My Arrogant Boss (ManxMan)

By Dark_Dragon_Goddess

147K 5K 825

Due to complications during his previous job, Dustin Waylon is forced to start working for a different compan... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6

Chapter 2

26.2K 906 166
By Dark_Dragon_Goddess

A/N: Here we are, the second chapter. Judging by how long these are going to be I'd say this book will maybe have 4 or 5 chapters in all. If it's more then that's even better. Enjoy!


"The nerve of that guy! Who does he think he is telling me that I have no choice but to date him?! Just wait until I get my hands on him! I'll make him regret the day he was even born!"

"Honey, we both know those are just empty threats. Deep down you know you like him just like all those other people who have wanted to ride his dick."

"Carla, there is nothing I like about that guy. He's arrogant, self-centered, cocky, and very aggravating. How on Earth could I like him in the slightest?!"

"Did we forget about Julius? He was exactly the same way and you still fell for him."

"That's different. I didn't know he was like that until he tried coming onto me." I sigh as I sit next to my best friend.

"Why do I always manage to attract the worst guys ever?"

"Maybe some unknown force just hates you."

"You're not making me feel any better you know."

"I wasn't trying to."

"How can Marie stand you?"

"She loves me and I love her. Duh." I slouch over my knees, trying to think of a way to fix this mess. The only reason I'm even dealing with this is all because I took my dad's advice and started working for that shady company. That's where I met Julius, the kind and caring boss I started working for. Or at least, I thought he was. Little did I know he was a conniving beast who only wanted to control me and get in my pants. Now I'm dealing with another boss who's exactly the same. At least he doesn't try to hide the fact he's a cocky jackass.

"Maybe I should just transfer again."

"What good will that do? Didn't he threaten you that he would track you down if you tried running away?" I nod and sigh again. Why is my life so screwed up? I guess I have no choice but to deal with that annoying jerk. At least, until he doesn't find me interesting anymore. I guess that's all I can do right now.


"Aren't you going to welcome me with a morning kiss?" Mr. Donovan stands over my desk, smirking at me while I try to get my work done. Can't he just leave me alone already?

"I don't kiss pricks."

"How rude~! And here I thought we had such a caring relationship."

"In what way would this be considered a relationship at all?" I was very close to using the pencil in my hand to stab this asshole in front of me. Instead, I tried to remain calm and not get arrested for attempted murder.

"Don't you have work you should be doing?"

"Not at the moment. I'm still waiting for that girl to bring in some work for me."



"Her name is Betty so you can stop referring to her as 'that girl'." Mr. Donovan only stared at me until a small smile was present on his face.

"Sticking up for others, huh? You're such a kind person Dustin."

"You arrogant-" Just then there was a knock on the door and Betty walked inside.

"Mr. Donovan, sir... I have some... paperwork f-for you." He smiled at her and took the stack of papers from her hand.

"Thank you Betty." I watched as she blushed and quickly left the room leaving me alone with him once again. He turned to look at me, still smiling, and he placed a hand on his hip.

"Happy now? I called her by her name."

"You're still an asshole."

"Your words wound me. I feel like my heart is going to break."

"You don't even have a heart." He just smiled even bigger and walked to his desk to start on the papers that were handed to him while I continued to work on some papers I still had to finish. A heavy silence filled the room and all that was heard was the scratching of pencils on paper as both of us worked. At least he actually does his work instead of having others do it for him.

"Are you already falling for me?" I look over at my boss in confusion.


"You keep looking over here. Is your love for me starting to grow?"

"As if. I'm just surprised you actually do the work yourself instead of using people to do it for you."

"Give me some credit. I'm not just looks you know."

"Could've fooled me." I heard him chuckle as he smiled at me coyly.

"You really have gotten more interesting. I'm tempted to see what you would do if I kissed you."

"Excuse me?! I don't know what you're trying to pull but I would sooner die before I let you kiss me."

"What's the matter? Never been kissed?"

"That's none of your business."

"Are you sure? You're my secretary and we are going out now."

"I may be your secretary but I never agreed that I would date you. Now if you would please be quiet so I can work."

