Trynna Make It (Yn and Roc Ro...

By Hailey_Michele

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Yn and Chresanto live in Compton. They have a hard life. They are trynna make it out. If they do, will there... More

Just the Introduction
Pay Back's a Bitch
School Time
At Practice
One Year
What in the world is going on?
Planning Our Future
Wedding Planning
The Rest of the Day
Happy Birthday
Prehia Dr. Appointment
Marcus Did What
Happy Family
Happy Independence Day
Best Surprise Ever
The Wedding
First Day Married
Prehia's Birthday Part One
Prehia's Birthday Part Two
Leaving For The Honey Moon
Our Honey Moon
Taking Over The Family Buisness
Taking Over the Family Business
On The Run
Play Date
Down Hill
They're a...
What Do You Want
Here They Come
Falling Apart
Yn's Birthday
Craig and Monique
Craig and Monique's Baby...
Play Date
Why Are You Here?
1 year later
On Tour
Santo's birthday
ATL Concert
Please Read, This is Very Important
Ray, You Best Get To Explaining
Pranks and Payback
Two Weeks Later
Good News
With Nicki and Wayne Part One
With Nicki and Wayne Part 2
Prehia's Surprise
Altereak Ahmiere August
I Hope We Work This Out
Four Months
Old Friend Of Mine (Stupid title but, this is gonna be good)
Family Day Off
What's Good People? (Lol, please read, even though it's short.)
Date Night Part 1
Date Night Part 2
Out Of A Comma
Here Comes The Baby
Santo's Meeting
Where's My Kids
What'd You Do To My Kids
Is He Alive Or Not
Home Finally
The Family Day
This Can't Be Good
We're Still Flying
Chresanto August
My Family
I'm Not Letting You Go
I Ride For You
Part Two: Old Friends, More Secrets
Little Secrets
Well, Why Not?
Is It Over For Good?
Big Brother To The Rescue
Guilty or Innocent?
Guilty Or Innocent Pt. 2
Welcome Home!(Part One)
Welcome Home!(Part Two)
Getting Back To Normal
What's Wrong With My Wife
Mommy Day
Mommy Day Part 2
Tour Day
Please Read
Reunited Friends
Chill Day
Baby Number Ten
First Day Of Middle School
Busy days
Too Busy
All Mine
Snitches Get Stitches | 31 Days of Christmas
Merry Christmas! (Very Important)
New Story Up
Preparing for the Baby
10 Years Going On Forever
Epilogue | Part 1
Epilogue | Part Two
Next Chapter Info | August Alsina
Sequel!! We Made It

Hard Times

1.8K 52 15
By Hailey_Michele

(Not all the lyrics are in order in this chapter. I added some where I thought they fit. Not all the songs will be 5 Seconds Of Summer, I just have to find more that fit the chapters.)

Within a minute I was all packed up

All over magazines, all over social networks, everywhere. Headlines of what happened. 'Santo and Yn August Divorcing?' There were picture of me moving my stuff into the apartment, and leaving by myself. It's not even been a day yet.

I locked up the apartment and got in my car, ignoring all the paparazzi. All I heard were a lot of questions.

"What caused the divorce?"

"Is there a divorce?"

"Are you separated?"

"Did she kick you out?"

"Did you cheat?"

"Did she cheat?"

"What's going on?"

I ignored them and continued walking to my car. I closed my door and buckled up before speeding off. I drove to the house to pick up the kids, Yn was there. Of course she was there, you can't leave seven year olds to watch younger kids.

She sleeps alone

My heart wants to come home

"Hey." I said, breaking the silence.

"Hi." She whispered, looking down. I fought the urge to lift her chin up and kiss her. We're on a break, Santo. I kept repeating that in my head. I just don't like when she looks down, she's too beautiful for that.

"Kids, daddy's here!" She yelled after a few moments. I smiled as I heard what sounded like a heard of elephants coming downstairs. We have a lot of kids, but I love them.

I got on my eyes so I was closer to eye level. They all jumped on me at once, making my fall backwards. I just laughed and wrapped my arms tightly around them.

"I missed you guys so much." I told them.

