By sourstiles

1.3M 44K 70.4K

❝ I hate it. I hate not remembering. I want to. I want to remember what it was like to have something, someon... More

chapter one: [literal new girl]
chapter two: [heartfelt interrogation]
chapter three: [he likes someone else]
chapter four: [crazy therapist]
chapter six: [blood smells]
chapter seven: [Lydia?]
chapter eight: [finding star wars]
chapter nine: [saving sheriff]
chapter ten: [don't do it]
chapter eleven: [useless]
chapter twelve: [need that necklace]
chapter thirteen: [leave me alone]
chapter fourteen: [first, and maybe, last dance]
chapter fifteen: [a not-so patient patient]
chapter sixteen: [scream sisters]
chapter seventeen: [don't tell him]
chapter eighteen: [were-lizard]
chapter nineteen: [surprises? ice rinks?]
chapter twenty: [ice skate date]
chapter twenty-one: [gone swimming]
chapter twenty-two: [lydia protection program]
chapter twenty-three: [clubbing]
chapter twenty-four: [restraint]
chapter twenty-five: [raving regrets]
chapter twenty-six: [i hate you]
chapter twenty-seven: [i need you]
chapter twenty-eight: [all-star player]
chapter twenty-nine: [only you]

chapter five: [stupid purple flower]

53K 1.6K 2.8K
By sourstiles


"Our lives are defined by opportunities, even the ones we miss."

Indigo's POV

    "Are you gonna stay here with Stiles? Or do you wanna come with me?" Scott asked, pointing towards the morgue.

I rolled my eyes, crossing my arms over my chest.

"Yes, Scott. I want to go look at half a dead body." I sarcastically scoffed. He mockingly raised his hands up, walking into the morgue, while also trying to avoid any real doctors.

I turned back around, seeing Stiles had already walked somewhere else. I looked further, seeing him frozen at the front desk. I quirked an eyebrow and stepped closer, to see what he was so focused on-


   I groaned, rolling my eyes again. Why was he so stuck on her? All she did was ignore him. I can only imagine how awful that felt for him, if even I was getting pissed about it.

Stiles began pacing, before he took two small steps towards her.

"Don't do it.." I winced, shaking my head to myself.

He paused, mid-step, and shook his head. Stiles turned right back around the corner and sat in the nearest waiting chair.

   Hold on.

I quirked an eyebrow and stepped towards him, needing immediate answers.

   "What happened there?" I asked, gesturing to where he just was. Stiles looked at me, glanced where he was and shrugged.

"Changed my mind."

   "Changed your mind?" I scoffed, sitting next to him. "You decided not to talk to the girl you have a major crush on?"

"It's not major..." He mumbled, waving it off.

I rolled my eyes, leaning my head against the wall in frustration.


He looked at me, raising his eyebrows.

   "Okay-" He mocked. "What about you? Any major crushes?"

At first, I thought about laughing, saying that I'd been here for a few days at the lease and he expected me to already have some kind of crush. But, I'd be lying if I said some guys didn't catch my eye. At first, I'd find myself gushing over Stiles. As funny as that is. I had to scold myself for thinking he'd like me, and tried to get over it. Since then, I hadn't really looked at another guy.

   "Not really." I shrugged, trying to play it off.

Stiles stared at me, his expression unreadable, until he nodded.

"The scent was the same."

   "Oh, God!" Stiles flinched, Scott's presence startling him. I chuckled at his spaz, before standing up with Scott.

"You're sure?" I asked. Scott nodded, confident.

  "So he did bury the other half on his property? Which means we have proof he killed the girl." Stiles said excitedly.

"I say we use it. " Scott agreed. I let out a breath of relief, agreeing.

  "We can finally put that hot creep away." I grumbled. Both Scott and Stiles both gave me strange looks, before continuing with the conversation.

  "Tell me something first-" Stiles pointed at Scott. "Are you doing this because you want to stop Derek, or because you want to play in the game and he said you couldn't?"

"There are bite marks on the legs, Stiles." Scott stated. "Bite marks."

