Tags & Stuff

By FanFictionWriter

158 6 9

Decided to add this for Tags and Stuff... yeah, the title is self explanatory I guess. I don't really think I... More

13Answers to 13Questions

158 6 9
By FanFictionWriter

I was tagged by teamleobaby for a question thingy, and decided... hell, why not?


-You've got to post every rule (i don't like this rule that much)

-Each person has to post 13 things about themselves

-You must answer the 13 questions asked to you and invent 13 new questions for the people you tag

-You have to legitimately tag 13 people

-You can't get out of doing the tags

-Tag backs are allowed

-You must make a journal entry (not sure what that is so I'm gonna pretend I didn't read - nor type- this rule)

-You have to finish it in a week

-Be creative with the title (If you've read my books it's quite obvious I have no idea how to be creative with a title so I'm sorry I tried)


1. What's your favorite meme?

Easy, the laughing husky meme and all it's variations. It's so fudging CUTE

2. What is the last lie you've told?

Today I told my mom I had to stay late to school for a student group today... In all honesty I just didn't want to pick my sister up from school... oops

3. Do you trust anyone with your life?

Yes, more people than I should, maybe... I like trusting people.

4. What's your first thought when you wake up?

I usually try to remember my dreams 'cause they're always so bizarre so I like to recall everything to later be able to share them

5. If you could've personally witnessed anything, what would you want to have seen?

The Battle of Hogwarts. 100%

6. What internet browser do you use?

Google Chrome for the win!

7. What is the longest you've gone without sleep?

46 hours. I can't not sleep for too long, but that time I had been traumatized by The Grudge. (I still get chills if I think about that movie)

8. What's your favorite word?

Dude. DUUUUUUDEEEE, like, dude.

9. Of all your pet-peeves, which is the strangest?

That's a hard one... Hmm... I guess my strangest pet-peeve is when colors/markers aren't ordered by rainbow. I just NEED them to be that way. I can't use them when they're not, honestly.

10. What fictional character do you believe is most like yourself?

This one might be a bit childish hehehe, but I actually REALLY relate to Anna from Frozen. When I first saw the movie I couldn't believe it, but then I was like okay maybe I like her so much I want to think she's like me when  she's reaaaally not... But then, tooons of friends started telling me how we are so alike personality-wise and I reaffirmed it wasn't my imagination. We're both impulsive, we act before thinking things through; also, we both have this tendency to alway try and find the nice side of people. A bit hopeless-romantic, a bit crazy, and I also do love randomly singing what I'm doing so, we're basically the same.

11. Which would you follow, your heart or your head?


12. If you could have any career possible, which would it be?

I'd be an Auror, or maybe a Ninja.... do those count? If they don't... I guess I'd love fashion design.

13. Would you spit on costumer's food if you were the waiter and they had been rude?

Never. I don't have the guts nor the heart to do it, the guilt would kill me and I'd probably end up telling the customer before he can even eat the food which will probably get me in a whooole lot of trouble.

Soooo, those are my answers! I actually enjoyed this. Now, guess it's my turn to tag people soooooo I'll tag people who have messaged me constantly and put up with my lack of updates. IM SO SORRY IM REALLY TRYING BUT I'M A SENIOR AT THE MOMENT AND I'M DYING WITH WORK I LOVE YOU ALL! The questions will be after the tags. I hope you guys do this!













YAY! Here's the questions I have for you guys!

1. What Wattpad book would you recommend MOST and why? (You can give a brief summary - No spoilers though ;))
2. What's your all time favorite song?

3. What would you prefer as a pet, a dragon or a unicorn? Why?

4. If you could be any animal (mythological or not) which would you be and why?

5. If you could date one fiction character, ONLY ONE, who would it be? Why?
6. What would be your perfect first date with said fiction character?

7. If the color pink had a taste, what would it taste like?
8. Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw or Slytherin? Why?

9. Tumblr, Pinterest, or none of the options?
10. If you could be any fanfiction character, who would you be? Why?

11. Favorite superhero and why?
12. Do you speak more than one language? Which ones?
13. If you could save one fictional character from dying, who would it be? Why?

Sorry for all the whys, but I'm curious like that! Hope you enjoy this as much as I did and I'll be sure to check them out if you tag me! Thanks for all the love and support and I'll try to update my books as soon as I can! Love you!

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