"We missed you too!" They all yelled. Not in unison, but almost.

"You guys go get your bags." I instructed. They were staying the night with me. They all jumped up and ran to get their stuff.

I heard Yn sniffle quietly and I walked over to her. "Don't cry, Yn. This is only temporary." I whispered, bringing her into a tight hug.

"I miss you, Chres. I'm sorry." She apologized.

"I know, ba-Yn." I cut myself off before I called her 'baby.' That wouldn't help the situation. "But we need this. We both need to clear our heads. Us staying together right now is making you miserable, the kids miserable and that makes me miserable. It's just temporary."

I made a promise that I'll come home soon

Bring me back, bring me back to you

"How long?" She asked, sniffling.

"At least a week. We need to clear our heads, and that's enough time to do that. If you decided you want longer, I'll wait." I told her.

"That's too long, baby, please come home. I can't do this without you."

I wish I was, I wish I was beside you

She lies awake

I'm trying to find the words to say

I wish I was, I wish I was beside you

"And you don't have to. Straighten up little soldier. Stiffen up that upper lip. What you crying about? You got me." I quoted her favorite Eminem song. She laughed a little.

"I don't miss my mom though." She told me. I smiled and let her go, only for her to pull me in again. "Don't let go yet."

I don't wanna go

The silent words are hard to speak

When your thoughts are all I see

"Don't ever leave, " she said to me

"I won't." I promised, holding her tighter.

I didn't ever want to let her go. Not from this hug, and not from the relationship. It's been half of our lives we've been together. Not in a relationship, but kind of. We always acted like we were dating. We helped each other survive. Honestly, if I could, I'd give the fame up. I'd just stop and pretend it never happened, I'd move back to Compton. I just want things to go back to how they were. We've never been this far apart, physically we're together, but mentally and emotionally is a different story.

When we both fall asleep underneath the same sky

To the beat of our hearts at the same time

So close but so far away

(Can you hear me?)

I heard her sniffles stop finally, and slowly let go of her. I don't want to word it like that. I released her from my grip. Nope, that also sounds like a break up. Okay, I slowly stepped out of the embrace. That's better.

"Santo?" Yn whispered, looking up at me.

"Yes?" I asked in my normal voice.

"I love you." She looked into my eyes, her voice cracking again.

"And I love you." I answered. I pulled her close and whispered in her ear, "Please don't do anything stupid."

"I won't. I've grown up, like you." She reminded me.

"Promise?" I held out my pinkie finger. She smiled and wrapped hers around mine.


I took the kids to the park, to get ice cream, to Disney Land, and then out to eat at their favorite place, Roscoe's. Then we went home and I cut on the TV for them. I sat in the middle of the couch and they all piled on top of me. We all watched Fast and Furious 7. In their short lives, they've already seen every fast and furious movie. This is everyones first time seeing this one, so everyone was really quite and into it.

After we watched four other movies, Lady and The Tramp, Toy Story, Sleeping Beauty and Cars, it was time for bed. I helped them all in my bed, well the one that Yn and I used to share in this apartment, and then I got in. I helped them pray, then I prayed and we went to bed.

Wayne, Yn's uncle, called me at two in the morning. He wouldn't call me this early if it wasn't important.

Me- "Wassup, Wayne?"

Wayne- "You, Yn and the kid need to leave now."

Me- *Worried and sits up* "Whoa, slow down. What happened?"

Wayne- "We've got a rat, that's what happened. They're onto you. I don't know about Yn, but y'all are married, they'll probably come for both."

Me- "Do we know who it is?" *Gets up and gets the kids up.*

"Guys, get up, hurry." I told the kids. They were all sleeping on the bed with me, this is a one bedroom apartment(Okay, I feel like I'm just copying Eminem throughout this chapter.) I went around the room, getting their things together.

Me- "Wayne, I'mma have to call you back. I gotta call Yn."

Wayne- "Hurry up, and be careful, you might be being watched, I just heard about it, but Mike was looking for me all day to tell me what he found out. So, they could already be looking for you."

Me- "Okay, I'll call you later. I'm gonna call Yn."

Wayne- "Alright, be safe."

Me- "I will."

