Because I Love You (BTS Jimin...

By MinYoongi93_

745K 19.4K 8.4K

This is a story about a cold girl who was moved from Canada to Korea. The girl, Son Lenny, is her school's bi... More

Characters and Story Details
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29 [END]
Author's Note!
New Book!
HAPPY 400K!!
Short Announcement!
Attention Pls!
Happy News!

Chapter 25

13.8K 409 113
By MinYoongi93_

" You're so beautiful " Someone whisper softly on my ears.

I moved my body slowly and opened my eyes slowly. I blinked my eyes a couple of time before realizing the surrounding.

" Good morning, oppa " I muttered with my tired voice.

" Good morning, jagiya " He replied back with a smile.

" What time is now? Do I sleep to long? " I asked him while stretching my aching body.

" It's just 8.30 now. Not that long. I know you're tired " He said and caressed my head softly.

" My whole body was aching " I whined with a pout earning a soft giggle from him.

" Aw, you want me to give you some massage? " He asked and I nodded with close eyes.

" Lay down with your face on the bed " He said and I turned around.

I lay down crossing my hands on my face and lay my head on it. I close my eyes as soon as I feel a pair of warm palms on my back, starting to give a light massage from my shoulder to my waist.

" Your body was so hot. Are you sick? " He said and quickly put the back of his hand on my forehead.

" Yah! You're burning. Why didn't you tell me? That's why your so weak and your body was aching. Aigoo~ " He nagged a bit but I ignored it since I am too tired to move and speak.

" Wait here " He demanded before standing up going somewhere.

" I'm too tired to go anywhere anyway " I mumbled huskily as my throat was sore.

He then came back and sat beside me. He do something beside me which I don't know what as I was facing at the other side.

Suddenly, he grabbed my right arm lightly which I tiredly let him and continue lay back down.

" Just rest. Let me wipe your body with this wet towel, okay? " I nodded as a respon and unconciously dozed off to sleep.


" *cough* Oppa? " I muttered tiredly.

I rubbed me eyes softly and looked at the clock. It's 11 o'clock but where is he?

*Knock knock*

" Come in " I replied with my cracked voice.

" Jagiya, you're awake~ " He sang showing me his perfect eyes smile.

" Are you feel a bit cooler now? " He asked me while checking my body temperature.

" N-Nae " I stuttered as my throat is really hurt.

" Ops, I forgot! Let me take a glass of water for you " He ruffled his hair and quickly ran downstairs for a glass of water.

Soon, he came back and handed me the water. I gulped down the water and some medicines that he gave me before handing him back the empty glass.

" I'm hungry~ " I pouted.

" Let's go downstairs. Eomma had prepared hot soups for you since your voice is still cracking because of your sore throat. So, let's ease the pain " He said and pulled me up from the bed.

I fell down on the ground as soon as I get to stand. Well, I'm used to it. My legs are weak when I am sick. I can't walk properly.

" Jagiya, are you okay? " He asked worriedly as he quickly support me up.

" I'm okay. My legs always weak when I'm sick. I can't walk properly " I said and give him a smile.

He smirked and say, " Let me bring you down then ".

Before I ever get the chance to give a respond, he quickly picked me up in bridal style and hold me tightly.

" Oppa, let me walk " I said as I hit his chest lightly.

" Tell me, how can you walk if your legs are weak? You want yourself to fall down the stairs? " He said and I quickly pouted.

" Arasso~ " I obeyed and he walked out from the room and headed downstairs.


" OMO OMO Park Jimin " Eommonim exclaimed as she saw us heading toward the kitchen with me in Jimin's arms.

" She can't walk Eomma, that's why " He replied and Eommonim nodded her head, understand.

" But even if she can walk, I'll be gladly bring her down like this everyday " He joked earning a light punch from me and a laughed from Eommonim.

" I don't mind~ " Eommonim said and we both laughed.

He put me down on the chair and served me a bowl of hot soups. He give me the spoon and I happily eat it after I cooled it down.


" Thank you for taking care of me and letting me stay here, Eommonim " I thanked and bowed politely to her.

She smile and say, " It's fine! You are welcome here anytime you want ".

I smile happily upon hearing those words and bowed once again before saying, " Bye~ "

" Bye honey " She waved at me which I gladly replied.

" How I wished you could stay with me every night " Jimin said as he help me carried my bag on his shoulders.

" You know I can't " I laughed at him.

He laughed and sighed, " I know ".

" I should propose you after we both graduate then. So that you will be beside me every day and night " He said and grinned.

I blushed at his statement and muttered, " Whatever ".

I fasten my pace as I don't want him to see me blushing but I heard he laugh.

" I know you like the idea " He teased which I replied with a glare.

" I didn't say that " I replied.

" And you didn't say you hate it too " He teased again and laughed.

" Ergh whatever " I muttered and quickly linked my arms with him.

" What is it? " He asked as he saw me linking my arms with his.

" Nothing " I said and he smile.

" I know you will miss me. Don't worry, I'll call you every night " He stated again.

" Tch, I'll wait for it " I mumbled with a pout.

We walked together to my house but stopped to get an ice-cream for both of us. We entered an ice-cream shop and line up.

" What's your order, lovebirds? " An ahjumma asked us with a smile.

" Ahjumma, I want strawberry ice-cream " I said cutely.

" I want chocolate ice-cream " He gave his order.

" Aigoo, so cute~ Wait for 5 minutes " She said and make our orders.

" Okay, here's your ice-creams! Have fun, kids " She said and give us a warm smile.

We pay and thanked her, " Thank you ahjumma!~ ".

We walked out from the shop and continue our walk back home. I licked my ice-cream and hummed happily.

" Want to taste? " I asked him as I shoved the ice-cream in front of him.

He licked my ice-cream and nodded his head before saying, " Delicious ".

" Yes it is! " I replied and licked it again.

He shoved his ice-cream in front of me and say, " Want to taste mine? ".

I licked it and licked it again.

" So sweet~ " I said and he chuckled.

" Of course, because my saliva so sweet " He joked and laughed.

" Euw~ " I make a disgusted face and laughed with him.

" I'm just joking, baby " He said and I nodded, knowing.


" Thank you for sending me back, oppa " I thanked him and hugged him tightly.

" Everything for my jagiya " He replied and hugged me back.

" I'm so gonna miss waking up beside you " He said and I nodded agreed.

" Me too " I pouted in his chest.

" Aw, don't pout. It's my weakness " He said and I laughed.

" Arasso~ "

" Want to come in? " I asked him.

" No need. I'll get going " He replied and I nodded.

" Goodbye oppa~ " I waved at him but he looked at me, like asking something.

" What? "

" Where's my kiss? " He asked and I chuckled.

I walked to him and wrapped my arms around his neck before tip-toeing to give him a long peck on his lips.

He smile and wrapped his arms around my waist, enjoying the long peck on his lips. We broke the kiss and smile.

" Bye oppa! " I waved at him and he waved back.

" Bye jagiya! "

I entered the house and waved at him once again before closing the door.

I miss him already..


Hello everybody!

Finally after a long break. Sorry for not telling you anything. I've been so busy and stress this past weeks. I'm so busy and stress, no lie.

Sorry once again, my lovely readers!

So here's today's update! Hope you guys enjoy it!

Read, vote and comment! Ily :*

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