  "Officially grossed out." I sighed, nodding.

"Okay.." Stiles mused.

  "Then we're gonna need a shovel."


Body hunting. In the woods. At night.

That's exactly what I wanted to do.

I huffed as I sat back on the hood of the jeep, watching Scott and Stiles shovel mounds of dirt.

"This is taking forever." I groaned, rolling my head back.

  "Well, princess-" Stiles scoffed. "Maybe if you helped..."

I rolled my eyes, but made no move to get off the hood.

"Wait." Scott spoke up. "What if he comes back?"

My eyes widened, realizing Derek won't be too happy that were trying to dig up his evidence.

"Then we get the hell out of here." Stiles said, like the information was obvious.

  "What if he catches us?" I added in.

"I have a plan for that." Stiles pointed.

  "Which is...?" Scott trailed off.

"Me and Indigo run one way, you run the other- whoever he catches first? Too bad." Stiles shrugged, continuing to shovel.

  "I hate that plan." Scott whined.

  Stiles just rolled his eyes and jammed his shovel back into the dirt, before hitting something. His eyes widened as he dropped his shovel.

"Oh, stop, stop, stop." He rushed, gesturing at Scott. Scott dropped his shovel too, bending down to see what Stiles hit.

I leaned forward, trying to get a peek into the huge hole they'd been digging. I saw something, but I wasn't exactly sure.

They both began pushing dirt away with their hands, revealing some sort of body bag, but nothing official. Just a brown bag. Corners were tied with knots, making both Scott and Stiles annoyed.

  "Hurry..." Stiles sighed, trying to unravel the strings. Scott glared at him, while doing the same.

"I'm trying."

  "Did he have to tie it in, like, 900 knots?" Stiles groaned.

They finally undid all the strings, pulling away corners of the bag. I saw a glimpse of black, before they revealed half of a wolf.

"What the hell is that?" I called out, making a disgusted face.

  "It's a wolf." Scott pointed out. I glared at him, until Stiles responded for me.

"She gets that, Sherlock. I thought you smelled blood, as in human blood?"

  "I told you something was different..." Scott shrugged.

"Okay-" Stiles sighed. "Help us cover this up."

I nodded, hopping off the jeep, before my foot crushed something.

I lifted my foot, seeing a limp, bright purple flower under it. I frowned, until my foot began to hurt.

I hissed in pain, rubbing the foot that had stepped on the flower. What the hell could a flower have done to me?

"What's going on with you?" I heard Stiles ask. I shook my head, setting my foot back down as I tried to ignore the pain.

"I stepped on some dumb flower." I scoffed

   Stiles looked up at me, before looking down at the flower. He studied it, before making his way over to it.

"Scott, look." He said, bending down to grab the flower.

  "Yeah?" Scott shrugged, unimpressed by the flower. "What about it?"

"I think it's wolfsbane..." Stiles trailed off, as he pulled the flower out of the ground. He tugged at it, showing the roots were attached to the same rope that kept the bag closed.

   Stiles continued to pull at it, following it around the hole. There was so much rope, it began to pile in his hands. And all it did was go around the hole.

"Well, for some flower, it packs a punch." I sighed, wiggling my foot to subside the pain.

Stiles looked at me, confused, and then to my foot.

  "You're not a wolf, are you?" He asked, his eyebrows raises.

"Have you seen me go insane when the moon comes out?" I raised an eyebrow right back at him.

He just shook his head, still looking confused.

"Guys..." Scott said. I looked at him, seeing him staring down with wide eyes at the bag that held the-

Cut in half girl.

   I covered my mouth as a girlish squeal erupted, seeing her staring right up at me. Her eyes still full of the fear that she felt right before she was brutally chopped.

"Derek did that..." I whispered, still shocked

"Which is exactly why we're nailing him for it." Stiles firmly stated, before walking over to me carefully.

  "Go in the car." He nodded, placing his hands gently on my arms. "We'll cover it."

I smiled and quietly thanked him, before quickly making my way to the backseat of the jeep.

I was never going to be able to un-see that.