We hung up and I dialed Yn's number. I held it in-between my ear and shoulder while I helped the kids with their shoes.

Yn- "Is something wrong? Are the kids okay?"

Santo- "Yeah, the kids are great. I'm gonna drop them off at the house in a few."

Yn- "I thought they were staying the night with you. What, you can't handle them with out me there?"

Santo- "Dammit, Yn, I can handle them just fine. If you want the state to take them from us then I'll keep them here. I don't think you want that, so I'll be there in a minute. I didn't call to argue with you."

Yn- "Sorry! You just called me at two in the morning."

Santo- "Listen, I'll explain when I get there. I don't want to argue with you right now."

Yn- "Okay, Santo. But they were looking foreword to time with you. That's all they talked about since you left. I'm sorry for getting angry."

Santo- "It's okay, just get up, I'll be there in a few."

Yn- "I love you."

Santo- "I love you too, Yn."

Then we hung up. I led the kids to the car with their stuff. I buckled all of them in and speed to the house as carefully and quickly as I could.

I got there in under ten minutes. Yn came out and helped me bring the kids in. We laid them in bed and I kissed their foreheads and told them I loved them.

We went downstairs to the kitchen and Yn got out the orange juice and two glasses. She set them on the counter before turning to me. Before she could ask what was going on, I pushed her back into the counter and pressed my lips to hers. Even though I pushed her into the counter, and had my hands on both sides of her hips, it was only a passionate kiss. It wasn't a steamy one.

"I love you so much, Yn." I whispered, bringing her into a tight hug. She hugged me back.

"I love you more." She answered, holding me just as tight. She knew something was wrong.

I picked her up and sat her on the counter. "Baby, you have to act innocent, you're surprised, you had no idea. The kids need one parent, you didn't do anything. You had nothing to do with it. You are surprised that I did. Act like you don't believe it, act innocent. I love you Yn. Wayne will explain it later, when they get here, you'll know what to do. Tell them I went for a walk to cool off because we got into an argument and the kids were asleep. Okay?"

"Okay, Chres. I love you, I'm not sure what's going on. I trust you though, I'll do it." She promised. I hugged her once more before pulling her into another sweet kiss.

We kissed for a good few minutes before I pulled away and pecked her lips a few more times. "I love you." I rested my forehead on hers.

"I love you, Chres."

I let go of her and walked out the front door. I dialed Wayne's number.

Wayne- "Are you-"

Santo- "Don't let Yn get caught. She'll tell you what I told her, then you need to tell her what happened."

Wayne- "Are you sure?"

Santo- "Yes."

Wayne- "Alright." *Sighs.* "I'll get you the best lawyer I can and pull some strings."

Santo- "Focus on Yn."

Wayne- "Every time something happens, that's what you tell me. She tells me focus on you. That time the house exploded, she lost her mind. She yelled at me for keeping her safe. She loves you."

Santo- "I know, and I love her, so keep her safe."

Wayne- "I will, but if I die, it's your fault."

Santo- *laughs weakly* "Alright, and don't haunt me because I apologize right now."

Wayne- *Chuckles* "Alright, I'll get working on this now."

Santo- "Thank you, Wayne. I appreciate this."

Wayne- "Not a problem."

Then he hung up. I stuck my phone in my pocket and continued walking around. I seen several cars drive by me and I continued walking. About ten minutes later, I hear,

"Chresanto August, turn around with your hands up."

I sighed and did as told. An officer came behind me and cuffed my hands. "You have the right" He started. I tuned him out, I know my rights. It's not like I haven't heard them before.

I was brought immediately into questioning.

"Do you know this man?" One officer asked, holding up a picture of Yn's uncle.

"Yes, he's my wife's uncle." I answered.

"And how close are you with him?"

"I mean, he's practically her dad since her biological one died. He comes around for birthdays and holidays."

"Okay, and what about this woman?" He asked holding up a picture of Yn's mom.

"What is with you guys and my wife's family. If you wanted to know her family history, you could have asked her about it."

"We're serious here."

"It's her mom. And I am not close with her before you ask. She doesn't come around because Yn doesn't like her because she abandoned her when she was younger. And if you want to know, that's why I've lived with Yn so long. Why do you want to know?"

