Protection [Zarry]

Prisonerwithavision tarafından

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"Can I be your first?" Daha Fazla



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Prisonerwithavision tarafından

"Okay, you can go now." The detective sighed to me, standing up.

"Thank you for your cooperation, and remember, in about a month you're required to come testify in court."

In the last few hours, I'd been given a full physical, and asked hundreds of questions.

I didn't know where Liam or Harry was, and nobody would tell me.

Not that I'd asked.

I only spoke when they spoke directly to me.

"Do you want one of our deputies to drive you home, lad?" He asked, a sympathetic expression on his face.

I nodded, licking my lips and standing up.

"Get the new guy to drive him home." The detective said to the officer who stood by the door.

"Come with me." The officer said, leading me out of the room.

I followed him out to one of the deputy cars, getting in the passenger side after he opened the door for me.

Minutes later, another officer came jogging out and got in the car.

"Hi, where am I taking you again?" He breathed after he got in.

"I really don't know." I said, close to tears, even though I'd cried so many.

Niall was probably back at Liam's, so I guess I was going to have the officer take me there.

But what if Liam was released?

Where would I be then? What would he do to me?

Or to Harry?

It took three officers to get Harry down and cuffed, then they roughly took him away.

He'd been yelling and swearing, fighting against them.

Hell, I didn't know if I'd ever see Harry again.

I also didn't know if I wanted to.

He knew now that I had been lying to him the whole time.

He practically knew everything now, and I doubted that he still wanted to be with me.

Why would he?

I was nothing but a skinny liar, covered in bruises and cuts.

Liam was right, I didn't deserve love.

Especially not Harry's love.

"You don't know where you live?" The officer asked, looking at me, bringing me out of my thoughts.

"I guess I do." I mumbled, telling him the address.

"Okay." He said, starting the car.

Neither of us spoke as he drove me home, and I barely mumbled a thank you as I got out of the car.

Niall stood waiting at the front door, instantly letting me inside.

He locked the door behind us, sighing quietly.

"Um, can we talk?" He asked.

I honestly just wanted to go to sleep.

"Sure." I made myself say.

"Nobody would tell me what's going on. The police just took you, Liam, and that other guy, then they left!" He said.

"Harry was.....hitting Liam because he found out about...who Liam really is." I said.

"What d'you mean? What has Liam been keeping from me?" Niall asked.

"Liam abuses me, he sells me for sex, and uses me for sex." I said quietly.

"What?" Niall frowned.

"Yeah." I said, looking at my feet.

"You're lying. He...he wouldn't do those things!" Niall said.

I looked into his eyes, lifting my shirt and showing him all of the bruises.

He covered his mouth like he was going to be sick, tears gathering in his eyes.

The moment seemed to last for years before I let my shirt drop back down, turning and walking away from him.

"Zayn, wait I-"

"What?" I spat at him.

"I'm so you need to talk about anything?" He asked.

"No." I muttered, going upstairs.

"Are you....well, you're obviously not okay, d'you want me to make you something to eat? I'm a decent cook!" Niall called after me.

I slammed my bedroom door behind me, suddenly wanting to scream.

Deciding that I was tired of reality for now, I walked over to my nightstand, digging through the drawer for my sleeping pills.

I stole them from Liam when he first started abusing me, because getting beaten during the day made it quite hard to settle down at night.

I took two, swallowing them without water before I carefully got into my bed.

I then sighed heavily, waiting for sleep to come.

"You get one phone call." The officer said, handing me three quarters.

I walked over to the phone, putting the quarters in, and dialing slowly.

My entire hand felt like it was broken.

I bit my lower lip as it rang, praying she answered.

When I was almost sure she wasn't going to, she did.

"Hello?" She asked, sounding confused, and half asleep.

"Mum? It's Harry." I said quietly, glancing at the large bloke who stood in the corner staring at me.

He'd been eyeing me since I was brought in here.

"What's going on?" My mum asked.

"I'm in jail, I need you to come get me." I said.

"What on earth have you done, Harry?" She asked.

"I'll explain later, have to come get me." I said, thinking about Zayn.

I needed to see him.

"Tell me what you've done, so I'll know how much I need to bring to get you out." She said.

"Technically I....broke into someone's house and assaulted them." I mumbled, glancing around again.

"Harry Edward Styles!" She snapped, making me wince.

"I might as well leave you in there! The bloody hell do you mean you broke into a house and assaulted someone? What's wrong with you?" She continued.

"I'll explain later, I promise. Just please come get me." I begged.

"Harry....I swear I hardly know who you are anymore." My mum said, disappointment heavy in her voice.

"I did it for someone I love!" I protested.

"He was being beaten, I had to help him." I continued.

She was quiet for a moment.

"Fine. But we're having a very long talk." She said before she hung up.

I sighed with relief, hanging the phone up and going back to my spot where I'd been sitting.

Hopefully I'd be out of here soon.

"That's awful." My mum said after I told her everything.

