The Girl He Saved

By saracha-sauce

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Mina, a 15 year-old girl, is never really noticed by anyone. Her father left Mina and her mother when she was... More

Introduction/ About the Author
Chapter 1. My Savior
Chapter 2. He Came to Me
Chapter 3. My Friend
Chapter 4. Meeting Cana
Chapter 5. Confession
Chapter 6. Her Reply
Chapter 7. A New Friend
Chapter 8. Roomates??
Chapter 9. A Day Out
Chapter 10. First Date
Chapter 11. Our Quarrel
Chapter 12. Hospital
Chapter 13. Christmas
Chapter 14. Is This Fate?
Chapter 16. Is This Goodbye?
Chapter 17. My Dark Secret
Chapter 18.
Chapter 19. Second Date Part 1
Chapter 20. Second Date Part 2
Chapter 21. Test
Chapter 22. Importance
Chapter 23. Confessions
A/N (Not an official update)
Chapter 24. Secret's Out
Chapter 25.
Chapter 26.
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29

Chapter 15. Please Don't Leave Me!

407 22 8
By saracha-sauce

Mina's POV

"So, how far have you gotten in your relationship with Sora-kun?" Cana-chan asked me during lunch.

Sora has some student council work to do during lunch, so he couldn't join Cana-chan and I on the roof today.

"Oh well... We actually haven't gotten that far in our relationship. We only kiss or hug really... We are living together though," I said.

"I see..." she noted.

I was confused. Is she plotting something?

"Well, the bell is about to ring, I'm going to go back now. My classroom is on the other side of the building after all!" Cana-chan said with a sigh. She threw her trash away and went down the stairs.

Since she asked about my relationship with Sora, I was curios. I quickly finished eating my bento and followed her. I had to sprint down the stairs, but I finally caught sight of her. She seemed to be looking for someone.

I started to get worried. Cana-chan is heading straight towards the student council room.

'What is she planning??' I thought desperately, 'Is she going to take advantage of our relationship since it hasn't gotten very far? Will she betray me?' tears started forming in my eyes. Just the thought of my best friend betraying me made me so depressed. Or, my only friend... I feel as if I'm entering a state of depression again. Just like before I met Sora.

She turned a corner. The last turn before the student council room. I hid by the corner so that I wouldn't get caught.

"Hi, can I see Sora-kun please?" she asked after she slid open the door.

My heart skipped a beat when she said his name, 'Is she going to try and steal my boyfriend?'

"Yeah, sure. Hold on," the person who answered the door turned around. "Sora! Some girl wants to see you!" he said.

"Oh, hey Cana-san. What can I do for you?" he asked with a smile. I'm in the perfect spot, so I can see everything.

"Umm... Well. How do I say this?" she muttered.

'How about not at all?' I thought to myself as I rolled my eyes dramatically.

Sora looked at her, he looked quite alarmed.

Sora's POV

'Where's this girl getting at? Just spit it out already... Geez.' I thought suspiciously.

"Here's the thing. Ever since I saw you, I've been in love. I'm not popular, but neither is Mina. I'm kind, like Mina. I'm-" she was going on and on, so I interrupted her mid-sentence.

"So, what you're saying is that you want to date me?" I said with a fake smile. I glanced over to the corner and noticed a lock of bright blond hair.


"Sure," I said.

"Seriously, you'd date me?" she looked surprised.

"Yeah, if you were actually kind and if I never met Mina. Or if I was like a man-whore," I replied coldly, but muttered the second sentence.

Cana was speechless for a moment, "W-what do you mean? H-how am I not kind?"

"Please. If you were kind, you wouldn't have became Mina's friend just to get close to me. You had this all planned out from the start, didn't you? Ever since that fight," I suspected.

"It's true. But that just shows how far I will go for you, right?" she tried to defend herself.

'You're failing miserably, girl,' I thought with an overly-annoyed tone.

"Ha. And you said that you're kind," I shook my head and closed the door to the student council room after I went back inside.

Mina's POV

'No. No. No. NO! This can't be happening! Cana-chan is my best friend!! Why is she betraying me...?' I thought. Tears rolled down my cheeks, 'Why is it so painful to lose a friend?'

She slowly crept around the corner, but when she saw me, she froze for a split second. Cana's eyes were as big as a pancake when she saw me and tears were slowly sliding down her face.

She took off running a second later.

"Wait! Cana!" I yelled after her. I tried to grab her, but I failed. I darted after her, trying to catch up to her so I can talk to her.

After a couple minutes of running at full speed, Cana started to slow down, but I was still running strong.

'Heh, good endurance! But no one can get away from me after being on the track team for 5 years! If I try, I can run a mile in three minutes flat!' I boasted in my thoughts when I noticed Cana's speed decreasing.

We got to a dead end where you can only go left or right. She slowed down even more since she seemed puzzled on which way to turn.

'Heh, good luck escaping me now!' I said with a slight smirk. I was just a couple feet away when she moved to the left a little. But she was too late, I was running at full speed and slammed my hands on the wall, trapping Cana in between.

"What do you want?!" Cana nearly yelled. Tears were still slowly making their way down her flushed cheeks.

I had to look up slightly to look her in the eyes, "I want to talk to you."

"Why? So you can plot your revenge against me?" we locked eyes for a second, then she quickly looked down at the floor.

