Never Have I Ever

By ByeByeLove

107K 2.3K 306

You know playing Never Have I Ever is supposed to be fun. So why do I feel so completely nervous right now? I... More

Never Have I Ever
Hello stranger.
Life Underwater.
When its rains, it pours.
Smokey the Drunken Bear.
Wally World!
Partytime, excellent!
Let's Make a Date.
The Fast and The Furious.
Wait, What?

There's a First Time for Everything.

6.1K 164 23
By ByeByeLove

So I wanted to wait till tomorrow to post this, but I'm helping my sister-in-law make tamales tomorrow (YAY!), so therefore you get it today, treat it well.

Oh and of course the pictures and video to the side. It's the Glee version of Lucky because i like that version better, so it's that version.

Mild language, but other than that, ENJOY THE FRIGGIN CRAP OUT OF THIS CHAPTER :)


Kissed a Boy

May 5, 2012

Yes, this seems like a cliche doesn't it?

But I have never actually been kissed.

It’s not like Oliver was ever overprotective so guys shied away from me, it was never that I was ugly, or that I was a snobby person.

It was always that when it came down to it, I’ve never liked someone enough to give them my first kiss.

That probably sounds stupid, but I think firsts are sacred, first kiss, first A+, first dance, those are sacred, and my first kiss wasn’t something I just wanted to hand away.

And for this task, I wanted to do it when and where I wanted, how I wanted. I wanted to kiss a guy under my own terms.

I would’ve gladly kissed Adrian, but he’s my best friend, I would rather be stuck as his best friend than not have him in my life at all.

Even if he did ask me to prom.

Yeah, prom right?

Biology was almost over and we were all sitting waiting for the bell to ring.

Once it did Adrian and I were the first out, walking towards the brunch carts.

“So has anyone asked you yet?” He inquired, making my heart clench.

I shook my head, “No, but I don’t really think I want to go anyway. I have to considering Junie and Oliver told me to, but I don’t really want to go.” I replied as honestly as possible as we got in line.

His eyes widened, “You don’t want to go?”

I shook my head, trying to look convincing and failing miserably as I waited for him to order.

“That’s bullshit.” He stated once he was done ordering and we were walking to meet the girls under the overhang.

I raised my eyebrows at him; I’d never heard him curse the entire time I’d known him.

“Bullshit?” I tasted it on my tongue and he rolled his eyes at me.

“Bullshit,” as if I needed it repeated, “Every girl wants to go to prom”

Now I rolled my eyes at him, I stopped walking when we were just out of hearing distance from the girls, “How long have you known me and you would still lump me in with every girl?”

I shook my head and walked away from him, “Yeah well then prove me wrong.”

I stopped and turned to him, my eyebrows raised, “Prove it?” I inquired walking up to him.

He rolled his eyes, “Yes, prove to me by going to prom with me.”

“With you?” I snorted but my heart was beating a mile a minute, he seemed to notice because he came up to me, and leaned down close to me, “Yeah, prove that prom isn’t everything by going with me and having a horrible time.”

I narrowed my eyes at him, “I could just tell you how every other dance has gone for me, I don’t really think that going with you and showing you is the easiest way.”

He laughed, laughed loudly and I hit him in the chest, stepping away from him, “Look Wendy Bird, I’m asking you because I want to go with you okay.”

I raised an eyebrow skeptically, “I know that it's amazing that someone with this bod,” he gestured to his body and I snorted making him grin, “Wants to go with their best friend, but I do, I want to go with you.”

I looked at him, straight in the eyes, wanting to really know the truth and all I could see there was sincerity. Slowly, very slowly, I nodded and he grinned at me. I raised a finger at him and narrowed my eyes, “One condition.”

He nodded, and I smiled, “No asking what my last task is.” He opened his mouth to protest but I raised my eyebrows at him showing I was serious. He nodded slowly and I smiled, “Good, now all you have to do is find a green tie.”

I walked away towards the girls and he yelled, catching up to me, “What color green?”

I turned and walked backwards for a moment before answering, “The color of your eyes would do.”

