Swaragini- A Modern Tale of L...

By Mandy4144

146K 6.9K 1.2K


[Family Tree]
||Prologue 1|| Swaragini
||Prologue 2|| SanLak
||1|| The First Clash
||2|| Clash of the Titans
||4.1|| Dreams Vs Reality
||4.2|| Dreams vs Reality
||5.1|| The Nightmare
||5.2|| Ray of Comfort
||6|| Camping
||7|| The Unexpected Meeting
||8|| Payback Time
||9|| Where am I?
||10.1|| Say what?
||10.2|| Say what?
||11|| Issues
||12|| Realization
||13|| Accident
||14|| Another Mess
||15|| The Reunion
||16||Reviving the Moments
||16|| Food Fight!
||17|| Food Fight Mess
||18|| The Date
||19|| M-Maheshwari?
||21|| Struck with Lightening of Realization
||21|| The Choice
||22|| Back to Present
||23|| Misery
||24|| I'm up!
|| 25|| The Exceptional Encounter
||26|| The Bet
|| 27|| P what?
||28|| The Rainy Wait
||29|| Ecounter
||30|| The Hurricane
||31|| Get ready and PRANK!!
||32||The New Proposal
||33|| Holi Celebrations(I)
||Chapter 34|| Holi Celebrations (II)
|| 35|| Reopening the Case
||36|| Messed up Emotions
||37|| Breaking Hearts
||38|| Silly Mistakes
||39|| Ghostly Awarness
|| 40|| Complications
||41|| The Reality
||42||The Hasty Confession
[Important Note]
||43|| Now what?
||44|| Break From the Past
||45|| Who ever said only opposites attract?
||46||Treaures in life
||47|| Devil Sisters
||48|| The New Crisis
||49|| Star Struck Realization
||50|| The MasterPlan
||51|| Long Drives and New Suspects
||52|| The Blockbuster Idea
||53|| The Matchmaker
||54|| Sarcasm at its peak
||55|| Prank or not?

||3|| Breaking the Ice

3.7K 146 7
By Mandy4144

"You take that Laksh guy, I'll take the Mr.Know it all," Swara muttered to Ragini, who responded back saying, "I'll go east, you go west."

Swara and Ragini nodded to each other, and splitted the brothers apart so that they remain clueless about their entire prank.

Ragini and Laksh started with the Computer wing located in the east of the building, she needed to just put the sticky note on his back, which will do the trick. But how? Her eyes trickled as an idea popped up in her brain.

"That is the main computer room," she said pointing to the room on the right diverting him from her actions.She carefully peeled the sticky note from the back of her phone case, and pretended to trip, taking support from his shoulder.

His eyes locked hers, while his hand on her arm tightened, stiffening her body from placing the note. She kept his eyes locked in his, as she made her mind up to stick the note to his hoodie. The note read, I'M SINGLE, LOOKING FOR A DATE.

She gently averted her eyes of his, making him realize their position and move away. To Ragini's amusement he didn't have any clue about the note, both of them kept on walking. But the tension and awkwardness between them continued to grow by the each passing minute, making her body shiver from time to time.

"Turn right, this are the more better labs," she said as they took a sharp turn, walking into a hallway full of people who are bound to notice the note on his back.

The effect was rather quick, as a girl, medium in height, with blond hair and blue eyes, called Laksh from behind. Laksh turned around swiftly, followed by Ragini, while the girl made her way to them.

"Hey, I'm single too," she said shyly, while Laksh looked on confused.

"Huh?' he replied back puzzled.

She looked at him and giggled to herself, "Here, take my number."

She took out a pen from her wallet, grabbed Laksh's hand and wrote her number all over his right arm with a bold large black marker.

Laksh looked on extremely shocked as the girl mouthed call me as she left the place. Ragini's face filled with glowing with laughter, which she was trying to hide with many efforts.

Just as Ragini managed to control her laughter, another girl came up from the behind and said, "Do you rock music or soft music?"

"Rock," Laksh responded with a complete blank expression on his face.

"Blue or white? she asked yet another question.

"Umhh...white," Laksh said hesitantly, eyeing Ragini who had a wide grin of pleasure on her face.