"Alright." He was still smiling as he went back to his own work allowing me to finish up what I was working on. The rest of the day was either us working in silence or me getting red with anger as he teased me. When it was finally time to leave, I was happy to hurry out of the room. I was almost to the elevator when I felt something snag my arm. I looked to see that Mr. Donovan had grabbed me, his hand gripping my arm firmly but not to where it was hurting. Instead of freaking out like I wanted to do and pulling away, I looked up at him and glared.

"May I ask why you are keeping me from leaving?"

"I wanted to talk to you before you left. Is that so bad?" That damn smile again. I swear, every time I see that annoying smile of his I just want to hit him with something. I sighed and gently pulled my arm from his hand.

"Look Mr. Donovan-"



"My name is Hunter. Call me that instead."

"Um, ok. Look... Hunter... I would really like to get home and rest. So if you'll excuse me, I'll be going now."

"What about going on a date?" I paused before completely turning my body to look at him, unsure if I had just heard him right.

"Did you just say a date?"

"I didn't stutter did I? And besides, if we're gonna be dating now we might as well go on actual dates."

"I already told you I never-"

"Oh come on. It's not like I'm gonna try to rape you anything. I have more class than that." Well, that may be true but I really don't want to be alone with this guy. Well, if we're going on a date isn't there bound to be people? Actually, that all depends on where he plans on taking me.

"If we were to go on a date where would we go?"

"Anywhere you want. You just have to choose where we go." He then reached into his pocket and pulled out a piece of paper. Grabbing my hand, he placed the paper in my palm and I read what was on it. It had his name and a set of numbers which I assumed was his phone number.

"Call me when you decide the time and the place you wanna go to." He then walked away, leaving me staring at the corner where he vanished from my sight before I finally got into the elevator and left. He seriously wants to go on a date with me? Well, while I still don't like him I guess it wouldn't hurt. It would give me something to do than just sit at home with no one but Carla to talk to.

So after some thinking and debating, even a little arguing with Carla on whether I should go or not, I ended up calling Hunter and giving him a time to pick me up and the place I chose for our date. I didn't want to dress really fancy but I didn't want to seem all that 'plain' either, as Hunter likes to keep reminding me, so I put on a pair of blue jeans I had recently bought and a baby blue button-up shirt along with a couple of leather bracelets that Carla insisted on me wearing. Just as I was putting on a pair of white sneakers, my doorbell rang. Don't tell me he's already here. We still have ten minutes before we're supposed to start our date. I opened the door, expecting it to be someone else, but it was indeed Hunter standing there in a black wife beater with a white button-up over it but the buttons were undone. He wore tight black jeans and a pair of white and black sneakers with a thin chain draped around his neck.


"You're early. You weren't supposed to be here for another ten minutes."

"I like doing things a little bit early. So are you ready?"

"Just let me make sure I have all that I need." Doing one last check to make sure I had everything, I slipped on one of my favorite coats and left. Part of me expected him to show up in a limo or something fancy like that but instead it looked like a normal car. I carefully got into the car, hoping Hunter wouldn't try anything funny since, according to him, my reactions are interesting. Something I still don't understand.

We drove down the road for a bit, Hunter thankfully not trying anything, before arriving at the restaurant I chose for our date. It wasn't a big restaurant but that might have been because it was new in the area but the food is apparently really delicious.

"A seafood place?" Hunter stares at the restaurant's name as he parks in a spot near the front.

"Yea. What, you don't like seafood?"

"That's not it. I'm just surprised you eat seafood considering your spicy personality."

"Well, while you continue your sad attempts at flirting or whatever you're doing, I'm gonna go eat." I got out of the car and walked towards the front, Hunter following with a small smile. We were able to get a table quickly due to the small crowd and sat in a booth by a window. We weren't even seated for five minutes before I began to notice people staring. Mostly females but some of the men as well were staring in our direction, directly at Hunter. Does this guy have to draw attention everywhere he goes?