I stood in-between Stiles and Scott, my arms hugging my body as we watched a deputy shove Derek into the back of the cop car. I let out a breath of relief, feeling like a weight was lifted on my shoulders.

"I'm gonna talk to him."

My eyes widened, not reacting until noticed Stiles walking to the cop car.

"Stiles! Come back!" Scott whisper-shouted.

But he didn't listen, squeezing himself undetected into the front seat of the car. I saw him snap at Derek, probably talking smack.

  "Uh oh..." Scott hummed.

I looked at him, before following his gaze to see Sheriff Stilinski stomp to his son. I winced as he flung the door open, dragging Stiles out by his ear. He stumbled around until his dad made him stand.

"I got him." I sighed, walking towards them. I hurried over, catching the start of the conversation.

 "What the hell do you think you're doing?" His dad sighed.

"I'm just trying to help." Stiles shrugged.

  "Okay-" Sheriff nodded. "Well, how about you help me understand exactly how you came across this?"

"We were looking for Scott's inhaler." Stiles nodded.

  "Which he dropped when?"

"The other night."

  "The other night when you were out her looking for the first half of the body."

Oh, god.

"Yes." Stiles grinned.

  "The night that you told me you were alone and Scott was at home."

"Yes." Stiles proudly stated. I sighed, putting my head in my hands.

  "No." He quickly tried to correct before groaning. "Ah, crap."

"So you lied to me?" His dad asked.

  "That depends on how you define lying..." Stiles eased, trying to save himself one last time.

"Well, I define it as not telling the truth. How do you define it?" His dad questioned.

Stiles thought before placing his hands horizontally in the air.

   "Mm, reclining your body in a... horizontal position?" He tried.

"Get the hell out of here." Sheriff sighed.

"Absolutely." Stiles quickly nodded. Sherriff gave me a soft smile, waving at me

"Nice to see you, Indigo."

I raised my eyebrow, confused. I've never met him. How did he know my name? I looked to Stiles, who's eyes were wide. He let out a nervous chuckled, shrugging.

"Police really know their people..." He chuckled. I slowly nodded, still suspicious. Stiles quit lightly laughing, before dragging me to the jeep.


    "I can't find anything on wolfsbane being used for burials." I sighed, still looking on the internet on Stiles' phone. Since he was driving and all...

"Just keep looking." He said, giving me a quick glance in the mirror. I rolled my eyes and clicked another link.

  "Maybe it's a ritual, or something..." Stiles shrugged. "Like, maybe they bury you as a wolf. Or a special skill, ya know? Like something you have to learn."

"I'll put it on my to-do list, right underneath figuring out how the hell I'm playing this game tonight." Scott groaned, laying his head on the window.

I let out a slight couch, my lungs giving a soft burn. This had been happening this entire car ride.

"Maybe it's different for girl werewolves..." Stiles suggested, yet another theory.

  "Stop enjoying this so much!" Scott suddenly shouted at Stiles.

"Stop-stop what?" Stiles asked, a little shocked by his outburst.

  "Stop saying 'werewolves'!" He shouted again. I coughed again, covering it with the inside of my elbow.

"Are you okay?" Stiles questioned Scott.

  "No! No, I'm not! I'm so far from being okay!" Scott yelled, getting angrier.

"You know, " I paused, coughing. "You're gonna have to accept this sooner or later."

  "I can't." He breathed out heavily.

"Well, you're gonna have to." Stiles insisted.

"No!" Scott hurried. "I can't breathe!"

   I widened my eyes, before squeezing them shut as I coughed harder. What the hell was going on with me?

"Pull over!" Scott screamed, fidgeting in his seat.

  "Why? What's happening?" Stiles hurried, trying to watch Scott and the road.

I coughed again, as Scott reached his arm back and snatched Stiles' bag. He ripped it open, revealing the purple flower and rope that surrounded the girl.

  "You kept it?!" Scott angrily growled. Stiles eyes went wide as he shrugged.

"What was I supposed to do with it?"

Scott punching the roof of the jeep, breathing even heavier. "Stop the car!"