"I know." I said, getting angry again just thinking about that bastard hitting Zayn.

"Are you alright?" She asked, looking at me when we came to a stoplight.

"Yeah." I lied, trying to flex my fingers.

"I have to see him, though." I said, trying to figure out where Zayn was.

I doubted that he was still with the police.

"Not now. It's almost three in the morning, Harry." My mum said.

"Why don't you get some rest first, yeah?"

"I won't be able to sleep until I see him again, mum." I said.

"I'm sure he's safe, wherever he is. Please don't worry so much, love." She said softly.

"I thought he was safe before. There's no telling what else I don't know. I need to talk to him." I said, realizing that she was taking me back home.

Not to my house, but her house.

"Mum, I asked you to take me back to my house." I reminded her, staring at her.

"I don't trust you to stay by yourself. Just come home and rest for a night, I'll make you a nice breakfast in the morning. Just...think before you act." She said.

"Love doesn't work that way." I said, glaring out of the window with frustration.

"You're not going anywhere, Harry. So pout all you want." My mum said.

"But he might be-"

"Hush. Stop worrying." She interrupted.

She didn't understand.

Hell, I hardly understood.

But I knew what I wanted to do. I knew that it felt wrong not to run to Zayn, and make sure he was safe.

I huffed, wanting to punch through the windshield.

Of course, my mum would hurt me more than the impact would if I decided to do that.

So, I chose to pout.

After we got back home, my mum put medicine on my knuckles, wrapping my hand and sending me to bed with a kiss on the cheek, a glass of water, and Advil.

I kicked my boots off, taking everything else off but my shirt and boxers before I got into my old bed.

I took a couple Advil, laying back and staring at the ceiling.

The image of Liam slapping Zayn kept replaying in my mind, along with the sound Zayn made after he did it.

He'd sounded so helpless, and it brought out a side of me I didn't know I had.

If that pregnant blonde hadn't called the police, I would've beaten Liam to death.

Then I probably would've kept beating his corpse until my arms snapped off.

I sighed, deciding to think about that night Zayn and I watched the meteor showers together.

And with that pleasant thought, I drifted off to sleep.

-The next day-
After I managed to convince my mum that I'd be okay, I left her house, taking a cab back to my house.

I showered, fed Isaac, and did a bit of laundry before I got dressed, and decided to go to Liam's in search of Zayn.

I probably shouldn't have been going back onto his property, due to legal issues, but I didn't care.

Unfortunately, money for a cab all the way to Liam's house was something I lacked.

So, I called Louis.

"Hey." He said, like he'd been expecting my call.

"Hi, I need your help." I said, glancing at Isaac.

He was rolling around on the floor, high from his catnip mouse again.

"Oh, okay. Yeah I'm uh, glad you called, I wanted to talk to you. But...what's up?" He asked.

"I was hoping you could drive me to Liam's." I said.

"Um, sure, I guess." He said.

"Yeah, just come pick me up." I nodded.

"Alright, I'm on my way." He said before he hung up.

On the drive to Liam's, I told Louis everything.

He was speechless for almost four minutes, before he started shaking his head.

"It makes sense, though. Now that I think about it." He said eventually.

"I guess." I muttered.

"What did you need to talk to me about?" I asked, not wanting to get angry again.

"Oh, um...." He trailed off.

"The other night when I was drunk and you helped me home... did I say anything?" He asked.

"You said a lot, actually." I said.

"I meant like, things that seemed....odd." Louis clarified.

"Like that you have a crush on me?" I asked, looking at him.

"Yeah that, I didn't mean that." He said quickly.

"Why would you say it, then?" I asked.

" one point I did sort of have a crush on you. But that was a while ago, and I'm over it now." He said.

"Are you sure?" I asked.

"Yes, try not to be too full of yourself." He scoffed.

"No, I're telling me the truth, yeah?"

"Oh, yeah. We're mates, I'm over it now. Plus, I've never seen you this about anyone like you've been with Zayn." Louis said.

"It's cute, and....I really hope things work out with you two." He said sincerely, smiling at me.

"Me too." I said, unable to smile just yet.

"But, Louis...I saw all of the beer bottles. And the cigarettes." I said after a short silence.

He stared ahead at the road. "Oh."

"Why didn't you tell me? I could've gotten you help sooner." I said.

"Because I don't need help. I smoke, and like to have a beer every now and then. It's no big deal." He said.

"That night was just a mistake." He added quietly.

"Louis, you have a problem." I told him.

"But it's okay, there are plenty of-"

"Everybody deals with stuff differently, I don't have a fucking problem!" He snapped suddenly.

"Look, I'm fine, Harry. Honestly, I am." He said as he pulled up next to my car that was still parked at the end of Liam's driveway.

I stared at him, deciding I'd just wait until he was ready.

"Alright. Well, thanks." I mumbled, getting out of the car.

"Hey, don't get yourself arrested again." Louis said after me.

"No promises."

A/N: Thanks for reading :)

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