"Long drive or candle light dinner?,"

"Long drive," Laksh answered firmly, Ragini was surprised to hear his answer. Long drive huh?

"Okay, we match, here is my number, call me when you can,"She enthusiastically said, as she hastily snacthed the phone from his hand and dialled her number in.

"But...."Laksh tried to stop her, but all his efforts flew vain, a shill went across his spine as he heard,

"Bye lover boy,"

"What was that?" Ragini shrugged unknowingly before she burst into laughter, as Laksh glared at her in extreme anger.

Even with Ragini sensing Laksh's fierce anger, right on his nose, she didn't stop laughing, as she took a moment to think how this is going with Swara.


Swara's smile was growing mischievous by the each passing minute, the last note of I'm single, went really well when around 10 girls came to give him their respective phone number.

Fortunately, he was absolutely clueless about the note, even when she put on the next one which read,YOU ARE INVITED TO MY PARTY, AT 7, SEE YOU THERE!!!, on his cap of his red hoodie.

They walked past the chemistry hallway from the 2nd floor, to the bio hallway, which was crowded with freshers from the biomedical program. This was gonna be extremely fun to Swara, who sagged back her shoulders relieved. The cream coloured walls of the hallway comforted her tension, and bought a sense of familiarity in her, assuring her safety.

"This is the biomedical facility of the campus, it has many professional labs with the needed equipment. It has 6 classrooms, 6 labs, and 2 staff rooms in this building, the rest are located at that building," she guided him, to face the big window located in the middle of the hallway.

She stood a bit backward than Sanskaar, to see whether everyone were looking at the Note or not. And everyone was, they were chattering with their friends about the note too.

"where is your house located?" an Asian girl arrived near them, long black heels, soft eyes, denim skirt and a white tank top.

She looked quite elegant compared to Swara who looked at herself and sighed at her casual clothing. She needed to go shopping tomorrow with Ragini or else the 'style queen' will be replaced!

"What?" Sanskaar asked confused, with a huge amount of shock in his voice aiming at Swara who was looking up and down her clothes.

"OMG! Your house address dude," the girl more loudly asked him, the entire hallway started to stare at them.

All of them giving him the jerk face, Sanskaar's stomach started to knot together as he saw Swara standing, a smirk born on her face, while her gaze stayed clinged on his.

"It is first villa on the outskirt of the main city, near the east of WhineLand." he replied firmly, still looking at Swara who was standing behind the girl, the girl nodded at him gently and said.

"Great! See you at 7 then,"

"okay," Sanskaar mouthed out as he scanned deeply through Swara's eyes, scrutinizing for the reason of the familiarity in her eyes.

She didn't bother to take her gaze off, even though she understood he was scanning her eyes like a machine, taking all the info he could get out of her. Her boldness started to amaze him, his eyes turned cold as he realized what he said to the girl, 7? At his house, and yelled back at her as she left.

Wait, what?" Sanskaar locked his lower jaw in, gritting hard at the new turn of the day.

Swara rolled her eyes by seeing his anger and ruthlessness, somebody had to teach him manners, especially how to talk to girls.

His eyes kept looking at her suspiciously, while she carried on her innocent face of bewilderment as he was having. Her body started to heat up as his stare fell on her, this was the first time someone had the guts to look at her so intently, without any hidges.

She finally lifted her eyes of his, moving her eyes to the light cream walls enclosing them, cooling her body down, when another came from across the room.

"Did you give your address to anyone?" another guy came asked him.

Sanskaar let out a suffering sigh and quietly responded, "Yes, to that girl over there,"

"denim skirt?" the boy questioned again. Sanskaar felt uneasy by the questions he was being thrown into, Swara noticing this, replied for him, 'yes,"

"I'll take it from her, see you at your party!" he briskly said as he made his way to the girl.

"Party?" Sanskaar let out a faint word from his mouth, he recollected the party, dancing through the crowds, swaying his feet with the music, staring at a....a girl. The girl. His feet started to go numb and uneasiness of the situation started to creep into his body after remembering his LAST party.

"Which playlist do you want me to use, old or new?" a guy wearing headphones with loud music playing through his ears called out.

"Play what?" Sanskaar asked him, still his mind in dreadness of the situation.

"New it is," the guy replied for him and left the place unknowingly.