So now here I was, staring at myself in my floor length mirror at two in the afternoon on the day of prom, wondering what in the name of all that is holy, got me into this dress. It was beautiful and the little silver heels I wore with it were perfect. The girls were coming over early so we could all get ready and they should be here rig—

“Wendy love! Are you ready for us?” Fran shrieked up the stairs.

I turned, a grimace on my face when they burst through the door. They all stopped talking the moment they saw me and then there was a flurry of movement and color and they had themselves attached to me.

Smiling I turned to the mirror again and they all ‘awweeed’. I huffed out a breath and Sam grabbed my hand, her yellow eyes warm, “What’s wrong?”

I shrugged, “Remind me why I’m going to prom again?”

Harriet rolled her eyes at me, “Cause Oliver and Junie made you.”

I smiled and Sam added, “And because Adrian asked you.”

I rolled my eyes, “Go change I feel weird being the only one like this.”

They all scurried around the room changing. All I could see around myself in the mirror was clothes flying and bags being tossed until after a few minutes of squealing the three of them were standing around me, looking into the mirror.

Sam was wearing a cute yellow dress that matched her contacts, something she always insisted on when wearing a nice dress.

Fran was wearing a cute little purple halter dress. Purple was her favorite color and she would not get a dress any other color.

Harriet was wearing a silver dress that reached the floor and hugged her figure. It brought out her red hair even more by the contrast.

“We look gorgeous.” I whispered.

They all nodded enthusiastically and then Sam clapped impatiently, “Time to get ready.”

We changed out of our dresses and into button up shirts and gym shorts.

“I’m in charge of make-up!” Fran bellowed and none of us objected.

“Then I’ll be in charge of jewelry.” Harriet nodded.

“I’ll do hair.” Sam suggested.

“Shoes and purses for me.” I shrugged.

I'm not sure why we bothered claiming something, we'd had the same routine for ten years when it came to getting ready for a nice occasion.

We went through the process of make-up with minimal argument except when it came to Harriet.

“My dress is silver Fran, not that dreary gray you have there.” She argued.

Fran frowned at her, “It’s a smoky gray, maybe not silver, but its close enough.”

Harriet shook her head, “I will have these prom pictures until I die and I don’t want to stare at some girl that looks like she got punched in the face.”

Fran narrowed her eyes at her, “Fine.” She rummaged through her bag and came out with a gold palette, “How bout this?”

Harriet smiled, “It’ll make a nice contrast.”

“Damn right it will.” Fran muttered making Sam and I laugh.

Hair was a little difficult because Fran’s hair was so short and Sam had to work with the multi-colored sections.

“Remind me why you cut your hair this short?” Sam asked completely frustrated.

Fran shrugged, “Cause I like to.”

Sam huffed and played with her hair a little until she snapped her fingers, “Got it. How bout spikes.”

I snorted into my glass of water, and inhaled, burning my nose and causing the three of them to laugh hysterically at me.

Sam shook her head, “Anyway, how about half up half down and curl the lifted strands.”

Fran gave her the thumbs up and Sam started working, a determined look on her face.

The jewelry part was easy until it came to me.

“I don’t want to wear that necklace.” I pouted, looking at the diamonds Harriet held.

“Well then what necklace are you gonna wear, because this one is perfect.” She huffed angrily.

I went to my jewelry box and pulled out the little red box taking out the pearl necklace. They all ‘oohed’ at it and I smiled, putting it on, “And before you ask this is what Adrian got me for Christmas.”

Harriet snorted, “Yeah you guys are totally going as friends.”

I hit her arm playfully and then it was on to shoes and purses.

That was easy until…

“Look Sam, this is the only yellow purse we have between the four of us and you had to have a yellow dress.” I held up the canary yellow clutch and she glared at me.

“That is not yellow, that is a monstrosity. It’s not even the same shade as my dress.” She whined.

“Yellow is yellow!” I shrieked and then flung it behind me, thoroughly frustrated about fighting over colors for ten minutes.