The rest of the evening was me feeling uncomfortable with people continuing to stare our way as well as Hunter trying to, as he put it, 'make me have interesting reactions'. This guy is really grating on my nerves. After we paid for the meal, Hunter insisting he pay the full bill and winning in the end, we got into the car but he wasn't taking me back to my house. He told me that there was one more stop he wanted to make before taking me home and since I didn't want to attempt suicide by jumping out of the car, I sat in my seat frowning out of the window. I just watched the scenery go by before finally feeling the car come to a stop. I got out noticing there were a lot of boats around, all tied to a dock. Don't tell me.

"We're not going on a boat are we?"

"Don't like being on a boat in the water?"

"It's not that it's just... why?"

"Because I thought it would be a good addition to our date." Without another word he began walking down one of the docks, me following with a sense of worry. I don't know how I feel about being on a boat alone and in the middle of the ocean with this ticking time bomb. I have no idea what he plans on doing or when but at least if he does try anything I could try tossing him over the side. I didn't take three years of Tae-Kwon-Doe for nothing.

We near the end of the dock where a man is sitting in a chair reading a book. He looks normal enough even with the fisherman boots and yellow raincoat piled next to his seat. We reach the man who looks up from his book but isn't the slightest bit startled to see Hunter standing in front of him. Instead, he smiles and closes his book.

"I was wondering when I'd see you again Mr. Donovan. Here to take a relaxing ride on the water again?" He then notices me standing behind Hunter and his smile brightens.

"Or do you perhaps want to spend some quality time with someone special?"

"That is of no concern to you James. We just want to take a soothing ride out in the ocean."

"Oh come on. You might as well tell me since I'm the one driving this massive thing. You're dad's not paying me to just sit around and look pretty."

"Fine. If you must know, we're on a date. Now can we please get onto the boat?"

"Since you have told me what I wanted to hear then we shall, indeed, get onto the boat." With that he hauls his chair, boots, and coat onto the boat with us following behind. Well, at least we won't be alone and someone will be there to try and stop Hunter from drowning if I really do end up throwing him out into the water. The man I now know as James sets his things near the wall of the boat and goes for the wheel. The engine starts and we begin moving away from the dock and out into open water. I hold onto the side as I watch the scenery moving around us, not really caring if Hunter is near me or not.

"Enjoying the view?" Hunter is now standing next to me also watching the scenery as the boat rocks in the water. I nod as I stare at the houses lining the edge of the water.

"It's pretty. I haven't been on a boat in years."

"Seriously? You need to get out more."

"Shut up. I had other stuff to deal with."


"That doesn't concern you."

"I'm telling you it does concern me."

"Don't pull that 'because we're dating' bull again. I never agreed so no, we're not dating."

"But you can't deny that we are on a date."

"Yes I can. I can call it an enjoyable kidnapping that hasn't gone to hell." The conversation continues with me denying anything Hunter says until James joins in.

"If you hadn't told me this was a date I could have sworn you two were a married couple." I stare at James for a few seconds before frowning.

"Please do not make me seasick." James laughs while Hunter gives me a small glare. After spending a good amount of time out at sea, James docked the boat and I left with Hunter who took me back to my house. I went to get out of the car but Hunter grabbed my arm and kept my in the seat. I glared at him, warning him of what might happen if he didn't let go.

"Don't I get a kiss goodbye?"

"Hell no."

"Aw but you were having so much fun~. Don't I get a quick one?"

"Didn't I already tell you? I would sooner die then let you kiss me."

"Pleeeeeaaaaassee. Just a quick one." I really don't want to but I doubt he'd let me go even if I said no. Then again, there's the option of smashing his head into the car window. But again, I really don't want to go to jail. Well, what harm could one little kiss do. It's not like I'll fall for him over one kiss. Relenting, I let out a defeated sigh and roll my eyes. Hey, I can be a drama queen if I want.

"Fine. But only a quick one. You try anything funny and I'll castrate you." Hunter chuckles and lets go of my arm.

"Don't worry, I won't." He closes his eyes and sits still with his face turned to me. Hesitantly, I bring my face closer to his and quickly peck him on the lips. I pull away and Hunter has his eyes open, smiling at me.

"Well, not the best but it's a start." I felt my eye twitch and I quickly opened the door.

"Go fuck yourself."

"Love you too." I slam the car door close and go into my house. I swear that there really is some unknown force that hates my guts.

A/N: Thx 4 reading!

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