"Okay, and what about this woman?" He held a picture of Gina.

"Why do you want to know about her?" I got slightly mad, I don't like talking about Gina.

"What is your relationship to her?"

"She gave birth to me, my dad died, she left, I was ten. Then end."

"And now, to the good stuff, do you know why you're here?"

"Apparently you wanted a family history lesson from me. You wanna go over your family history next? Or how about yours quiet one?"

"This is a serious matter."

"Then can you tell me why you took me from my wife and kids to ask about people that don't matter. Well, except Wayne, he's pretty cool."

"Are you aware that selling drugs is illegal to make and distribute?" He asked.

"Well, it's pretty obvious. But what does that have to do with me? I sing, you know, la la la ya da ya da." I sang the last part.

"You need to take this seriously, sir." The detective demanded.

"I am, I know selling drugs is illegal, I didn't think you arrested random people to tell them that." I told them.

Let me be honest with y'all for a minute. Yn stopped, well for the most part, she still keeps up with it. She doesn't do the torture for information, or the killing people, or making and distributing drugs, she just keeps tabs on the money and sells. I, however, am still in deep. Yes, I quit killing people. I am trying to make myself a better person for my kids, but I run things. I'm there. That's why Yn needs to be looked after. She can't go to jail, she's out of the game.

"Well, what are these then?" He showed pictures of me entering and leaving several places, each time with a duffel bag. "We searched your car and found traces of all kinds of drugs. You're wife had to have known, should we call her down here?" That changed my whole mood. I'll rat myself and then world out before my wife and kids have to suffer with me.

"No, look, she didn't know, okay? And don't tell her, the kids don't need to know. I don't want her to be sad or hurting because of my mistakes, the kids don't need to see that."

"Why'd you do it? You have a successful career as singer." The woman cop asked.

"Look, this started long before the career I have now. I was nine years old and did what I needed to do to keep myself alive. When I met Yn, she didn't have anybody. We moved in together, and she knew what I did. But that's the only job I could get. She though I got out a long time ago, but it's not that easy. The only way I'm getting out of this is in a body bag, and I have seven kids, I can't afford to die right now."

"There has to be some way."

"There is, and that's called letting people beat you, almost to death. If I'm in a coma for years, my kids and family will still be hurting. They won't have someone to provide for them."

Okay, so, I kind of lied about how to get out. Honestly, that's not how it works with me. If you want out, give me a two weeks notice, and then you can go after two weeks is up, no questions asked, I just need time to find someone to fill that spot. And me being, 'kingpin', as someone has told me before, I'm not sure if that's what I would be called, but anyway, I can get out whenever I want. I'll just have to pass it down to someone.

"You admit to it?" The male detective asked suspiciously.

I nodded quickly. "My wife doesn't deserve to be put through this when she didn't do anything. I'd do anything to make sure she didn't suffer, especially when she's innocent. I'd rather go to jail then do that to my family."

"Well, in that case, we're going to take you into custody. You could tell us a few things if you want a reduced sentence." He said, suggesting I rat someone else out.

"Okay, my favorite color is blue. I'm married to Yn YMn August, I have been for five years. We have seven kids. The oldest two are seven, the next three are five, then there is a three year old and a two year old. And don't my wife, but we might be expecting, she's been acting extra moody lately. Oh, and my mom, gosh I have a strong dislike for my mom. My wife doesn't like me to say I hate her. She's a prostitute now, my mom I mean. Oh, and my dad's dead. And I have some little siblings. I haven't heard from Gina in three years. So that's a lot, can I go now?" I sarcastically replied. I'm not a snitch, and I can't snitch out myself more than I already have, may as well go back to the sarcastic ways.

"No, we meant who you work for?" The male detective asked. I wasn't paying any attention when they introduced themselves.

"Oh, I can answer that. I am signed to YMCMB, so Lil Wayne is my boss you could say. I work for him." I told them, being proud of it. I probably sound like a little kid. I laughed then got serious after a few minutes. "See, if I told you who I worked for, they'd torture me, kill my friends and family in front of me, torture me some more, and then put a bullet through my head, now do you really want over thirty people to die, many of them being children, because you want to bust one guy you'll never catch. Because I don't."