I looked through the bag once more and came out with a dark blue clutch, “This at least has shoes to match.” I muttered looking for the matching pumps. I held them out to her and she eyed them warily before taking them and looking in the mirror.

She shrugged and then smiled, “I like it.”

“Finally.” I muttered before grabbing my silver shoes and clutch.

Once we were all dressed and ready we took a few pictures until we heard my mom calling me down the stairs.

We ran down as safely as we could in our shoes and dresses and my mother ‘awwwed’ when we got down to the living room.

“You girls look gorgeous.” She gushed, a tear leaking from her right eye.

“No, mom no!” I rushed to her in panic, “No crying is allowed, not until I leave okay?”

She nodded and gave me a watery smile, “It’s just you guys look so grown up.”

I smiled and gave her a hug, “I know, but we look wonderful so this is not a time to be crying.”

She nodded and then quickly gestured to the mantle, “Go get up there, its picture time.”

After nine bazillion pictures—I exaggerate, but only slightly—there was a knock on the door and then the doorbell rang and my mom ran to answer it.

As if the bell was our cue to be nervous we all simultaneously smoothed out our dresses and made sure our hair was fine. I touched the pearl on my chest and grew a bit more confident, that is until he came around the corner.

He looked like a male model had a lovechild with another male model and they made a god. He was wearing a simple tux with a black shirt, a green vest and tie, the green matched my dress perfectly and it brought out his lovely eyes. I was aware of everybody else in the room and at the same time I wasn’t because when his eyes connected with mine and he stopped dead to stare at me, the world stilled.

I gulped and stepped from the mantle, my fingers in a death grip on the pearl as I walked over to him.

He smiled at me and I smiled back when I reached him, “You look good.” I whispered.

He grinned before tugging me to him, “Well you look dazzling.”

I smiled and blushed shaking my head, “Tell me, who helped you pick out your vest?”

He narrowed his eyes at me and I folded my arms across my chest, “Fine.” He conceded, “Erica did.”

I grinned, “I thought so.”

He smiled and then his eyes landed on the bare skin above my dress where the necklace sat, "You're wearing it." He murmured, touching it delicately with his index finger.

I nodded quickly, "You bought it for me, it seemed only fitting I wear it to prom when I'm going with you."

He smiled and was about to reply when my mother called to us for more pictures.

An hour later after another bazillion pictures we were off to prom, the boys driving their respective dates. I sat in Adrian’s car listening to him sing quietly to the music.

We didn’t really talk, but it wasn’t awkward, it was that comfortable silence where you know what the other person is thinking so you don’t need to say it.

Prom was being held in one of our two major hotels, the Yolinda, I think you remember my date there?

We parked a block away and I held the bottom of my dress to stop it from getting dirty. He linked his arm with my free one and I smiled at the gesture.

We walked in and waited in line to get in before we were allowed to take yet another picture, one that we would buy and would be sent to us in the mail. After that we went inside the dining room and I marveled at the difference.

The beige and mauve were made to look classier and the small stage that had previously held a small string quartet now held a dj stand. The tables that were only for two had been removed to make room for tables that seated about eight to ten. The table that held food and drinks was to the left and there was an ice sculpture next to a chocolate fountain.

We claimed a table that was close to the food since the boys would surely be eating a lot of it.

There was still a half hour before it actually started so we busied ourselves getting food and chatting with people that walked over to us to say hi. Suzie winked at me and I gave her a small wave. Kyle tried to come and talk to me but every time his eyes wandered towards us Adrian would glare at him.

Once the music started the tables were empty and the dance floor was full. Adrian and I danced together, for the most part we danced face to face, talking while we danced.

When the dj started to play slow songs, I went to pull us off the floor, but he held me in his arms tightly making me squeal. He laughed and I glared at him, wrapping my arms around his neck.

The first song to play was Lucky by Jason Mraz and Colbie Callait. I smiled, snuggling into his shoulder as I whispered the lyrics. He turned us slowly as we swayed and then he joined in the song with me. When it was done I looked up at him and smiled, his eyes were dark when he returned my smile and I laid my head back down once the next song started.

