How Could I?

By NaraLoverForever

42.8K 1.6K 883

Bruce is regreting sending Dick back to the orphanage, and everyone's mad at him for it too, but how can he g... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8

Chapter 4

4.9K 211 75
By NaraLoverForever

It was a little past one when the zeta tube announced M'gann into the Batcave. As soon as she got there, she immediately went invisible. She looked around and was amazed by what she saw. A giant t-rex skeleton in the middle of the floor, a giant penny on a stand near the wall, and dozens of other items like a cane that looked like a question mark, a giant Joker card, and a Chinese looking mask to name a few.

She finally saw the computer and flew over to it. She sat down in the chair and started searching through some files. She was really glad that Bruce wasn't here, or at least that's what she thought since she didn't see the Batmobile around.

It took her another few minutes before she finally found a folder for profiles. "Ok, now to find out who has Robin." She looked through the files until she heard what sounded like a motor of a car coming closer and closer. "Oh no, he's back," she said panicking. She exited out of all the folders that wer open then hurried over to the side just as Batman came over the ledge.

Batman pulled down his cowl and headed over to the computer. He sat down and clicked on a few things before two files came up. M'gann got closer so she could see what he was bringing up, but stayed as quiet as could be. 'Steve and Sarah Savage. Are they the ones that have Robin?' she thought.

Bruce pushed a few more buttons then suddenly someone started talking. "I thought I told you never to use the phone without my permission!" Pop. Yelp. "I deal with you later." Bruce then angrily slammed his fist down on the keyboard which caused the sound to stop.

M'gann gasped slightly when she heard the small pop and yelp then immediately covered her mouth and looked toward Bruce. Bruce didn't seem to hear her, so she lowered her hands and continued to watch Bruce do things on the computer.

About an hour later, Bruce was still on the computer, but he was looking up something about Penguin. M'gann was sitting cross-legged on the floor a few feet away, her cheek resting on her hand. She was now really bored. She found out who the people were that had Robin and where they lived, but now she was stuck in the cave until Bruce left or risk him finding out she was there.

After a few more minutes, Alfred stepped out of the elevator. "Sir, you really must get some sleep. You have to be at the library's re-opening tomorrow at nine in the morning, and you need to be rested up."

M'gann sat up straighter then stood up. Finally she would have the chance to leave. She flew over to the zeta tube then turned and waited for both of them to leave.

Bruce reluctantly got up, went into a small room, and came out in normal clothes. Bruce and Alfred then headed into the elevator, and as soon as the doors closed, the lights went out and M'gann used the zeta tube to get back to the mountain.

As soon as the computer recognized her, and she fully materialized in the mountain, everyone came rushing over to her. "So, did you find out where Rob is?" Wally asked excitedly.

"Yeah, I found out who they are and where they live."

"So why'd it take you so long?" Artemis asked.

"Batman was out when I got there, but as I was looking though some of the files, he came back. I couldn't just leave because then he would know that I was there."

"And when Batman starts looking things up, it takes him hours before he gets done," Wally added. "I know Rob and I waited three hours one time before Batman finally found enough stuff on someone to take him down."

"So how did you escape?" Artemis then asked her.

"Well, Alred... is that his name?" she asked Wally.

"Alfred," Wally corrected her.

"Right, thanks. Anyway, he told Bruce that he needed to sleep because of some re-opening tomorrow."

"Yeah, the library." Everyone just stared at Wally. "What? It happened about two months ago. Batman and Robin were trying to get the Joker and destroyed the place. That guy really doesn't care about books."

"Oh, and like you do?" Artemis teased.

"Hey, I care about books! I just don't like to read them," Wally replied crossing his arms and becoming quieter by the end.

"Yeah," Artemis smiled. "So when are we going to see him?"

"We will go tomorrow night," Kaldur said.

"Well, technically tonight seeing how it is past two in the morning," Wally said. Artemis slapped him upside the head. "Ow! What was that for?"

"You don't have to be technical about it," Artemis said.

"Let us get some rest. Black Canary informed me that we will be having training in the morning," Kaldur said trying to get them off the topic.