Stiles quickly swerved over, stopping the jeep. He grabbed the bag out of Scott's lap, before hopping out of the car and throwing it into the woods.

I let out a sigh when my lungs finally calmed down. What the hell that was about, I have no idea.

"We're good." Stiles let out a breath. "You can- Scott?"

   I went to look at Scott, but all I saw was an empty passenger seat and the door, still swinging closed.

Stiles rushed back into the car, shutting both his door and the passenger door before starting the jeep back up and onto the road.

"Hand me my phone." He quickly said, reaching out. I instantly placed it in his hand, and he tapped on it a couple times before putting it to his ear.

  "I know." He nodded.

"Have you gotten any odd calls?"

"Uh, like an odd person or a dog-like individual roaming the streets?"

"No! Wai-wai-wai-wai-wait!" He rushed, before groaning and tossing his phone into the passenger seat.

"I'm guessing they haven't seen him?" I sighed.



   I clasped my hand together and tucked them between my knees, trying to keep any warmth. I bounced my leg in the freezing weather. This sucks.

As I sat, I watched Sheriff Stilinski wander up to me on the bleachers and come to sit next to me.

"Hey." I politely smiled.

   "Hey, Indigo. It is Indigo, right?" He chuckled. I smiled and nodded.

"Good. You know, you're exactly how Stiles described you." He nodded. I furrowed my eyebrows, but before I got to ask him anything, the whistle blew and the lacrosse game began.

  "Yeah, Jackson! Get fired up!" Coach cheered, watching his favorite player knock down someone.

I noticed throughout the game, everyone was avoiding Scott. Nobody passed to him, nothing. They'd rather give the other team the ball before they had to pass to them.

   "Yes, yes! That's what I-" Coach started to say, before the opposite team player passed the ball to Scott. I raised my eyebrow, watching Scott run off with it.

Scott shot the ball, but it went straight through the goalie's net, creating a hole. I froze, even more, in my spot. Oh god. I think werewolf Scott is playing.

  "What?" Coach yelled. "The ball's in the net! That's the goal of the game, get the ball in the net!" He argued with the official.

The rest of the game was the same. The team suddenly started passing to McCall, and he made all the shots. Until we eventually won the game.

  Everyone cheered and stood up, rushing down to congratulate the team. I went down to grab Scott, but he vanished. I jogged around to look for him, before running into someone.

"You just can't stop running into me, can you?" I heard Stiles' familiar chuckle. I rolled my eyes, and unlatched my hands that had grabbed his jersey.

  "I can't find Scott." I huffed, seeing my breath float away.

"I saw him head towards the locker room." Stiles nodded, before grabbing my hand and dragging me that way. We pushed past the leaving players, stumbling into the school. Stiles shoes clicked against the tile, as we approached the boys locker room.

  We entered and started looking around before I noticed two very familiar people locking lips. I smiled, happy for both Allison and Scott.

They backed away, before Allison said she had to get back to her dad. She walked away, and when she noticed us, a blush spread across her face.

  I smiled at her and walked to Scott with Stiles.

"I kissed her." Scott whispered in awe.

  "I saw." Stiles nodded.

"She kissed me." He added.

  "Saw that too." Stiles huffed.

"I-I-I don't know how, but I controlled it. I pulled it back. Maybe I can do this." Scott smiled, nodding his head. Stiles grimaced, glancing down at his feet.

  "Huh-" He sighed. "We'll talk later then."

"Wait, what?" Scott insisted.

  "The, uh, medical examiner looked at the other half of the body we found."

"And?" Scott pleaded for him to continue.

  "Well, I'll keep it simple." Stiles breathed out. "Medical examiner determines killer of girl to be animal, not human. Derek human, not animal. Derek not killer. Derek let out of jail."

Me and Scott both widened our eyes.

"Are you kidding?" Scott whined.

  "No, and here's a bigger kick in the ass: My dad I.D.'d the dead girl. Both halves. Her name was Laura Hale."

"Hale." I sighed.

  "Derek's sister." Stiles nodded.

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