Two hours later prom was in full swing, our king and queen had been announced—Suzie Teller and Donnie Kendrick—and the girls and I were in the bathroom, checking our hair and make-up. For the most part we all looked pretty much the same aside from the fact we were all sweaty beyond reason.

Adrian had so far kept his promise of not asking about my final task and I was having a blast. So much for the horrible time I'd assumed I'd be having.

Harriet suddenly sighed and Sam sat next to her on the cushioned seat, “What’s wrong?”

Harriet shrugged and then looked up at us, “I think maybe tonight Paul and I might… you know.”

My jaw dropped and my eyes grew wide, Sam and Fran mirrored my expression before I snapped my mouth closed and gave Harriet a smile, “Well, just um… be careful?” I finished lamely making Fran snort.

Harriet nodded, “I know, it’s just, what if he thinks I’m ugly or not what he expected.” She looked so forlorn that I smiled at her and bent down to her level, struggling with my next words a bit.

“You’ve uh, fooled around a bit, yes?” She nodded and I smiled encouragingly, “Then there shouldn’t be any surprises and if he doesn’t appreciate your gorgeous body for what it is, then maybe you need to find someone that does, with or without your clothes on.” She gave me a watery smile and nodded with conviction.

“Okay, you’re right; if he doesn’t love me at my worst then he doesn’t deserve me at my best.” She had a determined look on her face and I patted her hand.

“That’s the spirit.” Sam nodded and Fran hugged Harriet delicately.

“Moose loves you, that’s all you have to remember.” Fran whispered to her.

Harriet nodded and smiled, “Thanks you guys. What would I do without you?”

We laughed and I answered, “Be really bored all of the time.”

She laughed and we linked arms, walking out of the bathroom. They all found their boyfriends quickly and I searched for a bit before I found Adrian, but he wasn’t alone.

He was dancing with Monica Quilisky, a very nice girl with a very nice personality, family and good grades; her only downfall was that she slept with half of our class. She would’ve slept with all of our class but last I heard she was straight.

I sighed when I spotted them and then what I was seeing actually sunk in. The entire night we’d been dancing face to face or slow dancing, grinding occasionally, what they were doing would have gotten them kicked out of the most lenient club.

I huffed out a breath, trying to stay calm until she stood straight up and then slowly slid down his body seductively.

I had jumped to conclusions on Valentine ’s Day and that had led to disaster. Now though, now I was perfectly aware of what I was seeing. I was also acutely aware of the fact that he wasn’t stopping her. I had no claim on him, especially tonight, but really, when you danced with Monica, especially like that, you had no intention of seeing your date for the rest of the night.

I took another breath and went in search of one of my friends. I found Fran close by and walked over to her, telling her I was going home.

She seemed worried but I assured her that Adrian knew I was leaving and that I had a ride. It was all a lie but she bought it well enough and that was what mattered to me. I walked quickly to our table after telling her goodbye and picked up my clutch and shoes, sliding them on once I got out into the lobby.

It was like déjà vu as I walked down the cold street. Except this time it was eleven o’clock at night. This time I was wearing a much longer dress. This time I was crying.

I was ever thankful that my shoes had a low heel so I wouldn’t have to walk home in three inch heels. I was holding the back of my dress up to prevent it from getting dirty as I walked.

Once I reached the dark Panda Express I almost burst into hysterics but luckily I managed to keep my cool. It was like déjà vu again as I went to put my second foot in the street and I stumbled out, not because there were headlights, because someone was yelling my name.

It didn’t take too many guesses as to who it was and especially not when he grabbed me  and carried me to that inevitable table.

Except this time he sat me in his lap. This time he was constantly asking me what was wrong. This time I was crying.

He pushed my hair out of my tear-stained face and I scooted away from him, trying to stand up as gracefully as possible.

“What are you doing? Why did you leave?” He asked, sounding infuriated.

“Because you looked busy.” I mumbled, standing far away from him.

“What are—oh you mean Monica, well you were in the bathroom and she really wanted to dance.” He answered as though it was that simple. “I didn’t think you would mind so much.”

