The Ensconced (A Fred Weasley...

By Cinderole

81.8K 1.6K 354

Surely everyone has secrets. What if a person was kept a secret? No one knew of her, for safety purposes of c... More

Found At Last
To Little Hangleton
A Different Look On Things
Hoggy-Warty Hogwarts
Headaches and Horcruxes
A Good Start
A Hunch
Dating and Inns
The Cave
Into the Lion's Den
Radio Head
Escaping a Maze
A Flare of Love
Beating the Beater
Shattered Glass

London's Fog Makes Everything Look Grey

3.3K 63 15
By Cinderole

 Check out this girl's story! It's fantastic, it's called Leather Kisses :)


Two weeks later I found myself sitting at a picnic table, banging my head on it.

“Why- can’t- we- just- find- the- damned- horcrux!” I shouted in between hitting my head.

Fred chuckled and replied, “Love, is that head-banging helping at all? Don’t actions like that actually make you stupider? I swear Ron used to do that as a kid, and look where that got him.”

Glaring at Fred, I sat up from the table.

We were in the Forest of Dean- Fred suggested it after we had left Hogsmeade and stayed a few nights in the outskirts of Little Hangleton. His friend Lee Jordan had told him stories of camping here with his family.

It was getting quite cold- now we were in mid-November. The trees in the forest had lost their leaves, leaving the ground colored with brown, yellow, and red hues. A few days ago Fred and I had to step out into town and purchase extra sweaters. It was quite funny buying from a Muggle shop because Fred had no idea of the currency and all I had was American money. As it turns out we had to travel a few miles (though we just Apparated) to the nearest airport to exchange my cash. My three hundred dollars quickly became two hundred eight point fifty-four Euros.

We then purchased some sweaters, and Fred bought a well, extremely hideous hat. I’m not sure even how to describe it. It’s long, and flaps over his shoulder. It has multiple colors- reds, ivories, yellows, blues, greens etc. It has a strange bird sowed into it that reminds me of Native Americans. Ever since buying it, Fred has not taken the hat off. He says it keeps his brain warm and one of us has to be the smart one. He keeps teasing me that I am the ultimate blonde with my white hair, and that because I don’t have a hat like his my brain will freeze and die, leaving me to become a vegetable. I’ve just taken to smacking him repeatedly.

We have gotten absolutely no where in our horcrux expedition, which thus leaves me getting extremely frustrated and banging my head.

Here is what we know:

-Merope and Tom Riddle Sr. are Voldemort’s parents

-Merope took the locket with her

-Tom left Merope, making Voldemort kill him later on

-Voldemort was raised in Wool’s Orphanage in London

Erm, that’s it.

I sat in the armchair opposite Fred and sighed.

“So love, what are we going to do?” Fred asked.

“Well, we can’t go Tom Riddle Senior’s home because I’m more than sure Death Eaters have been staying there. Voldemort would kill his father, and then take his house. We can’t exactly just show up at the orphanage, right? We could just use magic and Confund them, but I don’t know…” I trailed off.

“We really have nothing better to do, so why not?”

I smiled at Fred’s optimistic outlook.

“Alright, alright. Let’s gather our things and get going.”

Fred suddenly ran over to my chair and picked me up bridal style. I immediately blushed from contact, and then mentally cursed myself and my blushes.

He then lowered his face close to mine, so close that I could smell his minty breath, and then whispered, “Love, I love making you blush.”

My face reddened even more, and as I tried concentrating on cooling my face, Fred abruptly dropped me onto the cold, hard floor. At my face he began laughing hysterically.

“You- You’re face, it’s just-“He tried to say in between laughs, “You look so confused!” He just kept laughing at me, tears rolling down his fair skin. Huffing, I rubbed my sore bum, and stood up. I stomped out of the tent, and plopped onto a nearby log, waiting for Fred to magically shrink the tent and place it inside my backpack.

As I sat on the log, I thought back to the last week. Fred and I had shared some intimate moments, and some not-so intimate moments. Like when he charmed my hair pink. Pink! Of all colors! I chased him around our tent, yelling profanities at him. Or when we cuddled in the loveseat and I admitted how lonely I had been all alone on that island. Or when I wrote a Howler to him, pretending to be his mother and yelling at him for a punching telescope hitting her in the eye. That was really funny. Or how about when I heard him whisper my name in his sleep?