They were shocked to say the least. "Now, if we're done here, can I get some water and that phone call before you throw me back there." I told them. They nodded and led me to a wall with phones lined up. They handed me a water. I dug in my pocket and pulled out four hundred dollars.

"Forty minutes?" I asked, holding it out to them. They looked at each other and slowly shook their heads. I pulled out another four hundred and added it to the pile. "Please?" I asked, desperate. They shook their heads again. "Dammit." I mumbled before pulling out a full two thousand. I had a feeling they'd give me a hard time about getting extra time on the phone. I have seven kids, and it's now nine in the morning, they're probably up, I'll end up talking to all of them. "I need extra time, my babies are up and are gonna want to talk, I don't want to disappoint them more than I have." I felt ashamed doing this, I'm not one to beg. They looked like they were about to give in, so I added another five hundred. "Please." I begged, clearly desperate.

"Alright." They gave in. I handed over the money and sat down, dialing Yn's number. She answered on the second ring.

Yn- "Baby, are you okay? A whole bunch of police showed up at the house and now you're calling from jail. Are you okay? What happened?"

Me- "Babe, I'm fine. I love you, baby girl. I just wanted to call you. I found out around six that my court date will be in a month from now. Don't worry about anything, baby."

Yn- "I love you, Chres. What happened?"

Me- "I just got into a little bit of trouble."

Yn- "Chres-"

Me- "I'm sorry."

Yn- "You told me you quit."

Me- "I tried, after Prehia, I tired. It's not that easy, babe. I can't just walk away."

Yn- "Do you know anything?"

Me- "They got me for the making and distributing drugs. They found a bag in my car."

Yn- "Do you know how long you could be in there for?"

Me- "Don't get upset."

Yn- *shaky voice* "Babe-" *cuts herself off*

Me- "They said the minimum right now is five."

Yn- "Please tell me you mean days. Or weeks. I'll even be thankful for five months."

Me- "I'm sorry, baby girl. Right now, it's five years, but I might be able to work it down some."

Yn- "Five years?"

Me- "It's okay, babe. There's enough money for you to get by right now. Just use it wisely."

Yn- "What about you?"

Me- "Wayne's working on it, baby girl. He'll explain everything."

Yn- "Okay."

Me- "Let me talk to CJ real quick."

Yn- "Okay, babe." *Yells* "CJ your dad's on the phone for you!"

CJ- "Coming mommy!" *on the phone* "Hey, dad."

Me- "Wassup, CJ?"

CJ- "What happened?"

Me- "I need you to do me a favor. I'm gonna be gone for a little while, so I need you to help you mommy. Don't give her a hard time, and help with your sisters and brothers, okay? You're the oldest boy in the house now."

CJ- "How long are you gonna be away?"

I've had this talk with CJ, just in case anything ever happened.

Me- "I don't know yet."

CJ- "You'll come home though, right?"

Me- "Of course, CJ. And I'll be there for all the games when I get out. I might have to miss a few seasons as of right now."

CJ- "How many?"

Me- "Five basketball and five football."

CJ- "That's a long time to be away, dad."

Me- "I know, son. But you'll get to visit me, I promise, you will understand when your older."

CJ- "Okay, dad."

Me- "Alright, let me talk to one of your sisters or brothers, I love you, CJ."

CJ- "I love you too, dad. Which one?"

Me- "Whoever's closest."

CJ- "Okay, here Pre."

Prehia- *confused because he didn't tell her who it was.* "Hello?"

Me- "Hey, Pringle."

Prehia- "Hey, daddy! Where are you?"

Me- "I got in some trouble, princess."

Prehia- "How much trouble?"

Me- "A whole lot. The cops got me now."

Prehia- "Dad, momma is going to kill you."

Me- *Chuckles* "I know, but how's your morning?"

Prehia- "Well we had pancakes, bacon and orange juice"

Me- *smiles* "That's your mom's favorite too. Blueberry pancakes, bacon and orange juice."

Prehia- "How do you remember all that? You know everything."

