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chapter one:the betrayal
Ch:2 new member/new love
Ch 3:the convess of love
Ch 5:the power
Ch 6:together forever.

Ch 4:the new ememie

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*a new person comes in leaf village with a lot of people*.

Kashi:Hi.My name is Kashi Antaeku.whats yours?.
Kashi:*doges with my kunai and sharingan*i dont think so..why are you here?.
Leviane:I'm the new leader and I'm taking over this village.

Kashi:oh really?? I don't think so. I will not let you take this village as long as i live.
Leviane:*snaps my fingers ninjas come out*.

Kashi:*kills the ninja in one blow*.

*the ninjas come back sees kids running* "fight my ninja's fight".

The ninjas began attacking Kashi,Sasuke, Lokian,Yaki,and Nichi they surrounded them on all sides.

Kashi:crap!!!*runs up into a tree and does a hiddin jutsu:awakening of the hokage*you think they can defeate me and my hokage and my friends.well your wrong.YAKI,NICHI,SASUKE,LOKIAN Get Out Here!!We Have Company!!

Lokian:*fights gets blown through 5 trees* Sasuke:LOKIAN!!!! *fights*

Kashi:*helps lokian up*are you Lokian;yea...I'm Ok...what the hell are they?.

Leviane:attack ninja's keep attacking
Sasuke:ugh they keep coming back.

No matter how hard they fight the ninjas just keep coming back and they get stronger and stronger.

Kashi:i have no choice do i?*says to self*..look i know your watching us so tou may as well come out*looks at a tree and notices half of the Akatsuki are in trees watching the fight*.

Tobi:*jumps down* hey.
Pepper jack:remember guys,we arnt helping them.this is for our own benefit.*jumps down and looks at team*.

Leviane:*makes more ninja's makes them attack Lokian* Lokian:*fights gets kicked and thrown into more trees spits up blood*.

Kashi,Sasuke,Nichi,and Yaki couldn't believe their eyes Leviane was attacking Lokian one by one and they didn't know Yaki heart raced fear of loosing Lokian he didn't know what to do

Pepper jack:tobi!take lokian and heal him in the other house..konan,hidan,kakuzu,kisame,itachi.we have a job to to.make sure you take these ninja out of these..non nessecary problems..and leave that*points at the leader* to me.

Leviane: you aren't the one I'm after *the ninja's attack tobi keeps attacking looks at Yaki* you must be Lokiand boyfriend ninjas attack Yaki now!!!.

The ninjas followed their orders and started to attack Yaki Lokian eyes widen he jumped transformed into something he didn't think he knew he could do.

Pepper jack:yaki!!*jumps in front of yaki and doges the ninjas attacks and kills them,for good this time*.

Lokian:*eyes widen transforms* h-how d-dare y-you HOW DARE YOU *awakens something terrible fights leviane*.

Pepper jack:LOKIAN!!!!STOP!!! You dont know what your getting into.
Sasuke:w-wat is that he's red what's wong with him!!!!.

Lokian form was taking over him his carmt ears got bigger so did his tail and claws he was so angry he didn't want to loose Yaki the love off is life.

Pepper jack:yaki you have to calm him down.if he attacks Levian,hes going to die!.

Itachi:*grabs Lokian hard* Lokian stop *gets blown by away lokian hits the tree* ouch. Lokian:*fights hard leviane punches him gets blown back breathes heavily* Leviane: your powers is unleashed *laughs*

Nichi:*makes a barrier around Lokian* Yaki now calm him quickly I can't hold the barrier for long.

Yaki walked to Lokian and saw him he looked scary he didn't care he wanted his Lokian back

Yaki:*goes over to lokian*
Babe..please calm down..please for me.dont fight levian.

Lokian:*tears fall scared* Y-yaki....I'm

Yaki:*hugs lokian*its going ro be okay

Pepper jack:so*looks at Levian*i see you've decided to come home.....big brother..*looks at Levian with an angry look*.

Lokian:*in tears* w-what am I....

Leviane:yes *calls my ninjas back* my master will be pleased that I awoken the red dragon cat *takes out a smoke bomb and leaves*.

Pepper jack:I wont let you!!!Hes not a pet that dad can just use.I WILL END YOU BROTHER,AND I WILL END DAD AS WELL

Leviane:*laughs* he will be captured by us *leaves* Lokian:*holds on to Yaki in more tears*.

