’t know how I’m still with my feet on the ground, or even standing. I then feel the massive feeling to talk to Theresa, to tell her again, that I’ve done nothing. I walked out and went towards Lucas to ask him where Theresa was. He said he wasn’t in the arena at the moment. When I was making my way back to my dressing room I heard someone doing “Psss" to me and then I saw her, Chloe, in the couch with an evil smile on her face.

"This is all your fault, you’ve made up all of this right?" She didn’t say a single word, just laughed. “What do you want, what do you want from me?"

"I want it all, and I won’t stop till I see you begging on your knees to take it all back"

"What have I done to you? You’re just a…"

"A bitch? A slut? A whore? Yeah, you’ve written it"

"No, I haven’t"

"It’s true, but you should learn to log out of your twitter account before going somewhere else"

I couldn’t believe what she was saying “You’re not going to win, you know that right?"

"We’ll see, you’ve lost 5 of your friends now…"

"I’m gonna take them back soon"

"Or not…"

"Look, I’m wasting my time here talking to you. I’m going"

Suddenly she stood up quickly and shut the door. She pushed me against the wall and her delicate hands, or so I thought, grabbed my arms with so much strength that it hurt. 

"Get off of me" I said. I was starting to freak out. This girl was crazy. What did she think she was doing?

"Or what?" she replied in a challenging way.

"Don’t you see you’re crazy? What are you doing?" She put more pressure in my arms. “Ahh!! You’re hurting me!" I tried to take her off of me but she was strong. She scared me, she looked like an angel but she’s clearly the devil in body.

"Wait" she said and I looked at her eyes. “You know who’s next, right?" she said raising an eyebrow. “He believes in you, so I’ll have to change my plans. Don’t you want him to be hurt right?"

"What do you mean?" I said shaking.

"I thought you were smarter… if you don’t want him to be hurt, you have to do something, if you don’t do it, goodbye Niall" 

Seriously my ears were hearing all of this? I couldn’t let anything bad happen to Niall. That’s the least thing I want for him. I was already screwed and I didn’t want him to be screwed up too because he loved his job, this was his dream, and nobody could take it from him.

"What do you want me to do?"

"Good girl, I want you to say in public that you were the one who wrote the tweets" My eyes widened at her request. I was going to say…? Of course not! But then Niall came to my mind. I didn’t have another choice. I had to do it.


"Tonight, in front of everyone"


The concert started and my hands were shaking and sweating. My arms were starting to get a greenish, yellow, purple color, and they hurt so much. I was thinking the whole time how should I say it, when should I say it… This was going to be probably the last concert because when I say it, everybody will hate me. 

"I… I have to confess something" I said and had a deep breath."You probably will be talking about all the Twitter situation" My eyes started to water again, but I couldn’t let anything bad happen to Niall “You’re wondering who wrote all of these, right? Well… I did. I was the one who wrote it. Sorry, I just had to tell it" My voice cracked and everybody was speechless. It was the end of my concert and when I was making my way to backstage I heard everything, all the nasty words that were on earth I heard them. I started to run as fast as I could. I went to my dressing room again and locked the door. I didn’t want anybody to speak to me or see me. I just wanted to be alone. 

"Babe! Open the door!" said Niall from behind it. 

"Go away Niall!" 

"What the fuck have you done? Don’t you know that you can throw everything you’ve achieve away? Is that what you want?"

"I’ve lost in all Niall, I had no chance. Just leave me alone!!"

"We’ll talk when I finish the concert and you’ve relaxed a bit"


When we finish we headed to the tour bus. “This was going to be weird" I thought. I went directly to my bunk, closed the curtains and just relax, I didn’t want anyone to talk to me. I was so lost in my thoughts when I hear someone saying.

"Knock knock" I could tell by the tone of his voice that it was Harry, followed by Louis. Although the bunk was small we managed to fit inside the three of us.

"You weren’t supposed to be mad at me?" I whispered.

"We didn’t let you explain yourself. Niall has been absent the whole day and he kept repeating us that you didn’t write the tweets, so before judging we want you to explain yourself" said Louis

"Well… the thing is I don’t have pre per arguments. I had my phone with me the whole time. I wrote the tweet that say you have to be true to who you are, I admit it, but not with the sense it’s now, I wrote it with another sense. And don’t ask me how the two following tweets appeared because I don’t know. I was with Niall just watching a movie. Well, yes I know, but you’re not going to believe me"

"Why not?"

"Cause it’s surreal ok? Chloe is not the lovely person you all think she is. She’s bad, she’s evil. I mean it, seriously. I have no proofs right now, but I swear, she’s not good"

"And how do you know that?"

"Because she’s making my life impossible since the first day I met her. I tried to be nice, but I just can’t. She doesn’t let me and Theresa is too blind to see it. It’s gonna take sometime"

"Well, we don’t know what to say. I mean, she’s so friendly with us… that it’s hard to believe your words" said Harry

"Really Harry? You think I’m lying?" I said in disbelief.

"I’m not saying that… it’s just…"

"Look, I don’t wanna be mad at you, so just leave ok? I can’t speak with you right now" I said and I opened the curtains for them to leave. When I opened my laptop and twitter I saw it coming, all the mean tweets blaming me for the whole situation after confessing I was the one who wrote the tweets. More tears were on my cheek and I didn’t know how I could cry more. Those things hurt, so much. And I couldn’t do anything about it. Everything was done now.

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Hope you like them. Message/comment me if you want a request. bye. xx