Me- "Cause I remember things about everything I love. Your mom remembers even more than me."

Prehia- "Dad, who's Miss. Gina?"

Me- "Um, getcha momma. And put me on speaker please."

Prehia- "Kay....Okay, I'm beside mom."

Me- "Ask me that question again."

Prehia- "Who's Miss. Gina?"

Me- "Yn..."

Yn- "Baby, why are you asking about her?"

Prehia- "Cause, she came to my school and told me she knew you guys and Altereak."

Yn- "Anything else?"

Prehia- "No, but she said she'll see me again when school starts back."

Me- "Don't talk to her, Prehia. She could hurt you."

Prehia- "Okay, daddy."

Me- "We'll talk more about this whenever I see you."

Prehia- "Okay, Aaliyah wants to talk to you."

Me- "Okay, baby. I love you."

Prehia- "I love you too."

Aaliyah- "Daddy!"

Me- "Hey, princess. How are you?"

Aaliyah- "Good, the bubble guppies is on."

CJ- "You're too old for that." *Laughs*

Aaliyah- "And you're too old to pick your boogers, but what did you do this morning?"

CJ- *Quiet*

Aaliyah- "Hush. Mode."

I laughed at them. Aaliyah got to much sassy-ness.

Aaliyah- "Dad, where are you?"

Me- "I'm in a time out."

I can't tell her that I'm locked up, she'll get upset, then I'll be upset. She also won't understand it.

Aaliyah- "Oh, did mommy put you there?"

Me- "No, mommy didn't put me here."

Aaliyah- "Okay, daddy."

Me- "Have a good day, Aaliyah, I love you."

Aaliyah- "I love you too, daddy. Here's Trey."

Trey- "Hey, dad."

Me- "Wassup, Trey."

Trey- "Are you gonna be away for a while?"

Me- "Yeah, I'm sorry little man. I need you to help your momma with your sisters and brothers, and be good."

Trey- "Okay, dad."

Me- "And try to get along with your brother."

Trey- "I will."

Me- "So, how's your morning going?"

Trey- "Good, momma said we can go see Uncle Ray today."

Me- "That's good. Tell Uncle Ray he better come see me."

Trey- "Alright, I will. You know, Aunt Lolo had to go to the hospital last night."

Me- "She had her baby?"

Trey- "Yeah, we can see her today. I think they named her Mia. Or Tia, something ending in ia. Momma, what's Aunty's baby's name?"

Yn- "Mia."

Trey- "I was right the first time."

Me- *chuckles* "Don't second guess yourself, Trey."

Trey- "Okay, dad."

Me- "I'll see you soon. I love you."

Trey- "I love you too. Here's Niya."

Niya- "Hey, daddy."

Me- "Hey, princess."

Niya- "Are you gonna leave us?"

Me- "No, you guys are gonna see me all the time, but I got in trouble."

Niya- "Promise we'll still see you."

Me- "I promise, Niya, I'll see you all the time, and I'll call and write letters and email."

Niya- "Okay, dad. Wanna talk to Altereak?"

Me- "Yeah, I love you."

Niya- "I love you too."

Altereak- "Daddy!"

Now, I gotta figure out what I'm supposed to tell my three year old and my two year olds, Altereak and Az.

Me- "Hey, Altereak. What are you doing?"

Altereak- "Watching Bubble Guppies with Lay-Lay."(Aaliyah)

Me- "Oh, that's cool. You excited about school starting back?" They were on a break, but he's starting preschool soon since he's almost four.

Altereak- "Yeah, mommy said we can go school shopping soon!!"

Me- "That's great, lil man. You gotta get some clothes so you look fresh, you know?"

Altereak- "Yeah, mommy said I can't have girlfriends yet though."

Me- "Well-" *gco*

Yn- *Warning tone* "Chres."

Me- "Oh, it's still on speaker. Love you, Yn."

Yn- "Love you."

Me- "Well, I can I talk to Az before I have to go?"

Altereak- "Yeah, he's right here."

Me- "Alright, I love you."

Altereak- "I love you too."

Az- "Daddy!"

Me- "Wassup, Az?"