“-elle! Isabelle!” Fred had been shouting. I was pulled out from memory lane, and back into the real world. I walked over to where he was standing with my knapsack in hand.

“Merlin, I was calling your name for hours!” Fred complained. I shook my head at his exaggeration. Fred held out his arm, and I firmly grabbed it. Then we were off, through the rubber tube. We landed in front of a drab looking building with iron bars wrapping around the perimeter.

“I would’ve turned out like Voldy too, growing up here.” Fred muttered. I laughed silently to myself, and followed him into the gray building.

An elderly woman was scolding a pair of young twins when we walked through the doors.

“How many times have I told you to stop teasing Gertrude? She doesn’t appreciate you boys pulling her pigtails and hiding under her bed! The poor child is scared to sleep in her own bed.” The old woman sternly said in her raspy voice.

She was taller than me but as skinny as a rail. She had thin grey hair that was up in a tight bun- However, there were strands sticking out from the bun, making her look extremely tired and frankly fed up with these two boys.

The twin boys mentioned both had dark brown hair with curious green eyes. Their faces were a little dirty, but held a very familiar smirk on it. They looked about ten or so years old. Humorously, they both wore overalls- one had the left side unbuttoned, the other the right.

“We’re sorry Mrs. Cole.” The boys chimed at the same time, obviously not sorry at all.

Mrs. Cole brought her hand to her face, face-palming herself. She muttered under her breath about her getting to old to deal with this, then finally said, “Just go boys.”

The boys shot Fred and I a grin before taking off down the hallway.

Noticing us finally Mrs. Cole said, “Oh, I’m sorry you had to see that, Tommy and Kenny like to play practical jokes on another little girl here. Anyhow, may I help you?”

I cleared my throat then began, “We were just wondering if maybe you know of a boy who used to live here? His name was Tom Riddle.”

At his name the old lady’s eye bulged.

“Tom Riddle? My Lord, I haven’t heard of that name in ages. I would have never forgotten the boy. An odd one, that one.”

“Could you tell me about him? You see I’m his-“ I paused to think of a story, “His daughter and I wanted to know about my father, and maybe my grandparents. You see, he left shortly after my mother gave birth to me and she had to raise me all by herself. She passed away, and I’m on the search to find him. I want to know all I can about him.” I finished. Fred nudged me, clearly impressed by my lie.

“Oh you poor thing!” The old lady screeched.

“I would never have forgotten him because I had just started working here. It was New Year’s Eve when your grandmother stumbled in, in labor.  Well, she wasn't the first we’ve seen here so we took her in, and she had the baby within the hour- she was dead in another hour." Mrs. Cole told, in her monotone voice.

I pretended to gasp in shock, and Fred patted my shoulder, playing the role of the caring boyfriend.

“Please go on. Tell me more about my father.” I whispered, pretending to be sad.

“Well your father was a strange child, I can tell you that! He rarely if ever cried as an infant, and he was involved in a few… incidents with other children. He did like the seaside though, always going into that cave…” She trailed off.

“What cave?” I asked.

“Oh, just a cave by the seashore. He must’ve discovered it on one of our annual trips there.”

“Could you tell me where it is? Maybe it will lead me to more clues…” I started.

The old lady looked once at my frown, and quickly said, “It’s by Southend-On-Sea. Just outside Samuel’s Corner.”

I nodded and turned to Fred, “I think that’s all we need to know.”

“Thank you for your help!” I eagerly said, smiling at her.

“Wait! I think over time the beach may have eroded, all that might be left is a cliff. I’m afraid you may not be able to get into the cave anymore.”

“It’s okay.” I smiled again, and then left with Fred.

When we were out of the orphanage and around the corner, I stopped suddenly, and yelled “We finally have made progress!” After doing a little dancing and fist-pumping, I laughed and turned to look at Fred.

Looking at me with a glint in his eyes he said, “You just amaze me.”

He swooped in for a kiss, my lips melting to his soft ones.


I wanted to make this longer but the power is going to go out tommorow and for a few days with Hurricane Irene... my home is right in the eye -_-

Hopefully all will be well and I'll be able to update soon!

I'm trying for my chapters to not be as choppy...



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