"No way!! Why would I want to hurt the person I saved a few months ago? How low do you think I am Cana?" I said sternly, but also softly at the same time.

She remained silent and kept staring at the floor. She looked as if she was thinking about something.

"Look, I don't want to hurt you. Neither mentally nor physically. I only want to talk!" I said in a way I was hoping she would understand.

"You technically didn't save me before..." Cana said quietly.

I stood there, both puzzled and taken aback.

"It was all a setup for me to become your friend. I didn't know you were going to end up dating Sora at the time. I just wanted to get closer to him. I honestly didn't want to betray you after I got to know you better," she explained.

I was so startled that I forgot about holding her in place. I let my arms fall back to my sides as I stared into space.

Cana took off running as soon as I let my guard down. I didn't care. I was too surprised to move. I just couldn't believe that our friendship was all a fake.

'The first friendship I ever have in life is a big fat whopper.'

A/N: I mean "whopper" as in "lie", not the candy... I apologize for any confusion there.

Fast forward to after school: 4:19

'At least Sora didn't betray me. Yet. There are so many other girls out there, he will always have the chance to dump me and go for some other girl. He's perfectly capable of doing-' my thoughts were interrupted as I heard a clamor of loud voices coming from the empty courtyard in our school.

A/N: Sora is in another student council meeting so Mina is passing the time for him to be finished with it.

"How DARE you try and take Sora away?" a loud voice said. It sounded like Kushina.

There wasn't a response.

"What were you planning on doing once you started dating him anyways? Rub it in our faces? And what about Mina? I thought you two were friends," she spat.

'Is she...? Is Kushina backing me up? THE Kushina?' I thought in surprise.

"No. Well, at least not anymore..." another voice said quietly. It was definitely Cana.

"Tch! I'll show you!" Kushina replied in anger

I crept around the corner just in time to see that Kushina had her hand raised. She was holding Cana by her uniform collar, she was being held against the brick wall of the school.

'I won't let this happen!' I yelled at myself. I darted at the two and caught Kushina's punch just before it came in contact with Cana's face.

I heard a small crack come from my hand as it caught the punch.

"Tch. Probably shouldn't have done that..." I muttered to myself. I slightly cringed in pain

'I think broke a bone...' I thought. I let my guard down and Kushina pushed me aside, onto the ground.

"Mina!" Cana screamed as she watched in horror. She threw me a good five feet away. Cana tried to come to my aid, but Kushina stopped her.

"Oh you're not going anywhere little miss!" she said with a devious smirk and raised her arm once again.

"DON'T DO IT!!" I screeched at the top of my lungs before she could take a swing at her. They both looked at me, frozen in place.

Suddenly, Kushina sprang back to life, "What did you say?" she asked sternly. She let got of Cana and walked towards me slowly. Cana just stood there stunned.

"I said don't do it. Are you deaf?" I asked in equal sternness. I got up to my feet and felt immense pain in my left hand.

I sprinted as fast as I could over to Cana and grabbed her hand and started pulling her along. I turned my head back and saw that Kushina was chasing us at top speed.

"Come on Cana! Speed it up now!!" I yelled at her desperately.

She finally snapped out of her trance and let go of my hand. She finally sped up, going a little faster than I was. So I sped up to her speed.

'Thank God she let go... That was the wrong hand...' I sighed in relief.

We kept running at full speed for a good three minutes and when I looked back, I saw bright red hair in the distance that was standing still.

"Turn here, I think we'll be safe. We can go a random path in this part of the school. It's practically a labyrinth in there anyways..." I pointed to the entrance to the school and we darted inside. It was the part of the school for people with special needs. They have their own special part of the school just for them so they don't slow down any of the traffic in the halls.

We finally stopped once we found the closest water fountains and we each took a drink.

I looked at her and locked eyes.

"W-what??" she asked.

"Don't leave me," I said immediately.

"Huh?" she looked discombobulated.

"Please, never leave my side! You were the first friend that I have ever had!"

"But... We weren't really friends. I used you, remember?"

"Yeah, I remember," I said with a blank look.

"Then we can't go back to being friends if we weren't ever even friends!" she said.

"Then start being my friend! I forgave you. I forgave you the moment I started chasing you. My feelings may have wavered when you said that it was all a setup to get closer to Sora, but I still forgave you! So, just be my friend! Please..." I pleaded.


Bet you didn't expect that, did you? *evil smirk* Btw, I'm trying to use like, more complicated words every once in a while because I feel like I'm using the same word like 362 times in a 2078 word story. T_T (yes, that's how many words are in this whole chapter).

Today I will be working on both of my stories in the 4 hour drive to my sis's college. So you'll probably get two updates on each story if you read both. (Including this chapter) I'd really appreciate it if you read my other story though!! It's an OHSHC Fanfic btw.

I just wanted to say, REST IN PEACE ALAN RICKMAN! "When I'm 80 years old and sitting in my rocking chair, I'll be reading Harry Potter. And my family will say to me, 'After all this time?' And I will say, 'Always.'" -Alan Rickman (Professor Snape from Harry Potter) He died recently from cancer... I cry... ;_; RIP!!!!!

Please comment if you have any suggestions for my story!! Or if you'd like to be in it too, I don't mind! :)



I almost wrote 3016 for the year... O_O

Edited: 3/9/2016

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