Az- "Da sky."

Me- *chuckles* "That jokes older than Uncle Ray."

Az- *amazed* "Whoa."

Me- *Laughing now* "You wanna know a secret?"

Az- "What is it?"

Me- "The sky is..........Blue."

Az- "Really, I taught(thought) it was a secret. I knew dat daddy."

Me- "I know, just making sure."

Az- "Ohhh, okay."

Me- "You ready to go meet your little cousin."

Az- "Yeah! Aunty called way early dis mornin' and telled mommy."

Me- "Really?"

Az- "Yeah, I tired now."

Me- "Alright, let me talk to your mommy. I love you."

Az- "I love you too. Here, mommy."

Yn- "Hey, Chres."

Me- "Am I still on speaker?"

Yn- "No."

Me- "Can I ask you something, without you getting upset?"

Yn- "Go ahead."

Me- "Why didn't you want a baby, for real?"

Yn- "I just didn't, Chres."

Me- "I know there is a reason. Why were we fighting so much? Everything stopped being good a year ago. Why?"

Yn- "I wanted you to stop wanting a baby, so I wanted to be a little mean so you changed your mind and thought we weren't ready yet."

Me- "You could have sat down and told me you weren't ready for a baby. Why don't you want one?"

Yn- "There doesn't have to be a reason, Chresanto! I just don't want another damn baby!"

Me- "Really? Yelling again? Whatever, Yn. I can't even have a decent conversation with you."

Yn- "Cause you won't drop it about having a baby!"

Me- "Well, sorry for wanting our family to grow. I miss having a little one to take care of, our kids are growing up and they don't need as much help, I like having little ones around, watching them take their first steps, say their first words, learning to crawl, and hearing their laugh. I truly apologize for wanting our family to grow."

Yn- *silent*

Me- "Wow, Yn. Now you're ignoring me again. I'm about to go to jail and you want to give me the silent treatment. That's cool." *laughs sadly and ready to cry* "There is someone else, isn't there?"

Yn- *still not talking*

Me- "Alright, just, if you didn't want to be with me, you could have told me. The arguing was unhealthy for us both, and for the kids. If you want to stay with him, go ahead. I think we can get a divorce while I'm in here. Just bring the papers for me to sign and-" *tries coughing so he doesn't start crying* "And..."

I couldn't finish the sentence. I just started crying. I tried to stop, I hate crying. I knew there was someone else, well I thought there was, but I was hoping she wasn't cheating on me. I cleared my throat and wiped my eyes as I heard her start talking.

Yn- "Chres, I'm not cheating on you. I'm shocked that you think I was."

Me- "I'm over here crying, Yn. Why wouldn't you speak up when I asked?" *Wipes eyes.*

Yn- "I'm shocked, I didn't know you felt that way. I would never cheat on you, Chres. Why would you think I would?"

Me- "Cause, you don't let me take you out, you don't want to have any more children, you don't let me love on you, you barely even say it. Why wouldn't I think you would?"

Yn- "I'm sorry, Chres. I didn't realize I was pushing you that far away. I don't want to be pregnant again because every time I am, something bad happens. The first time, we thought we lost one and someone was trying to kill us. The second time I did lose the baby, the third time you cheated on me. I'm just scared."

Me- "Babe, we've grown. We're smarter now, I wouldn't cheat on you, we don't have to worry about that anymore. I don't party or drink."

Yn- "I know, I was just scared."

Me- "Just talk to me next time, please?"

Yn- "Okay, baby, I'm sorry."

Me- "It's okay. I love you."

Yn- "I love you too, Chres. So, how are you doing right now? With all this?"

Me- "I'm thinking about how much I'm going to miss my family for the next couple years."

Yn- "We're gonna come see you as much as we can, and we can call, and we can write."

Me- "I know, baby girl. But I'll miss everything that happens for a few years. You should by a camera and start recording stuff."

Yn- "I will."

Me- "Good."

We talked for a little while longer before I had to go. I hope this works out right.

So, this chapter wasn't very good. Sorry. I wanted to update though. Vote/comment. Thanks for reading and I'll update soon, hopefully it will be better than this chapter.


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