"Bbbu..." Sanskaar attempted to explain him that he was not going to have a party, but it was way too late.

The news spread like wildfire, with everyone in the campus coming to the 'so called party.'

He glanced back at Swara who clapped her mouth with both her hands to prevent her from laughing her head off. Her eyes with dancing with immense pleasure, with his angered face staring at her, it go harder and harder for her to prevent her loud mouth to start laughing.


"Ohh...I love parties!! I am definitely going to be there," a boy muttered as he walked past Laksh in the caf, many people were coming up to them and saying they will attend the party.

By each passing person, Laksh face grew irked, and his glare turned blackest at the end.

"But, I am not organizing any party," he blurted out frustrated by the weird happenings of the day. Ragini was enjoying each and every moment of the prank, serves him right for arguing with her and asking her sister to apologise.

"Very funny," the guy mocked back at him in extreme sarcasm filling every core of his words, which made Laksh wonder what was going on.

"What is going on?" he snarled hastily at Ragini who maintained a persistent look on her face.

"How would I know?"she asked innocently, fluttering her eyes to make the look perfect, "Lucky, maybe this is not your lucky day," she teasingly snickered at him, grinning at him widely, so much that Ragini felt like the smile might just drop of her stretched face.

Laksh scowled at her, locking his jaw tight to prevent his outburst. Maybe it wasn't her at all, maybe there was a spirit in this school which tested new people in the University or people here assume too many things OR maybe this was psychology wing where people acted strangely.

"Is the party formal or informal?" another tall boy asked them, he looked like he was around, 6 foot 1 breaking Laksh from his assumptions of the situation.

Ragini knew him from some of her classes from the previous years, he smiled at her and looked back at Laksh for an answer.

"None," Laksh replied, gulping hard as he saw the muscular muscles at either sides of his hands, his tough look on his hard face. He looked back at himself, fair, lean and tall, will not stand any match to him in any chance.

"I get it, it's semi-formal. Wise choice!!" the guy replied beaming at Laksh, who lifted his eyebrow and nodded to agree with him before he gets smashed like dough.

"When is it? 6 or 7?" he asked to Laksh again.

"7," Ragini replied instantly, making Laksh glare at her in extreme brisk anger.

"What? Everyone said that they are going to be there at 7, so I thought that is the time. If is not, tell me, I can tell everyone" Ragini said back to him, as the guy left from their sight.

"Damn it, I am not organizing A PARTY," Laksh yelled out frustrated at his fate.


Swara was successful once again on taking the last note and adding the new one which read

-It's my birthday. A few people already started to wish him Happy Birthday. To annoy him even more Swara wished him to, making him rise with intense anger.

"Happy Birthday!" Swara heard another girl call out as she passed both of them. Due to their ego and extreme enmity making them not talk but rather taunt each other for every small thing.

"Hey again, I see why you are giving a party, it's your birthday, now I am totally gonna be there,"the Asian girl said as she walked by. Sanskaar looked at the sudden change of the things, first a date, then party, now a birthday. What the hell was wrong with this university.

"Dude, vanilla or chocolate?" Lisa came, one of Ragini's friends, which also meant she was friendly to Swara too.

"Chocolate,"she answered quickly, imagining a creamy chocolate fudge Lisa made for her b'day. "I love chocolate, and she is the best baker," she enthusiastically told Sanskaar who looked at her boggled by her sudden turn of emotions.

"Cool! The cake is on me then," Lisa said "Swara are you coming to the party?"

"Actually I have another party to attend, so, I'll try,"


"Mr.Sanskaar, Happy Birthday!!" the chairman said too, greeting him with warm wishes.

"Sir, it is not my birthday!" Sanskaar exclaimed with a sigh.

"May I know why you are going around with a note on your back then?"the chairman asked him humbly.

Sanskaar's face flushed with embarrassment as he pulled the paper off his back. He looked at the crumbled paper in his hand, and back at Swara whose eyes were dancing with pleasure.

"I wonder who did it?" he flatly asked Swara, whose eyes bounced onto his in shock as to how he turned the table around.

"Swara, is this one of your prank," Swara heard the principal ask her from the tip of her eye, she kept staring at him while the heated blood from her body started to travel upwards, causing her face to heat up.

