Walking in the Wind

By girlxalmighty

240 5 3

"but it's not the end, I'll see your face again..." More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4

Chapter 5

16 0 0
By girlxalmighty

"Zayn?" Brooklyn asks.

"Haha yeah, hi, it's me," Zayn replies, grinning while rocking back and forth on his feet.

"Hey," Brooklyn says, obviously nervous and blushing. "Come on in, guys."

Alison walks in, Natalie hugging her as she goes to sit down. After Zayn comes in Louis, who I assume Alison invited also. Zayn goes and sits down next to Brooklyn, her blushing madly still. Louis sits next to Zayn on the sofa. I lean against the wall right next to the door, watching them sitting in the living room. I can tell that Brooklyn's heart is racing and that she's still blushing. She has a major crush on Zayn; I can tell.

- - - - -

"Are we all ready to go?" Brooklyn asks everyone in the room. "Are we missing anybody?"

"Jade isn't coming!" Delilah shouts.

"She isn't?" Brooklyn asks.

"No," Delilah replies. "She texted me last minute that she couldn't make it, something about helping her mom with cleaning up the house or something."

"Aw, well, we can always go again with Jade when she's free!" Brooklyn says, trying to cheer up the mood. She then counts all the people that are here. "We need two cars."

"I can drive!" Natalie announces. "Who wants to come with me?"

Delilah, Alison, and Cara says they will. "Okay, so are we ready now?" Natalie asks.

"Yep, pretty much," Brooklyn says. "So we'll met up at the food court, okay?"

"At Starbucks?" Alison asks, smiling. "Please?"

Brooklyn rolls her eyes. "Fine. We can meet at Starbucks in the food court then."

"Yay!" Alison cheers.

"So let's go, then," Brooklyn says, getting her keys and opening the front door to go to her car. We all follow her out with Delilah, Alison, and Cara going to Natalie's five-seater car. I go to Brooklyn's car, which is a Range Rover surprisingly. Brooklyn claims to have saved up since she was little for her dream car, and her dream car is a Range Rover. Lucky her.

I open the door to the seats in the middle, and climb in, sitting behind the driver's seat. Zayn takes the passenger seat and Louis sits right beside me in the middle seat. Nicole gets in right behind the passenger's seat, so on Louis' left.

"Are you guys all buckled up?" Brooklyn asks, looking back at us.

"Yes, mum," Nicole says, dragging out her words, smiling and rolling her eyes.

Brooklyn sticks her tongue out at Nicole. "We shall get going then." Brooklyn starts the car and turns up the volume. The Hills by the Weeknd is on, and Brooklyn is jamming out to it. Soon, we all are, the volume surrounding us and the bass thumping.

"I only call you when it's half past five, the only time that I'll be by your side!" We all shout as the chorus picks up along with the bass. We probably sound like crazies to the people in the cars next to us although the window are all rolled up. The song ends after a few minutes, and Sorry by Justin Bieber comes on.

"You have a sick music taste!" Louis compliments. "What radio are you listening to?"

"Oh, I'm not listening to the radio," Brooklyn shouts over the music. "I've burned the music onto a disc and I've put in in the car so I could listen to my jams whenever and wherever!"

"Ah, cool!" Louis exclaims, smiling.

We all jam out to the song, the same as we did for The Hills. Literally we could do this in public and we'd not care at all. Soon, we reach the mall's car park. Brooklyn weaves in and out of the rows of cars, trying to find a parking spot.

"Aha!" She exclaims as she pulls into a stall. "Get ready for the music to get turned off, guys," she says sadly.

"Aww, okay," Louis says. "We're ready, then, Brooklyn."

She kills the engine and takes her keys out of the car. We all unbuckle our seat belts and get out of the car, shutting the doors. Brooklyn locks the car, putting her keys in her purse after. We start to walk towards the mall and go inside, venturing to the food court.

"This is where we agreed to meet, right?" Nicole asks, looking around.

"Yes," Brooklyn confirms. "But I guess they're not here yet."

"Or maybe they ditched us," Louis claims.

"Do you think they would?" I ask him, crossing my arms and rolling my eyes.

"Hey, it's just a suggestion," he replies, holding his hands up.

"We might as well just buy something to eat or drink," I say as I walk to the line in front of Starbucks.

"Might as well," Zayn agrees, walking behind me. Everybody else follows.

"Do you want to pay as a group?" Brooklyn asks.

"I don't really care," I say. "Do whatever."