“Why? You asked me to prom, not her.” I hissed at him, making him get defensive as he jumped from his seat.

He crossed his arms over his chest and raised his eyebrows, “I know that. If you recall, I did tell you I wanted to go with my best friend.”

I stood there, angry and hurt then realization hit.

I knew from the beginning that he was just a friend, that was all we'd ever be, but I foolishly let myself believe otherwise. He didn't want a girl that was pining after him all the time, he wanted a girl that could give him what he wanted. I wasn't that, and I should have realized that before I'd jumped to conclusions and assumed he wanted to go to prom with me for me. It was time for me to stop the unhealthy relationship I'd put myself into and walk away from him, let him do what he wanted with whoever he wanted without me standing behind him, angry and hurt.

Isn't that one reason why I'd started this game? To make my own decisions without consequences? Now I suppose I should extend that offer to him.

I calmed myself with a few slow breathes and slowly walked up to him, nodding, “Obviously, because you clearly would rather be here with a girl you could dance with as though clothes have gone out of fashion. You are my best friend, I am your best friend, and we will never be anything more.”

I looked down and dug around in my purse, pulling out the red box I set it on the table, taking off the necklace I put it in the box and turned back to him, “I told you that I couldn’t accept the necklace and you made me take it, you made me think something that I had no right thinking. It’s not your fault I picked you for your number or that I like you, it’s not.” I smiled and placed my hand on his cheek, he closed his eyes and I sighed. “And I’m sorry for assuming, but I can’t do this.” I pulled my hand away and he opened his eyes as I lifted the back of my dress and backed up.

“Come on Wendy, you’re being dramatic.” He argued as I backed up, going in the direction of my house.

I shook my head, “I’m not, you just called me Wendy, you’ve obviously already decided to leave me so therefore I can leave you.”

“Is it because I danced with Monica because that was just a dance.” He stepped forward and I smiled sadly before shaking my head.

“No, this has nothing to do with her, it has to do with the way you were dancing with her. You would never dance like that with me. And it just showed me what you wanted and what you would never ask from me.” I shrugged and turned away from him, my heart on fire.

“I wouldn’t dance with you like that because you’re not a filthy slut and Monica is. I have more respect for you.” He yelled angrily.

I stopped and sighed, “You have respect for me, that’s it, nothing more. I need someone that can give me more. Maybe you could one day, but right now you would lie about it just to make me happy.” I started walking again and had taken two more steps into the chilly air when I was yanked back.

I was shocked for a moment and then even more shocked the next when his lips connected with mine. You would’ve thought the force of his mouth would’ve hurt me, but I closed my eyes and savored the feel of his lips. They were soft and surprisingly warm; I pressed myself more firmly to him as he nipped my bottom lip. My hands were fisted in his jacket and his were in my hair, holding me to him. I suddenly needed air so I pushed myself away from him, stumbling back a step.

He was breathing hard, his eyes darkened. I stumbled back another step, awareness sinking in and I shook my head, turning away from him, preparing to walk home.

“Tell me now if I have more than respect for you.” He growled from behind me.

I stopped short and breathed in and out, my heart beating erratically; I waited before answering him wanting to be clear, “You didn’t do that because you wanted to.” I whispered, knowing he heard it, “You did that so that I would stay. So I would stay here and you could convince me that you like me just as much, when we both know you would just be trying to make me happy. Then we would go back to prom, acting like nothing ever happened, so that I would stay your best friend. Well congratulations Adrian.”

I turned around and looked at his stunned face, tears in my eyes, "You just helped me complete my game of Never Have I Ever. Be proud you helped me with the final task, just like a friend should.”

I turned and walked away, ignoring him calling my name, the only thing I was aware of was the fact that he wasn’t chasing me.

That right there said it all.


So I thought I should mention when I was writing this, in the beginning I wrote snobbly bitch instead of snobby person, ever time I re-read it, I can't help but see snobbly bitch and I totally laugh like crazy.

Anyway, what are your thoughts, they do interest me.

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