Artemis and Wally just glared at each other then headed off to their rooms. Kaldur sighed, shook his head, and headed off to his own room, M'gann and Conner soon doing the same.


Bruce stood near the front of the crowd waiting to give his speech. He put a lot of money into rebuilding the library, and they always expected him to say something about it. He always tried to help the city rebuild because half the time it was his fault the city got damaged anyway, well, him and the villains that try to destroy the city.

Commissioner Gordon was up there now giving his speech and talking about how Batman and Robin saved the city from the library being closed longer than it already was. Soon he was introducing Bruce.

The crowd clapped as Bruce walked up to the mike and smiled. "Thank you. The library is an important part of our community. We depend on it for help, especially our students. I personally don't go here because of work and other reasons, but if I could, I would. I am happy to give back to the community and will continue to do so as long as I am alive."

Everyone in the crowd then clapped as Bruce walked back to the crowd and Commissioner Gordon came back to the mike. Bruce knew it wasn't a long speech, just basically a comment, but it worked. Nobody really likes long speeches anyway, so he knew to keep it short and simple.

"Bruce!" Bruce looked around a little confused. He heard someone call his name, but he didn't see anyone, so he kept walking to the limo where Alfred was waiting. "Bruce!" he heard again. Again he stopped and looked around, but still saw no one.

After scanning the crowd once more, he continued until he got to the limo. "Ready, Sir?" Alfred asked.

"Yeah, I want to get home so..."

"Bruce, wait!" This time both Bruce and Alfred turned to scan the crowd and saw the person calling.

"Dick?" Bruce called out.

Dick walked, or rather limped, quickly toward Bruce and Alfred. "Bruce, I'm so glad I caught up to you." He glanced around then looked back to Bruce. He looked scared. "I don't know how long I have, but I need to talk to you."

"Dick, what happened? Why are you limping?" Bruce asked.

"Bruce, I'm sorry," Dick said completely ignoring Bruce's questions.

"Sorry? What for? I'm the one that should be saying sorry," Bruce said as he stepped toward Dick, knelt down, and placed a hand on Dick's shoulder.

"I'm sorry for doing whatever I did to make you want to get rid of me."

Bruce closed his eyes in shame. "Dick," he began looking at him again, "you didn't do anything to deserve this. I was being selfish and didn't realize until it was too late that I made a terrible mistake."

"So why did you give me up?" Dick asked close to tears.

"I felt like I wasn't protecting you enough," Bruce said sadly.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, over the past four years, people have been using you to get money from me and you've been hurt almost every time because of it."

Dick barreled into Bruce, causing Bruce to almost fall over, but he kept his balance and hugged Dick back. "I forgive you, Bruce, but please, find a way to get me back. I don't like it with Steve and Sarah."

"I'm trying, Dick, I promise, but it's not easy. You have to stay strong." Bruce pushed Dick out enough to see Dick's tear stained face. "Ok?"

Dick nodded and wiped away the tears with the back of his hand.


Dick jerked around and all the fear from before came back. He then turned back to Bruce. "Please, don't let them take me back," Dick pleaded.

Bruce stood up, keeping one arm around Dick, and watched as Steve came barreling through the crowd angrily. As soon as Steve spotted Dick, he marched over to Dick, jerked Dick out of Bruce's grip, dragged him a little ways from Bruce and Alfred, stopped, then slapped Dick across the face. "I thought I told you not to try and run away again!"

'Again?' Bruce thought.

"I... I'm s-sor-ry," Dick stammered as tears fell from his eyes.

"Sorry's not good enough. I told you what would happen if you ever tried it again."

Dick's eyes went wide in fear. "No, please!"

Steve just grabbed Dick by the arm and dragged him away, struggling and trying to break free. Dick then looked back to Bruce with a pleading look that just screamed, 'Save me!'


So now ur starting to learn a little bit more but u guys probably figured this out from the last chap or two... o well. Comment and let me no what u think about the whole scene wit M'gann spying on bruce and bruce and dicks little talk.

Thanks for reading :D

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