"Same as Cal," he says.

Brooklyn looks at Nicole and Zayn. "It's fine with us," Zayn says, shrugging his shoulders.

"Okay," Brooklyn says just as it's our turn to order. "I'd like a venti Very Berry Hibiscus Refresher, please."

I step up. "A trenta double chocolate chip frappé," I say, smiling. In the corner of my eye, I see Brooklyn raise her eyebrows. "What?" I ask as I walk towards her, stepping out of the way so Zayn, who was behind me, could order. "I can do me and you can do you."

"I know, but like, a trenta?" Brooklyn asks me. "Are you going to be able to finish it?"

"Yes. Got a problem?" I ask, sticking my tongue out at her. "Do you just want to smooch off of me?"

"You do you and I'll do me," she says, quoting what I said a few moments ago, smiling.

"What?!" I hear Nicole exclaim. I whip my head to where she is. "You don't have to do that. We can pay for ourselves."

She's talking to Louis. "My treat," he explains, smiling back at her.  "It's fine, really."

"Fine, but I'm gonna get you something from somewhere then," Nicole replies, huffing.

"'Something from somewhere,'" Louis repeats. "How specific, Nicole."

She rolls her eyes. "I don't know what I'm going to get you. I'll know it when I see it."


The Starbucks barista calls out Brooklyn's name, and our drinks are placed on the counter. I pick mine up.

"Well, shit," I say, laughing. "Larger than I expected."

"That's what she said," Brooklyn says casually, taking the wrapper off her straw.

I swat her. "Shut up, you river," I try to say seriously, going over to a table and sitting down. The rest of the girls still haven't arrived yet. I place my drink on the table and put my straw in, taking a sip. Double chocolate chip frappés are the bomb.

"How's the drink?" Zayn asks as he slides into the seat across from me.

"Awesome as fuck," I say straightforwardly, taking another sip. He laughs. "How's yours?" I ask him.

"Awesome as fuck, too," he replies as Brooklyn walks over and takes a seat next to him. "Chai tea lattes are the best."

"I think my drink is best," I say, stirring my drink with the straw.

"Chai tea lattes are way better than double chocolate chip whatever it is," Zayn claims.

"No, it's—" I start to say, just as Brooklyn cuts me off as she comes over. "Let's just say that both your guys' drinks are the best, now let's not have a petty little fight over something so small."

"Mine is better," I whispered, taking another sip and crossing my legs, looking at the hustle and bustle of the mall.

"Oi, guys, have they arrived yet?" Louis asks as he bounds over with Nicole. Louis stands at the end of the table (right next to Zayn and me) and Nicole takes a seat next to me.

"Nope," Brooklyn replies. "I'll go and text them." She takes out her phone and starts typing away.

Then I see Cara creeping up behind Brooklyn as she holds a finger up to her lips. When she's close enough to Brooklyn, she covers Brooklyn's eyes with her hands. Brooklyn lets out a small squeal and grabs Cara's hands taking them off her face while whipping her head around to see who did it. "Ugh, Cara," Brooklyn groans, rolling her eyes. "Don't do that again. Ever." Cara just laughs.

"It was funny, though, you have to admit that," Cara replies, pulling the chair next to Brooklyn out and sitting down.

"Where are the rest of the girls?" Brooklyn questions, puzzled.

"They're in some makeup store," Cara plainly states. "I couldn't take anymore of their ogling and shit like that."

"Oh, I understand how you feel," Brooklyn replies nodding.

"It's boring."

"So when do you think they'll be back?" Nicole asks.

"I don't know," Cara says. "You know how girls are. They take forever in makeup stores."

"Oh yeah, why weren't you guys here when we arrived?" Louis asks, leaning on the table with his hands.

"We got here and you guys weren't in the food courts so Alison wanted to go to wherever she wanted to go to and yeah."

"When do you think she's going to be finished?" Louis asks.

"I don't know. We have to go back into the store to find out."

"Do you guys want to go and check?" Louis asks us.

"I don't really care," I state.

"Neither do I," Zayn replies.

"Ugh, let's just go," Louis harrumphs and stand up straight. "It's pretty boring just sitting around."

"Okay," I say, standing up and pushing my chair back in. "Let's go. Zayn? Brooklyn? Nicole? Nat?"

They nod and stand up, following Louis, Cara, and I. "So how's life, Cara?" I ask her.

"Pretty interesting," she replies.

"How so?"