Itachi:babe wat is a red dragon cat?.

Pepper jack: Well legend has it that the red dragon cat was the most powerful and most dangerous dragon cat.It could destroy a whole village with just one attack.Its more powerfull than the nine tailed and eight tailed foxes.If put in the wrong hands,whoever bears the dragon in them,will be used as an evil tool and will be killed. A sealing spell is the only way to put it in and out of whoever holds the dragon in their bodies. The elders wife was the one who put the beast inside of you.. Now only the second son of the Elder can take this demon away..and i hope you realize that this is what i was talking about when i said i was protecting you..*looks at itachi* lets go

Itachi:the secong oldest? Lokian did you know it was inside you or? Lokian:I didn't know...I don't want this p-power.

Everyone looked at Lokian they were worried about him and the village and the power that he has in him.

Yaki:w-wait.pepper.Was someone you knew,the Elders wife??
Pepper jack:*nods*yeah..she was my mother..
Itachi:that means you and Lokian are B-brothers?!?!

Sasuke:of course that's why Pepper kept Lokian from being angry but when Leviane attack Yaki Lokian snapped and red dragon cat came out.

Lokian: I don't feel so good *faints sweats badly*.

Lokian was sweatinh badly thevred dragon cat took all his energy Nichi picked with Yaki and took him to the house for him to rest.

Pepper jack:get him home...he needs rest..kisame.stay here with hidan and you two will guard the areas.undetected by the villagers.i have to go visit someone and let them know whats going on..*looks at lokian and gives him a quick kiss on the hand*..Itachi.lets go!*looks back and jumps from tree to tree and leaves*

Kisame and Hidan:*nods* don't worry Yaki they won't get Lokian we promise now get him home *they jump in the trees watches the village*
Lokian:*grips Yaki's shirt tears fall* Itachi:babe why didn't you tell me *walks with you*.

Itachi looked at Pepper and Pepper looked at him he held his hand tight.

Itachi:*holds your hand*.I love you just tell me he in danger?

Pepper jack:.i need you to help guard for a while...can you do that?
Itachi:yes anything for you babe.

Pepper jack:*smiles* thank you.
Itachi:*kisses you* just please get back here safe please.

Even though bad things were happing Itachi wanted his lover to be Safe he loved him so much the time the spend together was just perfect.

Pepper jack: i promise.

~leaf village house-
Lokian:*wakes with bandages looks aroung tries to sit up*.

Kashi:you need to stay lying down..dont move okay.
Lokian:*feels pain* b-but I h-have to s-save Yaki...h-he needs m-me.

Kashi:yakis fine.hes speaking with Itachi in the other room.
Lokian:*tried to get up screams out in pain*AAAAHHHH.

Kashi:its okay..your gonna have to stay were you are right now need rest...*looks at Itachi* just stay still and try not to move okay..Ill be right over there.all you have to do is say my name or make some type of noise and ill be here to help you.*walks over to Itachi and yaki* so,what are we supposed to do?

Itachi:I don't know it looks like he has no memory of what happened.

Itachi,Kashi and Yaki looked at Lokian wondering what to do next they were confused thry never heard of this unbelievable power like this.

Kashi:i did some research and the Elders second son is pepper..hes the only one who can take the dragon out of Lokian.
Itachi:but also the one to end Lokian life...grr...if only naruto was still alive he could tell us how to save Lokian without killing him.

Kashi:acctually,lokian isn't the one who'll die,if the thing is taken out....
Itachi: n-no don't say tht...

Itachi eyes began to water hoping Kashi doesn't say what he thinks she's going to say.'ll be pepper.Son of mistress carline and elder saskuya.
Itachi: I won't let this happen. Lokian:*gets up slowly falls down* y-yaki....

Yaki:LOKIAN!!what are you doing out of bed??*runs and holds Lokian softly*
Lokian:i-i h-had to make sure that y-your Ok...*in tears*

Yaki: its not me you should be worried about...were going to get that thing out of you,okay*picks lokian up and puts him back on the bed*.
Lokian:Y-Yaki...I want...I want to be promised to y-you...

Yaki:i promise...*kisses you softly*
Lokian:*kisses back* i-i promise too *falls in your arms*

(Wow ur probably wondering "the red dragon cat" we Lokian is half catcat half dragon that's how those two got put together and yes Pepper Jack and Lokian are stepbrother I hope you like it ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤)

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