"I'll take that as a yes, I want you to apologise to Sanskaar," the chairman said to Swara in a strict tone.

"A..pologize," Swara asked back shocked at the sudden twist in her life. First her car, now this, this Mr.Know it all will definitely ruin her life one day.

"Yes and right in front of me," the principal answered her face, and turned to Sanskaar whose face which was beaming with victory changed to a innocent toddler face.

"Sir, umhh.." Swara said hesitantly trying to come up with an excuse worth believing.

"Swara, you here. We need to meet the teachers to get out stuff, the classes will start soon," Ragini called her out from behind, running to make her way to Swara. Swara face lit up like a christmas tree filled with high voltage bulbs at every angle.

"Sorry Sir, due to this tour, we will miss the classes right?" Ragini said as she took hacked breaths into her body and continued, "So, the teachers want us to come to them earlier to get all our stuff. if you can please excuse Swara, then."

'Yes, yes for sure. Go ahead girls!!" the principal agreed to her consent, forgetting about the sorry and the prank.

Swara looked back at the brown hazel eyes throwing daggers at her, she gave him an innocent tight smile and raced with her sister out the building.

"What would I have done without you," Swara blurted out, breaking into a hug.

"That was a narrow escape," Ragini said, shaking Swara to draw her attention, while Swara was busy thinking about the furious, hazel eyes that she encountered.

"huh? How did you find me and arrive at the right moment?" Swara blurted out as her feet landed on Earth again.

"Wellllll, my sister instinct told me that my darling sister is in some trouble, so it led me the way and here I am," Ragini replied, failing her arms to give Swara a tight hug.

"Lol!! let's go, I need some time to laugh about all the stuff that just happened," Swara said after breaking the hug.


"Ragini," Swara said in an appealing voice, trying to persuade Ragini to her side.

'hmmmm..." Ragini replied as she texted someone in her phone, while her legs were stretched on top of the surface of the car.

"Don't you think we should go to the party, to see if the those boys throw a better bash than us," Swara drawled out profusely, trying to make her understand her point.

"Don't worry Swara, now you are becoming paranoid, no one will throw better parties than the Gododia Sisters!" Ragini said ignorantly as she kept all her attention in her phone

Swara sighed deeply and honeyed her with words, "Still, let's go,pls pls,"

"If Dadi and Dida will get to know that we missed the Indian Community Annual Party to attend some random bash, then we will be dead listening to their highly patriotic lecture on National identity and pride," Ragini said staring into her sister's eyes which were filled with innocence and appeasement to go.

"Ahem Ahem, Ladoo, Shona? How could you do that? Not attend the cultural Indian party, instead a random western party. We didn't have these expectations from you. If you leave India, doesn't mean that you will forget your language, culture and status. It doesn't mean that you will change from Indian to British within years. These people you are living with, these people you are staying with tortured our country for years together. With a lot of strength and courage, we have fought them and won, now after all that, you both go and live there. Forget all our culture? If you change countries doesn't mean that your heart changes too, remember your morals and values." Swara ranted mimicking the voices of both Dadi and Dida making Ragini burst out in extreme laughter, gripping her stomach to control her laughter and breathing through her mouth hastily. Her face started to go red, clawing all the blood in her body to rise to her face.

"Come on, Ragini," Swara insisted too much.

"You know how much I hate standing at one place and listening to people yell at me for hours straight, it takes too much effort to stand in one place," Ragini replied, still taking deep breaths to control her laughter of the mimicry of her sister.

"What if we tell them they are Indian boys who organized a desi party?" Swara came up with an instant idea, where did her head go when she really needed ideas a few minutes ago, at that time it was all blank. From where were these crazy ideas coming now?

"Ummh...only if I get to drive the car?" Ragini threw a condition at Swara.

She rolled her eyes in frustration and asked at her 'hard to convince sister', "Why?"

"I don't want to die so soon, my career of becoming a professional rider and businesswoman with you is at stake," Ragini joked, winking at Swara, "Yes or no?"

"Finneeee......" Swara agreed finally as she really wanted to go and see how the party of the boys would be like.

Both the girls' minds struck with different ideas as to how the party will be, eyes penetrated with enthusiasm and body filled with curiosity, but they could only know when they go to the party in the evening.

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