"Drama concerning friends," she says, laughing.

"About what?" I ask, scrunching my eyebrows, confused.

"They're talking about some guy issues, you know," she says, talking with her hands.

"Who?" Louis asks as he looks at her.

"I actually don't know," Cara tells him. "I'm not about that life."

"Neither am I," he agrees. "I don't really care what goes on. Whatever happens happens for a reason."

We reach the makeup store and walk inside. Louis looks at some lip products. "Who knew makeup could be so expensive?" He rhetorically asks. "£20 just for this small lipstick?"

"I knew," I say. "Unfortunately, makeup costs a whole ton. I guess it costs a whole lot of money to be pretty." I sigh, picking up a light pink Stila lipgloss, or in this case, lip glaze. I test it on my hand. It's a good color. "I think I might buy this," I tell him, reaching in the back of the shelf for a package.

"But how much does it cost?" He asks, looking at me. I shrug.

"I don't know," I say as I turn the small box over in my hands. I look on the shelf. "It doesn't say."

"Bummer," he says.

"I have enough money, I'm sure," I tell him.

"If you say so," he says. I walk down the aisle, and decide to look for the girls. Louis follows me. "Oh! Over there," I exclaim, pointing them out to Louis. They're gushing over different mascaras.

"Why do girls have to be so girly?"

"I don't know. Why do they?" I ask him plainly, grabbing his arm and walking over to them.

"Hey, Calypso! Have you tried Benefit's Rollerlash? It's awesome!" Alison exclaims, showing me the mascara. It's a black tube with a light pink handle with diamonds or something engraved in the plastic. "You should get it, Cal. Delilah has it and she says that it's awesome." I look at Delilah and she nods.

"I recommend it very much," Delilah says.

"I'll just get a small one, then, to try it out and see how I like it," I say as I reach towards the shelf and pick up a small box containing it. I think it costs around eight or nine pounds.

"Are you guys done shopping here?" I ask them.

"I guess," Alison says, looking at the other three girls.

"Okay, let's pay for these then."

- - - - -

"We should go somewhere!" Nicole suggests. We're all sitting down in the food court again.

"Like where?" Brooklyn asks. "And, anyways, we're already at the mall?"

"No, I mean somewhere like an amusement park or a carnival place or something of the sort," Nicole explains. "That kind of somewhere. Or at least a place where you can be entertained."


"That does sound interesting," Cara says. "We should go someplace like that. Who knows, maybe we could meet some cute guys there, right?" She wiggles her eyebrows up and down, and a few of us laugh.

"Hey, leave that talk for just you girls!" Louis exclaims. "Do it when we're not around!" He motions to himself and Zayn.

"Well..." Cara starts. "You could always leave." She smiles smugly. Louis rolls his eyes.

"I refuse," Louis states.

"Then we'll keep talking," Cara replies, smiling.

"Okay, fine."


"We could go to the beach!" Cara exclaims. "That would be fun!"

"I agree," I say. "I love the beach."

"I do too," Alison says.

"Same," Delilah agrees.

"That would be awesome," Louis says.

"Cool," Cara says. "When should we go?"

"I don't know," Brooklyn says. "Sometime during the weekend?"

"Okay, how about this Saturday, meet at my house?" Cara says.

"Okay," I say. "Everyone fine with that? We can ask the others about it later."

"Yeah, that's fine," Zayn says.

"Okay, it's decided then," Cara says, smiling.

- - - - -

We walk through the mall. Brooklyn comes across a store that looks interesting to her, so we all decide to check it out.

"Look at this!" Brooklyn exclaims, holding the edge of a pair of leggings. "Feel it. It's like heaven!"

I come over to Brooklyn and touch the fabric. "It does feel soft," I say.

"Should I get it?" She asks.

I shrug. "Do you want it? Do you think you'll wear it often? Is it worth the price?" I question her.

"I think it's worth it," she says.

"Then go ahead, go buy it if you really like it," I tell her.

"Okay, I will," she says, smiling. She rummages through the rack and finds her size. "I'm going to try this on and see if it fits, can you come with me?"

"Sure," I tell her. The others are all looking throughout the store, so I don't have to tell any of them where I'm at.

I follow her to the dressing room. As we near the hallway where the dressing rooms are, Brooklyn abruptly stops.

"What?" I ask her. She turns around and pushes my shoulders, making me walk backwards and out back into the store.

"What's wrong?" I ask her.

"Do you know where Harry is?" She asks.

"Um, yeah? He's back at his place, doing homework...or something. He just told me that he would be busy today. Why?" I ask her, feeling worried. I suddenly have a bad feeling. Did she see him? It couldn't have been. He wouldn't lie to me. Could he?

"Oh, Calypso..." She says, a worried expression written on her face.

"What?" I ask, scared.

"It was Harry," she says. "I saw him waiting outside a closed dressing room door."

"What?" I ask. "But he wouldn't..." I trail off as I see him walk out of the hallway with the dressing rooms. He looks up and freezes in his steps. Following right after is some random chick, which I might say, is super pretty.

"Harry..." I say, trailing off as tears come to my eyes.

"Calypso..." he starts. "Please, let me explain." The girl behind him grips his bicep and whispers something his his ear. He shrugs her off.

"I'm sure that's all the explaining I need," I say as I walk away, Brooklyn following right after.

"Wait! Calypso!" He exclaims. I hear bounding footsteps coming closer to me, and he's gotten ahold of my hand. I look down so I don't have to face him and so he won't see the tears in me eyes. "Calypso, please."

"No," I say. "I'm sure what I saw was all the explaining I needed."

"Harry," the girl says, coming up from behind me. "Who is she?"

"Sophie, not now," he says, his voice rushed.

"I'm sure Sophie is more important than me right now," I say, still looking down, avoiding his gaze.

"No, Calypso," he says. He takes his free hand and tries lifting my head up. I look the other direction. "Let me explain."

"Why?" I ask, looking him in the face. "Why? Why now? Why to me? Just why?" My heart literally breaks. But why over such a small petty thing? I'm sure it's not what it seems like...right?

"Calypso... It's not like that," he says, wrapping his arms around me, snuggling his face into my hair. I don't hug back. "Sophie, she's um, she's just a friend."

"Just a friend, huh?" I ask. "What were you doing then? Why have I never heard of her before?"

"Can we take this somewhere more private?" He asks, rubbing my back and smoothing my hair out. This must be awkward for the girl. Wait, where has Brooklyn gone? Is she still here? I can't do anything, literally, because Harry's got his arms wrapped so tightly around me. Is she still here?

I give in to his question. "Okay, fine," I say, reaching up to my face to wipe a tear that has fallen.

"Hey, hey, Calypso," he says, pulling away and looking at me. He wipes my tears away. "I'm sorry."

"I just..." I start, trying to collect myself. "It's just..." I can't hold back the tears any longer.


I burst into tears, looking down, holding a hand over my face. It's one of those silent sobbing times. Harry envelopes me into a hug. Gosh, he's so comforting and lovable, yet at the same time so troublesome. Who is that girl? Why didn't he tell me? Am I not good enough for him?

"Shh," Harry says, nestling his head back in the crook of my neck while rubbing my back. "I'm sorry." He presses a kiss to my hair. "Let's go back to my place, okay?"

"O-okay," I stutter, hiccuping. I don't know where else to go or what else to do. I'm still crying. "Um, c-can you tell B-Brooklyn?"

"I'm not sure she's that approving of me right now," he says. I feel him pick his head up and look the other direction.

"W-well, just tell someone," I say, sniffling.

"Like who?" He asks, puzzled.

"T-there's Cara, um... Natalie, N-Nicole..." I continue to sob and hiccup. I can't say anything else. "T-they're somewhere in t-this store."

"Okay," he says, looking around. "Stay right here." He pulls back from the hug, kisses my cheek, and wipes some tears away. "I'll be back in a minute or two." He gives me one last hug, and goes off into the store, looking for someone I mentioned.

I crumple down onto the ground, sobbing. I wipe my eyes. How pathetic I am right now, sobbing in a store in the mall. People must think I'm crazy. Or at least judge me. I don't care. Let them. I'm tired of shit as it is.

Harry comes back. "Calypso? Are you okay?" He asks, worry evident in his voice.

"I'm fine," I say without stuttering. Harry helps me off the floor and instantly hugs me.

"I'll explain everything when we get home," he says. "I promise."

"O-okay," I say. He wraps an arm around my waist and walks me out the store.

"What the fuck, Harry?" I hear someone say behind us.


AN ~ So... Who do you think Sophie is? Leave a comment on your thoughts!

I hope you liked this chapter !! (: I'm so sorry this is so late!

Please vote, comment, and share this story! I'd really appreciate it. (:

- girlxalmighty ❤️

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